A Reincarnator's Wish In Danmachi

Chapter 111 - Sleepiness

From Light's thought, 11 hours passed in the blink of an eye between moments of work, and moments of 'rest' while Light felt more and more guilty every time to let Ethan ingest something that would have produced a negative effect, with her who was totally aware of this.

But, this feeling was slowly stopped by the fact that, each time, she tasted what he bought herself, to verify the current degree of sleeping 'effect' injected into the food.

Knowing it did no harm to the body as her mother specified, brought her to sigh as, currently, she was in another 'rest time' with Ethan as the latter brought Ramen this time, but..

"I feel sleepy...Can I meditate in this space?"

His question, made her look down as she knew the truth of the matter.

'Meditating won't help you with the sleepiness you're feeling, Ethan..I'm really sorry that I have to lie to you...'

With these thoughts in mind, she nodded in 'affirmation', but, she decided to add

"Yes, it is possible to meditate in this space, but, It's not advised to avoid sleeping even in this space. You don't know how to control your domain, therefore, the stress caused by lack of sleep may not be of benefit to you..."

Even though he could 'feel' that something wasn't right, he decided to follow her advice as he knew that the more knowledgeable about this kind of things was her.

"I understand..then, I'll go to sleep.."

Thinking about this, he made a bed appear as she was about to 'return' to her work, before Ethan added

"Wait, I have one last question to ask you before going to sleep"

Flinching, she turned again to look at him.

'Did he understand that it was a half-lie..?'

With these thoughts in mind, she was trying to think about every possible way to not be found out, but, the question he had to ask was everything else expect what she was thinking about.

"...Did you enjoy Ramen?"

Stopping her thoughts, she stared at him while the latter tilt his head in confusion upon seeing that she wasn't replying.

"Is it such a difficult question?"

His words, brought her to quickly return to the real world as she turned her head towards the plate as she really appreciated this dish.

"Yes..It was good, but..is this the question you had to ask?"

Rolling his eyes, he didn't say anything about her 'suspicious' behavior as he replied

"What else should I ask, Light? Do you perhaps want to join me in the bed?"

Thinking about it for a second, her cheeks were hot again as she wanted to punch him, but, she knew that doing so wouldn't help her to 'calm down'.

"..Just go to sleep already"

At her words, he replied with a nod as a small smile formed on his face while turning his eyes to look at the bed.

"You are right..I should really go now. By the way, I wanted to say that I completed the map of the villa, with the interior, as well as the library, and the sanctuary..they're on the table, so, just take them"

Sighing in her mind, she looked at the table while Ethan placed his head on the pillow as if a great weight was on it.

'I..don't know why, but you want me to go to sleep. Right?'

Hearing this thought, Light, that was about to take the sheets from the table, froze as she didn't reply while the latter continued without hesitation.

'The fact you aren't replying, is just a confirmation that my words were indeed true...'

Gulping, she turned to look at him as she finally replied

"How do you know..?"

Chuckling, Ethan couldn't help but make fun of her.

'You expect me to not notice the face you had when we were resting? I may make errors, I may fail many times, but I'm not blind. If a person in front of me has such an expression on her face, obviously I'll understand that something is wrong'

His words, made her face all red because she understood that, the cause that made him understand the situation wasn't right, was herself. Looking away, she was about to say something, but Ethan was faster.

'But, as I know that you act fully in my interest, I decided to let you do whatever you wanted. Probably, you already know the cause of this sleepiness, and, if this is something I didn't know, I'm sorry...'

This, brought her to 'shout' in embarrassment

"I..It wasn't my fault! How can I act so impassively while I know that I am looking at how the person entrusted to me ingests things which, even if they do no harm to the body, still produce a negative effect ...!"

Approaching the bed without thinking about it, she was about to add something before she saw that he, inevitably, fell asleep.

This, brought her to make an 'ah..' as she could hear him peacefully sleeping.

'He fell asleep..just like that..it wasn't fair..'

With these thoughts in mind, her embarrassment slowly turned in a gentle expression as she slowly put a hand on his head. Feeling how much his hair was similar to hers, brought a small smile on her lips as she couldn't help but release a sigh.

'I am happy, that you trusted me, Ethan.. this place will wait for you..'

After this, she saw as his body slowly dissipated as she removed her hand from his head as she saw that it dissipated as well.

Shaking her head, she decided to 'return' to work as she glanced at the bed he was sleeping on a second ago..

'I have to dedicate myself to this project he made. By the time he'll come here again, I want to add many things...so that he will be happy..'

This determination, brought her to return next to the table to take the sheets as she saw a note next to them. Intrigued, she took it before reading its contents

'Expecting I won't have the time to say a proper 'see you soon', I decided to write it. Don't feel lonely while you're working..I won't take too much time to understand how to enter my Domain again...'

Reading this small note, made her sigh again as she placed it back on the table while tapping on the several sheets before heading back in front of the villa to continue her work.

'You should think about yourself before caring about me..'

Thinking this, she started to create the villa's interior as she had the hint of a smile on her face...


"Isn't it strange..that he's still asleep..?"

Asking this question, Lefiya stared at Ethan's sleeping face while Riveria released a heavy sigh as she could see that Ais and Lefiya were serious about what they said earlier.

"You two..he's fine to a physical level, so, the only possible reason for why he didn't wake up yet, is that his body needed to rest. It's not uncommon for someone that fell into Mind Zero to wait before the body is fully restored to wake up"

Even though she said so, Ais didn't even hear her as she continued to stare at Ethan with her 'expressionless' face while Lefiya firmly shook her head.

"I don't mind..waiting for him until he wakes up."

"We had no time to talk about what happened regarding him. Tell me, is it serious?"

Her question, made her look away as, what they told her about the situation back in the Dungeon was still shocking for her.

"I don't know. From what they told me, the situation should be serious. If this continues, he'll be forced to never enter the Dungeon again. I'm still not sure he's the cause for the Dungeon's strange behaviour, but, the fact it's 'calming down' now, seems to confirm this theory..."

Nodding, she remembered what her core members said in the urgent meeting they had.

"..We still have to investigate fully. The fact he's a human is obvious, and race isn't something that can also be camouflaged in the Status Board. I believe there must be a misunderstanding or, at worst, he was not aware of the fact that he couldn't enter the Dungeon."

Her words. brought her to immediately nod while looking in front of her

"I also believe this is the case. I talked with Ais regarding him and, he never did anything that could be called as 'despicable', even if he could have done so. For this, my opinion of him is high enough to give him the benefit of the doubt. Also, because, I can't jump to concrete conclusions..."

Even though the fact they already had s.e.x was another thing that irritated her, she could see that, from the way Ais paraphrased her answer, it was obvious that she was really curious to try it. So, she decided to complain about it on him when the situation would 'cool down' a bit.

"...In reality, I am the first to know that he wouldn't have tried to use all his magic to defend his teammates if he was aware of what he was doing in entering the Dungeon.."

Loki's words, brought Riveria to sigh again as she knew that, this point alone, was enough to clear every doubt they might have had.

"Yes, that's the truth. But we still have to understand why the Dungeon is acting in such a way. Before we know the reason, we can't let other adventurers enter the Dungeon, and if this continues for too much, the economic situation of Orario will begin to decline, and, Adventurers won't be the only ones to put this 'blame' on us"

Knowing this as well, brought Loki to clench her jaw as she turned her back at her

"I know that as well, Riveria. But, I have my hands tied until we know exactly why the Dungeon is behaving like this, or why it has decided to target Ethan in such a heavy way. I have never heard of a monster teleporting, or who was able to use air shock waves as an attack..."

Sighing, Riveria didn't add anything while the two decided to separate to go where they had to...


(I have a discord server. discord.gg/cpVr5X8. You may ask me: "Why should I enter the server?". Well, I'm replying to every interesting question you are asking in my chapters, so, you should absolutely enter if you want to read my answers. Ah, and you can find some image reference of items in the story such as Light..! (Soon even Qienta).. so it's recommended to join, I frequently post polls as well, regarding things that(most likely) will be present in the story. One last thing, I post chapter updates in my discord right after I posted on , so I guess you can join to be able to know when I post chapters faster.)

(Poll going on in the discord: Who do you prefer? Qienta or Light? | For you, when Ethan will wake up, who's gonna be next to him?)

(Do you enjoy reading my novel? If the answer is yes, then thanks. I'll leave my ******* here. w ww.pat reon.com/watashiwavdesu)

(Alternate Titles: "Light feels guilty! She isn't good at acting tho!", " Ais and Lefiya, finally returning, but..They had next to no space for themselves...", "Ethan : Peacefully Sleeping Ais : 'emotionlessly' staring at him while in her heart, she's worried. Lefiya: wawawa. Riveria-sensei: Angry because of what they did without her explaining first. Riveria: Decided to trust Ethan's judgment.", "Now, how will Ethan wake up?

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