A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 216 You can betray me (fifth update, please subscribe!!)

the next day.

Nine o'clock in the morning.

Luke, who was still at home without going to work but eating breakfast with Rachel, received a call from Jack.


"Boss, Director Alexander Pierce is here."

"I know, take him to my office for a while. I'll be right over."


Luke hung up the phone and put it aside, then grabbed the coffee beside him and took a sip.

Rachel opposite looked up: "Aren't you leaving?"

Lu Ke laughed: "You're leaving too, right? I don't want the morning news."

Rachel looked at Luke with a smile: "Sorry, yesterday was the last time I hosted the morning news."

Luke looked at Rachel opposite, who was holding her chin in her hands with a beautiful smile, and raised his eyebrows: "Promoted?"

Rachel nodded with a smile: "CBS, evening news anchor, prime time, I'm scared."

A surprised expression appeared on Luke's face, he stood up and walked towards the wine cabinet: "Wow, this is good news, my God, why didn't you tell me."

Rachel stopped Luke who was about to get a drink to celebrate.

Luke turned and looked.

Rachel smiled brightly: "It's my first time hosting tonight. I have to go to the company at noon. Sorry, I won't drink. I don't want your beautiful and generous fiancée to embarrass herself when she hosts the evening news for the first time."

Luke could only give up the idea of ​​drinking to celebrate. After kissing Rachel, he turned to coffee as wine and clinked glasses with Rachel: "Do you need me to go to the scene to cheer you on tonight?"

Rachel held her chin in her hands, looked up, thought seriously, and then looked at Luke: "If you can provide the tickets, that's okay."

Luke instantly understood the meaning of Rachel's words and laughed loudly: "Do you want to finish the Marlborough School file?"

Rachel crossed her hands and held her chin, looking at Luke with a smile on her face, but said nothing.


Not speaking is the default.

Tonight is Rachel's first nightly news show.

She needed a stunning appearance.

And what stunning debut can be more stunning than an exclusive and very important piece of news?

The core of a journalist is news.

The bigger and more exclusive, the better.

It has been less than ten hours since what happened at Marlborough School last night. At six o'clock this morning, many media reporters in Los Santos were already crowded downstairs of the Federal Building, trying to find opportunities to get the first place. Get your hands on exclusive insider information.

After all, according to some news that spread last night, the content was quite shocking.

Someone died.

There's more than one.

Luke was thinking, looked up at Rachel, and asked with a smile: "Is it necessary?"

Rachel shrugged: "My assistant and team have prepared several front pages for me for tonight's show. If you find it troublesome, I can activate those few."

In terms of being considerate.

Rachel was speechless.

It is true that she is ambitious, but she also knows how much credit she deserves for her promotion to anchor of the evening news show.

If her fiancé wasn't named Luke Dane.

Rachel believed she might be able to work her way up to the evening news slot, but not that quickly.

Because without Luke, she would never have been able to represent Luke as the fiancée of the FBI Assistant Director of Operations to attend all kinds of high-end celebrity dinners that her identity could not give her before.


Rachel always had a standard when asking Luke for news, and she always adhered to it.

She would never take anything that Luke wouldn't give him.


"Give it, how could you not give it."

Luke stood up, walked to Rachel, and hugged Rachel who stood up with a smile: "Tonight is my fiancée's first show. Don't talk about the news. Even if you want to broadcast Are There Aliens in Area 51?" , I will open the FBI database to you."


After Luke let go of Rachel, he thought for a moment: "At eleven o'clock, ask your assistant to contact Earl."

Rachel was a little curious.

"Why eleven o'clock."

"Because I'm not ready for the evidence."


Luke was telling the truth.

He ran to school yesterday and without saying a word, he sent Roland Fury to dinner.

This is a fact.

But this is not the truth for the people outside.

The people outside can only see the truth that Luke wants them to see.


The right to interpret the truth lies with him.

nine thirty.

The underground parking lot of the federal building.

As soon as Luke got off the car, Jack and Earl were waiting in the elevator to greet him.

"Boss." Jack spoke first: "Director Pierce just asked you for the fifth time if you don't plan to come."

Luke shook his head: "Ignore him, maybe he didn't sleep well last night."

Earl immediately said: "The phone number at the External Press Liaison Department has been almost exploded by the media. They asked Director Pan Ning if they could hold a press conference to give a brief explanation. Director Pan Ning asked me to ask you. "

Luke walked into the elevator.

"Witnesses and physical evidence, are you ready?"

"Everything is ready."

Earl nodded: "That guy had his nationality revoked for swearing, and he didn't get a card from us. He is very willing to cooperate with us."

Luke adjusted his cuffs, looked at the elevator that opened, nodded, and after walking out, turned to look at Jack: "Before the witness is released, tell him to shut up. I only need this evidence."

Jack nodded: "Don't worry, boss, I'll take care of it."

Lu Ke hummed and then walked towards his office where two bodyguards in black guarded the door.

Push door.

Go inside.

The first thing Luke saw was Alexander Pierce, who was sitting on his sofa with his legs crossed and had already drank half of a bottle of bourbon.

Alexander looked at Luke who walked in through the door and seemed to laugh in anger.

"Does Chief Dane like to be late for work?"


Luke shook his head with a smile and said to Alexander: "Most of the time, I prefer to be absent from work."

He has obviously retired, but why should he retire and find another job?

It’s not just to make your retirement life on earth more comfortable.


He works in the same way as 007 in the main god space. He finally retired, and if he is still planning to make him 007, then isn't his retirement in vain?

If hard work is not for better rest, then struggle and hard work will become meaningless.

Alexander looked at Luke, who said seriously that he usually liked to miss work, and couldn't help but open his mouth.

He immediately forgot what he was going to say next.

Luke laughed when he saw this, unbuttoned his suit jacket, sat next to Alexander, grabbed another glass of bourbon that had been poured on the coffee table, and clinked the wine glass in Alexander's hand: "Okay. , don’t be so angry, or I’ll ask Jack to arrange a phone girl for you to come over and put the fire away, I heard this trick is pretty good.”


He tried it yesterday.

It has immediate effect, the kind of effective medicine that cures the disease.

But he wasn't looking for a phone girl.

But the Emperor of Sai.

He had no intention of sharing private weapons. Alexander Pierce might not mind. After all, he preferred to switch from bus to private car, but Luke was still more concerned about this.

Women and cars will not be loaned out.

Alexander snorted coldly again, ignored Luke's suggestion, and glanced at Luke: "I'm angry because of you."

Luke paused slightly while grabbing the wine glass, then looked at Alexander with a strange smile on his lips: "Sasha, is your taste really unlimited?"

Alexander was slightly startled.

The next second.

He realized what Luke was saying.

Just when he was laughed out loud again and was about to speak again, Luke just shrugged: "It's a pity that I'm not good at this. Besides, you are angry. I helped you put out the fire last night. I told you last night." Yeah, didn't you wake up at that time?"

Luke looked at Alexander thoughtfully, then his eyes lit up, and he touched Alexander again: "Then let me say it again, Roland Fury, I killed him. His betrayal of you is tantamount to betraying me. I will clean it up for you. Door, again, you’re welcome.”

The corners of Alexander's eyes, mouth and facial nerves were twitching at a rate of billions of times per second.

"Thank you?"

"Need not."

Luke waved his hand and looked at Alexander who spoke seriously: "Sasha, you and I, we are friends. Saying thank you between friends is too intrusive."

Alexander closed his eyes directly and took the initiative to close his six senses.


He wants to slow down.

Alexander already felt that his blood pressure was rising. He quickly took out the high blood pressure medicine he carried with him from his arms, poured out two pills, threw them into his mouth, and then drank the bourbon in the cup. All.


The medicine enters the throat and begins to take effect.

Alexander only felt that his CPU, which had just been heated up by Luke, was working hard to cool down at an extremely fast speed.

after awhile.

Alexander, who had been lying on the sofa behind him for a while, opened his eyes again and looked at Luke beside him, his expression extremely profound.

After watching for a while, Alexander finally spoke: "Lu, do you know how much trouble it will cause if you kill Roland Fury?"

Luke nodded: "I know."

Alexander shook his head.

"You, you don't know."

"I know."

"you do not know."

"I know."

Alexander became angry and couldn't help but raise his tone by three levels: "If you knew, you wouldn't fucking kill him."

He's going crazy.

Who knows what he went through after receiving the call from Luke last night.

He flew from Washington to Los Santos almost overnight.

Does Roland Fury matter?


He is just another chimpanzee who takes advantage of his skin color.


Like all chimpanzees, they had their own masters in the past.

Same goes for Roland Fury.

Alexander took a deep breath and looked at Luke: "You are forcing me to go to war with Daniel Whitehorse."

Luke was very honest: "Sasha, I never like to force people. If you don't want to, you can betray me. I don't mind."

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