A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 233 Lu Ke who messed with the mandarin ducks (Second update, please subscribe!!)

Men are all gamblers.

The only difference is whether you are a stupid gambler or a smart gambler.

Ben Stasiak is a stupid gambler.

He was just like those gamblers who enter the casino and then slip out cleanly, but don't know or even believe that they will lose. They have no idea where they lost.

The reason Ben Stasiak lost is simple.

He didn't see clearly that there was no place for him in this bet.

This is a VIP bet between Luke and Nick Fury.

He is not even qualified to serve at the table.

A small person who forces his way onto the table will always end up being reduced to pure cannon fodder.

There will be no exceptions to this result.

Nick Fury and Luke fall into the category of smart gamblers.

However, there are still obvious differences between the two.

Nick Fury still wants to take a gamble.

Because he was unwilling to fold directly, after all, he had already invested some chips in the early stage.

If Nick Fury chooses to give up now, the consequences will actually be irreversible.

For example, the Eastern Director and the Russian Director plan to convene a Security Council meeting to discuss whether he has the qualifications to continue to perform the important task of Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

This is the news Nick Fury received after getting up this morning.

But he didn't have the courage to stud directly.

At the moment, the Security Council is only discussing whether he is qualified to continue serving, but if he chooses Stud, the Security Council will not be discussing whether he is qualified to continue, but will directly discuss the candidate for the new director of SHIELD.


Ever the smart gambler that he is, Nick Fury found a middle ground.

He brought Ben Stasiak here today and gave Ben Stasiak to Luke. His approach was equivalent to throwing out a chip, intending to see what Luke's trump card was in private.


At the moment, this bet is still on the surface, and neither side is at odds with each other.

This is why, in the past three days, public opinion outside has been flying, but no third party force has been involved. They just quietly watched the federal investigation of Nick Fury's National Security Agency and Luke Dann. The reason for the bureau.

Nick Fury is not willing to give up directly, but he is also unwilling to stud, so the best way is to take advantage of the fact that the rules are still on the surface, and he happens to have a traitor that Luke wants, and simply treat it as a traitor. Throw out the chips to get a private look at Lu Ke's trump card.

"Private, not on the table."


Luke raised his eyebrows after listening to Nick Fury's words.

Nick Fury looked at Luke with one eye and said directly: "I want to see the evidence in this case, just in this small conference room."

Luke looked at Nick Fury thoughtfully: "After reading it, what if the result is not what you want."

Nick Fury took a deep breath: "I admit all mistakes and bear all consequences."

Luke smiled.

"Then what if I lose in the end."

"Clear my brother's name."


Luke shook his head bluntly.

Nick Fury frowned: "What?"

Luke chuckled and said: "Director Fury, this is not how the deputy director plays. He admits all his faults and bears all the consequences. You already placed your bet the first time and forgot about your current chips. Ben Stasiak, I can only say that you are qualified to see my cards, but you are only qualified to let me see the chips in my cards, and you haven’t made a bet yet.”

What a joke.

After being in a gambling game, no one would pick up the chips they threw away and throw them away again.

No casino would let this happen.

Luke had no problem with Nick Fury wanting to see his cards in private.

Put it plainly.

In the bet that Luke set this time, Nick Fury was not the opponent he was waiting for.

Daniel Whitehorse is the opponent this time.

At best, Nick Fury was just an unexpected guest before Daniel Whitehall came to gamble.

Luke played with Nick Fury out of necessity.

It just so happens that he may need to deal with Nick Fury often in the future, so it would be good to take this opportunity to test his depth.

And this time, Nick Fury is playing by the rules of the game.

He had no intention of killing them all.


Luke smiled slightly and looked at Nick Fury.

"Director Fury, I have a proposal."


"Surrender loses half the battle."

Luke looked at Nick Fury with a smile: "Surrender now, and I will treat you as half the loser. There is no need for an apology. After all, it should be quite difficult for you to get the National Security Agency to apologize to our FBI. , So, if you admit defeat now, you can take back the apology chips."

There was a pause.

Luke looked at Nick Fury, who clearly didn't want this result, shook his head and said, "Or, you can think about what chips you have in exchange for my trump card."

He actually doesn't like gambling.

Because don’t gamble to win!

This is what Luke believes in.

And the education he received was that he was inseparable from gambling and drug abuse.

But he couldn't stand others insisting on betting with him.

Luke shook his head and looked at Nick Fury: "Director Fury, I sincerely suggest you accept my first suggestion, the three major delusions in life. When you think you will win this one, in fact, this one, you Already lost."


Luke said nothing and drank from his glass of bourbon.

at this time.

A thud.

The door of the small conference room was pushed open from the outside, and then, Jack and Natasha walked in one after another.

Luke looked up at Jack and raised his eyebrows: "Hey, your appearance is broken."

Colson also noticed Natasha walking in, and then couldn't help but get up, took off his suit jacket and handed it to Natasha, who had turned a complete tights into a hole-in-the-wall outfit.

Both Jack and Natasha looked a little disgraced.

Natasha's tights turned into hole-in-the-wall clothes, and Jack was no better.

Jack's suit jacket has disappeared, the white shirt underneath has been torn, his tie has become twisted, and there are two blood stains on the Chinese character's face.

At a glance, you can tell that it was pulled out by a woman with her long nails.

Jack couldn't help but look at Natasha after hearing Luke's teasing.

"I was careless this time. I didn't expect that female agents from the Department of Homeland Security would use their fingernails when fighting like ordinary women."


After Natasha took Colson's coat and tied it on herself, she sneered and looked at Jack: "When you were sandwiched between my thighs and begging for mercy, I didn't want you to be so stubborn now. Why, reply Now that you're with your mother, you're getting tough again?"

When Luke heard this, he looked at Jack with playful eyes.


Some people can't even ask for Natasha's foot-washing water, but Jack can enjoy Natasha's thigh attack directly?

If it weren't for the wrong timing, he would have wanted to ask Jack if Natasha's legs were great.

Jack's thick eyebrows straightened up, his expression a little angry: "I saw your clothes were torn, so I was kind enough to take them off for you. You attacked me sneakily."

Natasha sneered and said: "Stop bragging, sneak attack, if you have the ability, let's have another fight and see if I can blow your nose out."

Jack also sneered and said: "Come on, I won't be a gentleman this time. See if I can blow up your mountain with one punch."

Hearing this, Natasha stared at Jack coldly.

Jack was no weaker than anyone else, and he stared at Natasha's towering mountain coldly, clenching his casserole-sized fists loudly.

Luke touched his chin, watched this scene with interest, then raised his eyebrows, as if he had thought of something, and looked at Nick Fury: "Director Fury, how are you? Haven't you thought of a new bargaining chip? If not, , let me tell you how it goes."

Upon hearing this, Nick Fury looked at Luke again.

"What chips?"

"Have Agent Natasha Romanoff go on three dates with Jack."


"What a joke."


As soon as Luke's words came out, almost everyone present, except Nick Fury, couldn't hold back.

Jack's eyes widened and he looked at Luke: "Boss, are you kidding? Who wants to date this female agent who likes to scratch me with her nails when fighting?"

Natasha also looked at Jack: "What are you thinking about? A date. He is not even qualified to drink my foot-washing water."

Jack looked at Natasha, his eyes moved down and landed on Natasha's knee-high boots: "Thank you, I don't like smelly things."

Natasha glared at Jack: "Who are you saying has stinky feet!"

Jack shrugged, looking innocent: "Did I say your feet smell?"

Luke sat in his seat, admiring the two fighting with a smile.

Nick Fury's one eye flickered: "As I just said, Director Dane has a great sense of humor."

Luke withdrew his gaze and looked at Nick Fury: "I have a sense of humor, but I'm not talking. Let this agent Natasha Romanoff stay and date Jack three times. This can be counted as yours." Chips.”

Jack quickly said: "This is impossible, boss, I don't want to date this smelly-footed agent!"

"You didn't even have a chance to drink my water." Natasha was not to be outdone.

Nick Fury squinted one eye.

"I never told you the name of my agent."

"We are all intelligence agencies."

Luke looked at Nick Fury with a smile: "It's better not to say something too clearly. You say so, Director Nick Fury."

Nick Fury stopped talking.

Lu Ke said directly: "Anyway, if you agree, I can show you the answer. Of course, you can also accept my first proposal and surrender and lose half. Anyway, it's not six o'clock in the afternoon yet. You can think about it." .”

Nick Fury: "..."

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