A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 255 Because my fiancé’s name is Luke (Fourth update!)

Old dog Whitehorse...

Has Jijiang’s calculation been successful?

After Luke returned home, he poured a glass of bourbon, sat down in the backyard, and tried to dial the number that Whitehorse had just called again.

Unfortunately, I still can't get through.

Luke muttered in his mind.

He felt that the method of stimulating generals should be quite successful.

After all, the old dog Whitehoe was so irritated that he hung up the phone without even saying hello.


Luke was not sure. Although Whitehorse seemed to be so stimulated that he broke the guard and hung up the phone, he did not get the final feedback.

What if this old dog takes advantage of his scheme?

Thanks to the efficient and high-standard training of the Lord God Space, Luke, who was born in the Lord God Space, no matter how much he despises his enemies on the surface, in his heart, when facing any enemy, he will subconsciously regard these enemies as even 100% inferior. One probability, but it is also possible that its existence will be Waterloo.

There is something to say.

Tactically, we despise the enemy, but strategically we need to pay attention to the enemy.


That's it.

Whitehorse was a man who had seen strong winds and waves. To put it bluntly, he ate more salt than Luke was currently eating.

When Luke played Anna's pair of 2s, he never thought that he could kill Whitehorse directly. He was already ready to play Wang Jiaying directly.

Because everyone knows it.

A supervillain like Daniel Whitehorse is not the kind of person whose existence can be controlled by his woman.

Alexander is not that kind of person anymore.

When Holden Lewis captured Lindsay, Alexander didn't say, "I'll do anything as long as you let Lindsay go."

What Alexander said to Holden Lewis at the time.

If you dare to kill Lindsay, my life will be worse than death.


For these super male villains, you can use their women to break their defenses, but it's hard to make them go crazy and make unwise actions.


Luke sat on the recliner and fully reviewed the conversation he had just had with Whitehorse. The countless years of experience turned into valuable experience: "There is something wrong with this old dog."

Whitehorse was not defeated by him using Anna.

The answer is yes.


But just Anna can make Whitehorse hang up the phone angrily?

This is impossible.

Because this does not comply with the most basic logic.

If Whitehorse cared about Anna, he wouldn't hang up the phone.

But if Whitehorse didn't care about Anna, then it was even more impossible for him to break through the defense.


Rather than talking about this old dog, it was because Luke used Anna to break his defense, so he hung up the phone angrily.

It would be better to say that this old dog was defeated by Luke with Anna, but he was afraid that he would make a mistake if he said more, so he used the trick and hung up the phone angrily.

"Anna Okoyette!"

"Keeping me is more useful than killing me!"


Luke raised his eyebrows, took out his cell phone from his arms, and called Jack.

The call is answered in seconds.

Jack's voice came from the phone.


"Anna Okoyette, what safe house is she in?"

"…No. 5."

Jack took a second to think about who this Anna Okoyette in Luke's mouth was, and then quickly gave the answer.

"How is it going."

"no problem."


"After Anna entered Safe House No. 5, she has always been very well-behaved. She is not aggressive, does not make trouble, and does not tear down the house. During these days of detention, her schedule and rest are quite regular. She eats, trains, and then watches TV."

"Any more?"


Jack thought for a while, then shook his head: "What's wrong, boss, do you need to clean out Safe House No. 5?"

Luke turned to look at his fiancée who opened the living room door and walked into the backyard. He said to Jack on the phone: "Go directly to the safe house and wait for me tomorrow."


Luke hung up the phone, put it away, and looked at Rachel, who had been staring at him with a mysterious smile after walking into the backyard.

"What's wrong?"

"Mr. Dane, do you have any good news for me?"


Luke raised his eyebrows, and then quickly understood what Rachel was talking about, and asked with a smile: "Are you talking about the good news that Pan Ning and I were promoted? Yes, this news should have been released less than four hours ago. , she is worthy of being the number one female anchor of a popular channel on the West Coast, she is very well-informed.”

Rachel stepped forward and hugged Luke, hugged her cheek, raised her head, and said with a smile: "It's not that I'm well-informed, it's that my fiancé is great. If those well-informed people can't contact you, just ask their wives to call you. Give it to me and let me convey their congratulations to you."

Since five o'clock in the afternoon, she has been receiving calls one after another from the ladies in California who she met through Lu Ke at various cocktail parties during this year's vacation.

The contents of the phone calls are all very similar.

On the surface, he was congratulating her on becoming the fiancée of the Los Santos FBI Director, but in fact, he wanted to use this congratulation to convey to Luke the congratulations of the men behind them.

Rachel knew better.

The reason why these people were able to congratulate her on the phone was not because she became the fiancée of the director, but because her fiancée was the director.

It is easy to be a smart woman for a while, but it is rare to be a smart woman all the time.

Because many women may be very smart at the beginning, know what they want, and work hard for it, but after the goal is achieved, they will relax.

Rachel wanted to do the latter.

She also figured out how to deal with her laxity.

That is to set a small goal.

Hope your husband will become a dragon!

A wife is as valuable as her husband!

Rachel raised her head and hugged Luke tightly, her words were too sweet.

"My dear, you are awesome! I knew you were the best!"


Is she PUA me?

Luke raised his eyebrows and looked at Rachel, who was hugging him tightly, her eyes turning into two crescent moons with joy, and he couldn't help but have such a thought in his heart.

But the next second.

His thoughts were blocked.

Because Rachel couldn't wait to use her own way to reward the good man who changed her title from the wife of the assistant director of operations to the wife of the director.

As everyone knows.

Luke doesn't know how to say no.


He smiled.

The rewards given by Rachel were also very real, and Luke almost lay down and enjoyed them throughout the whole process.

It wasn't until two hours later that Rachel was no longer powerful. She was dripping with sweat and with a loud bang, she left Luke's body and pulled the blanket to cover her beauty, and then leaned against Luke's chest. The wind undulated across the country.

Rachel slowed down a little, kissed Luke, then stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

ten minutes later.

Rachel, who curled up her long hair, washed it briefly, and put on long hair, walked out of the bathroom. Then she looked at Luke and asked curiously: "Is the huge sum of money from before taking effect?"

Rachel also knew about the fact that the Los Santos FBI directly extorted US$50 million.

However, using this money to replace the director is actually quite cost-effective.

Rachel thought to herself.

Unfortunately she guessed wrong.


Luke looked at Rachel coming out of the bathroom, then got up from the bed and planned to go to the bathroom to take a shower. He shook his head and said: "Money can help people do things, but one money can't help people do two things." thing."

Rachel raised her eyebrows and stood at the bathroom door, admiring the handsome man bathing.

after awhile.

Luke pulled the towel and walked out of the shower room, wiping the water droplets off his body.

Rachel walked in and grabbed the towel.

"Then this time..."

"You are not very well informed, Ms. Villeless."

Luke opened his arms and continued to enjoy Rachel's service. He raised the corners of his mouth and said, "You just received the news that Pan Ning and I were promoted, but you haven't received the news that the new director of California is missing."

Rachel stopped wiping and looked up at Luke.

Luke smiled.

Just like after Holden Lewis died in his office, the first reaction of the California federal building was not to issue an announcement but to block the news.

The news of Director Miller's unexplained disappearance in his office will also be blocked as soon as possible.

Luke thought that so far, there were no more than thirty people, including himself, who knew about Director Miller's disappearance.

After hearing the news from Luke about the disappearance of the new director, Rachel recovered from the brief shock and threw the towel into the clothes basket nearby.

after awhile.

Rachel found a new set of home clothes from the cloakroom that she bought while shopping a few days ago and handed them to Luke.

After Luke put it on, he looked at it in front of the mirror in the dressing room.

"It's okay, but the color doesn't look very good."

"Don't you like red?"

"I don't like red, I believe in red."

Luke, who was wearing a red and white housecoat, turned to Rachel and said sternly.

Rachel shrugged, and after Luke got dressed, she said seriously: "Do you need me and Lorna to pay attention to anything?"

She stayed awake all the time.

No matter what Luke is doing, she just needs to be a woman who won't drag him down.

Luke asked: "Do you have the emergency caller with you?"

Rachel nodded: "I keep it in my pocket."

Luke shrugged: "That's okay. It's not time to clear the place yet. Just grab the emergency caller and press it if there is any problem."

Although he had just finished playing in Whitehorse, and when he sat down and made his move, he stood up and overturned the chessboard.


Sudden changes always make people subconsciously stunned.

Whitehorse is no exception.

So it’s not time to clear the place yet.

What's more, Rachel carries the emergency call device that he asked Debbie to tinker with. If there is a problem, Rachel presses it one second, and he will appear next to Rachel the next second.

Same thing with Lorna.

Anyway, school has started. Lorna hangs out with Clarice when she goes to school, and the two of them go home together after school.

With Clarice by her side who could run away at any time, Lorna's safety was assured.

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