A Reincarnator's Wish In Danmachi

Chapter 74 - New chapter

While Ethan and Ais were sleeping, Hestia was trying to see how the dress looked on her. After dressing, she exited the room.

"A-Ais is a g-good person! Why you say these b-bad things?"

Hearing Lefiya's words, Lili just looked away, pouting while her ears twitched.

"She's definitely taking advantage of Ethan! I don't like that!"

Thinking on what she meant, Lefiya had a blush on her face while she shook her head.

"I'm s-sure this isn't the case..!"

Sighing, Riveria ignored the two while she saw that Hestia exited the room.

"How does this f-fit on me?"

Being asked this question, she stared at her while Lili made an 'ah?' before turning towards Hestia to look at her. Upon seeing the dress, she was shocked.

"H-Hestia-sama..this dress looks so good on you!"

Nodding, Riveria added

"It accentuates your beauty with a very simple style, but extremely compact and elegant at the same time"

Surprised as well, Lefiya didn't know what to say, so she said the first thing that came to mind.

"It looks really g-good on you..Hestia-sama"

With a small smile, Hestia nodded while Riveria was trying to understand how it worked. Having nearly 30 minutes before Loki would come to take her, she decided to bring up the matter on which she had mulled all the time.

"D-Do you think this dress was for.."

"We can't know until he says it, but I am pretty sure this is the most plausible option"

Nodding slowly with a blush on her face, Lefiya didn't reply with words while Lili was even more irritated that it seemed obvious to her too.

Even though Hestia and Lili were somewhat saddened by this, they didn't want to point it out to him as he decided to use the dress he had bought to help Hestia.

"We won't bring it up to him..behave normally, I will do the same"

Hearing her goddess' words, Lili knew she was right. He helped her own goddess, after all.

"Yes, Hestia-sama"

Deciding to follow what Hestia said, Lefiya decided to put this matter aside as well while Riveria said

"Hestia-sama, Loki-sama came 10 minutes ago to let you know she decided to go earlier, so you should hurry."

With Riveria's words, she was surprised before she understood what game Loki was playing. Gritting her teeth, Hestia started to run towards Loki's room while shouting

"Lili! It's better if you ask Riveria or Lefiya to take you home, I'll return in a few days!"

Her goddess' words made Lili sigh before she turned to look at Riveria and Lefiya. Seeing Lefiya staring at the way to go to Ethan's room, Riveria sighed.

"I guess I can accompany you home"

Thanking her, Lili stared at Riveria while she placed a hand on Lefiya's shoulder. Surprised by the sudden contact, Lefiya snapped out of her thoughts while she added

"Do what you want to do before it's too late..or you'll regret it"

Ready to ask why she said this, Lefiya saw Riveria shaking her head. Thinking on what she meant with this, Lili and Riveria headed towards the exit of the Manor while she was even more hesitant to do something.

Knowing that she might even surprise Ais and Ethan in a bad time, Lefiya was trying to think about what she could do right now. Understanding that the best option was to go back to her own room, she decided to do exactly that...

'I hope the situation between Ais and Ethan is alright...'

Seeing her out of the corner of her eye, Riveria sighed

"Is there something that worries you?"

'Pushing her seems to not be effective, I guess my help isn't needed'

Thinking this, she closed her eyes while Lili was confused by her reactions.


(Warning: There is a small NSFW scene)

While these events happened, Ethan woke up. Yawning, he remembered the situation he was in as his hand was on Ais' back.

With a small smile, he turned his face towards hers. Hearing her breathing, his smile widened. Kissing her on the forehead, he knew that from the moment he'll start to move, she will wake up as well.

"Good Morning..."

Hearing her, he kissed her lips as a 'Good Morning' before having an idea. Releasing her, he added

"Do you want to have a bath?"

These words made her eyes, previously still sleepy, now open as if she hadn't just woken up.

".. Yes"

Smiling again, Ethan took out all the necessary things. While he was filling the bath, Ais asked

"Do you want to..make love again?"

Embracing him from behind, Ais ran her hands over his c.h.e.s.t, reaching his member while he gulped. Feeling her hand already on his member, he understood that the situation wouldn't have been as peaceful as he imagined it would be.

"Wait, lets at least enter the bathtub..."

With these words, she stopped to stroke his member to listen to what he was saying.

"It's something new, and you want to try new things, right?"

Nodding at his question, she was curious to understand what he wanted to do.

Finally, with the time required for him to fill the bath, he took her hand in his with a smile. Entering the bathtub, he saw her placing herself in the same position as the last time they had a bath.

The sudden contact made her flinch slightly before she easily got used to his touch. Even though he was worried that she wouldn't have liked the contact, seeing her adapt so quickly made him change his mind. Returning to touch his member, she asked

"We will do..like this?"

Nodding, he started to kiss her neck while she tilted to the left to allow him to have more space to act.

While he was busy with her neck, Ais now had his member on her hand before she tried to make him enter the place where Ethan had inserted it. Feeling this as well, he stopped for a moment to say

"it's a point near the centre.."

Hearing this, he easily found the exact spot before the sensation of slowly being filled up returned. M.o.a.ning from the act, he understood that, when he was in this type of position, she was more s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e. Deciding to take note of this information for the future, he was about to return on her neck before she took his lips with hers.

Feeling her tongue in his mouth, he played with hers for a while until he started to thrust in her. From the slowly-paced s.e.x they were having at first, the situation quickly shifted in a more passionate one.

Understanding she had to move her h.i.p.s as well, the two continued to kiss before he released her mouth. Massaging her b.r.e.a.s.ts, the sensations from the stimulation were making her feel it even more. With her p.u.s.s.y tightening, he felt her walls clenching on his member.

Continuing in this way for a while, the first to finish was Ethan this time. Releasing all her seed inside her, he saw that she too was near the climax. With a few small thrusts, she finally reached it while he felt his seed be brought inward her w.o.m.b.

["Light..is there a way to evade pregnancy? I don't want to be a father yet.."]

Hearing him, she replied

[Yes, you can buy the pill needed and have it swallowed by her within 20 minutes to reach 0% chance of being pregnant..]

Understanding something from what she said, he added

["About the session I had 2 hours ago?"]

Without waiting even for a second, she analysed the probabilities before answering

[It's difficult to reply to your question, Ethan. This because I have no way to check her chance of being pregnant. Generally, it's not so high, but after two hours from the act your s.e.m.e.n may have already been brought into an ovary..but don't take this like the certainty that she is pregnant. The pill can still lower the chance by 40%. Just the first one is fine for both sessions]

Even though he didn't exactly like the idea of using the pill, he decided it was better to ask Ais.

"Ais..I have to talk to you about something very important.."


"Loki...you did it on purpose just to make me run, right !?"

Hearing Hestia's words, Loki grinned with a mischievous smile on her face

"I remember you that a member of my familia will allow you to make a good impression soon, so if I were you I would be satisfied with some little jokes in the background as price to pay."

Surprised, she understood the hidden meaning behind her words but, without pointing it out, she continued to shout

"That doesn't mean anything! Now that I am here, what should we talk about before we go?"

Thinking about her own words, she understood that something didn't feel right.

"It's not that you wanted to talk with me becaus--"

Interrupting her, Loki pulled Hestia in her room before closing the door behind herself.

"Listen to me carefully, Chibi. I'll accompany you to the Denatus but, we will enter one after the other, not together. I want to evade questions regarding why all of a sudden I decided to be on good terms with you. Also, because in truth, we aren't on good terms."

Her words offended Hestia that, with a shocked expression, was ready to shout at her. But before she could, Loki added

"I don't want to attract attention to ourselves, now that unfortunately, we are connected by the bond that Ethan has with both, the only thing left for me to do is to observe how the situation evolves. That doesn't mean I'll ever be in good terms with you."

Staring at her, she saw her gulping.

"Fine..that does mean we won't bother each other?"

Shaking her head, Loki added

"The vow I took with Ethan makes it impossible for me to try to move you away from him. I accepted to this condition because I thought I wouldn't care who he was with, so if you like Ethan, and he likes you as well, I'm bounded to let you act as you please with him."

Hearing this, she was shocked

"Did he managed to make you take a vow? I'm impressed.."

Sighing, she pulled her cheeks with a somewhat angry smile

"I thought he wasn't that much from appearance and level, that his potential was just his Space Magic, and all he said was the truth..."

Surprised from the sudden action, Hestia shook her face to make her stop pulling her cheeks.

"Who cares about that! Stop pulling my cheeks!"

Doing as she said with another sigh, the two continued to talk about small matters until it was time to go...


(I have a discord server. discord.gg/cpVr5X8 If you enter it, you can join the Qienta Familia! play a lot of fun games, but, obviously, that's not all, I post there images regarding things you may see in the story, such as the [Twin's Digimon] and [The Devoted Heart].)

(If you want to support me w ww.pat reon.com/watashiwavdesu)

(A/N: If you feel confused by why Loki said all these things to Hestia in the first place, I'll explain here. Basically, she knew that now she would likely see Hestia enter and exit the Twilight Manor, her home, many more times than she ever wanted. So, obviously, granting her permission without specifying that she was granting it was impossible..if not in this way.)

(Alternate Titles: "Ais isn't a bad girl...Lili. You are making yourself being hated even more ..", "Tell me, what name do you prefer for his/her child? (I'm joking)", "Hestia big-b.o.o.b.s vs Loki no-b.o.o.b.s!?")

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