A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 252 Hydra is in tatters, Pierce repairs it (first update!)

In fact, there are people in Hydra who know the latest version of Luke.

Alexander Pierce knew.


Who made Daniel Whitehorse fall out with Alexander for Roland Fury? In addition, Alexander is now cooperating with Luke. Naturally, Alexander has no obligation and no interest in sharing the information about the new version of the Luke ship with Daniel. Whitehorse's.


To be precise.

Even if Alexander had not fallen out with Daniel Whitehorse, it was unlikely that he would have told anyone else about Luke's latest version of the news.

after all……

When anyone finds a treasure, his first thought will never be to share it, but to keep it to himself.

Not to mention that Luke is still his ally.

Alexander is even less willing to let anyone other than him know the latest version of Luke's information, and will even secretly spare no effort to maintain the old version of Luke's information to the outside world.

Precisely because the current information about Luke in his hands was still an old version, Sunil Bakshi had doubts about Luke and was not sure.

Sunil Bakshi recalled the intelligence content of "Luke, teleportation, short distance, limited distance" in his mind: "So, after the news came, I immediately sent someone to find this Luke who was there today. Judging from all the schedules in Sacramento, when Miller disappeared, he had already boarded the flight back to Los Santos with Penning."

As he spoke, he took out the tablet in his hand, clicked on the screen found from the internal surveillance of the Sacramento Airport, and then handed the tablet to Daniel Whitehorse.

The latter took the tablet.

Enter the eyes.

In the surveillance footage, Lu Ke and Pan Ning took their tickets one after another, passed the security checkpoint, and boarded the plane.

Whitehorse looked at the surveillance screen on his tablet, with no expression on his face.



Bakshi lowered his head with a respectful expression, as if listening to a holy message.

Each leader of Hydra has a different style of doing things. Similarly, in terms of management, their styles are also different.

For example, Dr. Zola has only one subordinate.


The relationship between Sever and Dr. Zola is more like teacher and disciple. This may have a lot to do with the fact that Dr. Zola is a scientist.

Therefore, because of this, Sever is more like Dr. Zola's favorite disciple. After leaving the mountain, he became Dr. Zola's full agent as if he was a direct inheritance.

Dr. Zola was also happy to see the results, leaving the outside affairs to Seve, while he absorbed massive amounts of information on the Internet.


Zola, who is deaf to anything outside the window and only focuses on science, will only show up when Sever needs him.

In this state, Zola was about to master the cloning technology.

And Alexander Pierce's management is another style.

Alexander's direct subordinates are actually very few.

If one were to rank among Hydra's direct subordinates, Dr. Zola, who only had one son, Sever, would definitely be ranked last.

The penultimate one is Alexander.


Although Alexander has few direct subordinates, he can definitely be regarded as the No. 1 player in terms of resources with whom he can cooperate.

As for the reason, this may have something to do with Alexander's experience of climbing up from the bottom step by step in his early years.

When Alexander first joined Hydra, Hydra at that time was not as brilliant as it is now.

You can say it without any politeness.

Hydra's current height is inseparable from Alexander. This is why Alexander is not a veteran of Hydra, but he also joined the Hydra Council.

Hydra is in tatters.

Alexander tinkered.

He relies on just two words.

High emotional intelligence: cautious.

Low emotional intelligence: Worrying too much.

Of course.

It was because Alexander was too cautious that Daniel Whitehorse directly accepted Roland Fury's surrender.

Because Daniel Whitehorse had already determined that Alexander would not easily go to war with him over Roland Fury.

Because Alexander always likes to weigh the pros and cons before taking action.

But Daniel Whitehorse is different.

As a member who came out of the Third Reich, Daniel Whitehorse perfectly inherited the SS's consistent hegemony of "I don't want what you think, I just want what I think."

What he wants from his subordinates is absolute obedience.

Obedience is not absolute, it is absolute disobedience.

On the sofa in the manor.

When he was asking the doctor to take off the infusion set, he couldn't help but frown, and slapped the doctor on the face with a snap.

The doctor was knocked to the ground directly.

Standing aside, the soldier who looked like a statue and was still wearing the uniform of the Third Reich walked over and fell to the ground. His face was full of fear, as if he knew what fate he was about to face, but even so he did not dare to beg for mercy. The doctor dragged him out directly.


Just now, the doctor's hand shook slightly, and Whitehorse felt severe pain. At this moment, he pulled out the infusion set on his other arm as if nothing was wrong, without even a frown on his eyebrows.

The maid on the side handed over a special drink that could cleanse the blood.

Whitehorse took it and drank it in one gulp, then stood up from the sofa, rolled down his sleeves and tidied them.


"grown ups."

Sunil's head was still lowered, and he did not dare to raise his head until Whitehorse asked him to do so.

Whitehorse took a deep breath, glanced at the respectful Bakshi, sat on the sofa behind him again, and waved with his right hand.

Sunil, who noticed the gesture with his peripheral vision, breathed a sigh of relief and stood up straight.

Whitehorse said, "You know why I asked Miller to promote him to chief in Los Angeles?"

Sunil's thoughts were spinning wildly: "You want to kill him when he is happiest."

Whitehorse said coldly: "That's wrong. I want to destroy him and kill him when he is happiest. Oh, it's too cheap for him."

He accepted Roland Fury's surrender. He had just said before that Roland Fury was his and anyone who dared to touch him was his enemy.

The results of it?

Luke's hind legs crushed Roland Fury to death like an ant.

Although Roland Fury is indeed an ant.

But this ant is also his elephant protecting him.

When Luke did this, it was no less than a slap in the face.

But at the beginning, Whitehorse suspected that this matter was apparently done by Luke, but was actually instigated by Alexander.

Because Luke was recruited by Alexander as a partner.

Whitehorse originally planned to take revenge directly, but by that time, Nick Fury had already taken the lead and ran to Los Santos to start a fight.

And at that time, news also came that Alexander Pierce seemed to have a big fight with Luke in the office.

Alexander Pierce is said to be angry.

After Whitehorse saw this, he suspected that Alexander was playing some trick, so he planned to take a look at the situation first.


Nick Fury went to fight in the three-day regiment, and brought SHIELD's resources with him, which was comparable to joining the battlefield in six-god suit.

Not to mention crippling or killing Luke.

He was stunned that even Luke's health bar had not been weakened at all. On the contrary, he, who had the Six God Equipment in his hand, was knocked out of a divine weapon. In the end, he could only return to the city in despair.

That lost artifact is the Black Widow.

To this day, Black Widow is still stranded in Los Santos and is not allowed to return to S.H.I.E.L.D. because she has one more date to complete.

Whitehorse was speechless after seeing this.

However, after observing Nick Fury's teamfighting experience, he also half-believed something.

Alexander is still the same Alexander after all.

Because he didn't dare to start a war with him, after learning that Luke had killed Roland Fury, he had a big quarrel, and the relationship was really broken.

Because during the entire team fight, Alexander not only did not help Luke, he even helped Nick Fury all the time, resisting the pressure from Quantico and the Department of Justice.

It seems that for Alexander, Luke was just an accident, and Nick Fury was his true love.

But Whitehorse was still angry.

The problem is that he originally thought that Nick Fury could take care of Luke without taking action himself, but not only did he fail to take care of it, he also delayed it until the holidays.

This is also the reason why when Nick Fury dealt with the issue, he took a slight step to get the British directors to side with the Eastern and Russian directors.

Nick Fury can avoid death, but cannot escape life.

The most important thing.

Whitehorse is also using this to warn Alexander, you are lucky this time, remember clearly, I am the one who speaks the truth in the Hydra council meeting.

The result was just as he thought.

After Alexander knew about it, he still had the same foresight and hesitation, and he didn't even fart.

No wonder you have so few direct subordinates.

With your virtue, how can you be a good boss?

Whitehorse was thinking like this. When he originally thought about attacking Luke as soon as the vacation was over, he changed his mind because of a piece of news coming from Los Angeles.

This was also one of the reasons why he asked Miller to promote Luke first, besides wanting to make Luke's life worse than death when he was happiest.

Whitehorse closed his eyes, and the image of the oriental beauty he still remembered so vividly appeared in his mind, and he spoke her name.



Sunil Bakshi's body trembled, and he thought of Jiaying, who had been searching in Los Angeles for a while but could not find any trace. His eyes lit up: "Sir, you are thinking of getting rid of this Luke. Use the FBI to find Jiaying in Los Angeles?"

Whitehorse smiled.

The next second.

His face turned dark immediately.

Because that's exactly what he thought at first.

But for now.

Can this still be done?

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