A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 201 Lorna has been shocked for a whole year (fifth update, please subscribe!!!)

Lorna opened her mouth and looked at the small mini tornado that appeared in Luke's palm, her expression a little dull.


I must have done too much homework today and my eyesight has been blurred.

Lorna came back to her senses, thinking this in her heart, then quickly rubbed her eyes, and then opened them again to look.

Enter the eyes.

She saw Luke raise his right hand and throw the small mini tornado into the bourbon glass beside him.

Luke raised his head and drank the bourbon waterspout in the glass.

The next second.

Luke smacked his mouth, put the glass aside, thought for a while, and looked at Lorna: "Don't tell me, this sobered bourbon does taste different."


Under the gaze of the dull-eyed Lorna, Luke once again threw a confusing tornado into the wine glass, and then grabbed the wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

Lorna looked at Luke, who was performing a wine tasting tornado in front of her, completely confused in the wind.



Luke raised his eyebrows and looked at Lorna who was about to say dirty words: "Little girl, watch your language. Only those trashy black people will say this."

The most famous among them is Maja Fakexia.

From this point of view alone, there is really no one in SHIELD. Otherwise, a guy with such low quality would not be allowed to serve as the director of SHIELD.

You can't even call this, there are no tigers in the mountains, the monkeys are the king.

It's totally okay to call this. There are no tigers in the mountains, so dung beetles are considered tigers.

Lorna silenced her voice just in time.


"How can this be."

"What's impossible?"

"How come you have one, two, three, three mutant abilities?"

"I'll have two more."


Luke smiled, looked at Lorna whose eyes were wide open in front of him, and said with a smile: "There is actually a reasonable explanation for this."

Lorna put her hands on her forehead, doubting her life.

"What explanation."

"I'm not a mutant."

Luke looked at Lorna who looked up, shrugged and said: "A mutant has only one ability, but I have several abilities, so I am not a mutant. See, this explanation suddenly makes sense."


What a ghost.

This is even more unreasonable, okay?

If you are not a mutant, how come you have so many mutant abilities?

Lorna looked at Luke with eyes that said, "Don't treat me like a fool, I'm already learning and I'm no longer a happy little idiot in a public school." "You have a problem, Luke."

Luke laughed and reached out to rub Lorna's little head.

"Okay, I have a question. Do you have any questions? If not, please clean up the countertop and cook with me."


Lorna shook her head, put away the textbooks on the bar, and then thought of something when she jumped down from the high stool, and looked at Luke: "By the way, Luke, David seems to be back. "

She just thought of this.

This was what Lorna thought of after seeing Luke's teleportation and feeling familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

When Luke, who was taking steak from the refrigerator, heard this, he closed the refrigerator and looked at Luke.

"Davy Jones?"


Lorna walked into the bar and helped Luke take the knife board very skillfully, while saying: "When I went to Clarice's house yesterday, David seemed to have just left."

Luke took the blade.

"Didn't David leave Los Santos?"

"have no idea."

Lorna shook her head to express that she was unclear, and then thought: "But I feel that David is coming back for tomorrow's semester dance."

Although their twelfth grade had a holiday a few days ago.


Semester dances are usually held during holidays. After all, as a dance, the participating boys and girls need to be carefully prepared.

And if the prom is placed during the study period, it is obvious that many students will take their minds away from their studies because they are thinking about the prom.

"Yes, you have a dance tomorrow."

Lu Ke has been concentrating on preparing for his own version upgrade these days, and has not paid much attention to other things.

If Lorna hadn't said anything, he might have almost forgotten about it.

Luke thought about tomorrow's college dance, narrowed his eyes, and looked at Lorna: "Who is your best friend, what is his name, what are your parents' names, what do they do, give me their names, and I will check their family members now. No criminal record."

Lorna's expression became dull again, her mouth slightly opened as she looked at Luke who seemed to be interrogating her.

At this moment she regretted it.


Lorna caught a glimpse of Rachel coming down from the second floor. After coming to her senses, she left the bar and asked for help from Rachel who was going down the stairs: "Rachel, help me quickly."

Rachel, who had just left the room and happened to hear the conversation between the brother and sister, looked at Lorna who asked her for help and rolled her eyes: "You too, knowing that you are talking about prom, your brother will definitely ask you, why are you still there?" Speaking of which, I thought he had forgotten about it."

Lorna wanted to cry: "I was so dizzy from doing homework today."

And she had just watched Luke perform different mutant skills in front of her, which completely confused her.

Rachel smiled and tapped Lorna's forehead, but still chose to help Lorna, and said to Luke at the bar: "I told you a few days ago, but you didn't care, I was the one helping Lorna. Na chose a dress and bought accessories, and now you care about it again?”

Lu Keshan smiled.

"I wasn't special the past few days..."

"Then you continue to be special."

Rachel protected Lorna behind her like a chicken: "No one was worried about Lorna's dance in the first place. It's best not to interfere now. By the way, why don't you wait for the car to pick up Lorna tomorrow? After that, you come back.”

Luke frowned.


"I'm afraid you'll scare people."

Rachel shook her head and said, "What if tomorrow, the little boy comes to pick Lorna up to go to the school for the prom? Just take out your ID and say, FBI, I want to investigate you. Don't scare that little boy away." "

The corners of Luke's mouth twitched.

"I'm not that bored."

"You just took out your phone and prepared to investigate the little boy's family."


When Rachel said this, she suddenly raised her eyebrows and looked at Luke suspiciously: "Did you also secretly investigate my family like this when we first got together?"

Luke was slightly startled.


Something is wrong.

Why did this fire suddenly burn me?

Alarm bells rang in Luke's mind.

Unfortunately it's too late.

Rachel had already approached Luke, squinting her beautiful eyes and looking at Luke's handsome face: "What, did I tell you right?"

"How can it be."

"How could I do such a thing."

Luke laughed, his thoughts turning wildly, and said: "Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Lorna, who felt that she was out of the flames of the war, saw this and cautiously moved towards the living room on the side.

Rachel raised the corners of her mouth and looked at Luke, who had an unnatural look on his face.

"you sure?"

"I thought..."

"Jingle Bell!"

At this moment, the phone nearby rang.

Luke glanced at it, breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and looked at Rachel: "Alexander's."

Rachel nodded and took the knife and the half-cut steak from Luke's hand.

Luke walked towards the backyard. After walking to the backyard, he answered the phone.


Luke said happily: "You can't imagine how happy I am to receive your call at this time."

Alexander Pierce on the other end of the phone was slightly startled, and then said: "It should be around eight o'clock in the evening where you are now. Why, did you have a fight with your fiancée, or did she find out that you did something behind her back? "

Luke raised an eyebrow.

Alexander seemed to hear the confusion in Luke's heart, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I also experienced it a few days ago. You know, Lindsay was pregnant and was kidnapped again, so she is more sensitive. But at that time, I didn't get a call. save me."

Luke touched his chin.

"Maybe we should set up a secret code between us. If anything happens to us, we can exchange secret codes. How about that?"

"This is a good and good idea. I think it's okay. Let's come up with a code together when we have time."

"Okay, let's think about it together when we have time."

Luke said with a smile, and then remembered that there was a mole from the Ten Rings Gang in Hydra.

Fortunately, his current version has been successfully iteratively upgraded.

After Luke sat down on the recliner, he thought about this and asked curiously: "By the way, Sasha, have you found the mole?"

Alexander hummed: "There is already a target of suspicion."

Luke touched his chin: "Let me guess if Roland Fury's name is on the list."

Alexander shook his head and laughed.

"Lu, you seem to have a problem with Roland Fury."


Luke said seriously: "You misunderstood, Sasha, I don't seem to have a problem with him, I just have a problem with him."



Luke was simply unhappy with him.

That's all.

Luke asked curiously: "Sasha, I'm very curious. If I see this guy next and chop up your body, you won't be angry with me, right?"

There was no fluctuation in Alexander's tone.

"He is no longer mine."


When Lu Ke heard this, his eyes lit up. He smelled the gossip in this sentence and adjusted his sitting posture on the recliner: "Xisuo, wasn't I still yours ten days ago? Why is he suddenly no longer yours? ”


His version has been upgraded now, so he feels that he is qualified to reward himself with a piece of gossip.

But Luke wanted to hear it, and Alexander didn't want to talk.

"This matter is also very complicated to talk about. I will tell you about it next time I go to Los Santos."

Alexander said this, and then talked about the real purpose of tonight's call: "The person receiving your CPH4 will arrive tomorrow, and I will ask her to contact you."

Luke: "..."

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