A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 258 Never have sex with a partner (Second update!)

Anna didn't feel any surprise because Anna suddenly burst out of her seat. Luke, who was still sitting on the chair with his legs crossed, felt a little unexpected when he looked at the sexy body in front of him, which was caught off guard. He raised his eyebrows.

But he wasn't surprised by Anna's actions.


Anna's ketone body, in terms of body shape and posture, can probably be said to be on par with Rachel's, and can really be described as sexy.

It's just that if Rachel's sexiness is that of white jade, then the two mountain peaks are also as smooth as jade.

The two twin peaks of Anna in front of her could only be described as shocking.

And the ketone body is covered with dense scars.

The mark of a whip.

The mark of a cigarette burn.


Gunshot wound.

On Anna's ketone body, you can find traces of almost every scar you can imagine.

Anna just stood there, looking at Luke, her tone unusually calm.

"The days after being caught by Director Dane were actually the most comfortable days I have ever lived."

"Because, I don't have to open my eyes like before. The first thing I do is apply medicine on my body to cover up all the experiences I have encountered over the years."

"Besides, I don't need to perform tasks that disgust me but I have to perform."

"Because I don't want to die."

"Because... I want to see the day he dies."

As Anna spoke, her words gradually changed from unusually calm to unusually ferocious. In the end, she was so excited that the mountain peaks trembled and she roared at Luke: "So, I am not him at all. His daughter, in his eyes, I am just a dispensable killing machine. If you want me to help you kill him, you can, but if you want me to admit that I am his daughter, I'm sorry, I can't do it! "

Luke leaned on the seat behind him, raised his eyes slightly, and looked quietly at Anna, who looked so sexy and cool in her clothes, but was full of holes when she took off her clothes.

He just watched quietly.


Calm as water.

A self-deprecating smile appeared on Anna's lips, and then she snorted and looked at Luke, who was looking at her without any lust in his eyes.

"Director Dane, my body must be very dirty."


Luke looked at Anna with a smile: "She's very beautiful, very sexy, and even very white."

Anna smiled.

She stretched out her hand, pinched the table in front of her, and then raised her right hand vigorously.

The table instantly flew into the air, then rolled around before hitting the floor heavily.



She was downstairs, because there was no surveillance camera visible, and Amy, who was bored, suddenly listened to the movements coming from upstairs and subconsciously stood up.


"sit down."

Jack, who was sitting aside and texting one-sidedly with Natasha, pulled Amy, who was about to rush forward, without raising his head. Then he put the phone down and looked up at Amy: "What are you doing?"

Amy's eyes widened: "Upstairs, Director..."

Jack shook his head and motioned for Amy to sit down: "Just wait, the boss will naturally call us when he needs us."

Amy opened her mouth and looked at Jack, who took out his cell phone and played with it after saying this. Then he looked up at the upstairs where the sound had just come from, and sat down in his seat again with hesitation.


what happened?

The male agent sitting aside, who sat down when he heard Jack's first call, seemed to have thought of something. He looked at Amy who was a little confused on her face, laughed and shook his head. He also took out his mobile phone and played with it. .

Amy held her chin, thinking curiously, her eyes couldn't help but move up.

It's a pity that she doesn't have X-ray eyes and can't see upstairs.


Even if Amy has clairvoyant eyes, Luke is not afraid.

Because he didn't do anything at all.

After Anna overturned the round table between her and Luke, she sat directly on Luke's lap: "Does Director Dan like this body?"

Luke let Anna hold him and looked up at Anna who was looking directly at him.

"Like it."


"But I don't want to."


Anna's expression was stunned for a moment, and then she stepped off Luke's lap, smiling self-deprecatingly.


"I also have a female subordinate, her name is Earl."

Luke directly interrupted what Anna wanted to say, looked up at Anna, and said in a very calm tone: "Her figure is as hot and sexy as Anna, and you are called the "federal building" by the agents of the federal building. The cold flower."

Anna laughed at herself and shook her head.

"Director Dann, what are you doing..."

"I don't mean to humiliate you. On the contrary, I respect you as much as I respect my deputy Earl."

Luke stood up from his seat, put his hands in his pockets, and looked at Anna with a smile: "I am not a good person, and I have never been good at relationships. At least, I will never solve anything that comes to my door, but I will stick to it. in principle."

Anna stared at Luke.


“Never have sex with a partner!”

Luke said sternly towards Anna: "I regard Earl as my partner, just as I regard you, Anna, as my future partner. I have not done so in the past, will not do so now, and will not do so in the future." No, I will turn all my female partners into my women.”

If you do this, there will always be only one ending in the future.

He will either die of exhaustion.

Or he would be stabbed to death in the back by the women joining forces.

There is something to say.

You can eat and poop.

But you can't eat and poop at the same time.

This sentence is crude but not crude.

Luke has seen too many other reincarnation teams in the main god space. The male and female partners ended up being wiped out in the mission world because of emotional infidelity.

Work is work.

Life is life.

It’s okay to accept women, but don’t accept the women you come into contact with at work, especially those who can become your right-hand assistants.

This is the only principle that Luke adheres to.

Anna was a little confused again after hearing what Luke said.

"Me? Partner?"


With eyes without any lust, Luke admired Anna, whose appearance was riddled with holes but who remained the same inside. He smiled and stretched out his right hand: "Anna, are you willing to help me kill Daniel Whitehorse?" Should I take over the property in his name?"

Whitehorse must die.

His words.

Just right.

After Whitehorse died and he took over Daniel Whitehorse's assets, he also needed a spokesperson.

Luke has thought about a lot these days.

Rachel is not considered because he is her fiancée.


She is also not considered. The reason is that Luke does not need to involve his woman in the work.

So there aren't many options left.

Logging tired family?

He changed the plot, not because he wanted to take over the Mulei family for his own use, he was just repaying Dominic Toledo for taking him in.

And he didn't want the few friends he could talk to to get involved in the story of Hydra.

Neither could Earl and Jack and Debbie.

As Luke's three winning keys to securely staying in the Federal Building, with these three assistants, Luke has no worries that the Federal Building will escape his control.

Earl has an overall view and can control the overall situation very well for him.

Debbie studied under Seve, and she would know if there was any trouble in the office.

Under his training, Jack is about to meet the conditions for unlocking the gene lock, and will become his knife, a wind-breaking knife.

Therefore, these three people could not move.

There won't be many people left, and even if there are, I'm afraid they won't be as good as the Anna in front of me.

Luke looked at Anna who was obviously stunned after he finished speaking, and invited again: "You are indeed right, keeping you is more useful than killing you, so Anna, if you are interested, become my cooperation Partner?"

Anna was confused.

"Are you...serious?"

"I am always serious about choosing partners."


This time it was Anna's turn to be unsure.

She couldn't help but shook her head, looked at the right hand that Luke handed to her, and then said to Luke: "I am not his daughter, and he has never cared about me. You want to use my identity to let him out. This Totally impossible."

Luke smiled and said nothing.

Anna frowned.

"why are you laughing?"

"Just as I never make my female partners my women, I never get involved in other people's domestic affairs."


Anna looked at Luke again: "Family matter? Do you think this is a family matter?"


Luke nodded.

One yard owned by a yard.

It's true that Whitehorse may have raised Anna to be a killing machine, even destroying his own daughter's shame disorder.

But this cannot change the fact that Anna and Whitehorse are a family.


Whitehorse actually cares about Anna.

Luke could feel it.

Because Whitehorse didn't care about Anna's words, he wouldn't have breathed heavier after hearing Anna's name at that time. He would even directly break his guard when he heard Luke say that his daughter was very moist.

This also sounds ridiculous.

But growing up within the Third Reich, Whitehorse, who is also a Hydra, is himself a monster with twisted personality.

There is something to say.

Mental patients cannot be speculated using common sense.

That's what happened in Whitehorse.

When Anna saw Luke saying that in fact Whitehorse was still nervous about her, Anna's defenses were instantly broken.

"care about me?"

"you sure?"

Ana laughed, her cold face full of mockery: "I'm like this, and you still think he cares about me."

Luke said with a smile: "I don't care, I will know soon."

The words fell!

All over the room, the buzz that symbolized the motion sensors being triggered flashed momentarily.




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