A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 234 What a cat and a dog! (Third update, please subscribe!!)

After Luke finished saying this, he leaned back on the chair behind him and waited for Nick Fury's answer.

As for Jack, who was saying that he would never date a female agent with smelly feet, and Natasha, who was also ridiculing that her breasts were stronger than those of women.

They can give their opinions.

Freedom of speech.

Luke just pretended he didn't hear anything.

Nick Fury is probably the same. His one eye is narrowed and he is watching Luke, as if he is brainstorming what tricks Luke is playing.


Luke didn't play a single trick.

He just felt that if Jack and Natasha were allowed to date, the scene would definitely look good.

So he said it.

After all, Luke also has the attributes of a fun-loving person.

And in his opinion, the outcome of this game has actually been decided.

Regardless of whether Nick Fury surrenders now, if he loses half, he still loses. Nick Fury cannot escape the consequences he deserves.

This doesn't mean that he can just write a letter of understanding and get over it.

Quantico would not agree.

The Ministry of Justice will also not agree.

This time Nick Fury can't be said to have come to him to overturn the case with great fanfare, but it can also be said to have caused a sensation on the entire West Coast.

If Nick Fury doesn't find any evidence this time and nothing happens, it will give other law enforcement a false impression.

That's their FBI, they are weak and can be bullied.


Nick Fury actually lost.

The issue at hand is simple.

Should Nick Fury choose to surrender and lose half, or should he choose to put up other chips and take the last gamble?

Let's bet that Luke, who has been smiling in front of him, is actually bluffing, and there are actually no bullets in his gun.

The two people who were bickering didn't seem to have any reaction when they saw their respective bosses. They snorted in disgust at each other, turned their heads and looked at their respective bosses again.

Jack couldn't help but look at Luke: "Boss, if you can't help it, let's change the bargaining chip and let this female agent go on a date with Debbie. Debbie will definitely like this one."

If he couldn't beat this violent woman, Jack swore that he would beat this violent woman to death.

Natasha sneered again: "Stop dreaming, you can't even drink my water..."

The words just came out.

Nick Fury raised his hand to stop Natasha from speaking, and looked at Luke again, his one eye flashing wisely, as if "when a black man thinks, God laughs": "Director Dane, you want to poach me. People, there is no need to beat around the bush."

When Natasha heard this, her eyes also fell on Luke.

When Luke heard this, he chuckled and glanced at Nick Fury: "Director Fury, you can't think of any other bargaining chips you can offer. I've thought of it for you. Why don't you thank me?"

What poaching?


He is just a pure fun person.

Of course.

If Jack could really tame Natasha during these three dates, he wouldn't object to it.

After all, he has now boarded the Hydra ship and is planning to become one of the leaders of the Hydra.

Natasha will be another big help in thwarting Hydra's conspiracy in the future.


Theoretically speaking, if his younger brother Jack, who is extremely loyal to him, can really conquer Natasha, and if they get married in the future, then Natasha can become his real wife without any effort. Erba Jing's own people.

Of course.

It would be okay if Jack and Natasha didn't work out. Anyway, he said this from the beginning just for fun.

Nick Fury seemed to believe it, and he was very sure of it. After glancing at Jack, he chuckled and said, "Isn't Director Dann afraid that he will steal the chicken but lose the rice?"

Dating is a mutual thing.

When the time comes, it will be a 50-50 split between who is attracted to whom.

And based on Natasha's rank, Nick Fury felt that Jack, who seemed to like masturbating rather than masturbating, would definitely not be Natasha's opponent.

"I'm willing to admit defeat!"

Luke looked at Nick Fury with a smile: "Don't worry, if the result is like this, I will not come to you to ask for an explanation."

If there was any sign that Jack had been abducted, I would rip off his head immediately.

After Luke finished speaking, he glanced at Jack beside him.

Jack felt a chill suddenly attack him, but the chill came and went quickly. Before he could recover, the chill disappeared without a trace.

at this time.

Earl also walked in from outside, followed by two agents.

"Leave it here."

"Okay, sir."

The two detectives placed the evidence boxes in their hands on the table, then turned and left the conference room.

Earl handed the information in his hand to Luke: "Director, all the physical evidence collected in the 'Roland Fry' case is here."

Luke took the information, nodded to Earl, then looked at Nick Fury again, pointing to the two evidence boxes over there: "Director Fury, your suggestion is to stop the loss in time, but If you want to continue playing, that’s fine, just put down the chips.”

Earl looked at Jack curiously: "What chips?"

Jack twitched the corner of his mouth and told Earl that Luke planned to let the violent woman opposite him go on three dates with him.

Earl was stunned for a moment, glanced at Natasha, and then said to Luke: "Director, I disagree."

Natasha's eyes suddenly fell on Earl.

Luke looked at Earl curiously.

"You don't agree?"



Earl was straightforward and looked at Natasha opposite, who seemed angry after hearing this sentence, and said his reasons: "Jack has a good temper, an honest person, and is down-to-earth in his work. He is not just any cat or dog." Who can date our Jack? What if Jack is led astray by someone? Director, I am opposed to this bargaining chip."

In short, it’s just one sentence.

Natasha is not worthy enough to date Jack.

Jack looked at Earl who spoke for him with tears in his eyes.

Finally someone heard him and was willing to stand up for him.

After listening to Earl's explanation, Luke put away the smile on his face and lowered his eyes as if in deep thought.

The next second.

Luke nodded thoughtfully and looked at Nick Fury.

Nick Fury saw this and took the lead.

"Okay, I agree with this bargaining chip."


Luke suppressed the words he was about to say, seeming a little uncomfortable, and then shook his head towards Nick Fury: "Director Fury, maybe I didn't think carefully just now, and you agreed to this condition. It may not be useful, Agent Romanoff is not..."

Natasha interrupted Luke's words and looked directly at Earl: "Director, I agree to this condition."

Luke frowned.

Earl also frowned.

Jack went crazy and quarreled with Natasha again.

Nick Fury, like Luke, ignored the quarrel between the two and looked at Luke, who frowned slightly: "I have already laid down the chips, and I can't regret it."

Luke didn't speak, his expression showed a trace of regret after a sudden awakening due to poor consideration.

Although he hid this trace of regret very well, Nick Fury still noticed it, so he directly blocked Luke with such a sentence.

When Luke heard this, he shook his head and looked at Nick Fury with a smile.

"I hope it's me who wins."

"Luck is conserved, no one's luck will always be this good."

"Really? I don't believe it. I've always been lucky."

"Really, I don't believe it either."

"If you're lucky, you'll see it."

Luke chuckled, then pointed with his right hand at the two boxes on the table, and said to Nick Fury: "Okay, no regrets, you can choose one of the two evidence boxes."

The smile that just appeared on Nick Fury's face suddenly froze.



The smile doesn’t disappear, it just shifts.

The smile on Luke's face bloomed again, and he looked at Nick Fury whose smile disappeared: "Isn't it common sense that one chip should be used against a box of evidence? Of course, if Director Fury allows me to use the chips I placed, , that is, if you won’t blame us if you win the bet, I can admit that you have one chip and use it as two chips.”

Nick Fury's one eye shrank.

The next second.

He smiled.

Because Nick Fury felt like he had won the bet.


Nick Fury took a deep breath, crossed his arms, followed Luke's example, and leaned on the seat behind him: "I won't think about putting back the chips. What other chips do you want me to put down?" .”


Nick Fury pointed at Coulson who was watching the show: "Keep him here too and go on three dates with your assistant."

Coulson was stunned.

Earl's expression suddenly changed.

The smile on Luke's face disappeared instantly, and he looked at Nick Fury with sharp eyes like a blade.

All of a sudden.

Nick Fury felt a thick chill sweep down from the Heavenly Spirit Cap.

Next to her, Natasha, who was born in a red house and was very sensitive to murderous intent, also felt the murderous intent suddenly released by Luke.

She originally thought that Luke's murderous intention was directed at her.


Natasha noticed Nick Fury on the seat, whose face instantly turned black and blue, and hurriedly stepped forward and stopped in front of Nick Fury.


Natasha, who looked directly into Luke's sharp, razor-sharp eyes, seemed to see an endless mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood before her eyes at this moment.

And there was Lu Ke, who was on the Blood Sea Throne in Corpse Mountain, looking down at her from a high position.

at this time.

Luke looked at Natasha who was standing in front of him and withdrew his gaze.

A thud.

Natasha's steps faltered and she almost fell to the ground.

Nick Fury was better in the chair, but that was only because he was sitting, so he didn't make a fool of himself.

Luke sneered.

"This joke is not funny at all."

"Nick Fury!"

"If you want to see the evidence, you can put the fifty million dollars on the gambling table and draw the cards directly. Otherwise, you can choose one of the two and see if you are lucky and can draw what you want."

"I gave you half the chance to surrender and lose. If you didn't cherish it, it's invalid."

"You can try it, head on, who among us will win?"


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