A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 256 The five most important women to a man (fifth update, please order all!!)

the next day!

FBI, Safe House Five.

A van with "Professional Pest Control Vehicle" written on it drove slowly from a distance, drove into the three-story wooden house on the farm and stopped.

The van door opens.

Luke got out of the car, buttoned his suit, and looked around the farm.

The owner of this farm was previously caught by the FBI on suspicion of smuggling Nordic children, and the farm naturally became the property of the Los Angeles FBI. After reconstruction, it was merged into a security In the house sequence.

A 360-degree surveillance system with no blind spots is installed near the farm, and motion sensors are also installed on the periphery.

A safe house.

Safety is first and foremost.

Enter the cabin.

"Team leader!"

Amy and Coleman, a male agent from the group, stood up, looked at Jack who walked in, and said something in advance, and then quickly looked serious after seeing Luke who was following closely behind: "Director."

Luke nodded.

"Thanks for your hard work."

"It's not hard."

Amy and Coleman shouted back.

Although the two of them have been staying in the safe house for the past few days, this does not mean that they have turned off their vigilance. They also know that Lu Ke was promoted to the top director yesterday.


The two of them felt hot in their hearts.

In the workplace, work comes second. If you work with the wrong person, no matter how little work you do, it will be very hard. But if you work with the right person, no matter how much work you do, it will not be hard.

Because there is hope.

The two of them were looking forward to it now.

They are with Jack, and Jack is Luke's number one pawn. Now that Lu Ke has become the number one, their boss Jack is sure to take off.

And the two men who can be regarded as Jack's number one pawns are already taking off, aren't they?

Luke smiled and said to Jack on the side: "You watch from here, I can just go up by myself."

Jack nodded: "Okay, boss."

Luke lifted his feet and walked towards the wooden stairs leading to the second floor.

After Anna Okoyette entered the safe house, she stayed in a room on the second floor that had a bed, a bathroom and a shower room. It could be said that except for the lack of windows, it had all the other living facilities.

And Anna Okoyette is not imprisoned.

The correct term would be house arrest.

After Luke came to the room, he raised his head and glanced at the surveillance camera in the corridor.

Amy downstairs understood and glanced at the neatly dressed Anna Okoyette who was sitting on the sofa in the room and watching TV. Then, through remote control, she controlled the electronics in the room where Anna Okoyette was under house arrest. The iron gate was opened.

Wearing white simple pajamas with a lazy expression, Anna was half lying on the sofa, watching the TV series playing on the TV in front of her. After hearing the noise, she just glanced at Luke who walked in, then withdrew her gaze and continued to look in front of her. TV.

She didn't seem surprised by Luke's arrival.

Luke smiled and did not go to sit on the sofa. Instead, he pulled out the seat in front of the round table and sat down. He smiled and looked at the other beautiful people who were boringly pressing the remote control and taking off their cold and fierce disguise. Women are no different by Anna Okoyete.

"Good morning, Anna."


Anna, who was pressing the remote control out of boredom, paused for a moment, then sat up from the sofa, put the remote control aside, and looked at Luke who spoke first: "Good morning, Director Dane."

Luke spread his hands.

"Are you still used to it here?"


"Is there anything you're not satisfied with?"


Anna smiled and said: "I'm very satisfied with Director Dan's arrangement, and the two agents here to protect me are also very good. Yesterday I asked if I could have a pizza, and they satisfied me."


Jack was slightly startled and looked at Amy: "Pizza?"

Amy opened her mouth: "I think the director didn't kill her, and asked us to take good care of her..."

Jack interrupted and looked at Amy with relief: "Well done."

Amy's eyes curled up.

in the room.

Luke smiled when he heard Anna's praise of his arrangement: "I'm satisfied, but I must be bored after staying here for so many days."

Anna thought about it seriously, then shook her head and pointed to the TV in front of her: "It was quite boring at first, but the female agent recommended a TV series to me. After I watched it, I suddenly found that chasing TV series It’s actually pretty good.”

Luke nodded.

"Well, I thought Anna, you might be homesick after staying here for so long."


Anna was stunned for a moment, the smile on her face stiffened for a moment, and then she smiled again: "It's a bit funny. Director Dann thinks, will someone like me have a home?"

Lu Ke's tone remained unchanged: "Everyone will have a family. The only difference is whether this family is the one you want."

Anna curled up her legs and leaned against the sofa.

"I remember Director Dane was an orphan."

"That's right."

Luke nodded and looked at Anna: "I have no choice, so I can only rely on myself. I'm lucky enough to have worked hard to build a family that belongs to me. So, in order to protect my family, I will do whatever it takes to protect my family. No matter who the enemy is.”

Anna pursed her lips: "I quite wish I was an orphan."

Too bad she wasn't.

Anna said this, and then her chest rose and fell, changing her lazy posture, and sitting cross-legged on the sofa.

"Did Director Dane know my identity only after receiving the call from Whitehorse?"


Luke shook his head and said honestly: "After Whitehorse hung up the phone, I didn't guess your identity, but I just felt a little strange. It was almost before going to bed when I was chatting with my fiancée that she woke me up. "

Before going to bed, it was Luke and Rachel's repertoire to chat for a while.

After all, both of them were busy with their respective careers during the day, and half-heartedness was taboo when fighting, so the two of them tacitly agreed to set the hour before going to bed as family chat time.

Luke told Rachel something he didn't quite understand.

"When I mentioned your name to Whitehorse, his breathing quickened, and then when I mentioned that you were moist, he immediately broke through."

"Me, Run?"

Anna frowned and looked at Luke with a strange expression: "Is that what you told Whitehorse?"

Luke shrugged.

"I was thinking about breaking Whitehorse's defense."

"Then what."

"He broke his guard and became angry."

"Then your plan worked."


Luke shook his head and looked at Anna: "I thought so at first, if he hadn't hung up on me in advance."

Anna also shook her head.

"I don't quite understand."

"I didn't quite understand it at first. If you were Whitehorse's woman, then Whitehorse would break the guard but wouldn't be angry or even hang up my phone. But if you weren't Whitehorse's woman, he would break through me in a row. The defense will not be broken."

Luke leaned on the chair behind him, crossed his arms, and looked at Anna on the sofa with a smile: "So I have been thinking about who you are, and then my fiancée told me, who said women must belong to men? The woman is coming."

There are five important women in a man's life.

The first mother, mother is the first mentor in a man's life, giving them the strength and wisdom of life, allowing them to move forward unswervingly on the journey of life.

The second is wives or lovers, who not only provide men with love and companionship, but also help men grow and encourage them to succeed in career and life.

The third sister, they grow, study and live together with men, sharing the passion of youth and the tacit understanding between them.

The fourth is female friends, who give men advice and guidance in career and life, help men overcome difficulties and challenges, and open up new horizons and opportunities.

The fifth one is...


They are a man's biological children, bringing infinite joy and touch to their father, and they are also a symbol of hope and future.

"You said before that keeping you is more useful than killing you."

"I believe you're not lying."

"But I thought you were a Whitehoe woman."

"You guessed it right."

The smile on Anna's face changed from the calm one at the beginning to a little stiff, and she said with a smile: "I am indeed a Whitehoe woman."

Lu Ke smiled and said: "But she is not the kind of woman I thought she was. This is why when I told Whitehorse that you are very smooth, his performance of breaking through the defense made me feel a little weird. .”

Because at that time Whitehorse's defense was almost instantaneous.

For the Pure Love God of War, such a breach of defense is understandable.

But this moment of breaking through the defense was almost impossible for Whitehorse who didn't have to think about having countless women.

"Then my fiancée reminded me that this woman is not that woman."

"Mother, lover, sister, mentor, daughter."

"These are the five women a man cares about most in his life."

Luke held his chin with one hand and looked at Anna on the sofa thoughtfully: "So, Anna, which one of the five women in Whitehall are you?"

The smile on Anna's face completely froze.

after awhile.

Anna's stiff smile squeezed again.

"What do you think."

"Mother, mentor, sister, you don't fit in with any of these three. The only ones that fit you are your lover and your daughter."

"But like I just said."

"Whitehorse may have had true love once, but after the passage of time, his lover is no longer there. Now that he has countless women, he may still have true love, but for such true love, he will definitely protect it tightly. Real."

"He only has two plans for true love."

"True love doesn't know who he is at all, or even how capable he is."

"Either he protects his true love better than himself."

"She won't be allowed to come out to perform the mission anyway."

"So you don't qualify either."

Luke looked at Anna with a smile, met the latter's gaze, raised the corners of his mouth, and said.


"You are his daughter."


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