A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 215 Keeping me is more useful than killing me! (Fourth update, please subscribe!!)

Who has the most people in the Sentinel Secret Service?

no doubt.

Most ordinary people hate mutants and are hostile to mutants, and among them, ordinary men are the majority.

There are also women who join the Sentinel Secret Service.

However, most female sentinels, like female FBI agents, basically work in the back office, and very few work in the field.

There are very few female agents in the FBI who can go out in the field, let alone the Sentinel Secret Service, which was founded less than the FBI director and has not as much authority as the federal Secret Service.

Even Earl recently switched careers and started working in the back office.

But this is not to say that Earl doesn't want to go out in the field, but because her boss is a person who doesn't like staying in the office very much.


Luke had some doubts that Anna Okoyette, who was wearing a black leather jacket and having a curvy figure, was not from the Sentinel Secret Service.

Anna did not answer Luke's question, but looked at the three mutants who seemed not to pursue their identities after being released by Luke: "Director Dann just released those three mutants?"

Luke smiled and said, "I'm the FBI, not the Sentinel Secret Service."

He let the terrorists go, that's his fault.



The FBI oversees the astronauts working in space, the divers diving in the deep sea, and the mascot who lives in the white building in the District.

But they just don't care about mutants.

Because after the establishment of the Sentinel Secret Service, it separated this jurisdiction from other law enforcement agencies.


There is no jurisdiction, so what do I care about.

Luke said this, then lowered his eyes, shook his right hand again, Glock 19 in hand, and looked at Anna with a smile: "I answered your question, now it's your turn to answer."

Anna took a deep breath and told Luke the truth.

"Yes, Director Dane, I'm not from the Sentinel Secret Service."

"Not from the Sentinel Secret Service?"

Luke chuckled softly after listening to Anna's answer. Then, with a playful smile on his lips, he looked at Anna who was pretending to be calm: "You are not afraid if you are so honest. I know you are not a member of the Sentinel Secret Service." , will you die here too?"

If it wasn't a sentry, who could still be here?

There is no doubt about this.

Daniel Whitehorse's.

And if nothing unexpected happens.

Luke's eyes glanced over Anna's shoulders, and then landed not far away, beside Roland Fury, who had only half of his head still preserved. He kicked all the bones in his body, even the tendons. The body of the tall man who died: "Like you, he probably wasn't from the Sentinel Secret Service."

Anna turned to look at Robert's body, then turned to look at Luke again.



Luke laughed, walked a few steps forward, and came to Anna. He lowered his eyes condescendingly and looked at Anna, who was actually not short, at least 1.7 meters tall.

Anna raised her head and looked at Luke.

Luke lowered his eyes and looked at Anna, whose face looked calm, but the slightly undulating mountains betrayed her inner thoughts, and asked with interest: "So, Anna, tell me, can you give me a way not to kill you?" Reason?"

Anna almost gave her reason immediately after he said this: "You need to bring the news back alone."

This reason...

Luke raised his eyebrows, looked at Anna who gave this reason, and smiled: "You seem to be a smart person, Anna."

At least the Anna in front of her is much smarter than Roland Fury and that Robert.

If Roland Fury was still alive, he would definitely not have given this reason given his brain capacity.

Luke could even guess what kind of answer Roland Fury would give if he were answering this question.

"You'd better let me go, otherwise my boss, Daniel Whitehorse, won't let you go."


This is the answer of most villains.

And usually the villains who say this are already dead.

This is why Luke said Anna is smart.

She did not directly use the name of her boss, Daniel Whitehorse, to put pressure on Luke. Instead, she gave an answer that sounded like she was considering the problem for him from Luke's perspective.



After Luke finished saying that Anna seemed to be a smart person, he changed the topic, shook his head and smiled: "But if it is just this reason, it is still not enough for me. Without you, your boss can still receive what I want. message sent out.”

Anna's expression did not change at all. She raised her head and met her gaze. The mountain peaks were undulating slightly. She looked at Luke: "I don't pose any threat to you, and I promise, keeping me is more useful than killing me." , Director Dane.”

Luke lowered his eyes and looked at Anna who raised her head, without saying a word.

after awhile.

Luke smiled and withdrew his gaze from Anna.

"You are indeed a smart person, Anna."


Anna looked at Luke who turned his gaze away from her and said, her expression still looking calm.


The mountain peak, which rose and fell more violently than before, betrayed her once again.

Luke's peripheral vision took in Anna's body language, and his peripheral vision did not even stop at the beautiful undulating mountain peaks.

He had no desire for Anna.

At least Luke didn't choose to let Anna go because of his lust.

But because of what Anna said just now: "Keeping me is more useful than killing me."

And Anna behaved herself the moment he came in.


He planned to see how Anna could prove the words "Keeping me is more useful than killing me" with practical actions.

Luke turned around.




Luke glanced at the sentries in the field who were all controlled by his people, and directly ordered: "Collect the useless garbage here, collect the ones that should be collected, throw away the ones that should be thrown away, and then call their families to inform them, Come and pick someone up.”

Jack responded quickly.


Federal agents sprang into action.

Those who drive people away drive people away.

Garbage collectors collect garbage.

Several federal agents cooperated with each other to move the several pieces of garbage lying on the ground that Luke said were completely useless, preparing to move them outside, and then find a place to destroy them.

"Boss." Jack looked at Luke who was waving, ran over, glanced at Anna next to him, and then looked at his boss.

Luke pointed to Anna beside him and ordered to Jack: "Safe house, provide whatever you need."

Jack nodded.

Luke then looked at Anna again: "No one can get two chances with me. It's up to you how to choose."

Say it.

Luke stopped lingering, raised his feet, and walked to Lorna's side again. Then he looked at the gloomy expression on Lorna's face and raised his eyebrows.

"what happened."



Lorna looked up, immersed in her first lovelorn that had withered before it sprouted, and pouted: "I want to go home."

Luke was slightly startled and looked at Clarice on the side.

Seeing this, Clarice said: "Director Dane, I want to go home too. How about I accompany Lorna home first?"

Luke nodded and looked at Lorna: "It's okay to go home, I'll let someone..."

Clarice said quickly: "No, Director Dane, we can just leave on our own. I won't bother you. You know, we are fast."

Luke thought for a moment, nodded again, and then looked at Lorna: "When you get home, ask Rachel to call me."

There was no way he could go home so quickly.

after all……

He still needs to stay here and deal with the follow-up here.

Lorna nodded repeatedly.

Luke then looked at the other students who seemed to have no intention of continuing, and laughed: "Let's all go home. The party is over. If you haven't left for ten minutes, go to our Federal Building for a cup of coffee."

The words fell.


The students at the nearest gymnasium gate were already running towards the door as if their little motors were started.

All of a sudden.

Like zombies emerging from the cage, students ran out of the gymnasium one after another. Not long after, the cars in the parking lot lit up one after another.

Marlborough Private High School is a private school. It cannot be said that all students can afford a new car, but at the age of sixteen, there is still no problem in buying a second-hand car.

About half an hour later.

The stadium was brightly lit but empty.

The sentries were all driven outside and squatted on the lawn.

Luke sat on the steps at the entrance of the gymnasium, looking with interest at the more than thirty sentries squatting on the lawn in front of him, under the supervision of federal agents, holding their heads.

The phone rings.

Luke withdrew from the group of sentries and took out the phone from his arms.



"Lorna is back?"


Rachel, who was at home, raised her head and glanced in the direction of the second floor: "I just came back with Clarice. What's going on? Clarice said that people from the Sentinel Secret Service went to school?"

Luke heard the nervousness in Rachel's words: "Don't worry, when I came over, these sentries were just about to draw Lorna's blood, but I stopped them."

Rachel breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good. Are those sentries gone?"

Luke shook his head.

"Not yet, I'm still waiting here for their commander to come over."

"...Sir? Who is leading the team there?"

"Roland Fry, he's dead."



When Luke said this, he suddenly raised his eyebrows: "I almost forgot, I need to call Alexander. I will go back when I'm done and say sorry to Jiaying and Karl."


Luke hung up the phone directly, then found Alexander Pierce's phone number and dialed it immediately.

It took a while before the call was connected.

Alexander got up from the bed, found his glasses and put them on, then answered the phone, looking like he wanted to get angry but was helpless.

"Luke, I finally fell asleep..."

"Roland Fury is dead."


Luke thought for a moment and added: "You're welcome!"

Alexander: "..."

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