A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 227 Lu Ke’s identity cannot be doubted! (First update, please subscribe!)

When Luke asked Earl to make an appointment for him with Director Mars of the District Attorney, he might as well have made an appointment with Nick Fury rather than with Director Mars.

But he didn't expect that Nick Fury would bite the hook so quickly.

It's like fishing.

Luke just took out the fishing rod. After throwing the fishing rod out, as soon as he threw out the first handful of nest material, Nick Fury couldn't wait to bite the hook.

And when he pulled Nick Fury ashore, he spent almost no effort.

All Luke wants is for Nick Fury to come to the table and play this game.

Because when it's on the table, it's his home court.

game time.

Three days was decided by him.

game rules.

If the flaw in his file is found within three days, Nick Fury will win, otherwise, he will lose.

This is also what Lu Ke decided.

As long as Nick Fury dares to play on the table, Luke has plenty of ways to kill him.

After listening to Earl's popular science, Jack had already reacted.

But the next second.

Jack opened his mouth, and then seemed to think of something. He walked to the door of the conference room, opened the door, and checked both sides to see that no one was lying around the corner eavesdropping. Then he returned to the conference room and saw He went to Luke and said in a low voice: "But boss, in the file, we can only make indirect call records and so on. We don't have anything else."

Luke chuckled.

"Who says we don't have one?"

"Do we have it?"

Jack was a little dumbfounded and looked at Earl.

Earl shrugged and said nothing.

Jack couldn't help but look at Luke: "Where is it, boss."

Luke shook his head and smiled: "People will only think that what they dug out is still real. Don't you think it would be more interesting for those three guys to find it?"

There is a saying.

seeing is believing.

Even if Roland Fury's crime was really as stated in the dossier, Nick Fury would not believe it.

Because as Luke said the first time.

Once Roland Fury is convicted of this crime and is exposed, Nick Fury will also be affected.


Whether from a public or private perspective, Nick Fury would not and was unwilling to believe that his brother would commit these crimes.

Even if Luke released a mountain of irrefutable evidence, Nick Fury would not believe it.

But what if he found those call records and the video of Roland Fury’s secret meeting with the Mandarin himself?


None of these exist.


They can have it.

Luke looked at Earl with some expectation that Nick Fury would discover the evidence.

"Earl, who put away the relevant evidence that night?"


Earl turned his attention to Jack.

Jack was slightly startled and looked at Luke: "Agent Ben Stasiak went to release him. Boss, you forgot that you asked me to name him."

Luke and Earl looked at each other.

When Jack saw this, his expression instantly turned resentful.



"Why do I feel that you and Earl have hidden many things from me?"

"Because it feels right to you."


Jack looked at Earl and looked at each other again, then nodded seriously: "Boss, it was obviously me who started, but Earl still refuses to call you boss."

Luke smiled and looked at Earl: "Is this happening?"

Earl glanced at Jack, smiled and shook his head: "No, boss."

Luke then spread his hands towards Jack.

Jack was dumbfounded.

Luke smiled slightly and walked toward the door of the conference room holding the wine glass that Earl had just poured over.

Wait until after closing.

Jack also slowly came back to his senses, and then looked at Earl with a resentful expression.

"You liar."



Earl couldn't help laughing: "You obviously didn't pay attention, okay? I called the boss several times, but the boss told me that when working, you have to address your duties."

Jack: "..."

Little did Luke know that Jack was complaining about Earl after he left.

The first thing he did after returning to his office was to remove the electronic shielding device he had installed in his office, then took off his coat and sat in his office chair.

In fact, Rachel was the second to know that his break with Alexander was an act.

Earl was the first to know.

In Earl's words, when Luke and Alexander argued in the office that day, although their voices were loud and their momentum was strong, the conversation was too one-note and one-sided.

Luke had no intention of hiding it from Earl. After all, Earl could help with some things.

Jack's loyalty is MAX.

But Jack is only suitable for execution, not for thinking.

Luke wanted Jack to participate, but if Jack was allowed to participate, Luke knew very well that Jack would only say three sentences.

In the first sentence, the boss is right.

In the second sentence, the boss did a good job.

The third sentence, the boss YYDS.


Luke thought about it, and Earl also felt that Jack was not suitable for this kind of mind game, so he simply didn't tell Jack.

But now, it's okay to let Jack know.

Anyway, he has made his move. Next, it depends on how Nick Fury leaves.

Luke pressed his hands on the desk, turned around, stood up from the chair, put his hands on his hips, and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. He lowered his eyes and looked downstairs. The black car that seemed to have driven out of their downstairs not long ago Lincoln cars.

at this time.

From the corner of his eye, Luke caught an ordinary blue car driving out of the underground parking lot of the Federal Building.

After the blue car entered the road, its speed increased and it accelerated towards the black Lincoln car in front of it, which was about to exit the main road.

In a Lincoln sedan.

Phil Coulson drives the Lincoln sedan underneath him.

Natasha sat in the passenger seat.

Nick Fury was sitting in the back seat, expressionlessly flipping through the files he had brought out of the Federal Building.

SHIELD is a global secret law enforcement agency, and its headquarters is in the Federation. Naturally, they also have an office in Los Santos.

However, compared with the Sanfei headquarters in Washington and the combat command center in New York, the office here in Los Santos is not as high-end and upscale as the first two.

After all, in the final analysis, SHIELD, in the Federation, has not obtained the formal establishment issued by Congress. Otherwise, he, the director of SHIELD, would not come to Luke with his name card as the assistant director of the National Security Agency. The troops were raised to investigate the crime.

Natasha, who was sitting in the passenger seat, glanced in the rearview mirror.

Coulson also glanced at the rearview mirror and looked at Nick Fury sitting in the back: "Director, can you see the problem in the file?"

Nick Fury closed the dossier: "FBI, the dossier ordered by the Assistant Director of Operations. If it can find problems, it would be an insult to the word FBI."

Since he was able to bring this dossier out of the federal building, it shows that the FBI is confident that he will not be able to find any suspicious or contradictory aspects in this dossier.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

Put it this way.

S.H.I.E.L.D. also made files, but compared to the file in front of him, the file in his hand couldn't be more real.

"Luke Dane."

Nick Fury said Luke's name, and in his mind, he recalled the smile on his face when he was in the conference room: "Have you collected all his information?"

Natasha, who was sitting in the passenger seat, glanced at the rearview mirror again after Coulson turned right, then turned to Nick Fury and said: "I found it, but I only found it in the past two years. "

Nick Fury frowned.

"Only for the past two years, what do you mean?"

"We found no information about him from two years ago."


Nick Fury was slightly startled: "Where are the Quantico training records."

Natasha shook her head again.


"How can it be!"

Nick Fury seemed to have discovered Hua Dian: "Let people find it."

Natasha shook her head again: "Can't find it."

Nick Fury took a deep breath and said nothing, looking deeply at Natasha who turned around.

Natasha said: "Director, do you remember that a few months ago, the White House staff committed suicide at home by taking pills?"

Nick Fury thought for a while: "Yes, I remember that after this matter was exposed, it was quickly suppressed by Washington."

The words fell.

Nick Fury frowned and said, "Does this matter have anything to do with this Luke?"

Natasha nodded: "Yes."

Natasha then recounted the information she had just received from the bureau's internal agents, namely the relationship between the White House staff and Bill Kings, the then director of operations in Los Santos, and the relationship between the White House staff and the Mill Community bombing. Read it again.

The end.

Natasha looked at Nick Fury: "Because of this incident in the Department of Justice, there were also three people who committed suicide in fear of crime. According to the official statement, it was Bill Kings' uncle. In order to avenge Bill Kings, As a White House staff member, he colluded with the Department of Justice, causing all of Luke's records from two years ago to be destroyed. At the same time, the information that he tried to fabricate that Luke Dane was not a federal person at all but a stowaway from the East was also exposed, because This information has been disproven by the sole survivor of the Mir community.”

Luke is Luke Dane.

Lorna Dane can prove it best.

Natasha finally said: "And Luke's identity has been re-verified and approved by the Ministry of Justice. Although he is only two years old, he is a federal citizen, 100%."

After all, Louis flew to Washington at that time, and the terms had already been negotiated.

That’s it for the Mill community and Luke’s identity.

There is absolutely no question about Luke Dane's identity, and the current temporary staff at the Department of Justice and the White House will never allow this matter to be brought up again.

Especially since Luke is now the Assistant Director of Operations for the FBI in Los Santos.

His identity is beyond doubt!

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