A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 222: Chatting up artist Lu Ke (first update, please subscribe!)

Luke looked at Lorna amused.

She was obviously one of the parties involved last night, so she knew everything about what happened yesterday.

The results of it?

As a person involved, I have been deceived by the public opinion on the Internet.

Luke sighed and looked at Lorna with some melancholy: "If you look like this, I'm worried about what if you go to university after graduation next year and you are deceived into a little fool."

The corners of Lorna's mouth twitched, and she silently jumped off the high stool and walked towards the stairs to the second floor.

Luke looked curiously at Lorna who ignored him.

Just when Lorna was about to go upstairs, she suddenly stopped, turned around, and made a face at Luke: "If you become a fool, you will support me for the rest of your life, and you will be my brother."

Luke was slightly startled.

After Lorna finished speaking, she ran upstairs.

She planned to change her clothes, and after watching Rachel's live broadcast, she would go to Clarice's house to do homework together.

Luke looked at Lorna who had disappeared in the corridor on the second floor, came back to his senses, shook his head with a smile, took a sip of the bourbon in the glass, then took the apron hanging aside and prepared to start making dinner.

The sky is big and the earth is big, and eating is the biggest thing.

After Luke restarted the gene lock, his energy intake increased.

After all, energy is conserved.

The higher the level of life, the higher the energy required.

But after the small universe is projected over, it should be much better.

Luke thought to himself as he started frying the steak that he and Lorna both liked.

at this time.

The phone placed aside rang.

Luke glanced at it, stretched out his left hand, and after connecting, chose to put it out.


"What are you doing?"



In the hotel, Seve had just received news from the Federal Building. Seve, who was wearing a black lace pajamas, almost choked on his water: "What? Are you cooking? Can you still cook?"

Luke looked at the steak sizzling on the iron plate: "What's so strange about this? Didn't I tell you that my cooking skills are probably not comparable to mine in the entire universe?"

There is no canteen in the main god space.

Lu Ke didn't want to eat the pre-made dishes sold in the Lord God Mall, so he simply used a large number of Lord God Points to buy all the cooking experience he could buy.

Among them, there are also many cooking skills from alien groups.

He also makes Cree delicacies.

After hearing what Luke said, Seve thought that there seemed to be an email in which Luke mentioned his cooking skills, and said with a smile: "Please let me try it when you have time?"

Luke did not refuse: "Okay, I'll invite you when you have time, if you think I'm still free."

Seve was slightly startled.


"What, you don't know?"

Luke put the cut steak aside to wake up, grabbed a towel and wiped his hands. While cutting potatoes, preparing to make potato pancakes as a staple food, he glanced at the mobile phone placed aside: "If you Say, if you don’t know, I will consider whether you, the world’s number one hacker, are really worthy of your reputation.”

Seve walked to the window of the room, opened it, looked at the heavy rain outside, pursed his lips, and smiled: "I do know, and I'm afraid I'm not the only one who knows that the quarrel between you and Alexander is now probably Word has spread in Washington."

Luke smiled and said nothing.

Sever heard Luke's smile, turned around, and returned to the study room of the hotel suite. He sat in front of the computer and looked at the various garbled characters on the computer screen as if they were swiping on the screen. He was smeared with black nail polish and looked very deep. Fingernails clutching the phone.

"Want to hear the latest news?"


"beg me."


Sever frowned, took the phone and put it in front of his eyes.

Enter the eyes.

call ended.


Sever closed his eyes and let out a breath.

She felt more and more that her meeting with Lu Ke was like dying in the dark.


Obviously the emails this guy sent her were so shameless, obscene and unscrupulous.

Why is this guy colder than her in reality?


This guy is the kind who just pulls up his pants and ignores people.

"Jingle Bell!"

Luke, who was spreading potato pancakes, glanced at the phone that rang again, and answered it again: "Say."

Seve gritted his teeth.

"Luke Dane, you dare to hang on me..."


Luke hung up again without hesitation and returned to concentrating on spreading the potato pancakes in his hands.

The phone rings again.




Luke hung up the phone three times in total. When the fourth call came, he simply didn't bother to answer it.

The phone call continued until he finished spreading the potato pancakes.

Luke grabbed the towel and wiped his hands. He held the pancakes in one hand and the phone in the other hand and put it to his ear.

His tone remained concise and to the point.


"Alexander is giving up on you."

Seve was in his hotel room, gritting his teeth.

She could swear.

Whenever Luke is in front of her, she will definitely push him to the ground, and then use her teeth to teach him what respect is.

Luke felt the resentment coming from Seve on the phone, and the corners of his mouth rose.


Sometimes, you can't be too indulgent.

This is especially true for women other than the first wife.

after all……

Luke didn't want to send any signal that would make Seve think again that she could try to force her to have a baby.

This is not good.

Only family harmony can reflect a man's ultimate value.

Rachel is his chosen candidate for his first wife.

At least for now.

Luke's thoughts were spinning, and he put the steak on the table. He turned around, and with a whoosh, he appeared at the door of Lorna's room on the second floor and knocked on the door. Then he appeared at the table again in a second, pulled out a chair, and sat down. He stopped and said, "I guessed it."

Sever frowned.

"You're not surprised."

"Do you need to be surprised?"

Luke's tone was very calm: "I killed Roland Fry. Alexander had two choices, either hug me or give up on me. And I just had a fight with him, so he chose to give up on me. It's hard to guess." Are you here?"

Seve said in a deep voice: "But if he doesn't protect you, you will have to face Daniel Whitehorse's wrath alone."

The corner of Lu Ke's mouth rose: "Who said I have no one to protect me?"

Sever frowned.


"You guys."

Luke waved to Lorna who walked out of the room, motioned her to come down for dinner, and then said to Seve on the phone: "Why, you forgot about the cooperation you proposed, or it seems that Alexander doesn't intend to protect me, so Are you planning to terminate cooperation?"

Sever said nothing on the other end of the phone.

Luke smiled and did not force himself. He took the phone from his ear. After hanging up, he said to Lorna who was walking down: "Let's eat."

The words just fell.

Jingle Bell!

The phone rings again.

Luke glanced at it and ignored it.

Lorna, who pulled out her chair and sat down, looked at the phone that was ringing on the table, blinked her eyes, and looked at Luke curiously: "Aren't you going to answer it, what if there is something important? "

Luke looked up at Lorna, smiled, and grabbed the phone beside him.

Connect again.

"damn it!"

Seve finally couldn't maintain his calm image and became a little irritable: "Can't you wait until I finish speaking before hanging up."

Lu Ke's tone was calm: "I know the other party will definitely reject me, so why should I wait for the other party's rejection? Sorry, I don't like to be mean."

Seve gritted his teeth: "That's because I'm a bitch. I'm a bitch. Damn it, I should bite that thing off of yours this afternoon."

Seve on the phone was gritting his teeth and his voice was bone-chilling.



Lorna, who was sitting opposite, seemingly engrossed in eating her own pancakes and steak, but actually listening to the phone with her ears perked up, felt completely numb when she heard these words coming from the phone.

Luke raised his eyes, his eyebrows beating.

Lorna quickly grabbed the water glass on the side and took a big sip before swallowing the beef that was almost stuck in her throat.


Lorna stared at Luke with a Sharingan that was three parts shocked, three parts disbelieving, three parts disappointed and one part unacceptable.

she seemed to say.


If you do this, does sister-in-law Rachel know?


Is this worthy of sister-in-law Rachel?

At this moment, Lorna just felt that after finally losing her memory, the glorious image she had built up towards her brother was beginning to fall apart.

Luke stopped Lorna's random thoughts in time. Facing Lorna's scrutinizing eyes that couldn't help but want to question, he said expressionlessly to Seve on the other end of the phone: "Have you finished venting?"

Seve's tone was cold: "No, just hang up on me."

Luke hung up the phone directly and put the phone aside.

Lorna sitting opposite was dumbfounded.

She originally thought that the girl on the other end of the phone was the legendary third party.


Luke's performance made her couldn't help but wonder if she had guessed wrong.

After all, shouldn’t the third parties a man is looking for be the kind who are attentive to the third party?

No one says hang up the phone just hang up the phone.

By the way, in TV dramas, those men are not so caring about their mistresses. How can they be like Lu Ke who hangs up the phone when he says it?

Did I misunderstand my brother?

Lorna blinked and couldn't help but look across the way, ignoring the phone that rang again. Luke, who was eating his own pancakes, still couldn't help but speak.

"elder brother."

"What's wrong."


Lorna was just about to ask when the phone rang again.

She couldn't help but said: "Otherwise, you'd better take it again."

no way.

This phone call is too loud.

It was hard for her to organize what she was going to say, but the call made it disappear once again.

Luke glanced at Lorna and answered the call again. This time he didn't give Seve a chance to speak, lest Seve would reveal any violent news on the phone.

"Seph, I don't blame you for not wanting to cooperate. We are still friends."

"If you decide to cooperate."


"Watch the evening news in Colombia. After watching the news, you will know how we are going to cooperate."


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