A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 214 Cobra, Hydra? (Third update, please subscribe!!)

Luke's eyes stayed on Roland Fury's body for a second, and then he took it back after confirming that his soul had flown to Hel Hades.

He said that.

Roland Fury here can be lucky once or twice, but he will never be lucky three times in a row.

This time, he was not afraid of overturning the table, and at the same time, he had nothing more important than killing him.


Roland Fry's good luck ends here!

Luke felt that Roland Fury had actually made a lot of money.

After all, not everyone can continue to live for such a long time after making Luke feel unhappy.

Roland Fry had been jumping around for so long and lived for so long. Luke felt that he should actually feel satisfied.

Luke put away his gun.

The next second.

His eyes fell on him. Ever since he came in, he had been standing there without any bad behavior. He was wearing a black tights, showing off his curvy figure, yellow goggles, and long black hair. Hair on a woman.

Luke felt that he seemed a little familiar with this woman's appearance.

He must have seen it somewhere.

Anna Okoyete met Luke's gaze and was also looking at Luke.

at this time.

A Fake sound came from beside her.

It wasn't what she said, but what stood next to her, the tall and strong-looking Robert who was also specially sent by Daniel Whitehorse to protect Roland Fry.

Robert watched the target he was supposed to protect die unexpectedly in front of him. He looked at Roland Fury's body with only half of his head left. After he came to his senses, he broke through the defense on the spot.

The next second.

Robert slapped away the federal agent who stood in front of him and warned him with a gun. Then, his muscles tensed, and his body was like a cheetah. After running out in an instant, he rushed towards Luke in front of him.

Roland Fury is dead.

If he hadn't killed Luke today, he would definitely not be alive when Daniel Whitehorse found out about it.

After all, his mission failed.

Robert knew only too well how Daniel Whitehorse would deal with subordinates who went to carry out orders but failed miserably.

But he obviously hadn't thought about such a problem.

Roland Fury is dead. It is still unknown whether Daniel Whitehorse will kill him after he returns.

But if he attacks Lu Ke now, the mortality rate will be 100%.

Luke looked at Robert, who was flying towards him like a cheetah, and snorted without raising his eyelids.

The next second.


Luke bent down and disappeared in an instant. He kicked in the air and shattered Robert's arm with a crack. At the same time, he turned around and kicked directly because his arm was shattered and he screamed. The sound was on Robert's chest.


Another sound of broken bones was heard.


Robert spat out a large mouthful of blood in an instant, and then flew backwards like a comet, hitting the wall heavily: "Crack!"

All of a sudden.

More sounds of broken bones were heard, along with cracks and cracks appearing on the wall.

The next second.

Robert, who was hanging on the wall with bleeding from all his orifices, slipped from the wall, lowered his head, and fell silently into the arms of Roland Fry, who was right next to him, with only half of his head left.


The entire gymnasium became even quieter. It couldn't be said to be completely silent, but it could also be said that an angel was passing by.

Clarice looked at Luke who landed firmly in the air and tugged at the hem of her clothes, then lowered her eyes and slowly adjusted his cuffs. She could no longer help but said to Lorna beside her: "God, Director Dane is so handsome.”

Lorna looked at Clarice who had a nymphomaniac smile on her face.

Although she also thought Luke was handsome and like a nympho just now.

It's a pity she can't.

Because Luke is her brother.


Lorna looked at Clarice who had a nympho expression on her face, couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and pushed her best friend: "It's a fight, be serious."

No matter what the occasion, you will be a nymphomaniac.

Believe it or not, I will tell Rachel when I get back.

Lorna thought in her heart.

Clarice glanced at Lorna, and then, under the latter's gaze, she said very cleverly: "Oh!"

"..." Lorna.

Not sure if it was her imagination, but Lorna just felt that there seemed to be a hint of awe in Clarice's eyes when she looked at her?

Wait a moment.

Lorna was stunned for a moment, then seemed to think of something, and with a swipe, she turned her attention to her male companion in the crowd opposite.


She saw her male companion lowering his head in a hurry after noticing his gaze.


The sound of breaking glass echoed in Lorna's heart.

At this moment, when she saw her male companion who lowered his head and did not dare to look directly at her, Lorna understood one thing.

Her budding love had wings and had flown away.

Lorna couldn't help but look at the other students.

Enter the eyes.

She could see in the eyes of other students that they were already looking at her with fear hidden deep in their eyes.


This is definitely going to make you mad.

Come on, this is the Sentinel Secret Service.

The results of it?

Before Lorna's brother even appeared on the scene, he killed three sentries with three shots, and then with a smile on his face, he killed the dark-skinned man who was obviously the leader of the sentries this time without any warning.

Just kill if you say kill, it’s not scary.

The scary thing is, while laughing, killing at the same time.

Not to mention the tall and strong guy just now.

Lorna's brother directly kicked the guy's arm with two kicks, and then kicked the guy directly and flew him to the wall, where he hung it up like a painting.

Beating someone is like hanging a painting, nothing more than that.


With such a powerful brother who is so powerful and powerful, his sister is something that ordinary people would dare to provoke.

Not to mention provoking, she didn't even dare to look at each other. If she wasn't careful, Lorna suddenly said, "Whoever bullies her, the end will be miserable."

Many students faced Lorna's gaze, either smiling timidly, looking away guiltily, or simply lowering their heads.

Lorna had only one thought in her mind at the moment.

If possible, she would like to change schools.

Luke, after finishing his sleeves, took one last look at the bodies of Roland Fry and Robert, who had already flown together to report to Hades under the wall. He withdrew his gaze and looked towards The remaining sentries who were controlled by federal agents asked: "Is there anyone left to stop the FBI from handling the case?"

Some people want to die, and Luke doesn't mind sending them to Hel Hades.


After Roland Fury died and Robert was kicked away, the many sentries who were controlled remained silent.

Seeing this, Luke sneered.



Jack came from behind and stood beside Luke.

Luke pointed not far away. They had been rescued from the student crowd by the sentries and had been put on X-gene suppression collars. Three sixteen-year-old mutants, two males and one female, looked very panicked: " Untie them and let them go.”

Jack nodded, glanced around, and finally settled on a sentry. He walked over and looked at the sentry expressionlessly: "You heard me."

The sentry swallowed, and first gestured to his pocket. After getting Jack's permission, he hurriedly took out the key that can release the X-gene suppression control collar from his pocket. Parkinson's right hand shook as he handed it to Jack: "This It’s the key.”

Jack grabbed the key directly from the sentry's hand. Instead of giving the job to anyone else, he took the key and walked towards the three mutants in the corner.

This is the task Luke gave him.

How can we let others do the boss's task?

Click! Click! Click!

The faint blue light on the X-gene suppression control collars that had just been put on the necks of the two men and one woman disappeared instantly.

The three mutants quickly took off the collars around their necks, and then looked at Jack, who seemed not to embarrass them, and said quickly: "Thank you."

Jack laughed: "Go back."

The three mutants, who were already in despair and thought that they would be imprisoned in the Sentinel Prison for the rest of their lives, listened to these words and showed expressions of joy and relief on their faces. After saying thank you to Jack again, He just ran towards the group of students again.

The other students in the twelfth grade did not hate mutants as much as the publicity said.

Even after the three exposed mutants came back, friends who had been playing well before were already shocked by the identity of their friends' mutants with various expressions of surprise.

After all, at the age of sixteen, the main thing is rebellion.


At the age of sixteen, there is no adult intrigue.

Just young.

Luke looked at the three mutants who had not been indifferent or ostracized after returning. He laughed in his heart. After retracting his gaze, he glanced at the woman in tights who still felt familiar to him, but he only glanced at it. He withdrew his gaze and prepared to leave.

Anna Okoyete, who was also sent by Daniel Whitehorse, looked at Luke who was about to turn away after just glancing at her, and finally couldn't help but said: "They are mutants."

Luke, who had turned around, stopped, then turned around again, his eyes falling on Anna Okoyette who made a sound.

"Can you talk?"

Luke chuckled.

"You didn't speak just now. I thought you were mute. What's your name?"

"Anna, Anna Okoyette."


Luke repeated the woman's name and nodded: "It's a very good name, but since when did the Sentinel Secret Service have a beautiful female sentry like you?"

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