A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 257 The devil is in the world (first update!)

This answer may sound incredible.


When Luke was in the Main God Space, he saw too many people and heard too many people or things that were unbelievable but were true.


Compared with what he had heard or seen before, the fact that Anna was Daniel Whitehorse in front of him was simply trivial. Not to mention unbelievable, it did not even make Lu Ke feel a little shaken. .

This answer actually has a certain logic in it.

For example, based on Daniel Whitehorse's true age, it is entirely possible that he would have a thirty-two-year-old daughter.

After Luke gave this answer, he looked at Anna sitting on the sofa with a calm expression.

Anna, who was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, had an obvious look of confusion on her face after hearing Luke's answer.

The next second.

Anna smiled.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Is it funny?"

Luke asked: "I guess I guessed it right."

The smile on Anna's face was crazy. After a while, she pursed her lips, stretched out a finger, and her smile gradually turned into a self-deprecating smile, looking at Luke.

"Two questions."

"Please say."

"If I were really his daughter, do you think he would train his daughter to be a killer, perform all kinds of shameful tasks for him, and even destroy your shame so that you can stand up to any man? Are you able to take off your clothes without any psychological pressure?"

The expression on Anna's face was incomprehensible, and she looked at Luke: "If Director Dane had a daughter, would you raise your daughter like this?"

Luke didn't even think about it and shook his head: "No."

If he had a daughter, he could give her the entire universe with just one word from her.

But Whitehorse?

After Luke finished speaking, he changed the subject and looked at Anna: "I definitely won't, but Whitehorse will, and I won't even feel the slightest bit surprised that he does this."

The expression on Anna's face froze.

Luke's eyes moved up and landed on the monitor on the wall of the room: "Jack, bring up a bottle of bourbon and two wine glasses."

after awhile.

Jack walked in from the outside, put bourbon in one hand and a wine glass in the other on the table, then turned and walked outside.

Luke looked at Jack who turned and left: "Wait a minute."

"Boss." Jack turned around.

Luke looked at the surveillance camera.

"The surveillance is off."


The ensuing conversation, if Jack and others heard it, would be dangerous to them.

Without any hesitation, Jack responded, and while leaving the room, he closed the door again with his backhand.

After Luke poured two glasses of wine, he invited Anna who was sitting on the sofa: "Are you interested in having a drink?"

The conversation that follows is not only dangerous, but also probably full of sadness and despair.


Turning off the monitoring is to protect the safety of Jack and others, and at the same time, it is also ensuring the privacy that Anna should enjoy in front of her.

Anna looked at Luke, whose face was full of calmness. After being silent for a while, she got up from the sofa, pulled out the chair, and sat across from Luke.

Luke handed Anna a glass of wine.



"You're welcome. I just felt that you might want to drink. And, as it happens, I haven't had a drink for almost an hour."

Luke said this, looked at Anna, then raised his glass and took a sip.

Anna also took a sip with a calm expression. After putting down the glass, she looked at Luke and said, "You haven't finished what you just said."

Luke smiled and did not answer Anna's question. Instead, he crossed his legs, held the wine glass with both hands, leaned on the chair behind him and told a story.

"A long time ago, no, not that long, probably around 1938."

"The Third Reich was at its peak. At that time, some people believed that they would dominate the entire world under the leadership of the Führer."

"And in Berlin, there is such a school."

"Napolla, the name of this school."

"This school was a school that countless high-ranking officials, dignitaries and even the most core military officers in Berlin at that time liked to send their children to."

"Even if they know this school is not a school in the traditional sense."

"They also know that their children, after entering this school, will be trained to become the most cold-blooded soldiers, the most shameless killers, and the most immoral executioners."

"But they still flock to it."

"the reason is simple."

"Because in their view, it is a great and proud thing for their children to enter this school."

"Because after graduating from this school, their children will have two more titles, and they are the best, most beautiful, and most honorable titles for them."

"The boy from Berlin."

"The elite of the Führer!"


Luke told the story of the "Napola School" in a very calm tone, and then looked at Anna with a calm face: "Is it strange that Whitehorse did this to his own daughter?"

Not surprisingly!

A person's three views are composed of one percent innateness and ninety-nine percent experience.

What are Whitehorse’s three views?

What are the Third Reich's three views? That's what his three views are.

Whitehorse's first identity was the Third Reich, and he was also a member of the core part of the Third Reich.

Although the current "Napola" has become dust in history.

But Whitehorse is still alive.


Whitehorse uses the greatest and proudest educational method he knows to educate his children. Is there any problem?


There's just one problem!

Luke shook his head and snorted: "This is why we have life and death. A demon who should have died, but continues to survive in this world by robbing other people's lives, will only make more people feel... Suffer.”


He intends to do justice to God and send Whitehorse to death.

For justice!


Luke's heart moved, and after thinking of another reason why Whitehorse had to die, he couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

After hearing what Luke said, Anna's eyes visibly shrank.

She took a deep breath and sounded surprised.

"Sure enough, you really know who he is."


Luke crossed his legs and held the wine glass with both hands. Looking at the surprised expression on Anna's face, he had no intention of hiding it: "In this world, I estimate that there are very few things that I don't know about."

For example, he has never been to New York, but he also knows how many superheroes there are in New York City.

He has never met Ancient One, but he also knows that Ancient One borrowed the power of Dormammu from the Dark Dimension, and then directly became a villain. When Dormammu pressed for payment, he even clamored for Dormammu to have sex. The Earth came to her to ask for a debt or something.

Luke thought to himself.

Anna, on the other hand, was surprised that Luke knew Whitehorse's true identity, but she couldn't help frowning and said: "But now that you know who he is, you still choose to do it with him without even thinking about it. correct."

Luke came back to his senses and looked at Anna.

"Who says I haven't thought about it?"


Anna's head was spinning.

"You've thought about it, so you still choose to be his enemy?"

"why not?"

Luke shrugged: "I asked myself in my heart, what if I kill Roland Fury and Whitehorse comes to settle the score with me?"

Ana couldn't help but ask: "What then?"

Luke smiled and said: "If he dares to come to me for trouble, then I will find him and chop him up. After I figure it out, you know what happened next. I will kill Roland Fury."

Anna opened her mouth wide and looked in front of her. She was wearing a suit and crossing her legs. When she said this, she looked like Luke who could not hide his domineering look.

after awhile.

Anna then retracted her gaze, lowered her eyes, and looked at the fine wine in the bourbon glass she was holding in both hands. She tried to sound calmer: "Maybe you don't believe it, Director Dane. I sincerely hope that after Whitehorse comes to the door, You can win."

Luke looked at Anna calmly, raised his hand, and drank from his glass of wine: "I believe it."

Anna instantly looked up at Luke.

Although Anna just tried her best to speak this sentence in the calmest tone possible, her most longing for something hidden deep in this sentence was still captured by Luke.

Anna meant what she said.


Maybe it was because she had prayed for miracles and miracles countless times, but all she got was insults from demons and hell, so much so that Anna no longer believed in miracles and so-called good luck.

Especially when it comes to killing Whitehorse.

No one can kill this demon who is supposed to be dead.

Luke looked at Anna who was looking up at him, smiled, and then thought of Anna's two questions: "By the way, didn't you just say, two questions, what is the other one?"

The problem is mutual.

He came here to ask Anna questions, but since Anna said it before him, he would answer Anna's questions first.

After all, he knew everything. If Anna didn't tell him everything when he asked Anna, it would be very rude.

After hearing this, Ana calmed down and nodded.

"I do have one more question."

"Please say."

"Director Dann is sure that I am his daughter, right?"


"Then I want to ask Director Dane..."

Anna took a deep breath, and then, under Luke's gaze, she suddenly stood up from her seat without any warning. Then, she tugged on her clothes with both hands, pulled them apart on both sides, and with a squeak, she tore them apart. He tore his clothes to pieces, completely exposing his sexy body to Luke's sight. Then, his cold face was filled with a ferocious expression: "After you see me like this, how can you Are you still so sure that I am his daughter?"

Luke: "..."

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