A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 246 This wave is coming for me (fifth update, please subscribe!!)

Today is the first day of work this year.

As per FBI practice.

After going to work today, the city bureau director will handle the squeeze matter, and then the next day he will go to the state director with the assistant director of operations to report on his work.

Put it plainly.

Just go to the new director and report on their work this year.

And in this.

There are only a few jobs.

Humanity is the key.

Luke smiled and said: "We gave 20 million to Quantico, and we also gave 10 million to Sacramento. Why, have the protection fees increased to this level these days? Thirty million. Can’t you even buy us a year of safety?”

Pan Ning shook his head.

"That's not even certain."

"How to say."

"If we hadn't given out the money at that time, do you think we could have kept the 20 million?"

One sentence.

That fifty million does not belong to Nick Fury, but to S.H.I.E.L.D.

The reason why SHIELD did not recover the money was not because SHIELD was willing to admit defeat like Nick Fury.

Simply because they can't.

Because Quantico and the Department of Justice were in the front, helping them attract firepower in Los Santos.

Pan Ning said this, and then looked at Luke: "Besides, don't we all know the character of Quantico and Sacramento? They are quite strong in not being human beings. Louis is gone, and you are making trouble with Alexander again." Bye bye, now we might even be the target of suspicion, the two of us are the best weaklings now."

Lu Ke smiled and looked at Pan Ning: "Whether he treats us as weak persimmons, we will know tomorrow."

Pan Ning also smiled when he saw this.

He had a bad feeling.

It felt exactly like the last time when Holden Lewis was planning to get rid of us.


This time, his feeling seemed to be wrong.

And it's so wrong.

the next day!

By the time Lu Ke and Pan Ning came out of the new director's office behind them, it was almost one o'clock in the afternoon.

They arrived in Sacramento at seven o'clock this morning, and then arrived at the Federal Building at eight o'clock. Then they entered the new director's office and started talking at 8:15 until now.

A full five hours.


This new director is a chatterbox.

Luke turned his head and glanced at the office door behind him that had taken off the name "Horton Lewis" and replaced it with the nameplate "Aron Miller", thinking about what they had talked about in the past five hours. , couldn't help but smile, and then said to Pan Ning, who seemed a little dizzy next to him: "Let's go."

He can understand Pan Ning's current state.

after all……

Pan Ning came to see the new director today with the mentality that he might become a soft persimmon.


Not only did the new director not regard him as a soft persimmon, but he was promoted. Anyone else would be confused by this.

Luke was worried that Pan Ning might not be able to get to the airport in this state, so after exiting the federal building behind him, he went to sit down at the coffee shop across the street.

Snap your fingers and the waiter appears immediately.

"Two cups of coffee, strong, with ice, no sugar, thank you."



Pan Ning, who had been following the fool just now, came to his senses instantly and looked at the waiter: "One cup with ice, sugar, and no thickening."

The waiter said something, then turned and left.

Pan Ning then looked at Luke speechlessly: "Believe me, no matter how much you like drinking coffee, you won't like your statement."

Luke ignored this sentence, but raised the corners of his mouth: "Hey, you have come to your senses. Have you recovered from being knocked unconscious?"

Pan Ning rolled her eyes at Luke: "I wasn't knocked unconscious, I just couldn't believe it. Aren't you surprised?"

Luke shook his head.


"It's been announced that you are the director of the Los Santos City Bureau. Don't you have an expression of surprise and surprise?"

"Do you see what I have, FBI, Assistant Director of Operations, New York State Bureau?"

Lu Ke looked at Pan Ning and called Pan Ning's latest position.

All the content of the five-hour conversation can be condensed into three sentences.

Penning, former Director of the FBI, California Bureau, Los Santos City Bureau, has been transferred to the FBI, New York State Bureau, Assistant Director of Operations, effective February 1.

Luke Dann, formerly Assistant Director of Operations for the FBI, California Bureau, Los Santos, has served as Director of the FBI, California Bureau, Los Santos since February 1.

As for the vacant position of Assistant Director of Operations.

Luke mentioned Earl.


The new state director agreed without thinking.

It seems that the new state director has shown unparalleled respect and win over Pan Ning and Lu Ke.

Happiness comes too suddenly.


Panning, who was going to New York State to take office next month, was immediately knocked unconscious.

Luke didn't.

Not only was he not stunned by this surprise, but he was certain of one thing.

"When things go wrong, there must be a monster."

"There is no free lunch."

"No one will help you for no reason."

"Unless he plans to attack you."

Lu Ke said expressionlessly, took a sip of the strong, iced and unsweetened iced coffee that the waiter had just brought and said to Pan Ning opposite: "Obviously, your concerns are right, this new director , ready to attack us."

When Pan Ning heard this, his mind instantly cooled down.


Something is wrong.

Pan Ning frowned and said, "If he was just praising us, I can understand that he was going to paralyze us. But, to give us promotions, don't forget, he transferred me to New York State, not California anymore." Well, if you really want to attack us, shouldn’t you keep us here?”

This time he was promoted, but he was promoted directly across state lines.

If it was just the new director who planned to attack them, there would be no reason to go to such great lengths to trick him into going to New York State and then kill him.

And interstate promotions require approval from the Quantico headquarters.

Luke said: "It's because of this that I haven't figured it out yet, so I haven't spoken just now."

He was thinking about this too.

But one thing he was sure of.

This new director is really not kind to anyone who comes to him.

Although his and Pan Ning's promotions were a bit abrupt, they were acceptable.

Naer's promotion was the biggest flaw.

This is why, after he couldn't figure out that the new director wanted to transfer Penning to New York State, in order to confirm his suspicion, he proposed to let Earl take over his position as assistant director of operations.

As a result, the new director agreed without thinking.

If there was no conspiracy in this, then Luke would obviously be sorry for the intrigues he had experienced in the Lord God Space.

Pan Ning grabbed the coffee and took a sip, then looked at Luke and said casually: "You can't say that they think it's not easy for you to be with me, so they might as well transfer me away. Just so they can attack you?"

When Lu Ke heard this, he looked at Pan Ning thoughtfully.

Pan Ning was still talking.

After he finished saying this to himself, the expression on his face wrinkled up again, and he looked up at Luke: "But this isn't right. The two of us did it together. There's no reason. Touch you, but not me. After all, of the two of us, I am the one who is best to deal with."

Lu Ke couldn't help but laugh after hearing Pan Ning's words.

"Your self-awareness is pretty good."


Pan Ning glanced at Lu Ke, shook his head and said, "This is what I rely on for my livelihood."

He always maintains an awareness of what he is capable of.

Pan Ning thinks this is fine.

After all, when people live and pursue rights, they just want to enjoy life.

He was obviously ready to stay as the director of Los Santos until his retirement, but if he wasn't careful, he would be leaving for New York State next month.

Pan Ning shook his head speechlessly and looked at Luke: "Isn't this time aimed at Holden Lewis?"

Luke thought slightly, stood up, held the coffee in his hand, and left the cafe directly. He came to the black Audi car on the roadside, opened the passenger seat and got in.

Pan Ning, who was following behind and was confused, opened the driver's door and got in.

close the door.

Lu Ke looked at Pan Ning who had just sat in and started the car.

"what did you just say?"

"I asked, aren't they here for the Holden Lewis case?"

"And the previous sentence?"

"last sentence?"

Pan Ning thought for a while and looked at Luke: "You transferred me because you think I'm harder to deal with than you?"

Luke snapped his fingers.

"I see."

"...What do you know?"

Pan Ning looked confused and confused: "Don't be like this, look, this is why I don't want to be with you. When I am with you, you always make me look like a fool."

Lu Ke came to his senses and said to Pan Ning with a serious expression: "I'm sorry."

Are you apologizing to a fool?

Pan Ning opened his mouth, took a deep breath, and was too lazy to talk nonsense to Luke. He directly stepped on the accelerator and drove the black Audi under him towards the Sacramento International Airport.

The speed is over half, steady and steady.

Pan Ning thought for a while, and finally couldn't help but said to Luke: "No, what do you understand?"

Luke turned his head and looked at Pan Ning: "Don't you already know?"

Pan Ning frowned.

"What do I know?"

"They came for me and transferred you because you couldn't afford to offend me. You already said so."


Pan Ning took a deep breath: "Come on, come on, tell me, starting from my family background with an alcoholic mother and three bastard younger brothers and sisters, to my background of having nothing after you and I chopped up Louis, how do I look like that?" He looks like he can’t be offended.”

Luke smiled and looked at Pan Ning.

"You are not a nobody now. Your background is indeed older than mine. Did you forget to mention someone?"


"Your fiancée."


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