A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 236: Keep my wife (fifth update, please subscribe!!)

Nick Fury is gone.

When he left, his face looked very bad. He took his right-hand man, his SHIELD agent, and the two boxes and left the small conference room angrily.

When Nick Fury left, he even said harsh words.

"Don't be complacent. This video and audio must be fake. I will find the evidence."


Luke's answer was simple.

Because Nick Fury thought he was saying cruel words, but to Luke's ears, they were just the moans of a defeated dog.

If he wanted to, Nick Fury wouldn't even be qualified to take away the two boxes of physical evidence.

Even these two boxes of physical evidence have been sorted and carefully calculated.

But Luke still let Nick Fury take it away.

after all……

These two boxes of physical evidence were purchased by Nick Fury for fifty million in real money.


This time Nick Fury also put his right arm, the Black Widow agent Natasha Romanoff, into it.

According to the agreement, Agent Natasha Romanoff needs to go on three dates with Jack.

This is the price Nick Fury must pay after losing the bet.


The price Nick Fury needs to pay is not only the "fifty million dollars" but also "three dates with Natasha Romanoff".

When get off work this afternoon, if Nick Fury cannot provide any relevant information to prove that there is another hidden secret in this case, then Nick Fury will face Quantico, the Department of Justice, and even the country. The Security Bureau was furious.

Don't ask why there is an NSA.

Who told Nick Fury to go out this time using the name of the National Security Agency?



"Video files and audio files, as well as Roland Fury's call records, were all released to the host of the Colombian Evening News."


Earl was stunned for a moment, and looked up at Luke, who was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window after returning to his office, with his hands behind his back, buttoning up the clothes, and opened his mouth: "Director, you can just say that you gave it to Rachel. ·Ms. Villeless’s.”

Too bad she was stunned just now.

Luke lowered his head and smiled, turned to look at Earl and said, "Don't you always like Rachel a lot? Besides, it's business, so it's better to be professional."

Earl thought for a while, shrugged and said, "Actually, I don't hate her that much anymore."

Luke raised an eyebrow.


"Ms. Rachel Villeless also helped us a lot this time."

The public opinion and dominance of the case this time was because Rachel was on their side, so the public opinion was always in their strong perspective.

This was basically unbelievable before.


Earl smiled and said, "You have a great eye, Chief."

Luke looked at Earl with a smile: "I know, otherwise, that black braised egg just wanted to bet on my most trusted assistant, I wouldn't be so angry."

Earl thought of Luke who had just lifted the table in the small conference room before she could react, and pursed his lips: "Thank you, Director."

Luke smiled and said, "Is there anything else?"

Earl nodded.

"Director, what about Jack's bet with the female agent?"

"Perform it."

Luke's eyes lit up.

"Let Jack ask her out tonight."

"So urgent?"

"Don't be anxious. That guy is going back to Washington in despair tonight. Leave the female agent behind. Then let Debbie come up with some ideas and try to get Jack to win this female agent over to our camp. middle."


Earl frowned: "Debbie, can you? That female agent, I think she is quite high."

The corner of Lu Ke's mouth raised: "It depends on who you compare yourself with."

As the famous Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff can't be said to have perfect skills in seducing men, but she can also be said to be a being who can make strategists turn their heads.


What if this military advisor is a woman?

What's more, this female military advisor also likes women.

the most important is.

If Natasha Romanoff is good at seducing men, then Debbie is best at seducing women.

When the time comes to let Debbie be Jack's strategist, Luke feels that the winning rate is high.

Earl also understood the meaning of Luke's words, nodded suddenly, and then frowned: "Director, will the other party give up so willingly?"

Luke smiled, turned around again, and looked at the black business car that came with a fierce momentum and left like a lost dog: "So what if he doesn't want to give up. He will be busy next."


Ministry of Justice.

National Security Agency.

Just from the attacks that are about to begin from these three companies, Nick Fury is afraid that he will bleed completely.

Not to mention that Nick Fury also faces accountability from the Security Council, which manages S.H.I.E.L.D.

In a word.

When Nick Fury came over, he probably didn't expect that the situation would turn out like this.

Even if Nick Fury can handle this, Luke still has a trump card.

do not forget.

Nick Fury just lost $50 million to him.


This black braised egg treats public funds as his little treasury. Doesn’t he know that it is public funds, how to use them, how to fight them, and it is not up to him alone to decide?

But Luke doesn't plan to talk about this matter now.

He planned to wait and see.

Luke couldn't help Nick Fury, but he could still add insult to injury.

That night, at seven o'clock, as the Columbia Evening News was broadcast, Rachel appeared on the screen and once again disclosed the video and conspiracy about "Roland Fry" and "The Mandarin" meeting on the beach of Long Beach with exclusive news The audio of Luke's trip is released.

You can't say that the entire federation, you can also say that the entire west coast has been bombed.

As the hammering evidence was released, calls came one after another from concerned citizens on the West Coast, almost overwhelming the phone lines at Quantico and the National Security Agency.

Enthusiastic residents questioned Quantico. They were bullied so much and they didn't give a shit. Is this still the FBI they always thought of when even the president dared to arrest him?

The phone calls the National Security Agency received were nothing but pure rants.

He angrily scolds the National Security Agency, knowing that the real enemy will not catch him, and even intends to wrongfully accuse them of the West Coast superhero because the person who died is his own brother.


Just because you, DC, belong to the East Coast, you can bully those on the West Coast.


As everyone knows.

Luke is a superhero from the West Coast, and he has a good wife who manages the character of the hero and the beauty. Therefore, his status in the hearts of the people on the West Coast is very high.

So high that when people from the West Coast meet people from the East Coast, once someone mentions Iron Man in New York City, they will compare Luke.

And nine times out of ten, basically the West Coast guy wins.

The question is the geographical advantage.

In short, as phone calls nearly exploded from enthusiastic people, Quantico and the National Security Agency also obtained the video and audio that had been played.

The director of the FBI at Quantico at the time was also the deputy secretary of the Department of Justice. He sent a fax directly to the National Security Agency, asking the latter to give a reasonable explanation and issue a statement overnight.

Tomorrow, the Department of Justice will summon Nick Fury for a hearing on this matter.

"You are making a big mistake, Nick. I told you not to go there at that time. If you don't believe it, forget it. You have received the summons from the Ministry of Justice. Come back quickly. If you don't show up at the Judicial Building tomorrow, it will be even worse. Troublesome."


Nick Fury ignored the real director of operations of the National Security Agency who was blaming the blame on the phone, hung up the phone with an expressionless face, and then looked up at Coulson and Natasha standing in front of him.

"Are there any results from the analysis?"


"How about it."

"It's not fake."

After Coulson and Natasha looked at each other, they said to Nick Fury: "Whether it's surveillance video, audio, or the three X-gene suppression collars brought back, Strack's engineers also Confirmed, these three collars have not been activated and are still in factory condition."

Nick Fury's one eye flashed.

Coulson and Natasha looked at each other again, looking at Nick Fury who had not spoken for a long time, and wisely chose to remain silent.

after awhile.

"I give up this time. Luke Dane, you are indeed very powerful. It's no wonder that with only two years of resume, you can jump from an unidentified existence to the current Assistant Director of Los Angeles Operations."

"But, I don't believe your luck will continue to be this good."

"Wait for me!"

Nick Fury took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, as if he was talking to Natasha and Coulson, but also as if he was swearing secretly, and stood up from his seat: "Let's go back to China. Mansion."

Be willing to admit defeat.

He is not the kind of person who cannot afford to lose.

At the moment, Nick is just glad that he did not choose to fight head-on. Otherwise, the storm waiting for him would not have been a subpoena letter from the Ministry of Justice.


A black car quietly drove out of the underground garage of the building disguised as adult supplies.


Their way was blocked.

Natasha, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked at Jack who jumped out of the black Hummer in a suit and narrowed her eyes: "It's him!"

The next second.

Natasha opened the passenger door and looked at Jack: "Why, I pinched you once and you feel it's not enough. Are you going to let me pinch you a second time?"

Just as Jack was about to speak, he suddenly paused, and then his eyes fell on Nick Fury in the back seat of the black car: "I'm not here to see you, I'm here to see Director Fury."

Nick Fury opened the car window expressionlessly, looking at Nick Fury coldly with one eye.

Jack showed two rows of white teeth: "Director Fury, you haven't given me my bargaining chip yet. I want Ms. Natasha Romanoff to stay on a date with me tonight."

Nick Fury: "..."

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