A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 202 Daisy’s Teacher (First update, please subscribe!!)



Listening to Alexander's words on the other end of the phone, Luke couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "You have women?"

S.H.I.E.L.D. does have a few female agents whose names they can name.

But Hydra?

Have it?

Luke thought curiously.

Alexander laughed directly when he heard Luke's words.


"How come there isn't?"

"Lu, many times when I talk to you, I always feel like I ignore your skin color, but hearing your words makes me convinced that you are really of Dongguo descent."


Luke was stunned for a moment, with a strange expression on his face: "How to say it."

Alexander laughed loudly: "Lu, we are in a free and open country, and we do not discriminate against women."


This is a roundabout way of saying that Eastern men favor sons over daughters.

Luke shook his head speechlessly: "Sasha, now I know why you became a director."

Let’s just talk about this one-handed hat-tapping operation.

He is far inferior.

Luke said this, then shook his head and chose to end the topic: "Forget it, give me your name."

He did not intend to delve into the issue of men and women with Alexander.

Even Luke is often afraid of punching.

Alexander shook his head.



Just as he was about to end the topic and get the name, he ended the call. Luke, who went back to the house to have dinner, couldn't help but fell silent when he heard Alexander's answer.

"No? Define it. Why not?"

"Feel sorry."

Alexander said again on the phone: "I originally wanted to tell you, but after she found out about the contact person, she asked me not to tell you. She said she planned to arrive tomorrow to give you a surprise."

Luke raised his eyebrows.




Luke took a breath: "She knows me?"

Alexander hummed: "Yes, it's amazing. I didn't expect it. As far as I know, she has never been to San Luodu before."

Luke's thoughts were spinning, and he was quickly searching for women who fit this characteristic in his mind, and then captured the keywords in Alexander's words.

"As far as you know...she is not yours?"



"What's wrong."

"Do you have any men of your own?"

The corner of Luke's mouth twitched, then he shook his head and complained: "Roland Fury, I thought she was yours before, but you just said she wasn't. Now there's another woman, and she's not yours. She's yours." Ding, it’s a little thin.”

As a super villain organization with the cooperation of many shareholders.

Luke had some doubts about how Alexander, who had so few subordinates, got the position of head of the Hydra federal branch.

Luke sighed and reminded Alexander.

"It's better to recruit more subordinates. Others' people are always less useful than your own."

"I know."

Alexander listened to Luke's advice, nodded and said: "There are some other problems that have arisen at the moment. In short, the problem is still relatively complicated. I am trying to think of ways to deal with it. The matter of the mole may need to be postponed for a while, and it is super The energy potion project is no longer under my control. In this case, CPH4 will be used in other places."

Luke nodded thoughtfully. Listening to Alexander's troubles, he did not ask what happened. He just gave a piece of advice: "If it really doesn't work, if there is a wrong kill, don't let it go. Kill who should be killed." Bury it as it should."

No matter how he dies, he will still be a member of Hydra.


My waist never hurts when I stand talking.

After hearing what Luke said, Alexander couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth again: "I will seriously consider your suggestion."

Luke then curiously asked: "I can't tell you the name of the person who comes to see me tomorrow. She said she wanted to give me a surprise. What about the name of your trusted ally? I can tell you this."

He filtered through his mind the names of almost every woman he had known in the past two years.


No such person found.

Anyway, Luke couldn't find a woman in his mind that could be associated with the labels "female" and "Hydra".

Alexander said of course, and then said: "You can call him Dr. Zola."


Arnim Zola.

Who can be regarded as the first Dr. Hydra in the Marvel Universe to truly achieve immortality in a certain sense by relying on his own strength and technology?

The woman coming tomorrow is from Dr. Zola?

After hanging up the phone with Alexander Pierce, Luke leaned on the recliner behind him and quickly retrieved the relevant memory content about Hydra Doctor Arnim Zola.

Arnim Zola.

A geneticist from Sweden was also the first human genetic engineer in the history of the earth. He had a super IQ. After the fall of the Third Reich, he was re-recruited by the federal military under the "Paperclip Project", and then again When he was diagnosed with terminal illness in 1972, he turned to death and invented the "psychoelectronic transfer" technology.

One sentence.

Physical pain, mechanical soaring!

He successfully transferred his consciousness from his dying body to a supercomputer of his generation, completing his own ascension.


Does this guy have any subordinates?

How can you recruit subordinates if you have no real assets, let alone recruit a female subordinate?

Luke couldn't figure it out.

never mind.

If you don't think of it, don't think about it. You will know who the female Hydra is tomorrow.

Luke shook his head, got up from the recliner behind him, and walked towards the house.

the next day.


Luke and Rachel were eating breakfast in the restaurant.

Lorna isn't here.

Because today is Saturday, according to Rachel's "family schedule", she can stay up until eight o'clock on weekends.

So Lorna especially likes weekends.

Rachel, who was eating her own breakfast and flipping through the TV station's internal software information, saw a ticket sent by a friend in the group and looked up at Luke: "What time will you pick up Jiaying and Carl at the airport?" ?”


Jiaying and Carl are coming to Los Santos today.

Luke invited.

After so many years of wandering around, Jiaying and Carl finally found their daughter Daisy in New York City.

After undergoing a paternity test, Daisy was finally convinced that she had found her biological parents.

It's a pity that Luke was not at the scene and did not see the scene of a family of three hugging each other and crying loudly, venting their emotions for many years.


After the family of three is reunited, Jiaying and Carl also plan to return to Saint-Loduo with their daughter Daisy.

After all, compared to New York City, Saint-Loduo is relatively safe.

Because they have a friend named Luke, who is the assistant director of the FBI's Los Angeles operations.

And it’s almost Christmas again.

Just right.

Come over here, get together and have a holiday.

Luke, who was reading the news while grabbing the Colombian morning daily, glanced at the time on his watch: "Go to the airport at ten o'clock. If it's not late, they will land at half past ten. There's no point in going so early."

Rachel nodded: "Do you want me to accompany you?"

Luke looked up.

"You're not going to the company in the morning?"

"No, I've applied for leave."


Luke had no objection to Rachel going to the airport together, but looked at Rachel curiously: "It's okay to go with him, but didn't you tell Lorna last night that you would accompany her to the dress shop to pick up the custom-made dress in the morning? A party dress?"

Rachel remembered this matter: "Yeah, I almost forgot. Then you go to the airport by yourself, why don't you ask Jack to go with you?"

Luke waved his hand: "It's a private matter, there's no need to call Jack."

If he wanted to call Jack, he would only ask Jack to pick up Jiaying and Karl at the airport.


Although Jack's loyalty is MAX, it is not used in this way.

People are infinitely loyal to you, but you treat them like cattle and horses.

This is inappropriate.

After breakfast, Luke returned to the study. After searching for information on the Internet for a while, he saw that the time was almost up, so he went downstairs again and said hello to Lorna, who was eating breakfast with a pair of hazy sleepy eyes. , and then walked towards the garage.


Luke drove the Audi A8 out of the garage, and then drove towards the Los Santos International Airport.

It takes an average person an hour to travel.

It only took Luke thirty minutes to drive the Audi A8 into the airport parking lot.

When he walked into the airport and looked at the big screen, the plane flying from New York City had just arrived. The state it was in a minute ago had also changed to the state of landing.

Luke, like other people around him, stood in the arrival hall, waiting for Jiaying, Carl, and Daisy, the famous shockwave girl in the future, to come out later.

He was looking forward to meeting the shockwave girl Daisy.

Lu Ke suddenly thought that in the original plot, Jiaying and Carl worked hard to find Daisy, but in the end they paid the price of death and no memory. He couldn't help but shake his head.

By that time, Daisy had already joined SHIELD and was brainwashed by SHIELD.


This time it's different.

at this time.

"Jingle Bell."


Lu Ke took out the phone, connected it, and said with a smile: "Jiaying, have you landed?"

The next second.

Luke's expression became weird: "Really, okay, then just wait for me."


Luke turned and walked towards the parking lot outside. After getting in the car, he drove directly into the private hangar area that was forbidden to ordinary people.

Although he doesn't have a private jet here, he has a certificate.

With FBI credentials, even if he wanted to go to District 51, no one would stop him under special circumstances.

Luke headed towards Hangar No. 18 not far away.

Somewhat curious.

Jiaying just called and said that they had arrived, but they didn't come by public flight, but by Teacher Daisy's private plane.

Daisy's teacher?

Who is this?

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