A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 237 The military advisor was tricked into turning his head? (First update, please subscribe!


"Smile brighter."

"The more you smile, the more likely it is that the female agent will be provoked to stay."

Along with Debbie's slightly excited voice coming from Jack's in-ear headset, the smile on Jack's face bloomed like a chrysanthemum.

Although he didn't understand why he had to come here to go on a date with Natasha.


Earl and Debbie had already voted, two to one, and he had no right to resist.

Action in a group of offices at the Federal Building.

Earl, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help but look at Debbie, who was excitedly playing the role of strategist next to him, and said, "Take it easy, Jack's face was scratched by this female agent, and I heard that she even used her thighs on him. It’s caught, we want to keep this female agent, not give them Jack’s life.”

Debbie glanced directly at Earl without any extra explanation.

"Do you understand women, or do I understand them? Have you ever had a girlfriend?"


Earl opened his mouth, looked at Debbie who had "I am the expert in picking up girls" written on her face, pursed her lips, and raised her hands to express surrender.

Seeing this, Debbie turned back to the computer screen with some satisfaction, and used the wireless headset to continue to guide Jack remotely: "You listen to me Jack, don't worry, three dates are enough for her to sleep in your bed for the third time. I'll give you some medicine when the time comes to ensure that she can't live without you from now on."

Debbie, who was making a lot of jokes one after another, looked at Natasha in the black tights captured by the button camera, and wished she could replace Jack and take the stage in person.


Why was I not there at the time? If I had known better, I would have asked the boss to give me the bet.

As a result, Jack, an honest man, was now benefited for nothing.

Thinking about this, Debbie became more and more angry, but she still guided Jack remotely and used the art of language to keep Natasha who was supposed to leave here with Nick Fury.

Nick Fury came with his right arm, but when he boarded his private plane and prepared to return to Washington, he only had his left arm and left his right arm in Los Santos.


This was originally part of the bet, and Debbie was just adding fuel to the fire. The content of the bet expanded to include when Natasha fulfilled her third date with Jack, and when everything was over, Natasha could leave Los Santos. .


After the private plane took off smoothly, Nick Fury sat in his seat and looked out the window. Just like other cities, no matter how luxurious it is, after nine o'clock in the evening, it will become gray like the night view of Los Santos in the countryside. .

Luke Dane, wait, we'll meet again soon.

next time.

You won't be so lucky.

Nick Fury's one eye flickered, and the private plane beneath him carried Nick Fury straight towards Washington with his increasingly intense resentment.

Seven days later.



"Boss, your cold is not over yet."

Earl, who was just about to report to Luke the "50 million" fund allocation plan seven days ago, looked at the sneezing Luke and said with concern: "It's already been seven days."

Luke pinched his nose and grunted: "Yes, it's been seven days. At this time every day, there are two unreasonable sneezes. Damn it, that Nick Fury's resentment is very powerful."

Ever since Nick Fury left Los Santos in despair.

Luke sneezes twice every day at this time.

As everyone knows.

One thought, two scoldings and three colds.

The only suspect that Luke can think of who has a deep grudge against him right now is none other than Nick Fury, who is currently suffering in Washington.

Nick Fury is having a tough time these days.

After Nick Fury flew back to Washington and attended the hearing held specially for him by the Department of Justice the next day, news about Nick Fury reached Luke's ears one by one.

Most of it came from Quantico.

A small part was sent from Seve.

In short, it's just one sentence.

Nick Fury's current situation can only be described as miserable.

But he asked for it.

And this is not the worst time for Nick Fury, because Nick Fury has not passed the Security Council test yet.

However, the Security Council has also discussed the time to initiate a hearing on Nick Fury.

Just after Christmas.

Luke thought this was a good time. At the very least, this way, Nick Fury could be said to have a sharp sword hanging over his head.

One sentence.

Nick Fury is not going to have a good Christmas this year.

Luke is looking forward to this Christmas this year.


He decided that tonight, he would find an opportunity to add insult to injury to Nick Fury.

For example, tonight when he went to attend the East China Embassy and Consulate Party, he planned to find an opportunity to tell the Korean Ambassador that Nick Fury had lost 50 million of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s public funds in a bet with him.

After the holidays, I'm afraid Nick Fury will be sprayed with elegant words by Dong Guo's directors until he shuts down.

Because S.H.I.E.L.D. was funded by the five overlords, and among them, the Eastern Kingdom and the Federation are two heads, and both parties are responsible for about 35% of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s funds.

in other words.

Of the 50 million that Nick Fury gave this time, 17.5 million was contributed by Dongguo.

This guy suddenly lost 17.5 million belonging to Dongguo. If the poor rabbit knew about it, he would probably tear him apart.

He wouldn't be surprised at all if Nick Fury is fired directly next year.

Luke thought sadly in his heart.


Luke thought about the 50 million he had won, pinched his nose, stood up from his seat, and took Earl to the sofa. After sitting down, he poured Earl a glass of bourbon and then said : "How to arrange the distribution of 50 million."

Earl clicked on his tablet: "According to the pre-planned plan, 20 million was given to Quantico, and another 10 million was given to California."

Luke nodded.

Quantico is from the headquarters, and Datou must be from the headquarters. This is the rule.

The same goes for California, which is also their superior. It has a headquarters. California can live without a headquarters, but it cannot live without one.

Moreover, after Quantico and California received tributes, they were also very powerful.

This is also a very important reason why Nick Fury is having a miserable life in Washington these days.

Luke is using the money given to him by Nick Fury to develop his relationships with the higher-ups, and at the same time, he is letting his higher-ups help him blast Nick Fury, who gave him the money.

"Twenty million more."


"Director Pan Ning, you, the administrative director, the financial director... two million each, a total of ten million."

"anything else."

"The agents who participated in this operation will each receive a year-end bonus of 200,000 yuan. The other agents will receive bonuses of 100,000, 50,000 and 30,000 yuan according to their levels."

"That's it. If there is no problem, you sign and I will send it to the finance department. All bonuses will be distributed before get off work today."

After Earl finished speaking, he took out the distribution instructions for the year-end bonus from the folder next to him and handed it to Luke.

Luke took the information, glanced at it briefly, signed his name, and handed it to Earl: "Take out my share of 900,000, and you, Jack, and Debbie will do it again." Take three hundred thousand.”

Earl was slightly startled: "Boss."

Luke said directly: "It has been decided, and the objection is invalid."

He was short of money before, but that was to unlock the gene lock.

at the moment?

Luke is not interested in money.

He only wants the loyalty of his confidants!

Luke didn't give Earl a chance to continue speaking, and directly changed the subject: "Have the arrangements been made for the on-duty staff during the holiday?"

Today is the last day of work. From tomorrow on, except for the action team who are on duty in turn, as well as internal support and necessary personnel, everyone else will be on vacation as long as there is no plane crash into a Hollywood landmark.

after all……

Federal overtime pay is very expensive.

These things should have been the real director Pan Ning's concern.

But since Holden Lewis died, Penning seemed to have let himself go even more than him. Four days out of ten days, he went to Sacramento to find his new fiancée. The last time was when Nick Fury came over. I just took my annual leave and put all the problems on him.

Fortunately, Luke had a right-hand assistant, otherwise, Luke would have teleported and chopped off Pan Ning's head.

Earl nodded, took out this year's holiday shift plan from the folder, and handed it to Luke: "We've communicated with the back office people, it's already done."

Lu Ke waved his hand: "Just do it well, I'm just asking, as long as it doesn't delay the normal operation of the bureau."

Say it.

Luke looked at the time on his watch.

It's half past three.

It's time to go home and pick up Rachel to go to the party at the Eastern Kingdom Embassy and Consulate, and then give Nick Fury some eye drops.

After all, Rachel gave up tonight's evening news to a new female anchor for tonight's party.

Go back early before Rachel complains about his lack of ambition again.

Luke thought to himself, drank the bourbon in the glass, and looked at Earl: "Okay, is there anything else that I need to deal with?"

Earl nodded.



"Debbie is still making trouble, can you let her go on a date with Natasha?"


Luke, who was just about to get up, sat down on the sofa again after hearing these words, and said with a strange expression: "Why."

Earl also had a strange expression on his face: "I'm not sure, but it seems that Debbie is attracted to Natasha."

Luke took a breath: "What do you mean, I asked her to serve as Jack's strategist. Why, Natasha didn't turn Jack into a pervert, but she made Debbie into a pervert, right?" "

Earl: "..."

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