A Reincarnator's Wish In Danmachi

Chapter 110 - Subordinates

While Light was busy dealing with her mother's letter, Ethan, had his complete focus on his work as he glanced at the interior of the villa he was drawing.

"Okay, if I want some kind of kitchen here, I can draw a living room next to it.."

Muttering this, he wiped the sweat that formed again on his face before sighing.

'This part is the most difficult one..I never tried to draw this kind of thing..'

Even though it was indeed as he thought, Ethan knew that he had no other choice..

'Maybe..if I have a version from Earth, I would be able to understand better how to draw this kind of interior'

Thinking about this, he thought about opening the shop as the panel immediately appeared in front of him, showing that the category {Earth} and the sub-category {Architecture} were opened.

Glancing at the cost of each of them, he saw that some even arrived at the price of 10.000SP. This, brought Ethan's eyes to wide as he was surprised by this.

'How can such a thing be so expensive..?'

At this thought, the System didn't reply to him, as it couldn't actually do so, before he saw Light appearing next to him.

But, before he was able to say something, Light replied

"It's a function of the System to balance your shop. Everything will become more expensive the more powerful you will become, or the more you will buy. For example, if you buy a rare skill, buying another one may cost 2 times the actual price, or even more.."

Her words, brought him to sigh before she added

"Well, that should be how it works, but, it's not always like this, and, there are ways to improve it, like the several cost reduction rewards, so, don't think too much about it"

Nodding in understanding, he decided to buy a 2.000 SP drawing of a villa's interior, because, it was better for him to have an actual reference, rather than trying to draw on his own.

Immediately appearing in front of him, Ethan could see as the map was quite detailed as he tried to understand what style he should use to draw their own villa's interiors

'The Garage is a useless thing for our villa, as well as this guest suite..but, this Garden..'

Thinking about this, made him immediately ask Light

"Light, is it possible to bring this endless light to become a real terrain? With earth, grass, and plants? I am sure that only a villa in the middle of nowhere would make the villa itself less beautiful than how it really is..."

At his words, she thought about it while shaking her head.

"I have no affinity towards Nature, and if I try to use my Life affinity to do so, this whole floating island would obtain a soul, but, differently to my mother, I can't control the soul's personality, nor it's linked to me in any way. The soul could say that it doesn't want to be an island for us and destroy everything, our villa as well"

Pointing at the villa, she said so before Ethan was confused.

"If the soul is troublesome, can't you just 'force' it to have at least a discussion with us? I'm sure that things.."

Shaking her head, she immediately replied

"If the soul go berserk, I have no choice but to erase it, and that means destroying the floating island as well. As of why this happens, it's related to the Laws of All. If you want, I can tell you the actual three commas related to this to make you understand.."

Nodding, he remembered that one of his optional objectives was to learn the Laws of All from Light, so, it was better to have a solid headstart..

Seeing him doing so, Light nodded as well before changing the tone of her voice.

"Thou objecto, objecto is. Thou soul-objecto, Thou soul-objecto will be"

Her words, made him tilt his head in confusion before she returned to her normal voice while adding

"This means that, when a thing is without a soul inside it, it will be influenced with the rules that are applied to a thing. For example, the laws are applied differently to objects compared to something with a soul inside. But, the real difference is when an object is infused with a soul. Because at the moment it will happen, Laws will 'change' and the object will be affected by other kind of Laws. There isn't a problem when this kind of thing happens, but, the important part arrives when the soul wants to leave that object, or it's forced outside, or 'erased' by someone's attack. In every case, the object, now without a soul, will eventually collapse as if you just destroyed its whole core..."

Thinking about this, brought him to understand now why she didn't want to try to use her Life affinity to do so..

"..Any other plan to develop this island?"

Thinking about it, she had an idea, but..

"I thought about a good idea, but I can't do that because, as I said before, I have no affinity towards Nature..but.."

Staring at him, she remembered that he still didn't know his 10 affinities.

"Right! If you have the Nature and Life affinities, you will be able to do this yourself. It's very likely to be so, because your body was made in part by my Mother, that has the Life, and Nature affinities, and in part by me. There's even a function of the System for this that will be able to let the soul be bind to yours, also eliminating the main problem. You don't have the divinity to create a soul, but, if you do so..you will be able to evade this restriction."

Tapping on the air again to let the System Interface appear in front of her, Ethan saw this as well as he quickly understood he could just do that instead of having to think every time about it while Light found the still blocked System function.

Making the System Interface appear next to him as well, Ethan couldn't help but sigh upon seeing the name of the Function with chains that bound it.


With this function in front of him, he easily understood what he had to do.

"So, you are saying that I should create a soul with my affinities, bind it to me, and then, let it become powerful enough to transform this light floating island in a 'normal' island?"

His reply, made her nod as she decided to add

"If you don't want to do so, there's an easier way, but, you will still need the [Subordinates] function to unlock this one"

Quickly founding the second Function he needed, as well as the sub-function, brought her to make it form on Ethan's panel.


With a sigh, he stared at her. This because, he knew what a gacha was and, he didn't expect his System to have a similar function.

"Then, you are saying, my only options are creating it on my own, or hoping to be lucky in finding a good one in a gacha..?"

Shaking her head, she thought about a third option as she answered his question.

"In reality, there's a third one. Which is to find something, or someone, and let it become your subordinate. As of why you have to do so, it's because without a direct link with you, they won't be able to get access to your Domain"

This fact, brought any kind of doubt he may have had to dissipate as he knew these were the only options if he wanted to make their island to feel more 'real'.

"..Without an option, I guess I will go for the one that would let me unlock the Nature and Life affinity. I don't really know if I will be able to create a good soul, and honestly, I'm quite scared that--"

Before he was able to finish his sentence, Light shook her head before replying

"That won't be a problem. If you're thinking that 'experimenting' with alive beings is something you don't want to do, I have good news for you. The Laws of All have an entire composition related to souls and the way they behave. You don't need any actual proficiency in it to be able to create a 'good soul' as, you just have to give the input to the Universe, and it will generate the kind of soul you want, if you have the according affinities, and the required level of divinity...but, as I clarified before, you don't need the divinity if you bind it to you."

"By the way, how is your work going?"

His question, brought her to roll her eyes before turning towards the villa.

"...I am waiting for your map while defining the last details..so, hurry up, or I won't be able to finish it for today.."

Saying so, she headed towards the villa to continue her work while Ethan smiled before thinking for a moment about the Gacha function.

'I would have liked to know more how that function works. I would really like to try it. I've never been so lucky, but, maybe, my luck was just waiting for this function to appear...'

Shaking his head to clear these thoughts from his mind, he decided to return his focus on to the map he bought from the System while Light glanced at him from the distance upon hearing this thought, but, he completely ignored her.

'Oh, right. I will need some kind of room to study in our villa. In the Library, I just want the space to place the several books, so, it would be something full of bookshelves..'

With these thoughts in mind, Ethan returned to his work again while Light checked their next 'rest time'.

[[4 hours] - [21 minutes] - [59 seconds]]

'We will have to rest in 40 minutes. For now, it's better if I return to work as well as I'm being too slow..'


(I have a discord server. discord.gg/cpVr5X8. You may ask me: "Why should I enter the server?". Well, I'm replying to every interesting question you are asking in my chapters, so, you should absolutely enter if you want to read my answers. Ah, and you can find some image reference of items in the story such as Light..! (Soon even Qienta).. so it's recommended to join, I frequently post polls as well, regarding things that(most likely) will be present in the story. One last thing, I post chapter updates in my discord right after I posted on , so I guess you can join to be able to know when I post chapters faster.)

(Poll going on in the discord: Who do you prefer? Qienta or Light? I am interested on seeing the result)

(Of course, once the [Subordinates] function is unlocked, Ethan won't go around 'letting' anyone enter his domain. And, as he also specified, his intention is to have a soul who can help him with his project, and this also needs further explanation...)

(Do you enjoy reading my novel? If the answer is yes, then thanks. I'll leave my ******* here. w ww.pat reon.com/watashiwavdesu)

(Alternate Titles: "Oh? What do we have here? New possibilities for a new waifu?", "The system is better balanced by the Universe, it is not the system that wants to be bad", "Ethan's self-irony")

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