A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 228 What is home field advantage (Second update, please subscribe!!)

When Nick Fury heard what Natasha said, he was sure of one thing almost instantly.

There is a problem with Luke's identity.

One hundred percent.


Just as Natasha said, Luke has completely tied his identity issue to a disaster that he does not want the public to know through a series of operations.

Anyone who questions Luke's identity is questioning the disaster, questioning the former federal director of California, questioning the Department of Justice, and even questioning the current temporary worker in the White House.


Who is Nick Fury?

SHIELD, Director!

"There is a big problem with his identity!"

Nick Fury collected the information about Luke's past two years that had just been sent from Sanfei Headquarters, and said in a deep voice: "Bill Kings, who recruited him, died in a random shooting by the Tang Gang. , Holden Lewis, who promoted him, died in a plane crash not long ago. In fact, the Dane family and even the neighborhood that adopted him disappeared in the explosion. Everyone who knew him before and knew him now died, How could such a coincidence happen?"

A coincidence is an accident.

But with so many coincidences, it definitely couldn't be an accident.

There is definitely something wrong with Luke's identity.

As Nick Fury's loyal dog, Phil Coulson, who was driving, did not have the White House or the Federation in his heart, only the black sun.

Hearing what his Black Sun said, he immediately spoke up.

"Boss, do you want someone to investigate?"



Phil Coulson was stunned for a moment and looked at Nick Fury in the rearview mirror: "No? Didn't you say there is a problem with his identity?"

Nick Fury shook his head and said: "There is a problem with his identity. It must be investigated, but not now."

As Natasha said just now, Luke's identity has been certified by the Department of Justice and the White House.

Even if SHIELD wants to launch an investigation into Luke's identity at this time, the temporary worker in the Department of Justice and the White House will definitely be very unhappy.

And even if they find out the truth, the Ministry of Justice will still not admit it.

Do not ask.

The question is that SHIELD has no formal law enforcement power in the federation. In other words, no court will rule that the evidence they found is legal. Any free lawyer who has just graduated can give their evidence to them. It was turned into illegal evidence.

Even if SHIELD wants to launch an investigation into Luke's identity, at least it has to wait until the temporary worker comes out of the White House.

Because when the one from the White House comes out, the one from the Department of Justice will follow.

One emperor and one courtier!

As everyone knows.

The Federation has never had the habit of taking the blame for its predecessors. It only has the habit of pointing the blame at its predecessors.

"His identity must be investigated, but not now." Nick Fury still has a certain amount of wisdom in being able to climb from a little black guy to the position of director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Right now, even if Nick Fury hates Luke, he can't do anything about his identity.

Although the person in the White House is a temporary worker for up to eight years, he has not retired yet. One word can determine whether he can continue to be the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.


This matter cannot be rushed.

But he won't forget either!

Nick Fury said in a deep voice, and then clicked on the relevant files about his brother that he got from Luke: "The top priority now is Roland Fury's case. This guy is very smart. He I’m sure we won’t be able to find any flaws in this file within three days.”


who are they.


Created by the five good people of Blue Star, it is responsible for global affairs and preventing all super-large secret law enforcement agencies that may destroy the current harmony and stability.

Where's Luke?

He's just a small FBI Assistant Director of Operations, and he's also the Assistant Director of Operations of the Los Santos Division.

In terms of status, he is the only designated director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and oversees the secret law enforcement director of thousands of branches and offices around the world.

In terms of resources, as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., the amount of money he embezzles from five good people every year is equivalent to the GDP of a small country.

He could still find no flaws in the dossier.

How can it be.

Nick Fury shook his head and wanted to laugh, which is why he gladly accepted Luke's offer of three days of game time.

Three days?

One day is enough!


Two days later!

"The Immigration Department said that there was a power surge incident a few days ago and all the surveillance videos were lost."

"The corpse that was used as a witness was also destroyed because no one picked it up within the stipulated time."

"The medical examiner who did the autopsy went on vacation to Panama."

"Not even at Marlborough School."

"The school board refused to cooperate with us and refused our investigation. When our detectives went there again, they were warned by their legal team."


"The school's legal team has called the National Security Agency. The phone number of the director of the NSA in California is yours, director."

"The same goes for the school parents."

"We approached several parents, but they were also not very cooperative with us."

"Chief, two agents are blocked."


"They found a lone student and planned to ask something, but someone from the child protection agency saw him."

"Fuck Fuck!"


When Nick Fury heard this, he couldn't help it anymore. He grabbed the water glass on the table, cursed angrily, and threw the water glass away.

The water glass whizzed and hit the wall, shattering into pieces.

Colson and Natasha stood in front of the desk and looked at each other.

After venting his anger as a glass of water, Nick Fury closed his one eye and took a deep breath.

He originally thought that with the resources of SHIELD, no matter how perfect Luke made the dossier, it would still be full of loopholes.

Because what is false is false, and it is impossible for anyone to turn what is false into true.

After Nick Fury met with Luke that day, he came to the SHIELD office in Los Angeles that afternoon and sent out all SHIELD agents and divided them into three groups to launch a three-pronged dossier on Luke. launched a powerful offensive.

But these two days have passed, and the three investigation teams have received all bad news and not even a single good news.

The first is the investigation of witness evidence.

The witness was hung up, which was expected by Nick Fury, and he also expected that Luke would leave such a big loophole.

He originally expected to start from the Immigration Department's prison.


The person in charge of the prison said directly that there was a power surge accident and there was no monitoring. Even the forensic doctor had gone on a trip and he was not even interested in calling the forensic doctor.

He didn't even have a chance to build a relationship.

the reason is simple.

The prison that cooperates with the Immigration Service is a private prison.

Natasha checked the information and said to Nick Fury: "Director, this prison was not a full cooperation prison with the Immigration Agency in the first half of the year, but in the second half of the year, it became a full cooperation prison with the Immigration Agency, and inside All those detained were illegal immigrants from the East. I also checked and found that they did not expand the number of prison guards in the second half of the year, but instead laid off employees. As a result, in the second half of this year, not a single riot occurred."

Natasha, who was flipping through the information, couldn't help saying something special when she said this, and then raised her head in surprise and continued: "And according to the third quarter financial report of this prison company, compared with the first quarter, the revenue That’s a 300 percent increase year-on-year.”

Colson frowned on the side.

Nick Fury doesn't care about prison financials.

All he knew was that there was no hope of finding a flaw through witness evidence.


"What's going on at the school?"

Nick Fury rubbed his eyebrows and asked somewhat incomprehensibly: "Does this guy have such a charming personality?"

Natasha shook her head and said: "The school refused us entry, and their legal team also warned us not to have any more contact. The National Security Agency was also warned by the legal team. If they found out that we were trying to contact the school, they would A harassment lawsuit will be filed immediately against the National Security Agency."

Colson said from the side: "Maybe it's because the Sentinel Secret Service didn't contact the school in advance during the arrest. That night was the twelfth grade party."

It's strange that the school can cooperate.

This is not some mysterious big country in the East, where you can go in and arrest people just as you say.

What is the school?

is sacred.

You went in and arrested someone without paying attention, and you went in to arrest someone during the twelfth grade dance. So forget it. Now that your person is dead, you still expect the school to come out and testify?

The Marlborough School's legal team had jointly filed a lawsuit with the Sentinel Secret Service in the California federal court the day before, claiming more than 1.2 billion in reputational and financial compensation from the Sentinel Secret Service. .

As everyone knows.

Marlborough School is a private school, and it is also the school of choice for the rich and powerful in Los Santos.

The Sentinel Secret Service is here at your doorstep. How does this make other people think about security issues in their schools?

Now the school is suing.

As a result, at this juncture, an agent from the National Security Agency came over and asked if what happened that night was different from what the FBI reported?


Want to overturn the verdict?

What are you dreaming about in Spring and Autumn Period?

So are the students.

There were not many proms in the twelfth grade. Originally, that prom would have become a beautiful memory for them in the future.

As a result, the entire Sentinel Secret Service was destroyed.

Moreover, at the age of sixteen, it is the time to talk about loyalty, and they still have to study for the first half of the year, how could they do such a thing as betrayal.

By following the FBI, everyone will unite and share the same hatred, and maybe the lawsuit will be won and everyone will not need a loan to pay for college.

Follow the National Security Agency who wants them to overturn the case with just a few words?

First of all, they will definitely be despised by other students in the second half of the year.

Secondly, everyone’s money for college must be wasted.


Homeland Security?

Overturn the verdict?


Climb for me! !

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