A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 212 I’m waiting for someone, you’re waiting to die (first update, please subscribe!)

Luke sat in the car, looking expressionlessly at the ten sentries wearing black sentry uniforms, pointing guns at him.

The leading sentry looked at Luke sitting in the car and shook the gun in his hand!

"get off!"


A sneer appeared on Luke's lips, and then, under the gaze of the sentry, he took his hands off the steering wheel, unbuckled his seat belt, pushed open the car door, and walked out.

The sentry frowned and looked at Luke who got out of the car: "Who are you?"

Luke glanced at the sentry, looked at the time on his watch, and then reached into his pocket to take it out.

The sentry was shocked: "Don't move!"

Luke paused with his right hand and looked at the sentry expressionlessly: "Can't you recognize my license plate? If you dare, shoot."

He didn't believe that someone from the Sentinel Secret Service wouldn't recognize the license plate of his Los Santos FBI Assistant Director of Operations.

Even if these people don’t know each other, they must know the license plate color.

Blue text on white background.

License plate color for federal law enforcement agencies.



"You dare?"

Luke said this, and then, under the gaze of the sentry, he ignored the sentry, put his right hand into his pocket, took out a box of cigarettes, and lit it for himself.

The leading sentry watched this scene, his chest heaving, especially after seeing Luke lighting a cigarette in front of him, his chest heaved even more violently, and he wished he could just pull the trigger on his hand and give Luke a shot. shuttle.


Luke was right.

He doesn't dare!

Although he didn't know who Luke was, he knew the color of the license plate. If nothing else, this car belonged to the Los Santos Federal Bureau of Investigation.

That's if he pulls the trigger.

He is happy now, but in the future, no one will protect him.

The sentry took a deep breath and looked solemnly at Luke, who was leaning against the car door with one hand in his pocket, as if waiting for someone.

"Who is you?"


Luke blew out a puff of smoke and raised his hand to look at the time on his watch: "One minute."

The sentry was slightly startled.

What a minute?

Just when he was about to speak, the buzzing sound of an engine suddenly hit him from a distance.

The ten sentries standing at the door looked up.

Enter the eyes.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

"Whoa whoa whoa!"

About a dozen black Ford SUVs wearing blue letters on a white background with the name "Federal Government Agency" came quickly from a distance in the darkness with their police lights flashing.

Luke turned his head and glanced, and after stubbing out the cigarette he had finished in five puffs with one hand, he laughed and looked at the sentry who looked a little stunned: "I'm waiting for my people, what are you waiting for?"

He just gave these people a chance.

As long as they shoot, he will definitely reveal that he can mutate his skills.

In this way, these sentries could kill him more legitimately.


"Give you a chance, you are really useless."

The words fell.

Twelve black Ford SUVs stopped one after another behind Luke. With a clattering sound, more than 20 federal agents with guns got out of the vehicles.



Time was so tight that Jack, who hadn't even changed into his suit and was still wearing a cartoon couple's coat, ran in front of Luke, then looked at the ten sentries holding weapons in front of him: "Three seconds, put down the gun!"

More than twenty armed federal agents raised their weapons and aimed at the ten sentries with expressionless faces.

The Sentinels, formed as a target against mutants, are crazy.


Their madness is still not qualified to be put on the table in front of federal agents who claim to have no taboos and even the president dares to investigate.

The leading sentry quickly turned to look behind him, let go, and put down the gun in his hand.


The sound of the gun hitting the ground clattered again.

Luke looked at the leading sentry, smiled, said nothing, and walked toward the school.

"Amy, take someone to watch them." Upon seeing this, Jack turned his head and said to Amy, who was also coming over.

Lu Ke said without looking back: "Leave five people at the door. If they dare to move, or call to inform them, they will shoot directly. I will be responsible for anything that happens."

Jack looked at Amy: "You heard me."


Jack immediately called to the other agents, passed by the sentry and others who were standing at the door, abandoning their own guns and daring not to move, and quickly followed Luke who had already entered the school.

Not long after.

Luke followed the faint blue light that penetrated the sky and found the gymnasium.

At the entrance of the gymnasium, a dozen sentries responsible for guarding and controlling the X-gene suppression and expansion equipment also saw Lu Ke and others walking towards this direction.

Luke put his hands in his pockets.

"Jack, get them under control and allow the fire to begin."

"Don't worry, boss."

Jack rolled up his sleeves, revealing his arm muscles that were already shaped like hills. He smiled ferociously and looked at the sentinels in front of him who were interrupting his date tonight.

damn it.

Tonight is his third date with his girlfriend.

the third time!

He could obviously go home and hit a home run after watching a movie with his girlfriend.

As a result, this group of sentries came to cause trouble tonight without even opening their eyes.




Jack quickly pulled out his gun with his right hand and hit the running sentry on the forehead. Holding his federal ID in his left hand, he looked at the six or seven sentries behind who were ready to take the gun from his waist and said loudly: "Give me the gun." I put it down."

After finishing speaking, Jack eagerly looked at the six or seven sentries in his sight.

He very much hoped that these people would not act like cowards and become tough like the ten sentries at the school gate, so that he could shoot to vent his anger.


After these six or seven sentries heard Jack yelling about the FBI, they all subconsciously dropped their guns as if they were electrified.

The action was so fast, it was as if he had received instructions before he came to throw his gun away when encountering the FBI, without giving the other party any excuse to open fire.

In fact it is.

Roland Fury had said it before they came.

If the FBI comes, don't try to resist, because the FBI Assistant Director of Operations here is an uncivilized savage from the East.

Once they show resistance or refuse to listen to dissuasion, the FBI will definitely shoot them.

This is why after hearing about the FBI, they acted so uniformly, throwing away their guns and raising their hands.

at this time.

"Chief Dann!" The sentry whose head was held by Jack with a gun seemed to know Luke. He looked at Luke who was about to walk towards the gymnasium and said loudly: "Chief Dann, this is our special sentry service. Bureau’s crime scene.”

Luke stopped, turned his head, looked at the sentinel, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Your crime scene."



"In the Atlanta vault robbery, we received a tip that the stealing mutant was in the gym, so this is our case, not the FBI's case."


Luke looked at the sentry who spoke to him fearlessly, tilted his head, and seemed to remember this sentry: "I remember you, you seem to be that Roland Fury."


Luke raised his eyebrows, as if he had discovered a treasure, looked at the gym again, turned to the sentinel and said, "So, Roland Fury is here too?"

Good guy.

What a surprise.

What is this called?

All your wishes come true and everything goes well.

He was just thinking at home that the first thing he would do when he went to work tomorrow was to find this Roland Fury regardless of the end of the world, and then chop him up, so that he could have clear thoughts.


God sent Roland Fury to him.

Tsk tsk.

It seems that this Roland Fury did not take his threat to heart.

Or rather, I feel like I have a new boss now, so I have nothing to fear.

Luke's thoughts were turning and he walked towards the gymnasium.

Fire inside.

The sentry saw this and shouted again.

"Director Dane, this is our sentinel's case, you have no right..."


Luke turned around, drew his gun, and pulled the trigger.


The sentry who tried to stop Luke hit his eyebrows and kept his mouth open. Then, his eyes were filled with panic and he tried to move his gaze upwards.


In the end, he failed to see the hole between his eyebrows as he wished, and he completely felt the invasion of endless darkness, and then fell to the ground with a thud.

"No rights?"

Luke snorted and glanced at the remaining sentries. "You have the right to try to prevent the FBI from handling the case, right?"

Say it.

Luke ignored the remaining six or seven people outside who were looking at the corpses of his colleagues. He walked towards the gymnasium with anger, speechlessness and a horrified expression.

Jack also ignored the bodies on the ground, waved to the agents behind him, and then took the lead to follow Luke in front.

In the gymnasium.

Because there were sentries guarding both the back and front doors, the students who came to attend the party in the gym could only undergo X-gene testing under the power of the Sentinels Secret Service.

Three mutants, two male and one female, have been found, wearing blue-light X-gene suppression collars around their necks, and were controlled by sentries.

After the sentry responsible for testing confirmed that the approaching student was not a mutant, he directly greeted: "Next."

at this time.

Roland Fury, who was standing aside and wearing a windbreaker, saw Lorna who had moved to the back among the people in the queue. He pointed at Lorna and said, "Test her first."


The two sentries moved towards Lorna, grabbed Lorna's arms, and dragged her towards the examination table.

Lorna struggled away: "Let me go, let me go!"

Clarice, who was also in the team, saw this and hurriedly stepped forward.



One of the sentries slapped Clarice in the face, knocking her to the ground.

Lorna yelled when she saw this.

But that still didn't stop her from being dragged to the testing table.

Lorna looked at the probe raised by the sentry in front of her with a horrified expression.

at this time.



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