Although Whitehorse lives in the Federation all year round, the area he divides in Hydra is in Europe.

The Americas side belongs to Director Alexander Pierce.

But he is no longer satisfied with Europe.

Whitehorse also wanted to insert his power into the Federation.

This was another reason why he wanted to accept Roland Fury even though he knew that accepting traitors from other directors might trigger an internal war.

No matter what Alexander chooses, it is the best for him.

If Alexander doesn't dare to take action, then the members of Hydra will know who is the real leader of Hydra.

It would be great if Alexander took action.

He just sacrificed some consumables, but in exchange, he was able to intervene in the affairs of the Americas openly from now on.

Unlike now, I have been searching for a woman from the Eastern Kingdom in Luo City for so many days, but I still haven't found any trace of her.

He couldn't wait any longer.

Literally can't wait any longer.

Whitehorse, who was sitting on the sofa, rolled up his right sleeve and looked at the inside of his arm. There were dense scars like pinpricks only found on poisonous dogs.

When he was still Werner Reinhardt when he was not Whitehorse, he accidentally discovered Jiaying, used Jiaying's organs and blood to successfully replace her, pushed his years back to middle age, and changed his name. Daniel Whitehorse suddenly lived another life.

But it doesn't come without a price.

In the beginning, everything was fine.

But as time went by, especially five years ago, Whitehorse discovered the side effects.

Although he used Jiaying's organs and blood to defy fate and live a whole life, the blood belonging to Jiaying in his body cannot repair and regenerate himself.

To put it simply.

The blood in a normal human body is moving and alive.

The blood in Whitehorse's body was motionless and dead.

Fortunately he found a solution.

Replace blood.

Every once in a while, Whitehorse would release his own blood, run the machine, repair it with external force, and then suck it back into his body.

But this method only treats the symptoms, not the root cause.

to this end.

Whitehorse ordered Sunil Bakshi to capture aliens all over the world, dissect them, study them, and then try to find new methods.

At the same time, he also focused on the "artificial mutants" created by Alexander.

This is another reason why he accepted Roland Fury's surrender.

Because Roland Fury was able to move the entire "Artificial Mutants" project to him for his use.

At present, the mutant research project team and the alien project team have become one.


A permanent solution has yet to emerge.

at this time.

A Hydra agent who participated in the arrest of Jiaying, now retired and settled in New York City, suddenly received news.

He saw Jiaying again in New York City.

However, this matter did not reach Whitehorse directly at first. After all, the Hydra agent had retired, and not everyone had Whitehorse's phone number.

So by the time Whitehorse learned about it and sent someone there, Jiaying had disappeared.

Whitehorse learned about it. The retired agent first passed the news to a small supervisor. When the small supervisor continued to report the news to the higher ups, he also sent people to follow him, but found that there were federal agents around Jiaying and the others. I didn't follow up very closely.

Then they lost track.

The little supervisor, including the junior supervisor's supervisor, and even the general supervisor's supervisor, are now dead.

Later, Jiaying seemed to appear in Luo City.

This is also the reason why Whitehorse did not find a way to transfer Penning to other places this time, but to New York State.

He suspected that Jiaying was in New York City at the time, with federal agents by her side, and might have some relationship with the New York State FBI.

So Whitehorse's original plan was to wait until Luke was killed, then take back Pan Ning, shoot left and right, and New York State and Los Santos look for Jiaying together.

He didn't believe it when he searched in both places and couldn't find Jiaying.

But for now!

Lu Ke hasn't been killed yet, Pan Ning hasn't been pocketed yet, and Jiaying hasn't been found yet.

His people are gone.

Moreover, because the federation is not his home base, Miller is already his best pawn in the FBI.

Miller is currently missing, but is basically considered dead.

That is to say...

His plan seemed to be completely scrapped.

Because Miller is gone, even if he tortures Luke to death, he has no way to send his own people to take over the Los Angeles FBI. At the same time, because Miller is gone, he has no better way to take back Penning. .


He had no choice but to search for Jiaying in New York State and California as planned.


Whitehorse took a deep breath, and the more he thought about it, the more irritable he became.

"Who is it?"

"grown ups."

Just when Whitehorse made a low voice like a coyote, the nurse who had just obeyed his order and went to the study to get him a mobile phone came back, put the phone in both hands and handed it over.

Whitehorse came back to his senses, took the phone, opened it, and directly found the only phone number of Aaron Miller that remained in this phone.

The next second.

Whitehorse dialed the phone directly with no expression on his face.

Los Santos.

After saying goodbye to Seve, Luke was driving the Audi A8 towards home. He listened to the ringing of the phone and subconsciously took out his mobile phone from his arms.

But not this one.

Luke raised his eyebrows, put the phone aside, and then took out the Hydra-specific phone found on Miller from his arms.



Luke looked at the ringing phone, his eyes lit up, he turned the steering wheel, pulled over the vehicle, and then chose to answer the call.

He just said it.

Counting the time, the news of Aaron Miller's unexplained disappearance in his office should have reached Daniel Whitehorse's ears.

Isn’t this coming?

After Lu Ke casually answered the phone, he turned on the speakerphone directly, but did not speak immediately.

Whitehorse did not speak immediately after the call was answered.

The atmosphere seemed to suddenly become so eerily silent.

after awhile.

Whitehorse frowned as he listened to the even, steady breathing coming from the other end of the phone.


"Sorry, no."


Whitehorse suddenly frowned when he heard the strange voice coming from the other end of the phone.

Sunil, who was standing in front of him, listened to the undisguised voice coming from the other end of the phone. He instantly knew who the owner of the voice was and quickly mouthed towards Whitehorse: "Luke Dann." .”

Whitehorse understood Sunil's mouth shape, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help but breathe.

Very short.

But Luke still caught it: "It seems you know who I am, Director Daniel Whitehorse."

The director of Hydra is also a director.

Even when he was killing Roland Fury, he maintained the most basic courtesy.

This is a matter of personal quality.

It is also the most obvious point that distinguishes people from black people.

Whitehorse recovered quickly after a brief shock.

After all, he had never seen any big storms or waves.

who is he!

He has witnessed the rise of the Third Reich, its glory, and even its demise. He once suffered in the Aegis Prison, but he relied on his own efforts to survive. Another life!

He is Whitehorse, Daniel Whitehorse, Director of HYDRA.

"Where's Miller."


"Did you kill him?"

"What else, Alexander?"

Luke sneered: "That coward Alexander, when I killed Roland Fury, it was like killing his own mother. He came over and started nagging me, which made me angry. I told him, if you continue to bastardize me, I'll never stop talking about it." If we kill them together, he won’t be happy anymore.”

In his words, Luke showed his contempt and dissatisfaction with Alexander.

Luke shook his head: "These days, any cat or dog can join Hydra. I chopped up a Holden Lewis, he is from Hydra. I chopped up Roland Fury, and he told me that he is from Hydra." The Hydra is very majestic, it made me unhappy, I even served the Hydra, what do you think, Mr. Daniel Whitehorse?"

There was no change in Whitehorse's breath, it was just because after the blood transfusion, the color on his already pale face became even paler.

"You are arrogant, Mr. Luke Dane."


Luke smiled slightly, took Whitehorse's comments into his pocket, thanked him, and then said: "However, you are not the first one to say this. You should be the fourth one to say this about me. You know, the first two Who is this?"

Whitehorse deadpanned.

"have no idea."

"Horton Lewis and Roland Fury, and today's Aaron Miller, but do you know what they all have in common?"


"They're all dead!"

Luke's tone was very calm. He looked at the call interface displayed on the phone and said with a smile: "Then, tell me, Mr. Whitehorse, do you want to die?"

Whitehorse trailed off, his voice low.

"There were many people who wanted to kill me, but in the end they all died, and I am still alive and well. So, are you sure you have the strength to play with me?"

"I still have the strength to kill you."

Luke smiled slightly, then thought of something, and changed the conversation, as if he was talking about something familiar: "By the way, Mr. Whitehorse Director, Anna Okoyette, are you still familiar with this name? I think you should Familiar, after all, she is your woman, how can you not be familiar with your own woman, I have to say, Ms. Anna Okoyete is very smooth!"

As soon as the name came out, coupled with Luke's very accented last sentence, it seemed as if a certain switch had been triggered in Whitehorse.

Whitehorse's face was completely cold and frosty.

"You're looking for death, Luke Dane!"

"I think you are looking for death, old dog!!"


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