Thinking about her words, Ethan made a 'mmh' as he remembered his hobbies from his original world, but..

"I don't know.. I think that most of the hobbies I had are impossible to replicate in my original world..."

His words, brought her to think about it as she added

" there anything you would like to do?"

Even though he was weirded by the fact she was asking these question, Ethan was more focused on the house he wanted to make as he thought that it won't take too long for him to wake up.

"..I will answer to your questions, but first, can you get me what I need to draw? I think you already know what I need"

His request, brought her to blink as she realized that she wasn't creating bricks anymore. Shaking her head, she cleared her thoughts as she made a chair, a table, a few sheets of paper and a pencil to appear. Smiling, he asked

"I am quite curious, can you just bring things from my original world like that?"

Shaking her head again, she replied

"No, My Divinity allows me to create something at the cost of something else. In this case, I am using my own reserves as I made the Universe laws acknowledge that what you are doing is for me. The rule we have on ourselves, is to never use our Divinity to let others take full advantage of it. Because if we do that, something like a huge penalty will be inflicted against us. Something that even we, Ancestor Gods, have no power to change...the Eternal Rules. Obviously, there are loopholes in these rules, like what our relationship is. As my mother is at the base of these rules, she's the only one who could do, or think about what she did with you and me. "

Her words, brought him to sigh as he knew that, now, another long and shocking conversation will bring him another headache but, thinking about her words, he turned to look at her while adding

"Wait, that does mean our bound shouldn't be possible?"

"In fact, I am satisfied when I use my divinity, like, when you buy something in the shop, or when you check the System Interface, or you interact with it, I feel like my work is going well...and the Universe, acknowledged our relationship by Interacting with us through the Quest Interface..."

Shocked, he stared at her smiling face as he added

"Your mother is really amazing..did she thought that much about it just for a normal human that died by some random person?"

His first sentence, brought her smile to wide but, in the second part, she was angry about the fact he was actually implying that her mother didn't have to think that much about it 'just' for him. Now staring at him, she replied

"Do you think I really care about the fact that you were a normal person before my mother gave you the 'power' you have right now..?"

This question, brought him to reply with at her stare with a surprised expression as he didn't expect her to actually get angry for a thing he said sarcastically.

Even though he was about to give her a reply, he couldn't as Light was faster. Approaching him, she continued to stare as she added

"...Because no, I don't care, and I'm actually glad that she created me with a task she thought was so important. And remember, you bestowed me a name. You were the one who, as you said before, created me. My mother even decided to let you name me as you wished, so no, I don't think you were some normal human at all..."

Placing his hands on her shoulders for the second time, he added

"Okay Light, I am sorry, I didn't want to imply that what she chose to do isn't the right thing. In fact, I'm so happy that she gave me the opportunity not only to reincarnate, but to have a partner next to me, created only for me, even if I don't like it very much that your only purpose is to support me, I will forgive myself by giving you what your mother has never seen clearly, like the real meaning behind a home.."

With his smile showed on his face, Light sighed as she made him release her as she looked away.

"You know, my mother never had contacts with a man in her whole life, so, even though I'm perfectly fine when I touch you to check on something, I don't have the same resistance when it comes to this kind of, I would appreciate if you try to not do this kind of things..or it will be bad.."

Her words, brought him to gulp as he felt the atmosphere was quickly turning awkward but, without minding it, he placed the chair next to the table before sitting on it. The fact everything he thought would be heard by her as well was annoying for him as, he couldn't help but think about it, now that she said this.

'Did she..never had a relationship before?'

At his question, she shook her head as she wanted to add something but, before she could, she saw as Ethan was now completely focused on his work as his thoughts couldn't exactly lie.

'For the house..oh, wait, this sheet is way too small. Light, I need something at least twice as big as this sheet'

His request, brought her to create a new sheet as he asked while he immediately started to draw the few lines for the walls. Seeing this, she went near him as she was curious about the actual dimension of the house. Even though she didn't know that much regarding house dimensions, she could guess that what he had in mind wasn't a house at all.

Even though she was about to question him, she saw his serious expression as a smile formed on her face.

'I guess..there's no need for the house to be small'


After an hour, Ethan finished the blueprint of the 'house' as he raised his head to look at where he remembered Light was but, he found that she wasn't there. Confused, he looked at his right just to see that she was there, sitting next to him with her hand on her chin.

"..I don't think this is a house, more like a villa, you know?"

Thinking about it, he nodded in affirmation.

"You asked me what I would have liked to do. I can answer you now"

Placing a hand on his sheet, he added

"I want to see this villa built. It was my dream back in my original world to have this kind of house..."

The determination in his eyes, brought her to nod as she smiled instinctively.

"Not a problem. Give me the blueprint, I will use another one of my powers"

His reaction, made her sigh as she added

"I didn't destroy the blueprint, I had to assimilate it to convert it in an actual memory for me to just create the materials in the appropriate shapes.."

Thinking about this, she understood that she actually never asked an important question.

"By the way..what kind of materials do you want to use? There are so many types that I don't honestly know how much time it will take to choose..I would not want to create things that cost too much, also because I would also like to use them to improve other aspects of the house itself..So.."

Seeing that she was putting so much thought in it, made Ethan smile as he replied

"There's no need for us to think this hard about it. I just know how to build a house with materials of my we will use these materials..."

Saying this, he took the previous sheet she made for him as he started to type the materials. After he did so, he gave her the sheet while she tapped on it with her finger, making it disappear as well.

Understanding what she had to create, she immediately started to do so while he asked

"Wait, the floor we are standing on, is full of 'ground' below? or not?"

"Well yes. Even though this can't actually be called ground..I would say that we are on a floating island right now. If you try to go too far, the floor will be gone and you will fall. The floating island is approximately 1 km large."

This new information, brought him to nod as he added with a smile

"You know, this isn't the only building I want to have in my Domain. Let's transform this place in our home. Not just this house, but this whole floating island.."

At his words, she nodded as she understood that she also wanted to transform this place in their home, and this surprised her because, just a few hours ago, she didn't even know what a real home was and, even though the situation didn't change, Ethan was quickly making her feel more like a sentient being rather than a machine..

'I guess, this is why that girl chose to be with him, huh..'

Glancing at him as the latter was thinking about what he wanted to do next, she smiled as she decided to just return to her task.

"Yeah...let's do that"

Her reply, made him smile as he decided to continue to think about what to add as an idea quickly came to his mind.

"Oh, I have a question. Can your mother receive prayers?"

The fact she didn't expect this kind of question, made her flinch as she asked

"Wait, why are you asking me this question?"

Without hesitation, Ethan replied

"Well, because I want to create some kind of small sanctuary for her, but It would have less meaning if she couldn't actually receive it"

Even though the thought of a God praying for an Ancestor God was something that never happened in history, Light knew that there was no actual rule or restriction that prevented him from sending her a pray.

"Yes. She will receive your prayers. She's an important Goddess for another Universe, but I think it shouldn't be a problem to receive this world's prayers as well"

The fact she mentioned 'another' Universe, brought a confused expression on Ethan's face as he asked

"Wait, there are more Universes?"

Nodding, she added

"Well, not just one, or two, there are many Universes created by the various Gods. This one, is the Universe -1"

Mentioning the Universe's name, Ethan thought he had heard this name before but, thinking he remembered this name from some kind of Novel, or Anime, brought him to shake his head while she added

"...This Universe was created just a year ago, and it's the first one with a negative number instead of a positive one. And that means, it wasn't the product of a God's thoughts. All I can guess, is that someone who isn't a god, created this current Universe...but it doesn't work like a few billions of years ago. Now, to create a Universe, all you have to do is give it an input, and the Universe will balance itself.."

Her words, made him sigh as he understood that her personality, was pretty similar to his own.

'You know .. I lost the point of the speech from your third sentence... As long as there's nobody that controls the universe, it's fine, right?'

At his thoughts, she wanted to reply something, but, she felt like she was unable to do that as she decided, to return to her work.

"It's your fault that you always talk to me in the real world, I got used to being like you."

Her words, brought him to turn his head towards her in awe

"I'm not like this..and you can talk with me as much as you want to, but if you start to tell me things I wouldn't be able to understand, it's obvious that I can't follow your thoughts..."

Replying with a sigh, she nodded as she replied

"I will try to simplify the concepts from now on, at least try to follow what I say, since it is important..."


(I have a discord server. . You may ask me: "Why should I enter the server?". At this question, my answer would likely be: "Because it's fun? I don't know either. Just join." Ah, and you can find some image reference of items in the story such as Ethan's eyes.. so it's recommended to join. One last thing, I post chapter updates in my discord right after I posted on , so I guess you can join to be able to know when I post chapters faster.)

(Do you enjoy reading my novel? If the answer is yes, then thanks. I'll leave my ******* here. w ww.pat

(Alternate Titles: "Ethan is a meanie, while Light is a cute waifu. ← check the pic on discord to understand", "The funny thing, is that Light is casually revealing so much while Ethan is trying to make her 'relax'", "Ethan's Flowing Island resort... work in progress")

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