A Reincarnator's Wish In Danmachi

Chapter 75 - Denatus(1?)

"And..that's how m.a.k.i.n.g. .l.o.v.e without protection, adding what I have released inside of you, there is a possibility that you may be pregnant...but I can do something about it..the choice is yours too, so I decided it was better to ask"

Hearing him, Ais stood still in the bathtub while he wrapped her belly with his arms. With a somewhat 'hot' breath from her, he heard a firm reply from her.

"I..want to be strong enough..before having a child..."

Her muffled words made him flinch slightly as he understood that, even though her emotionless trait was visible for everyone else, he could feel the anxiety of not being able to take care of the child, like her mother, Aria, failed to do.

Tightening his grasp on her belly, he gave her a light kiss on the cheek before adding

"I have the same feeling. Even though in 9 months I may be able to do a lot of things I can't do right now, that doesn't mean I'll be strong enough to protect him from any danger that is normal occurrence in Orario.."

Sighing, he remembered his own life. The lack of parents hit him so much that he thought his only purpose in life was to meet their expectations ... now, thinking about a possible child, Ethan felt he understood that this was not the way he could hope to live if he really wanted to make people around him happy. He would certainly become stronger, but for himself. His own parents will be happy with whatever he becomes...

His thoughts, mixed with the memories of Ais from her childhood brought the two into a small period of silence which, although the only noise left was that of water, was as full of words...

Deciding to interrupt their moment as time to use the pill was running out, Ethan bought it at the merely cost of 1,500SP.

With the small pill appear in his right hand, he removed it from her belly while saying

"Here, swallow this...it will lower your chances of getting pregnant"

Nodding, she trusted him, so she didn't question where he bought it or why he had one. Swallowing it, she felt her w.o.m.b as if it was gaining temperature. With this sensation similar to the one when he touched him, she closed her eyes while he decided to buy the soap.

'I think it's better to let her think for a while instead of being so invasive...'

Thinking this, he quickly bought a sponge as he started to wash her with the water combined with the soap.

Snapping out of her thoughts for a second, she saw him nodding with a smile on his face. Understanding he wanted to wash her, she was determined to do the same for him as he started to pass the sponge on her t.h.i.g.hs...

With a smile, he saw that she completely entrusted her body to him. Now that he already had his libido satisfied, he could easily wash her without the problem to get particularly excited....

'I know that she will recover anyway, now my role is to support her..'


Now on their way to Babel, Hestia and Loki were being escorted by Finn and Gareth. Entering Babel, Loki dismissed the two as she added

"I'll enter first, you will enter after some time I entered as well. To make things easier, I won't approach you so try to do the same."

Hearing her, Hestia made a 'hmph' while looking away. The fact she was treating her like plague it irritated her, but she knew it was the best decision for both of them. Also, to avoid putting more pressure on Ethan.

Distancing herself from her, Loki went directly to the 30th floor while Hestia decided to snoop around, looking for some object that would come in handy for Lili.

With the prices of the few weapons she saw, she was convinced that for now, any quality weapon was impossible for her to buy. Moving her eyes away from the windows that reflected prices impossible for her to afford at the moment, she saw with the corner of her eye a short boy with spiky red hair and dark blue eyes.

Curiously staring at him to see what he was doing with a box in his hands, she saw him enter the shop that she was looking at a second earlier. Surprised, she thought the boy was one of the few prodigies of the Hephaestus familia.

Sighing, she looked away before deciding it was better to head towards the 30th floor as well. What she didn't hear, was that the 'prodigy' was being scolded by the shop owner.

"We don't want your armours! go somewhere else!"

"Take a closer look! you see how beautiful it is..you will definitely sell it for a good price!"

Shaking his head, the shop owner added

"It's not worth to believe in such remote possibilities. You still have to learn a lot before I'll take a closer look at your armour. Just from one glance I can tell this isn't worth to sell..."

With a smile, he concluded his speech as the boy looked down, gritting his teeth.

"But, if you sell me one or two magic swords...then I'll buy this peace of armour as well...what do you think about it?"

Hearing these words, the boy took his box without saying anything. Exiting from the shop, he directly headed towards his home while tears threatened to run down his face.

"I will never, never sell a magic sword again, you bastard!"

Surprised, the shop owner heard his disrespectful way of talking. Exiting the shop, he replied with a shout of his own.

"Don't you dare come here to sell something again, boy! I advised you.."

Feeling that, again, he was being wanted just for his Crozzo heritage, he felt desperate and incredibly angry. Not only to the shop owner who rejected him miserably, but also to the Crozzo themselves for the production of these 'cursed' weapons.

'As long as the magic swords of Crozzo will continue to exist, I will be persecuted by them and by the production of magic swords .. but I can't give up. I will never produce one of those cursed weapons again.'

With this determination that continued to drive him for almost a year at this point, the boy had a prefixed goal along with this.

'I'll prove myself to Hephaestus-sama...and I'll marry her one day...!"

Raising his fist, the boy headed towards his home as he was tempted to find a new prototype of his set of armour to be made.


Opening the door, Hestia saw that numerous gods had already arrived. Glancing at Loki, she saw that she was talking with a person she would have never expected to see so soon. Deciding it was better to spy rather than approaching, she went to the buffet.

Filling a cup with juice, she stared with the corner of her eye at the two while she could hear more or less their conversation.

Making her head resting on her right hand, Freya had a large smile on her face as she said

"Ara Ara~ I didn't think I'd meet you from the beginning of today's Denatus..how are things going, Loki?"

Hearing her speak as if every word she said brought her satisfaction with a rather sincere smile, Loki made an exasperated sigh.

"Cut the crap, Freya. I know what you want, but I am bound by a vow to not disclose any information regarding him. Check yourself if you don't trust me."

With her brow twitching slightly, Freya maintained her smile while she analysed Loki's soul. Seeing the manifestation of the vow clenching on her soul, her smile dropped considerably, before it returned.

"He really is smart. Even I didn't expect he would tie you up like this. Tell me, what are the conditions of this vow you took? It's impossible that.."

Seeing her looking down, her smile widened

"I see...so you can't really disclose anything? Can't you just trick the vow using its own conditions against itself as you always do?"

hearing her incessant questions, Loki decided to put this matter aside.

"I can't. You can understand if I'm lying, I made a vow with him that requires my full silence, I can't refer to things about him and his abilities if not with him. I thought it was a great way to hide information, but it has also become a pain for me. I myself don't know the details of his abilities, just their names and what you could see in the event..."

Even though she wasn't telling her the whole truth, she wasn't the goddess of Trickery only in name, evading Freya's perception was not easy, but if it was just to get away with an insignificant detail, then there were no problems.

Sighing, Freya looked away while thinking on the next plan now that receiving information was impossible without him to exhibit them.

"I want to meet him, to have him. I helped you and him that day, so I think keeping him for a while is also due to me."

Shaking her head, she added

"I have no power over him other than his obligation to participate in expeditions and be a member of my family. If they saw him around with you, the situation could deteriorate."

Smiling, Freya replied

"Then, we'll arrange something at a later date, but I won't wait for long. I can feel he'll become one of the best adventurers in Orario, maybe even stronger than Ottar..just thinking about it makes me..."

Before l.u.s.t could claim her thoughts, she coughed to repress it as Loki released another exasperated sigh. Looking at her surrounding, she saw Hestia bite a piece of bread, visibly angry.

Even though she just sighed, she felt like sighing again while Freya finally said goodbye to Loki, to move elsewhere, also because their conversation was beginning to create discussions among the gods.

Following her with her eyes, Hestia saw as the various male gods carefully observed her every movement, as if enchanted by the 'beauty' that emanated from the whole body with his white dress.

'..this harpy...I will never allow her to approach Ethan!'

Drinking the juice she had put before in one gulp, Hestia placed the glass on the table.

Glancing at her surroundings, she was looking for Hephaestus among the various goddesses present.

'Where is she..? I need to tell her a lot of things...!'

With this determination, she stared at the goddess in the large room one by one before finding her target...


(I have a discord server. discord.gg/cpVr5X8 If you enter it, you can join the Qienta Familia! play a lot of fun games, but, obviously, that's not all, I post there images regarding things you may see in the story, such as the [Twin's Digimon] and [The Devoted Heart].)

(If you want to support me w ww.pat reon.com/watashiwavdesu)

(A/N: If you want to ask why nobody cared about Hestia, yes, it was because Freya's beauty is 'superior' for them to even glance at Hestia. Believing she was dressed in her classic dress. It is a taunt-like effect, when most focus on one 'object'(Freya in this case), others who glance at another (Hestia in this case) subconsciously also ignore the details of the latter to focus on the former..)

(A/N: It's probably useless to specify, but I'll do that for the ones who don't know what does 'spill the tea' means. Basically, it's used when someone asks someone else to reveal information, especially of a s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e nature. I thought using this expression was better as abilities are a very s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e topic to discuss in a conversation.)

(Alternate Titles: "The shop owner be like: Ok, if you give me some magic sword, I'll think about buying your useless stuff.", "Keep at it Ais, don't let your past bring you down...", "Think about Hestia, sneakly spying on the two while biting a peace of bread, visibly angry at what Freya said...")

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