A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 254 The little yellow hair sticks to the face and opens up! (Third update!)

Daniel Whitehorse's voice suddenly rose in pitch!

But Luke's voice was louder, and his momentum even directly suppressed Whitehorse's voice.

This is the time he has been waiting for.

What we want is this effect right now.

How to pull an old turtle out of his turtle hole, or find out his turtle hole, who has hidden himself well from many years ago and does not easily expose himself to outsiders.

This requires skill.

There are many ways to do this, but Lu Ke habitually chooses the simplest and crudest way.

Excited general!

This method is very old-fashioned, but it works.


Luke needs to break through this old turtle Daniel Whitehorse directly.

Because breaking the defense means anger.

The anger brought by anger will go to your head. Once your head is dizzy, you will be irrational.

And once you are irrational and rationality goes offline, impulsive behavior is often followed.

In the end, once you act impulsively, it means that a flaw has appeared.

A flaw appears.

For Luke, it was Daniel Whitehorse's death.

From the moment he received the call from Daniel Whitehorse, every word he said was in service of this plan, and he was always testing the limits of the latter's defense.

But Daniel Whitehorse is worthy of being a ten thousand-year-old bastard. He always remains cautious and calm, and does not give Luke the slightest chance to touch his bottom line.

Seeing that neither Anron Miller nor Roland Fury could let him break through the defense, Luke simply chose to change his strategy and attack from another route.

Since the two dead men, Aaron Miller and Roland Fury, can no longer make Whitehorse break through, let's use living people to stimulate him.

What a big deal.

In Luke's hand, he held a pair of 2s and a pair of king bombs.

Wang Zha is undoubtedly the Jiaying that Daniel Whitehorse thinks about day and night.

But the role of trump card is huge, and it cannot be used casually.

At the moment, the most Whitehorse can do is play a pair of old kings. He obviously has a pair of twos in his hand, so he just plays the king bomb. Is this appropriate?

This is inappropriate.

Daniel Whitehorse thought he was a landlord, but in fact, with Jiaying in charge, Lu Ke was a serious landlord.


Luke goes straight to pair 2!

Anna Okoyete.

This was captured when he shot Roland Fury, and then, he was imprisoned in a secret room. He was suspected to be somewhat unclear with Daniel Whitehorse, but he also had his own thoughts and ideas. woman.

Luke still remembers the reason why Anna Okoyete was spared her life.

Because Anna Okoyete said this to him at that time.

"Keeping me is more useful than killing me!"


Used now.

A prophecy!

When Daniel Whitehorse heard the name Anna Okoyette, his breathing became heavier, and then when he heard Luke say that she was very moist, his defenses were broken directly.

When Luke saw this, he immediately came from behind and came first. With a sentence of old dog, Daniel Whitehorse was instantly shocked and completely broke his defense.

Standing opposite Whitehorse, Sunil's desire to survive instantly rose when he heard the sound of "old dog" coming from his cell phone.

Sunil lowered his head almost instantly, and every part and joint of his body was trembling uncontrollably.


Is this Luke crazy?

Old dog?

Jesus Christ.

How dare he.


Anna is very smooth?

Do you know who you are talking to?

Click, click, click!

Sunil couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart, and then from the corner of his eye, he saw Daniel White sitting on the sofa, clenching his fists, and the expression on his face switched back and forth between green, white, and black. Huo.


Whitehorse's anger had almost reached its limit.

"Can you say that again!"

"Old dog!"

Lu Ke is already used to such wishes. Whenever someone proposes such a wish with some M attributes, he will still try his best to satisfy the other party.

"Old dog! Old dog! Old dog!"

Luke said three times in succession.

Sunil almost buried his head in the carpet when he heard Luke's three consecutive calls.

This means that he doesn't know how to dig a hole. Otherwise, he will definitely dig a hole and bury himself directly in it.

Daniel Whitehorse, who was sitting on the sofa, seemed to be shaking.

Luke's voice continued.

"Tsk, but come to think of it, old dog, you have a very good sense and you have trained Anna so well. I should tell you..."



Whitehorse laughed suddenly.

Luke stopped speaking and raised his eyebrows.

Whitehorse's laughter increased.



Sunil glanced at Whitehorse who was laughing wildly on the sofa with his peripheral vision, and he was also a little dumbfounded.

It's over, it's over.

Damn it, adults are stimulated like crazy.

at this time.


Whitehorse's laughter suddenly stopped, and then, the right hand holding the phone suddenly exerted force, crushing the phone into pieces.

The next second.

Whitehorse looked around with ferocious eyes.

Sunil bowed his head at ninety degrees.

The little nurse who had just fetched his mobile phone was facing the wall directly at this moment, her shoulders trembling, as if she was afraid of accidentally seeing Whitehorse and being angered.

At this moment, the air seemed to be suppressed to the extreme because of Whitehorse's crazy laugh just now.

quite a while.

Whitehorse let out a heavy breath.



Sunil shuddered, raised his head almost instantly, and then looked like he was insulting his subordinate to death, as if Luke was not scolding Whitehorse just now, but scolding him as an old dog, and said angrily before Whitehorse could speak. : "I will ask all the agents to rush to Los Santos now and bring this guy's head back."


Sunil turned around angrily and walked quickly towards the door, as if there was some savage beast behind him.

Whitehorse snorted: "Come back!"

Sunil's footsteps froze for an instant, and then, as if he had followed his words, he almost walked back backwards, then retracted his feet and returned to the original position where he had just stood, lowering his head: "Boss."

Whitehorse sneered and glanced at Sunil: "He was scolding me, not you. I'm not in a hurry. Why are you in a hurry?"


Sunil lowered his head.

Are you in no hurry?

Don't worry, then who just crushed the phone with bare hands.


Who makes you the boss? Whatever the boss says is whatever you say.

Whitehorse stood up from the sofa, motioned for Sunil to raise his head, and looked directly at Sunil.

"Didn't you see that he was deliberately irritating me by talking about Anna?"


Sunil frowned, and then under Whitehorse's gaze, he seemed to understand: "Sir, you mean, he deliberately used a small..."

Whitehorse interrupted directly, and while his thoughts were racing, he walked towards the window.

The next second.

His eyes lit up!

"His abilities."

Whitehorse stopped, turned around, raised his hand and pointed at Sunil, and asked quickly: "How much do we know about this guy's teleportation ability?"

Sunil spoke subconsciously.

"Not much, because he has never shown his teleportation ability in front of outsiders. Regarding his teleportation ability, we got the information from Alexander Pierce. He was killing Holden. ·After Louis, our understanding of his abilities is limited to short-distance and spatial teleportation, so far."

"What if it's more than that?"



Whitehorse looked at Sunil: "He clearly wants to anger me so that I can send people over to kill him."

He didn't know why Luke did this, but his intuition told him that Luke just wanted him to do this, as if if he sent the killer out, Luke could kill him.

Just like countless strong people who are confused about something, they often subconsciously choose to trust their intuition.

Daniel Whitehorse also tends to trust his own intuitive answers when he doesn't know the answer.

After all, he relied on this kind of intuition to fully experience the ups and downs of the Third Reich's history. It was also relying on this kind of intuition that he believed that using Jiaying could make him immortal, and thus he lived until now.


Luke's teleportation ability must be more than what they know.

There's a big problem!

Whitehorse is certain of this.

"Go and investigate, do everything you can to find out for me in the shortest possible time what exactly happened on the day Holden Lewis died."


Sunil did not dare to disobey Whitehorse's orders, even if they had already investigated the death case of Holden Lewis.

And not just once.

But the boss's order is their mission.

He could only do it.


Sunil really didn't want to stay here anymore. After receiving the order, he walked towards the main door of the main building without looking back.


He walked out of the main building and disappeared from Whitehorse's sight.

Whitehorse looked at Sunil who had disappeared, and then looked away. Then, his eyes fell on the cell phone that had just been crushed to pieces on the carpet.


Still alive!

This is the conclusion Whitehorse came to through Luke's words just now.

But she was imprisoned by Luke.

Whitehorse narrowed his eyes.

In fact, he was indeed angered by Luke just now.

He was as angry as when he saw Xiao Huangmao hugging his shoulders and saying how moist his daughter was.


He almost fell into Luke's plan of playing his cards straight.

Whitehorse indeed valued Anna very much. It could even be said that he valued Anna more than ninety-nine percent of the women he cared about.

Luke was actually right.

Anna is indeed his woman to a certain extent.


Anna is not the kind of woman Luke thought she was.

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