A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 221 You need evidence, right? Come on, evidence! (Fifth update, please order in full!!)

Trustee Alexander Pierce is gone.

He stormed off.

When the angry Director Alexander Pierce left, he would arrive in a few days with a presidential order from the White House and an investigative order from the Department of Justice.

Luke stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with his hands behind his back, without looking back, as if he wasn't even interested in seeing Alexander off.

This feeling, in the eyes of others, is like...

He had a complete break with Federal Security Council Director Alexander Pierce.

Earl looked at Luke standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and opened his mouth.

The next second.

Earl turned around and looked towards the door with a swipe. Hearing the gossip here, he quickly used the group of female agents who came up to find so-and-so who deliberately stayed in the corridor and said in a cold voice: "Don't you have anything to do? Do you want me?" Go find your administrative director and ask."

Serves as assistant to the Assistant Chief of Operations.

You can say that.

Earl's authority in the game is definitely higher than Luke's.

Do not ask.

Who makes Lu Ke like absenteeism?

As Earl's words fell, in an instant, the female agents staying in the corridor were excited and hurriedly walked towards the elevator.

Not long after.

The corridors belonging to the director's floors once again became deserted.

Earl looked at Jack: "You go out too."

Jack's eyes widened and he looked at Earl.


"go out."


Jack opened his mouth, looking at the serious expression on Earl's face, he could only nod reluctantly, turned around and went out, closing the office door behind him.

Earl turned around and looked at Luke, who was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with his back to her. He thought about it and walked forward.


"The color on the opposite side is too green. If you look at it for a long time, it will affect your mood too much. Let them change the color tomorrow."


Earl looked at the five-story building opposite and opened his mouth: "That's the IRS building."

Luke raised his eyebrows, turned his face sideways, and looked at Earl beside him.

Earl nodded silently.

Lu Ke said oh, and then smiled: "Let me just say, after looking at it for a long time, it feels like a beautiful green knife."


Luke shook his head, turned away from the floor-to-ceiling window, sat down on the sofa in the living room again, poured himself and Earl another glass of bourbon, and pointed to the sofa beside him: "Sit."

Earl sat down and took the bourbon from Luke: "Thank you, Director."

Luke leaned on the sofa behind him and looked at Earl.

"The evidence is locked?"

"It's locked."

Earl nodded and said: "The connection between Roland Fury and the Tang Gang has been sealed. The day the director was assassinated by the remnants of the Tang Gang, it was Roland Fury who informed him. On the day the Mandarin died, Roland Fury was the one who informed him. When he asked for help and tried to stop our actions, it was the call records..."

"Don't worry about call records."

Luke closed his eyes and listened to Earl's report.

One sentence.

The facts are obvious.

The evidence is clear.

There is a small package of CPH4 recovered from Roland Fury's body as physical evidence.

There was also a video testimonial made by a Run person who was at the Immigration Department in order to be able to come out. Unfortunately, half an hour ago, this Run person died of a heart attack in the Centralized Prison of the Immigration Department.


This evidence is enough.

Roland Fury is the federal agent of the Mandarin, the mastermind behind the Tang Gang, and the biggest smuggler in helping smuggle the previously new over-the-counter narcotic controlled drug CPH4.

It was Roland Fury who told the Mandarin about Luke's itinerary, which led to the assassination of the FBI Assistant Director of Operations that night.

Last night, they even tried to capture mutants and forced their way into Marlborough Private School, trying to frame Luke's sister Lorna as a mutant in order to take revenge on Luke.

But the wise Assistant Director of Operations saw through Roland Fry's conspiracy.

When Roland Fury was desperate, he tried to take out the gun from his waist, but was shot to death by Luke on the spot.

As much as seven or eight pupils at the Marlborough school that night can attest.


Did the sentries say that wasn't the case?


Those sentries were Roland Fury's own people. They had listened to Roland Fury's bewitchment and were afraid of what would happen. This must be what they said.

As everyone knows.

The Federation is a fair and legal society.

Everything must be based on evidence!


The evidence prepared by Lu Ke is quite complete.

"Did someone from CBS Evening News call you?"

"She came at eleven o'clock in the morning. She wanted to visit you because you were discussing something with Director Pierce, but I refused."

"Did you give me the information?"

"Give it."

"That's good."

Luke nodded, opened his eyes again, seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Earl: "What is the name of the supervisor of the Los Angeles District Attorney?"



Luke snapped his fingers: "Mas, that's right, help me make an appointment with him. Just tell me, I'll ask him to play golf tomorrow morning."

Earl nodded, got up from the sofa, took out his phone, found the personal phone number of the assistant director of the district attorney's office and dialed it.

after awhile.

Earl put away the phone and sat back on the sofa: "Director Maas agreed."

Luke nodded.

In fact, after he became the Assistant Director of Operations, he didn't have much to do with the local inspection and taxation.

But Luke has a great fiancée.

Rachel didn't find it troublesome to manage these relationships, but happily accepted Luke's address book.

What Luke has to do is simple.

Rachel would remind him of those parties, invitations and activities where others invited him, and would accompany him to attend.

It’s been a long time.


The relationship becomes familiar.

It has been almost twelve hours since the incident at Marlborough High School, and the serious media in Los Santos are not eager to release news in half an hour like any other case before.

Luke thought for a moment.

"Let the External Press Liaison Department publish the summary of the case."


Earl stood up again and found the detective who had been waiting for half an hour to call since this morning to ask if he could hold a press conference.

Almost immediately Earl hung up the phone.

Luke, who was sitting on the sofa, heard the sounds of numerous media reporters coming from downstairs as well as the sounds of people entering the room.

Luke laughed, picked up the wine glass on the coffee table, and took a sip.

The next second.

Luke looked at Earl sitting on the sofa and smiled: "Why, don't you want to ask why I had a fight with Pierce just now?"

Earl looked serious: "I believe the director."

Luke laughed loudly: "The person I offended this time was the federal Security Council member. Didn't you hear what Pierce just said? In a few days, he will come to me with official documents from the Ministry of Justice."

Earl deadpanned: "Federal law enforcement is reasonable."


Luke shot Roland Fury on purpose last night.

does not exist.

The evidence is there. The facts of Roland Fury's crime are clear and the evidence is complete. Can you distort the facts with the official documents from the Ministry of Justice?

After hearing Earl's statement, Luke shook his head, stood up again, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, and looked up at the sky over the Long Beach coastline in the distance.

The sky is half sunset.

But behind the setting sun, there are dark clouds that are gathering strength and preparing to land ashore to bring a heavy rain.

Luke took a deep breath, looked away, turned and walked towards the door: "Let's get off work."

Earl stood up from the sofa and looked at Luke who was going out, but did not catch up.

Six o'clock in the evening.

When Luke just returned home, there was an explosion in the sky, and then, in less than ten seconds, heavy rain started pouring down.

Lorna was holding her chin, sitting on the high stool at the bar, watching the large TV in the living room.

The TV program is locked on the "Evening News" channel that will start in half an hour.

Rachel is her sister-in-law.

Lorna felt that since her sister-in-law was hosting the evening news for the first time tonight, it was necessary for her to provide a ratings boost.

She also sent messages to various classmate groups, asking everyone to stay tuned to the "Evening News" channel tonight to contribute to her sister-in-law's ratings.

Lorna watched the TV one boringly, speechless as one advertisement after another appeared.

"These ads..."

"call out!"


Before Lorna could finish her words, she saw a flash of light in front of her inside the bar. Then Luke, who had appeared, was startled and hurriedly patted her chest: "...Luke, you almost scared me again. Me."

"Learning to control your fear is also part of controlling your power." Luke took the bourbon from the wine cabinet without looking back.

Lorna rolled her eyes: "Fear is instinct and cannot be controlled."

Luke turned around, said nothing, and just looked at Lorna with a smile.

Lorna opened her mouth: "Okay, you are an exception."

Ever since Luke told her that fear could be controlled, she didn't believe it and tried every means to make Luke show a fearful expression.


Even though she took Rachel along and often frightened Luke, she could not see the slightest trace of fear or fear on Luke's face.

Luke smiled, opened the bottle, and then asked curiously: "When I came in just now, what were you going to say?"

Lorna complained: "It's an advertisement. This advertisement lasted for half an hour."

Luke smiled and said: "Then change the channel, don't worry, Rachel will not lack your ratings."

Lorna shook her head, then seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Luke: "By the way, Luke, I just checked the website, and there are discussions on the Internet. Tonight is Rachel's first "Evening News", and yesterday Marber Such a big thing has happened again, so there will definitely be explosive news."


Lorna suddenly blinked her eyes and looked at Luke: "Luke, is it true? Let me tell you in advance."

Luke looked at Lorna's expectant look in front of him and couldn't help but smile.

Lorna blinked.

"why are you laughing."

"Are you stupid?"

Luke reached out and touched Lorna's head: "Don't you know where you were last night? Do you still need to ask me for more information?"

Lorna opened her mouth: "..."

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