A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 208 I want to kill him, what does it have to do with him!

Seve's words trailed off.

The expression on Luke's face suddenly paused.

He kept putting the wine glass under his mouth, turned his face sideways, and looked at Sever without blinking.

Cypher wasn't lying when he looked serious.


Luke reacted, put the wine glass in his hand on the table, then frowned slightly and looked at Seve: "Because of me?"

Seve nodded, and then asked again with some confusion: "Are you sure, Alexander, I really didn't tell you anything?"

This unscientific.

And it is very inconsistent with the behavior pattern of a super villain.

If Alexander hadn't said anything to Luke.

So what is Alexander planning?

It is different from Luke's attributes, which are similar to Hydra's cooperative allies.

Cypher studied under Dr. Zola, the electronic superman, and he was considered a rising star.

And because he is the only disciple of Dr. Zola, the electronic superman, Seve attended many internal meetings that required offline participation as the representative of Dr. Zola, the electronic superman.

So Seve knew more about Hydra's inside story than the average person.

For example, why Roland Fury betrayed Alexander and turned to Daniel Whitehorse this time.

"Roland Fury is also an old man within the organization."

"And because of his status, he is more cost-effective than ordinary members."

"Of course."

"He also knows that his identity is more important, so in Dongguo dialect, how do you say it?"

Sever frowned, thinking to himself.

Lu Ke reminded: "Are you proud of your favor?"

Seve snapped his slender fingers: "Yes, that's it. You must have dealt with Roland Fury before, and it was unpleasant. Otherwise, you wouldn't want to kill him."

Luke shook his head.

"No, I just felt unhappy with him, so I wanted to kill him."


Kill someone if you don't like them?


You have the potential to join Hydra.

Seve looked at someone with the same attribute as her and looked at him with admiration, and then asked: "About seven or eight days ago, Roland found Alexander. I heard Dr. Zola said that Roland wanted to ask Alexander to authorize him to treat you. Carrying out a Hydra-style strike.”

Luke looked up at Sever.

"A Hydra-style strike?"

"Make you disappear."

Sever said concisely: "But Alexander did not agree, and then told Roland that you were our ally. Then Roland exploded and had a big quarrel with Alexander. In the end, the negotiation collapsed. What happened after that? Queen, Rowland has switched to Daniel Whitehorse.”

Luke leaned on the sofa behind him, frowning.

"What does Roland want to do, but Alexander doesn't agree?"

"With you and without him, with him and without you."

Seve once again summarized the core content of the quarrel between Roland and Alexander in seven or eight days, and then looked at Luke: "Obviously, just as you want to kill Roland, Roland also wants you to disappear, but unfortunately, Alexander Didn’t agree.”

After listening to Seve's popular science, Luke was silent for a while and couldn't help but laugh.

After Seve finished speaking, he still felt a little unscientific and said: "I'm curious, did Alexander really say nothing to you?"

Luke glanced at Seve, smiled, then took out his mobile phone from his arms and dialed Alexander's personal number directly: "I'm curious too, just ask."

Seve was slightly stunned. Just when he was about to speak, Luke's call was already answered.

Alexander's voice came from the other end of the phone.

The voice did sound a little tired.

"Lu, are you okay? I'm a little busy right now."

"Sasha, something's wrong."

Luke also got straight to the point. After turning on the speakerphone, he said directly: "So, Roland Fury betrayed you and switched to Daniel Whitehorse because he wanted you to choose him to give up on me, but you didn't agree? "

Alexander on the other end of the phone was slightly stunned when he heard Luke's words. After coming back to his senses, he nodded.

"You know everything?"

Alexander took off the glasses on the bridge of his nose, leaned on the seat behind him, and pinched the area between his eyebrows with his left hand: "What Seve told you is right. She asked me not to tell you my identity and to give you a surprise. You guys know each other, let me guess, they’re not old lovers.”

Luke glanced up at Seve.

Seve crossed his legs and sat on the sofa, looking sideways at Luke without speaking.

Luke smiled.

"Don't say that about my Seve, she's not old."

"That's the lover."

After Alexander laughed, he put away his smile before Luke could deny it, and shook his head helplessly: "Roland wanted to deal with you after he came back, but I didn't agree. I thought he might think you were an outsider. He would say that, so I told him that you are our ally. As a result, when he heard this, he immediately exploded. I originally thought of scolding him and letting him calm down for a few days. , and the damn thing went straight to Daniel Whitehorse."

Speaking of Alexander at the end, the anger flashed through his words.

"This matter won't just be forgotten."

Alexander was very good at nourishing his energy. In just a blink of an eye, he suppressed the anger that had just burst out. After taking a deep breath, his eyes flickered: "Strark, Zemo, and Malik all persuaded them to settle down." Damn it, Fuck, why didn’t they talk about Whitehorse? I was the one who was betrayed.”

Luke touched his chin and gave the answer: "They may think you are an honest person."

Frankly speaking.

Compared with other leaders within Hydra, Alexander Pierce can indeed be regarded as an honest man in a sense.

Alexander was a little furious after hearing this.

"What's wrong with honest people? Do honest people deserve to be bullied?"

"That's what they think."

Luke listened to Alexander's somewhat guarded voice on the phone. Under the gaze of Seve's wide eyes, he added jealously without taking it too seriously: "How many years have you been a member of the organization? How many years has Daniel Whitehorse been a member of the organization?" Years later, others will definitely help Daniel, and let me tell you, if you don’t strike hard in this matter, your majesty will be completely destroyed.”

Alexander's gasping sound was obvious on the other side of the phone.


Luke hit his mark.

This matter is no longer as simple as a betrayal by a subordinate.

If this matter is not handled properly, then he, the director of the Hydra Federation, Alexander Pierce, will lose his authority within the organization from now on.

Because everyone will think that he is inferior to Daniel Whitehorse.

Therefore, we must strike hard!


He really wants to be simple and rough, but there are some things that don't mean that you can be simple and rough just because you want to be simple and rough.

the reason is simple.

Daniel Whitehorse is the old man of the organization.

He wasn't ready for an all-out war with Daniel Whitehorse.

Alexander took a deep breath again, rubbed his eyebrows, and once again suppressed the anger in his heart: "This matter is not as simple as you said, so, is this why you called?"

Luke shook his head: "No, I originally wanted to ask you, Roland Fury, why didn't you tell me because I betrayed you? Of course, I may have guessed the reason. Seve is more curious about this, so I just called."

Alexander didn’t say it, was it just because he wanted to be a good boss in the hearts of workers who didn’t expect anything in return, and the best partner in the hearts of allies?

Stop talking nonsense.

Luke would not believe that Alexander Pierce had such a noble character.

Of course.

Alexander may have a noble side, but he definitely doesn't have a selfless side.

Luke felt that if his guess was correct, the reason why Alexander did not tell him about Roland Fury's defection was entirely due to face issues.


Luke guessed correctly.

Alexander sighed: "After all, it doesn't sound good to talk about this matter, and I can't explain a word or two on the phone clearly."

After all, no matter what, Roland Fury was originally his subordinate, but his subordinate defected and went around saying that he was the only one who lost face.

No one would ask Roland Fury why he betrayed him.

They will just think you are incompetent.

If you manage your subordinates well, will Roland Fury defect? ​​Or will anyone even dare to defect from you?


Alexander didn't want to talk about this matter with anyone. Even if he did, he would have to wait until he had solved the matter perfectly.

Away from home.

Face is given by oneself, not kicked by others.

When Alexander thought that he really had no way to solve this matter for a while, he felt even more angry. He stopped talking to Luke about his bleeding scar and simply shook his head: "Still. Anything else?"

Luke shook his head: "No more."

Alexander hummed, said something, and hung up the phone.

Luke looked at the screen of the mobile phone in his hand that had been suspended after the call was hung up, and looked at Seve beside him: "Do you know the reason now?"

Seve nodded, then shook his head in amusement: "Man, face, ha."

Lu Ke put away his cell phone and picked up his wine glass again: "In this world, whether a man is seeking fame or profit, to put it bluntly, what he is seeking is face, fame and fortune. This is actually a derivative of face. .”

Sever nodded, agreed with Luke's point, and then said again: "You also know now that Alexander will not let Roland Fury go. Now, you still plan to kill Roland Fury yourself. Rui, risk offending Daniel Whitehorse?"

Luke put down his wine glass, glanced at the time on his watch, stood up from the sofa, put his hands in his pockets, and looked at Sever.

There was no wave in his tone, and he was not affected in any way by what he had just heard.

"I want to kill him, what does it have to do with him!"


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