A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 210 Roland Fury, coming to seek death (Fourth update, please subscribe!)

Chapter 210 Roland Fury, coming to seek death (Fourth update, please subscribe!)

When Luke bought the steak and parked the car in the garage, it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

Lorna had been picked up by her dance partner tonight in a stretch Lincoln half an hour ago to take her to school for the dance.

Luke has seen the information of the sixteen-year-old boy.


The name is not outstanding, at least it is not in his memory, which shows that this boy will not be a superhero or a villain in the Marvel universe.

The family background is also ordinary.

My parents ran a foreign trade company in Los Santos, making about seven to eight million dollars a year.

In a small place, he might be a super rich man, but this is Los Santos, so his family background is indeed ordinary.


Ordinary is fine.

After all, this is life, not a TV series, so how can it be exciting every day?

Luke still hopes that Lorna's future will be ordinary, without excitement or thrills.

Not like him.

Lu Ke feels that his originally planned retirement life has been transformed into a TV series with labels such as "inspirational", "upgrade", "powerful" and "harem".

Ally with Dr. Zola to fight Daniel Whitehorse?

And then join Hydra and become one of its leaders?

are you crazy.

It will be 10 years in a dozen days, and there are only a few years left before Hydra is destroyed again. Going to play in Hydra at this time is different from joining the national army in 1949. ?

And even if you join the National Army in 1949, after the National Army fails, if you are lucky, you will still end up well.

But joining HYDRA?


You'll spend the rest of your life waiting to be jailed.

Luke said that he could play alliance with Hydra, but he would never join Hydra.

He will die with Hydra by then.

Or will he need to turn the tide and save Hydra when the time comes?

Luke wanted neither.

Of course.

He didn't directly reject Seve either.

After all, Seve had done something for him. Luke felt that there was no need to say it all at the beginning, and what if he suddenly had an idea at that time.


Many friends and many paths are not a bad thing.

However, whether to cooperate, how to cooperate specifically, and how to divide the harvest after cooperation, all need to be considered in advance.

When Luke was doing missions in the main god space, he saw a lot of the main god team in the mission world. They originally agreed to form an alliance, but later they were beaten out of their wits due to various interests.

He needed to think carefully and agreed to reply to Seve before she left Los Santos.

After getting Luke's answer, Seve let go of Luke and said with a hint of displeasure in his tone that he asked Luke, a good man, to go home quickly to be with his fiancée. He sincerely hoped that Luke could still let him go tonight. His fiancée is satisfied.

Seve may have felt that after she juiced Luke twice, there was not a drop left in Luke today.

Luke didn't bother to explain this.

He knows he is strong.

This is enough.

After turning off the flame.

Luke flipped through the stack of information that Jack handed him just before leaving. After checking the little boy's family background, he threw it on the passenger seat and opened the sunshade in front of him. He raised his chin and looked at the red lipstick mark left on his neck.

I knew it.

Luke recalled the scene when Seve hugged him and nibbled on him when he just left. After pulling a wet wipe to wipe away the evidence of guilt from his neck, he lifted up the clothes he had just changed and smelled them.

Clean and smelly.

But not much.

Within the scope of possible contamination during normal communication activities.

After making sure that no incriminating evidence was left behind, Luke closed the sun visor, grabbed the steak he had just purchased, opened the car door, and walked out.

inside the house.

The living room was empty and deserted.

The laughter came from the backyard.

After Luke took off his coat, he walked to the backyard with the steak he purchased. He looked at Rachel who was standing there holding a red wine glass and talking and laughing with Jiaying: "What are you talking about? Lorna, go Is it school?"

Rachel looked at Luke who walked into the backyard, greeted him with a smile, kissed Luke and said, "If you had gone home half an hour earlier, you might have seen the little boy who picked up Lorna. "

Luke shrugged and said, "I do want to come back early. Isn't it because you and Lorna don't want me to come back early?"

Rachel took the steak handed over by Luke, opened it and took a look, then turned to Jiaying and said, "You guys are chatting while I go take care of the steak."

Jiaying put down the red wine glass in her hand and followed Rachel towards the house: "I'm here to help."

Daisy, who was sitting aside, looked at Jiaying who was leaving, then looked at the scene where she was the only woman left in the backyard, then looked at Luke who was looking towards her, hesitated for a moment, and also looked at her from the seat. He stood up from the chair and quickly followed Jiaying into the house.

Luke walked aside, poured himself a glass of bourbon, clinked glasses with Carl, and then walked towards the barbecue where Rachel had just lit the fire, preparing the preparations for the barbecue. Looking at Karl who was helping him next to him, he said: "After the festival, do you plan to settle here or go somewhere?"

Carl shook his head.

"I haven't thought about it yet."

"Then settle here."

Luke gave his own advice: "With your ability, it shouldn't be difficult to find a laboratory with the right expertise. Don't go back to Dongguo. Although Daisy was born in Dongguo, she is already used to being in the Federation." , and there is the Ten Commandments Gang in the Eastern Kingdom."

Karl nodded: "I know, but I haven't been feeling very good lately. I'm afraid that if we stay, we will cause trouble for you."

Luke laughed: "Trouble, what trouble can you bring me."

Karl took a deep breath: "Werner Reinhardt!"

That is today's Daniel Whitehorse.

It was this guy who kidnapped Jiaying and tore his beloved woman into pieces, causing their family of three to not be reunited until recently.

This hatred.

This hate.

Even all the water in the Atlantic Ocean could not calm down the fire of anger that burned just by mentioning this guy's name.

Karl clenched his fists and did not hide it from Luke.

"I feel like he's targeting us again."


Luke put the greased barbecue grill on the barbecue. After listening to these words, he looked at Karl: "Did you feel it, or did you discover it?"

Karl shook his head: "It's a feeling, and I had this feeling a few days ago when I was in New York City. I always felt like there were a pair of eyes staring at me and Jiaying."

Luke raised an eyebrow.

"what about now?"

"it's gone now."

Karl took a deep breath: "Since leaving New York City, this feeling has disappeared, but the sense of crisis is still there, very mysterious, I don't know how to describe it, if he really finds us in New York City , then sooner or later he will find us here in Los Santos."

He wished that when he saw Daniel Whitehorse, he would go up and chop him off on the spot.


There is nowhere to use his strength, which is what he is in now.

Karl knew very well who his enemy was, but what could he do if he knew it? Even last time, when this guy captured Jiaying, he didn't show up.

Because this guy has many subordinates who are willing to risk their lives for him.

For such an enemy who you know exists but you just can't find him, isn't it just a feeling of powerlessness and frustration?

"I can understand you."

Luke looked at the expression of anger and helplessness on Carl's face, and said with empathy: "The feeling that you clearly want to shoot someone to death, but you have something urgent to do, so you have to let him go, is too uncomfortable. "

He got this feeling from Roland Fury.

Luke felt bad.


He was too lazy to wait until the next time he saw Roland Fury to shoot him to death.

Luke planned to take the initiative.

As soon as he gets to work tomorrow, he will ask Debbie to locate Roland Fury's specific location for him. Even if he runs into the Amazon Primeval Forest, he plans to fly there and send him directly to the banquet.


His thoughts were incomprehensible.


The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

Luke closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths, and suppressed the burning desire to kill Roland Frey.

There are guests at home tonight, so it's not appropriate to go out, and it's even more inappropriate to go out and kill people.

Luke thought in his mind.

Karl opened his mouth and looked at Luke who said he felt the same way: "This is not what I'm talking to you about...Forget it, it's a pity, I really can't find where this Daniel Whitehorse is, otherwise , even if I risk my life, I will kill him, so that even if I die, Jiaying and my daughter will no longer have to hide around."

Luke opened his eyes again and shook his head: "Sorry, I don't know where he is."

He did know the address of the hotel where Sever was staying.

Moreover, there was a room card that Seve had thrust into him along with the lipstick mark under the seat of the vehicle.

But where Daniel Whitehorse was, he really didn't know.


Luke touched his chin, thought for a while, and said to Karl: "Stay, maybe in a few days, Daniel Whitehorse will be chopped into pieces by me."

When Carl heard this, he was stunned and looked at Luke.

Luke smiled and said nothing.

In fact, what Seve said is not unreasonable.

If he chops up Roland Fury in a few days, then Daniel Whitehorse, who accepted his surrender, will definitely be furious and think that this is something he and Alexander did.

It’s hard to say whether Alexander will sell him.

But no matter what, Daniel Whitehorse was going to come and kill him.


One sheep is driven, and so are two sheep.

Luke thought, nodding towards Karl.

"I help……"

"Jingle Bell!"

Before Lu Ke finished speaking, the phone in his arms rang rapidly.


Luke raised his eyebrows, said sorry to Karl, and answered the phone.


came Lorna's voice.

"Luke, come and save me. The Sentinel Secret Service has surrounded our gym."


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