A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 209 Luke in Zola’s Algorithm (Third update, please subscribe!!)

I want to kill him, what does it have to do with him!

Luke's words have three meanings in one word.

This person is talking about Roland Fury, Daniel Whitehorse, and Alexander Pierce.

But this has nothing to do with Luke.

Jesus could not keep anyone he wanted to kill.

Daniel Whitehorse was worse than Jesus, so he was even more irresistible.

As for Alexander?

Luke knew why Alexander was so tired on the phone.

Just like what Seve said just now.

This matter is not as simple as Roland Fury's betrayal, but it has already involved a power struggle within Hydra.

The power struggle between Alexander Pierce and Daniel Whitehorse.

Roland Fury is just the trigger that ignited this fight, a tool in this power struggle.

The former wants him to die, the latter wants him to live.

For now, it seems that within Hydra, other leaders are in the camp of the old man Daniel Whitehorse, and then persuade the honest Alexander to be more generous.

I have to say that both East and West are the same when it comes to calming down troubles. They both like to bully honest people.


Luke shook his head inwardly in amusement, and then looked at Seve curiously: "Isn't Dr. Zola also on Daniel Whitehorse's side?"

Seve smiled and said: "If we side with Daniel Whitehorse, do you think Alexander will still give us CPH4?"

Luke raised his eyebrows.

"So, Alexander and Dr. Zola are allies?"

"Not really."

Seve shook his head and was about to explain when he looked at Luke who suddenly stood in front of him, sniffed his sleeves, then turned and walked towards the bathroom not far away, raised his eyebrows and followed him.

Luke walked into the bathroom, preparing to take a shower to wash away the remaining Sev smell from his body.


Going home with the smell of Seve on him, if Rachel smelled this, no need to think about it, Rachel would definitely be furious.

But just when Luke was about to turn around and close the door, he suddenly looked at Seve who flashed in and was right next to him.


"What are you doing?"


"What a coincidence, so am I."


The shower head in the bathroom was on.

Under the shower head, Luke and Sever were honest with each other.

Seve turned her back to Luke, enjoying the fact that Luke behind her was helping her wash her blond hair, her chest rising and falling slightly: "Dr. Zola's status in the organization is rather special, because Dr. Zola does not need to participate in this kind of secular power struggle. "

Luke nodded.

This is true.

But this is not because Dr. Zola is some noble and upright person.

There is a special reason why Dr. Zola did not intervene in this power struggle game.

Put it this way.

The first element of the power game is that you must be a human being.

Is Dr. Zola human?


But right now, Dr. Zola is purely an electronic being.

It's better that Dr. Zola doesn't fight for it.

If he fought for it, he might make others anxious, and other Hydras would dare to pull out Dr. Zola's network cable directly.

Luke thought to himself.

"So Dr. Zola remains neutral?"


Sever nodded: "Dr. Zola is responsible for the data maintenance of the entire organization and does not participate in direct struggles. It is precisely because of this that after Roland Fury took the entire "Super Potion" laboratory to join Daniel Whitehorse, Alexander CPH4 will be given to us."

Luke was a little curious.

"Give it to you?"

"What's wrong."

"I thought you were here to get PCH4 for Alexander."

While helping Seve rinse his long hair, Luke said: "In that case, you are you and Alexander is Alexander. But, what do you want CPH4 for? Is it also to study "super potion"?"

Seve lowered his head and enjoyed Luke's VIP hair washing service: "Clone!"

Luke paused slightly while washing himself.


"Yes, the role of CPH4 is not just as simple as a super potion. It is an indispensable substance for the evolution of life. Cloning is the correct use of CPH4."


Luke realized what Dr. Zola wanted to use CPH4 for, and handed the towel to Seve: "Dr. Zola is planning to re-create a body for himself?"

Good guy.

Hydra is worthy of being called the science and technology center of the Third Reich.

The black technology produced is like leeks, cropping after cropping.

Alexander thought about using CPH4 to create artificial mutants.

Dr. Zola is even more of a genius. He invented the electronic life transfer technology, and now he is starting to tinker with recreating a body for himself.

Luke looked at Seve, who had his long hair tied up high after taking the towel, and said something from the bottom of his heart.



Dr. Sefertizola accepted Luke's compliment and smiled slightly. After tying up his long hair, he turned around and stared at Luke: "If you want to kill Roland Fury, maybe I can help."

Luke smiled and said: "Help? I remember you just said that Dr. Zola is from the neutral camp and will not participate in the internal struggle of the organization."

Seve nodded: "Yes, but you are within the organization, right? Moreover, Daniel Whitehorse's collapse is also good for us."

Luke's thoughts were spinning rapidly, thinking about Seve's words.

"Dr. Zola plans to ally with me?"

"The Doctor had the idea."


"Dr. Zola has a very special algorithm."

Seve didn't seem to hide her thoughts from Luke. After taking off her high-heeled boots, she, who was only as tall as Luke's chin, raised her delicate face, looked at Luke who was looking down at her and said: "Your After your name appeared, the doctor immediately started using this algorithm to calculate you."

Zola's algorithm.

Luke immediately thought of this program that was said to be able to use scientific analysis to analyze what kind of person a little kid would become in the future, and he was a little curious about the Zola algorithm's prediction of him.

"How is the result?"

"Unspeakable, indescribable, unpredictable."

Sever said: "This is the conclusion that the doctor came to after making several calculations."

Luke touched his chin: "Really? It's so powerful."

He knows what his future holds.

The issue is……

How did Dr. Zola know that?

"It seems that if there is a chance, I must meet Dr. Zola and chat with each other." Luke smiled, walked out of the bathroom, took out his spare suit, and started to put it on: "So, just because My future is indescribable, do you plan to form an alliance with me?"

Sever also followed Luke out, looked at Luke who was tying his shirt, reached out to take over Luke's work, and tied Luke's shirt: "The cake within the organization has been divided, whether it is Zemo or Struck , even if it’s Alexander, they won’t let another person come in and share the cake.”

Luke raised his chin slightly, and it was his turn to enjoy Seve's clothes: "It sounds like they will let me share the cake."

Seve grabbed the red tie on the side: "It was not possible before, but Alexander and Daniel Whitehorse had a conflict over Roland Fury. This is an opportunity, if you really plan to kill Roland Fury. , this opportunity is here.”

Luke lowered his eyes and glanced at Sever, who was concentrating on putting on his faith tie, with the corners of his mouth raised.

"This is also the conclusion reached by Dr. Zola using the algorithm."

"No, this is a possibility I came up with after you said you wanted to kill Roland Fury."

After Sever tied up Luke's faith, he reached out and patted his faith. He raised his head and looked at Luke: "I just mentioned it when the doctor asked about you. You and I have been dating online. It’s just a matter of more than a month, so the doctor feels that there is a basis for cooperation between us.”

Luke understood.

Emotions This is why Sever wanted to eat him on the spot as soon as they met him in person.

Cooperation requires a foundation.

And the basis is the need for trust.

Although physical collision cannot become trust, it can become the cornerstone of trust.

Luke looked at Seve who turned around again in front of him, and put the protective film on the mountain for the latter: "So, Dr. Zola plans to form an alliance with me and use me and Alexander to drive Daniel Whitehorse off? "


This is another reason why Luke likes to walk alone.

Once an organization becomes big, it has all kinds of birds.

And once the organization is established for too long, it will forget the original intention of the organization and fall into endless struggles for power and intrigue.

I just said that Dr. Zola has no desires and desires, and is a worldly expert within the organization.

What now.

There was no chance before, but now that there is a chance, isn't Dr. Zola still eager to try playing chess?

Luke thought in his heart, he really wanted to have a word with Hydra!

Hydra, have you forgotten the original intention of the organization?

After Luke fastened his belt, Seve turned around and looked at the expression on Luke's face, as if he knew what Luke was thinking.

"Dr. Zola really didn't intend to get involved in this fight, but that was before Daniel Whitehorse took over the 'Super Potion'."

"CPH4 can only produce so much."

"The organization has now broken with the Ten Commandments Gang, and it is no longer possible to obtain CPH4 from the Ten Commandments Gang."


"So attacking Daniel Whitehorse is equivalent to attacking the super potion. In this way, the organization's focus will shift from "super potion" to "cloning technology"?"

Luke took over Seve's words: "That's it."

Seve nodded, acknowledging this, and then looked at Luke: "So, can we cooperate?"

Luke glanced at the time on his watch, smiled, and looked up at Seve.

"If necessary, I will tell you."


"I am going home."


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