A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 247 Daniel Whitehorse takes action (first update!)

Chapter 247 Daniel Whitehorse takes action (first update!)

Pan Ning was confused again after hearing what Luke said.

"My fiancée?"

"You mean Miranda Capp?"

"if not."

Lu Ke chuckled and looked at Pan Ning: "What the hell, do you still want to have two fiancées?"

Pan Ning shook his head repeatedly, his mind a little confused: "No, just wait for me to take it easy."

He felt like his mind was a little messed up.


Pan Ning was able to grow up from a family with an alcoholic mother and three asshole younger siblings to the current director, which is enough to prove that he is really not an idiot.

He just couldn't keep up with his IQ when he was with Luke.


Pan Ning's IQ finally caught up with Luke.

"You mean, because Miranda is now the financial director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and she is my fiancée, that's why the new director chose to transfer me."


Luke shrugged: "This is the only reason that can explain why you were transferred."

The biggest background behind Penning was Holden Lewis.

But Louis is dead.

Pan Ning has no background.

But after the 10th of this month, Pan Ning had a background again.

And from a certain perspective, Penning's new background is actually slightly more powerful than Holden Lewis.

Because his fiancée is Miranda Cap, who currently works as the financial director of SHIELD, a company jointly founded by the five overlords.

Just look up and you'll see how bluffing it is.

The five overlords of Blue Star specialize in treating all difficult and complicated diseases.


A husband is more valuable than his wife.

As Penning drove towards the Sacramento airport, he frowned and said, "You mean, they didn't come here because of the Louis death case this time, but came for you alone, but because I'm here in Los Santos, And my fiancée is the financial director of SHIELD, so in order to avoid SHIELD’s involvement, they chose to transfer me out?”

Luke nodded: "That's about it."

Pan Ning looked at Luke with a serious expression.

"I have one last question left."


"who are they?"

"Those who want to deal with me are enemies!"


Luke then said, then looked at the speechless expression on Pan Ning's face, shook his head and said: "I know what you want to ask, but I don't want to say it now, and I only have 100% confidence in this guess. I’m 90% sure, but not 100% sure, and I still need some other evidence.”

Pan Ning frowned: "If you need anything, find it somewhere."

Lu Ke smiled and said, "You don't have to look for it. You can find it when you get to the airport."


Luke looked at Pan Ning, who was about to drive to the departure hall of the airport, and pointed to the side of the road that leads directly to the hangar, which requires permission or special documents to enter: "Go directly to the hangar, Hangar No. 3. "

He came here by public airline this morning.

Even though it's first class.

But Luke still felt a little uncomfortable, so in order to avoid suffering again when he returned, after he got off the plane, he called one of the few girlfriends who owned a private jet so far.

Inside Hangar Three.

Dressed in black, Seve highlighted her slender and sexy figure. Wearing a pair of black high heels with long and slender heels, Seve stood in front of his private jet, folding his arms and looking at it with a smile. Luke stepped out of the black Audi and greeted him.

Then, under the watchful eye of Pan Ning, who came out of the driver's seat next to him and was about to speak, he directly hugged Lu Ke's neck and started nibbling passionately on the spot.

Pan Ning's eyebrows were beating.

He had the illusion that Luke did it on purpose just to trick him into killing him.

Seve moved fiercely, as if he was determined to defeat Luke who was responding, and he was panting slightly.

after awhile.

Seve's sexy lips bit Luke's earlobe hard one last time before they parted.

Pan Ning over there has been turning his body around for a long time.

Sever pressed against Luke's chest, looking at Luke with a mysterious and cold face: "Why, doesn't your Rachel have a private jet?"

Luke smiled and did not answer. Instead, he turned to shout to Pan Ning, who was looking at the scenery over there, and then boarded Seve's private plane directly.

Seeing this, Seve rolled his eyes and followed him onto the plane.

"Los Santos."

Seve said something to the pilot in the cabin, then looked at Penning who was boarding the plane, smiled slightly, and stretched out his right hand: "Hello, Seve."

Pan Ning shook hands with Sever with a normal expression: "Pan Ning."

Sever smiled and said: "Director Penning, the last time I went to the federal building, you seemed to be on vacation."

Pan Ning was slightly startled.

This woman has been to their federal building?

Good guy.

Are you really not afraid that Rachel will suddenly conduct a spot check on you and come directly to the office to find you?

Pan Ning took the bourbon glass handed over by Luke, his face was calm, his eyes were like waves, and he looked at Luke with a shocked look.

Luke knew what Pan Ning was thinking.

Just when he was about to say something, Seve, who had already reached the spiral staircase in the upper cabin, whistled and waved to him.

Luke looked at Seve, who was so beautiful, and then at Pan Ning, who had thick eyebrows and big eyes opposite him, and made a decision almost instantly.

"You drink first."

Luke said something to Pan Ning, then drank all the bourbon in the glass, stood up, and walked towards Seve who was standing on the spiral staircase.

By the time Pan Ning reacted, Luke and Seve had already left his sight, embracing each other passionately.

He was silent for a while and looked at the cabin door that had been closed.

If he could regret it, he would like to ask if it was okay to get off the plane temporarily.

Just when Pan Ning was about to do this, the engine buzzed with increased output.

The next second.

Seve's air fortress accelerated instantly. After gliding to the end of the runway, it spread its wings and soared into the sky.


An hour after the plane took off, Seve, who seemed to be frightened by the shaking of the plane, screamed, panting and lying on Luke's chest, breathing slightly: "Why, Rachel is no longer with you, she finally remembered me. ?”

Luke did not answer this question, but talked about what he gained from coming to Sacramento this time.

"The new Director Allen Miller who just arrived in California promoted both Penning and I."


Seve sat up directly, with a surprised look on his face: "Weren't you promoted to Assistant Director of Operations just last year? If you are promoted to...Director?"

Luke paid attention to Sever's expression and nodded: "Yes."

Seve frowned: "That Director Panning just now, you have become the Director, then he..."

Lu Ke replied: "New York State Assistant Director of Operations, the transfer order will take effect early next month."


It takes effect early next month.


So can I find another partner for my arms business in New York State?

Seve's eyes lit up and he looked at Luke: "What's your relationship like with Director Panning?"

The corner of Luke's mouth rose: "What do you think."

Who is Seve.

Who is Luke?

You would casually pull a cat or a dog over and directly let the cat or dog know that you have other women outside.


Seve's eyes moved: "Then next month, I will visit the Panning Bureau in the name of..."

Luke interrupted directly, looked at Seve, and didn't intend to go around any further. He asked directly: "You really don't know about this?"

Sever frowned.

"What's up?"

"About my promotion."

"How can I..."

"I suspect Aaron Miller is Daniel Whitehorse's man."


Seve's expression didn't seem to be fake surprise. Hearing Luke's words, he stood up directly with a pop. Ignoring the dripping liquid, he grabbed a towel, wrapped his own hair, and then sat at the computer desk next to him. forward.

Luke grabbed a pack of women's cigarettes on the bedside table, lit one, leaned against the bed and looked at Seve sitting there.

Women come in two forms.

One is the way he looks in bed, and the other is the way he looks at work seriously.

Different from his fierce, passionate and wanton appearance in bed, Sever, who works hard, has cold and sharp eyes, and his delicate face is also full of indifference and determination.


Seve retrieved all the data about Aaron Miller.

a lot of.

The data Seve found was much more than what Penning found at the time.

She even found the birth certificate of Aaron Miller.

Seve carefully studied the information found in front of him.

after awhile.

Sever retracted his gaze, looked at Luke who was leaning on the bed not far away, and then nodded.

"You guessed it right, he is indeed Daniel Whitehorse's man."


I knew it.

Luke shook his head, got up from the bed, wrapped himself in a towel, and walked behind Seve.

Seve moved his hands and directly retrieved Aaron Miller's file from a certain period of time: "He should have been recruited by Daniel Whitehorse during the induction training at Quantico."

Luke looked in the direction of Sever's finger.

Enter the eyes.

In a file at the Federal Training Institute in Quantico, it is recorded that Aaron Miller once killed two people after a drinking violation.

But both records have been destroyed.

Seifer explained: "This is the record I found from the Federal Training Academy's registration database. It should be that after that, he was recruited by Daniel Whitehorse."

Because after Aaron Miller accidentally killed two people while drunk, not only was he not punished in any way, but the training agent he found at that time died in a car accident in a subsequent accident.

On the other hand, Aaron Miller graduated successfully and directly joined the FBI headquarters in Quantico, starting his dungeon life of rising to great success.

And those who can do this have the energy.

no doubt.


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