A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 223: Marrying a virtuous wife, keeping concubines and having sex (Second update, please subs

The words fell.

Luke hung up the phone again, and this time in order to prevent Seve from calling to harass him again, he directly chose to turn off the phone, and then looked up at Lorna.

"What did you just ask?"


Lorna looked at Luke who hung up the phone without hesitation and opened her mouth.


Shaked his head.

To be so cruel to a woman.


It should be some other phone number. Maybe I was thinking wrongly, and it couldn't be from the mistress.

Lorna thought to herself, and then, meeting Luke's gaze, she showed a bright expression.

"I want to ask if Rachel's show starts at seven o'clock?"


Luke looked at Lorna curiously.

He felt that the question Lorna wanted to ask was unlikely to be this, but after thinking about it, he didn't ask further. After looking at the time on his watch, he said, "There are still five minutes."

In the hotel room.


"You bastard!"

Seve, who was wearing black lace pajamas, couldn't hold back anymore when he heard the unreachable notification on the phone. He grabbed the water glass on the side and threw it to the side.

The water glass shattered at the sound.

The look on Seve's face made him want to bite Luke's roots.

"What a good man from Dongguo."

"What a bullshit gentleman."

"You're an asshole."

"Use people forward, don't use people backward."

"What a piece of shit!"

Sever's slightly raised mountain peaks undulated with anger. He gritted his silver teeth and looked at the mobile phone on the desk: "You also asked me to watch your fiancée's live broadcast. I'm afraid you are the only bastard in the world who would do this. ”

She was completely angry, but she didn't understand what position and strength Luke was speaking from at this time.

Alexander Pierce gave him up.

With only one person left to face Daniel Whitehorse's wrath, shouldn't he form an alliance with Dr. Zola? Otherwise, why would he think he could withstand Daniel Whitehorse's wrath?

Seve inserted his slender fingers into his long hair, arranged his long hair, and stared at his phone again.

The next second.

She smiled.

When anger reaches the extreme, it turns into laughter.


"Watch your fiancée's live broadcast."


"I read."

Sever's eyes flickered as he walked towards the outside of the study: "I want to see where this sister can be as charming as me."

In terms of comparing appearance and temperament.

The emperor of Sai is not weaker than others.

At seven o'clock in the evening.

CBS News, the evening news, is officially on the air.

After the cutscene accompanying the evening news appeared on time, immediately after the screen lit up, Rachel and a male anchor sitting on the left appeared on the screen.

Serious news broadcasts usually have a male anchor and a female anchor.

"Luke, look, Rachel."


Luke, who was sitting on the sofa with Lorna, watching the evening news on time, looked at Rachel appearing on the screen, listened to Lorna's somewhat excited words, nodded calmly, and drank from his hand. After-dinner bourbon.

"Welcome to tonight's evening news."

"I'm Rachel."

Rachel on the screen looks exquisite and has an extremely confident temperament.

She believed that with Lu Ke’s exclusive information, her debut show tonight would be a great success.

Luke leaned on the sofa and lowered his eyes in deep thought.

He was thinking about how likely it was that Dr. Zola would choose to cooperate with him after Seve had seen the news and heard the violent news released.

The materials given by Lu Ke are actually very simple.

Detailed dossier on the Roland Fury case, plus a clearance to contact the assistant to the Assistant Director of Operations, Los Angeles Bureau, FBI.

And in this.

When Earl and Rachel were connected later, the call record that was revealed was what he wanted Seve to see and hear.

Dr. Zola's initial idea was that after Luke killed Roland Fury, Daniel Whitehorse would feel that his dignity was lost and at the same time launch a counterattack against him and... Alexander Pierce.

But for now.

Alexander Pierce didn't seem to take the bait. He immediately flew to Los Angeles and had a big fight with Luke, as if he had given up on Luke.

In this way, the plan is somewhat different from what Dr. Zola thought.

Because what he needs is Daniel Whitehorse competing with Alexander Pierce, so that he can benefit later.

Dr. Zola's goal from the beginning was not to form an alliance with Luke. He just wanted to use it as a fulcrum to stir up internal strife between the two Hydra leaders.

But after Alexander Pierce was unwilling to defend Luke to the death and seemed to have turned him into an abandoned son, then, from a realistic perspective, Luke no longer had any value in forming an alliance.

But this is also part of Luke's plan.

He was on good terms with Alexander Pierce, as anyone who knew knew it, and Dr. Zola knew it as well.

In this arena of four-person power games, only one person will be kicked out.

That's Daniel Whitehorse.

no doubt.

Luke did not take Daniel Whitehorse to heart, but from the beginning, he set his goal on how he could successfully accept Daniel Whitehorse's legacy and his influence in Jiutou after Daniel Whitehorse's death. The internal position of the snake.

He needs someone to support him.

One person is not enough. At the very least, he needs two Hydra leaders to support him, or more.

He now has an Alexander Pierce.

But Alexander did it secretly.

Because if Alexander openly supports him, Dr. Zola probably won't support him at that time.

After all, Dr. Zola wanted to use this opportunity to not only kill Daniel Whitehorse and Alexander Pierce, but also to weaken their strength.

He definitely didn’t want to see Daniel Whitehorse replaced by a partner who had a tacit relationship with Alexander Pierce.

This is why Luke and Alexander had a big fight.

Put it plainly.

It was just a show for Dr. Zola. Whether he believed it or not, on the surface, he and Alexander Pierce completely broke up because of the Roland Fry case.

This seems to be inconsistent with Dr. Zola's plan.


Who said Alexander Pierce must be willing to take the initiative to protect him.

If you want to seduce Alexander Pierce, do you need his consent?


Since ancient times, pulling someone into the water does not require the consent of the person involved. You can also directly reach out and drag him into the water.

As for how to do it.

Look at the operation.

As the connection between Rachel and Earl ended on the TV screen, Luke lowered his eyes and reopened the phone that had been turned off just now.

The phone just turned on.

Five seconds later.

The phone rings.

Luke got up from the sofa and took a look. Lorna, who had just watched TV and whose expression became a little doubtful about life, smiled knowingly.

Lorna has a simple expression.

After all, although what was said on TV and what she saw with her own eyes were the same thing, they seemed to be two different things.

When Luke got up and left the sofa, he stroked Lorna's head, and then he appeared in the backyard in a flash and answered the phone in his hand.

There was no human voice on the other end of the phone, only the familiar breathing sound.

Luke raised the corners of his mouth and sat down on the lounge chair behind.

"I still like the breathy sound of your breath, Sever."


Seve was on the other end of the phone, with a sneer on his lips, looking at the female anchor Rachel on his screen: "Your fiancée doesn't look that good either. How is she prettier than me?"

Luke's tone was faint.

"Marry a virtuous wife."

"What's the meaning."

"Didn't you say that you have been trying to improve Dongguo culture recently? You have time to check it out yourself."

Luke smiled, and then said directly: "So, you have read the news and you know my plan."

Seve frowned, recalling the meaning of what Luke just said, and sneered again after hearing this.

"You want me to help kill the connection between Roland Fury and the Mandarin."

"It's not you, it's Zola."

Luke said: "Your hacking skills are very powerful, but hackers can only forge and cannot truly create something out of nothing, but Dr. Zola can do this."

As an electronic life form, Zora is not a hacker, but he is also one of the most powerful hackers in the world.

Because Zola can do something that other hackers can never do.

Create something out of nothing.

Seve frowned: "You want to use this to directly force Alexander Pierce into the water? Make Daniel Whitehorse think that Alexander Pierce's breakup with you is fake?"

Luke laughed.

"So, but I don't want this to make Daniel Whitehorse think."


"I want this to use against Roland Fury's brother."

"Nick Fury?"

"That's right."

Luke looked up at the night sky above his head: "That SHIELD director, if he knew that his brother was dead, he would also come to trouble me."

But Nick Fury is at most giving him trouble on an official level.

no way.

Who makes Nick Fury claim to be a positive character, the mastermind of the superhero team, and an absolutely outstanding representative of greatness and integrity?


The official gameplay is based on the official game rules.

Because of his collusion with the Mandarin, Roland Fury first tried to kill the FBI Assistant Director of Operations, then tried to slander Luke's sister as a mutant, and finally tried to arrest Luke, who was shot dead on the spot.

After hearing Luke's plan, Seve said: "The plan is a good one, but what if we don't plan to cooperate."

Lu Ke shook his head: "I will not beg you to cooperate with me, but cooperation requires contributions from both parties. I have already paid. You have seen my sincerity. If you plan to cooperate with me, you should let me see it now. It depends on your sincerity.”

Sever: "..."

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