A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 245 The new director with bad intentions (fourth update, please subscribe!!)

When Penning called his fiancée, Miranda was thinking about her next step in her apartment in Sacramento.

She can actually continue to stay in the state bureau.

But this choice is a choice without a choice.

Miranda graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, ranked number one in the federal majors, and she had a choice.

For her, the best option was to take advantage of this opportunity, request a transfer, and return directly to the headquarters in Quantico.

She is not a loser in the power struggle, so the new director will definitely support her after she makes this request.


After returning to Quantico, although the level will not change, the professional title level will definitely be inferior to that of the state bureau.

Even though a new director's confidant was parachuted in as the financial director, the state director still retained the title of deputy financial director for her.

If he went to Quantico, he wouldn't even have the title of deputy chief financial officer, let alone deputy financial director.

From frugality to luxury.

It is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

The same goes for work.

No one would want to be a soldier who can only obey orders after becoming a leader.


When Miranda was thinking about her future decision, she saw Pan Ning's phone call, calmed down her emotions, and answered the phone with a smile.

The next second.

She was completely stunned.


"That secret law enforcement agency formed by the five overlords?"

As a finance major and a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Miranda’s connections in the Commonwealth cannot be underestimated.

for example……

The current Minister of the Federal Department of Finance is their senior at the University of Pennsylvania.

As an outstanding graduate, the alumni book in Miranda's hand also has the contact information of this senior.

Not to mention other alumni who are involved in major federal law enforcement agencies.

The flow of information between finances is not slow at all, so it is quite reasonable for them to know the existence of SHIELD.

Pan Ning said directly: "Yes, it's S.H.I.E.L.D. Luke said that Sanfei is short of a financial director, if you are interested."

Miranda raised her eyebrows: "The financial manager played by San Fei was arrested about seven days ago. There was discussion about this matter in the baby group a few days ago."

Their alma mater, the University of Pennsylvania, has a mascot, an owl, named Baby.

Miranda's thoughts were spinning: "If it is Sanfei, of course I am willing, but is the news reliable?"

S.H.I.E.L.D. is now a cat-in-a-shoebox within the federal law enforcement system.

He exists, yet does not exist.

But SHIELD is not part of the FBI system, that's for sure.

If she wanted to go to Sanfei Decoration, this would be considered job hopping.

If she changes jobs and finds out it's not her, if she wants to come back, she will still come back with her ability, but her level will definitely be lowered.

It's normal for Miranda to be a little worried about this.

Pan Ning grabbed her phone and returned to the sofa, looking at Luke.

He directly turned on the speakerphone, so Luke could hear what Miranda just said.

Luke said directly to Miranda on the other end of the phone: "There is no such worry, but if you want to go, you have to act quickly, because this window period ends on the 10th, and today is already the seventh Called."

When Miranda heard this, she made a decision without any hesitation: "I will write the application now."

After saying that.

Miranda hung up the phone immediately.

She works in finance, is resolute and has the necessary professional qualities.

After Luke confirmed Miranda's thoughts, he directly took Pan Ning's cell phone and called Alexander.

After Alexander received Luke's confirmation call, he didn't say much. He just said "I understand" and then hung up the phone.

Three days later.

January 10th.

Good news comes.

Miranda Cap has officially become SHIELD's new treasurer.

In the office.



Pan Ning clinked glasses with Luke, said thank you, and then looked at Luke: "Miranda said that after she sorted things out, she would come to Los Santos to treat you to a drink."

Luke smiled and said: "Okay, I will remember it."

In fact, Miranda's employment information was confirmed yesterday, but even a secret agency needs to go through a process before it can be announced.

After all, who gave up this responsibility to Nick Fury?

In the current SHIELD, even if you go to the logistics office to get a roll of paper or something, you have to report it to your direct leader according to the procedures, and then make a report, and after approval, it will be handed over to the new administrative director, who will Logistics will only implement it after signing.


By the time this process is completed, you will either have squatted in the toilet for eternity, or you just can’t wait to use your own clothes as rolling papers.

In short, SHIELD is quite formal at the moment.


Pan Ning thought about the content of the phone call with his fiancée yesterday, and looked at Luke: "The person who interviewed her at the time was Maria Hill, the deputy director and commander of SHIELD. When the final decision was made, it was Maria Hill who voted Vote for Miranda.”

Luke nodded: "I know that, don't worry about me, Miranda can do whatever she wants."

The meaning of Pan Ning's words, the first half of the sentence is irrelevant, the important thing is the last sentence.

Maria Hill appears to be courting Miranda Capp.

This is also normal.

In fact, Miranda Karp was not the only one who went for an interview yesterday, there were three others.

But the other three people, more or less, all have labels on them.

Two of those three people were appointed as financial supervisors of a branch of SHIELD during Alexander's tenure.

The other one is also labeled Nick Fury.


Just as some members of the Security Council are wary of the "military label" on Maria Hill, Maria Hill, whose power is basically equivalent to that of the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. in addition to being unjustified, naturally does not want to see the financial label labeled. People with labels like "Alexander Pierce" or "Nick Fury" settled in.

In this way, Miranda Capp's advantage is very obvious.

Maria Hill voted for Miranda Capp, naturally and to be expected.

Luke knew what Miranda Cap was worried about, so after saying something like this, he said to Penning: "The matter between SHIELD and Miranda is completely coincidental and convenient, and compared with Well, shouldn’t we be worried about the new state director?”

You know, this time, the new California director parachuted in directly on Christmas Eve.

What were the FBI doing across California at that time?

Those who take vacations take vacations, and those who go abroad go abroad.


The new state director did not just come here randomly, but he specifically chose this time and carried out a sneak attack without any moral ethics.

When a new director takes office, the correct approach should be for them to receive the news first, and then visit the state director as soon as possible when he takes office to show their respect.

But what did the new director do?

A direct sneak attack, he parachuted in during the holiday without saying a word, took the lead, and unscrupulously took a bomb and hid it.

When he wants to touch someone, he will have a natural reason.

That is, when I perform my duties is my business, but if you don't visit me as soon as possible, you disrespect me. This is your business.

"This new director comes with bad intentions."

Luke shook his head and looked at Pan Ning: "But luckily you were in Sacramento at that time. What's your background? Is there any news?"

Pan Ning grabbed the information placed beside him and handed it directly to Lu Ke: "Take a look."

Luke took the information and flipped through it.

The new director is called Miller. He doesn't have a lot of information, and his resume isn't anything outstanding.

Director Miller was born in Washington, grew up in Washington, studied in Washington, and graduated from Yale. After that, he went directly to the Quantico headquarters. He started as a senior special agent, then served as an office agent, operations staff agent, and then He was the Assistant Director of Operations, and then became the new Director of California.

"This resume..."

Luke looked at the information about Director Miller in his hand and discovered the problem at a glance. He looked at Pan Ning and said, "It's clear that he is here to prepare for a wave of trouble and then return to the headquarters."

Director Miller's information shows that this guy's development path followed the headquarters path.

Since graduating, I have never thought about doing grassroots work. This career development path clearly indicates that I want to challenge the FBI director's throne.

This time, it was clear that I wanted to do something big, and then I would go back to Quantico after I was done.

Pan Ning nodded in agreement: "If he didn't plan to cause trouble, he wouldn't have descended from the sky on Christmas Eve. But the question is, what kind of trouble does he intend to make, and who does he plan to make trouble against? This is The essential."

Luke noticed Pan Ning's expression.

"Do you think he plans to mess with us?"

"I have no idea."

Pan Ning frowned and looked at Luke with a serious expression: "But, so many days have passed, and those who should be suspicious have also begun to doubt."

He was talking about Holden Lewis.

Holden Lewis died last year. The cause of death was claimed to be a plane crash, but everyone who knows the real cause of death knows.

And after so much time has passed, there should be someone to be suspicious of.

no doubt.

He and Luke, who received the last mission order before Holden Lewis' temporary mission, must be the first suspects.

Although there is no evidence that Luke and Penning were in Sacramento on the day of Holden Lewis's death.

But the law only talks about evidence.

Capital only talks about possibilities.

Lu Ke thought, smiled, and said to Pan Ning: "Whether the new director intends to come with bad intentions, or does he intend to come with bad intentions, we will find out when we go tomorrow."

Pan Ning: "..."

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