A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 213 Fury! die! ! (Second update, please subscribe!!)

Almost at the same time, the sentry was about to take the detector needle in his hand and stab it into the arm of Lorna, who was sitting opposite and was suppressed by two sentries but was still struggling.


The gym door behind him opened with a loud bang.

The sentries in the gymnasium, as well as the students who were ordered to check here one after another, looked at it almost subconsciously.

at this time.


Along with the door being kicked open from the outside, the sound of bullets piercing the air as soon as they came out of the barrel roared.

The next second.

The bullets speeding from outside the gymnasium accurately penetrated the back of the head of the sentry who was holding a probe and was about to stab Lorna's arm.


With a bang, the back of his head exploded, and the sentry, who lost his life in an instant, seemed to have been slapped hard from behind, and his whole face was hit hard on the table in front of him.

The two sentries holding Lorna were shocked.



"Bang! Bang!"

Two more bullets fired from the Glock 19 in Luke's hand roared out.

Two puffs!

The two sentries standing on both sides of Lorna, holding Lorna's arms, almost at the same time, brilliant blood bloomed from their foreheads.

"do not move!"


"Drop the gun."

"Fake, snap!"

Jack, with the agents behind him, quickly passed by Luke who was walking in front, and quickly ran into the stadium. He rushed to Roland Fury who was subconsciously about to take the gun from his arms, and smashed the butt of the gun directly. On Roland Fury's shoulder he roared: "FBI!"

Luke, who was wearing a suit and tie and holding a Glock 19 pistol, also walked in from the outside with his leather shoes making a crisp sound on the floor. His eyes were drawn after Jack smashed the butt of the gun. The muzzle of the gun glanced past Roland Fry, who was nailed to the forehead, and then fell on his sister Lorna.

Lorna sat blankly on the chair, looking at the sentinel lying on the table in front of her with a flower on the back of his head, with a dull expression.

She didn't realize anything until she caught a glimpse of Luke out of the corner of her eye.

Luke is here to save me!

Lorna quickly came to her senses and looked up at Luke, who was walking towards her. Tears were rising in her eyes almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Lorna yelled, quickly stood up from the chair, and then threw herself directly into Luke's arms, crying loudly: "Wow~~Luke~~ I thought I couldn't see you."

Luke held Lorna, who was sobbing directly in his arms, to comfort her.

Lorna's shoulders were twitching as she cried, and she looked at Luke with tearful eyes: "They also beat Clarice, just because Clarice didn't want me to be captured by them, and then they After beating Clarice, they want to beat me!”

Luke looked at Clarice, who had stood up from the floor not far away.

"Is everything okay?"


After Clarice saw Luke coming, she couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. She shook her head and put down her right hand that was covering her face.

Luke looked.


The palm prints of the five fingers were very bright red.

Luke narrowed his eyes slightly: "Who hit me!"

Clarice shook her head.

After seeing Luke coming, she felt completely at ease. She hugged Luke tightly, as if she had found her magic needle. She pointed directly at the sentry on the side who was being cared for by the federal agent: "Luke, it's him, that's it." I remember him very clearly."

Luke nodded.

Just remember the person.

Raise your wrist!




When the sentry saw Luke's gaze, his expression suddenly changed. Just when he was about to speak, his head couldn't help but jerked back.

Under the painful gazes of many students in the gymnasium, the sentry identified by Lorna raised his head behind him the moment he was hit by Lorna, and then hit the floor behind him heavily.

After the sound of close contact between the back of the head and the floor.

The sentry was already lying on the floor, staring, dead.

The many students present did not panic.

Because they had gone from the initial panic to realizing that Luke was Lorna's brother and one of their own, they no longer showed any panic.

Even now their eyes fell on the sentry who fell to the ground, and they felt a strange feeling when they saw the sentry's eyes that were staring blankly.

Well done!

Deserve it.

How could you be so fierce just now and hit us?

You must have received your retribution now.

at this time.

A roar came from behind the sentinel as he was almost in close contact with the floor.


"do not move!"

Jack looked at Roland Fry, who had a black and red face in front of him, with the muzzle of the gun in his hand pointed directly at his head, and scolded: "Be more honest, old nigger!"

When Roland Fury heard the title, he was instantly ignited with anger again and glared at Luke.

One sentence.

The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.

Obviously, in his opinion, the reason why Jack dared to say such discriminatory words to him was because he must have been bewitched and coerced by this yellow-skinned dog.


This is all Luke's fault!

Luke looked in the direction of Roland Fury.

Roland Fury looked at him with an angry look that said, "I know who you are, but you also know who I am, and I bet you don't dare do anything to me."

Is this guy blaming me for not coming to you as soon as I entered the house?

Luke raised his eyebrows and said to Lorna in his arms, "Wait for me."

Lorna nodded obediently, left Luke's arms, and ran to Clarice: "Are you okay?"

A smile appeared on Clarice's face and she shook her head.

She was really fine this time.

After Lorna left, Luke tidied up his worried coat that Lorna had just hugged, and while tugging on the cuffs, he walked in front of Roland Fury.

Roland Fury continued to use the "I'm not afraid of you" look in his eyes, ignoring Jack's gun on his head and glaring at the approaching Luke.

"This is my case."

"Put the gun down."


Jack heard Luke's instructions and without any hesitation, he moved the muzzle away from Roland Fury's head.

This move made Roland Fury even more confident that Luke really didn't dare to attack him.

the reason is simple.

His current boss is Daniel Whitehorse.

Daniel Whitehorse had wanted to poach him more than once before, but he never agreed because Alexander Pierce had good feelings for him.

But ten days ago, this emotion disappeared.

Since Alexander Pierce said that, the yellow-skinned dog who was fighting against him turned out to be one of theirs.

She wasn't even allowed to offend him again.

It’s better not to have such a boss.

Roland Fury was furious and switched to Daniel Whitehorse.

He found that he had done the right thing.

After so many days, Alexander Pierce was very angry, but because his new boss was Daniel Whitehorse, he didn't even dare to fart.


Even Alexander had nothing to do with him. He was also afraid of his new boss, Daniel Whitehorse, and didn't dare to attack him, let alone a yellow-skinned dog who was Alexander's dog.

Does he dare to attack himself?


He didn't dare.

He even knelt in front of me and begged me not to cause trouble for him.

As he thought about this, he felt more and more that he was right. At this moment, under the blessing of "When a black man thinks, God laughs", Roland Fury looked at Luke in front of him, and the expression on his face revealed a bit of sarcasm. The expression came.

On the side, Anna Okoyete, who was wearing tights, a curvy figure, and yellow goggles, looked at Luke expressionlessly.

Luke's eyes crossed Anna Okoyette's face, and then, looking at Roland Fry who smiled sarcastically at him, he smiled brightly, looking at the wrinkles at the latter's collar, and even more It was a considerate reaching out to help Roland Fury rearrange it.

As the younger brother of Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he can also enjoy the treatment that half a big shot deserves to die.

But such a move made the sarcastic expression on Roland Fury's face intensify.

"Luke, get out of here now..."

"Have I ever told you that your good luck will not come to you three times in a row?"

Luke interrupted, looking at Roland Fury with a bright smile: "Have I ever told you that you won't have such good luck the third time we meet?"

Roland Fury's eyes saw the bright smile on Luke's face, and then he also saw the infinite coldness in the deep eyes, and the mocking look on his face froze instantly.

All of a sudden.

An unprecedented coolness, even coming from his soul, rose from the soles of his feet out of thin air, and with a hiss, the CPU of his brain, which was originally so hot, froze.

Roland Fury opened his mouth subconsciously.


"This is the third time."

Luke spoke softly and smiled brightly.

The next second.

Raise your wrist.

Glock 19 fell on his right hand instantly, and then aimed directly at Roland Fury's head.

Roland Fry looked at the finger pulling the trigger, his eyes widened.




The gun's muzzle burst into flames.

The bullet was fired and instantly entered the head of Roland Fury who was very close at hand.

After Roland Fury was shot in the head, he was caught off guard, and was dragged backwards by the powerful kinetic energy of the bullet, until the back of his head hit the wall one meter away behind him, and a watermelon was heard from the back of his head. After the cracking sound, the head split open and turned into a corpse with only half of the head open, falling limply towards the floor.

Luke stood on the spot with his gun expressionless, looking at the man who fell to the ground and hung on most of his head. He tried to take one last look with his only big black eyeball, but in the end he failed. , the completely dead Roland Fry.


die! ! !

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