A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 259 The Hydra that gives away people’s heads (Third update!)

"What's wrong."

"Someone touched the motion sensor."


Jack hurriedly put away his phone, ran behind Amy, glanced at the monitor, and when he saw five black SUVs on the monitor that broke through the farm gate at flying speed, he cursed angrily, and then hurriedly looked towards her. Run to the second floor.

In the safe house on the second floor.

Luke glanced at the red light that was also on in this room, and looked at Anna, who said "Whitehorse doesn't care about her at all" just a second ago: "Look, my vision of people has always been pretty accurate."


After all, Whitehorse was irritated by him and came to see him off.

at this time.

Jack rushed all the way to the door of the safe house. He wanted to go in, but stopped suddenly at the door and shouted loudly: "Boss, get out..."

The words have not yet fallen.

The safe house door opens.

Luke walked out neatly dressed.

From the corner of his eye, Jack caught a glimpse of Anna wrapped in a sheet and the clothes that were torn on the floor. He quickly put away his gaze and looked at Luke: "Boss, someone is here."

Lu Ke hummed, turned to look at Anna behind him, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "Women are actually luckier than men, because women have more ways to change their destiny than men in their lives. The key to the problem is, Anna, Can you seize this opportunity? I'm looking forward to your answer."


Without waiting for Anna to answer, he turned around and walked downstairs with Jack.



"Team leader."

Amy, who was already downstairs, opened the sofa and took out various weapons from inside. After seeing Jack come down, she threw a brand new M4A1 assault rifle directly to Jack.

Jack reached out and took it, checked it, and loaded it instantly.

Amy then took out an M4A1 assault rifle again and handed it to Luke.



Lu Ke did not refuse. After checking it, he looked at the surveillance screen not far away.

Enter the eyes.

Five black SUVs, like five wild horses, galloped towards the safe house on the farm.

"How much longer?"

"five minutes."

"Do you want to contact the office?"

"got engaged."

Coman, who was putting sweet potatoes in his pocket, said quickly: "The support is on the way and will arrive in fifteen minutes."

fifteen minutes.

five minutes.

They only needed to hold on for ten minutes before support would arrive.


ten minutes?

Can you hold on?

Luke's thoughts were spinning.

"Amy, Coleman."


"Evacuation route."


Luke looked at the two people who seemed to be planning to stay and fight to the end: "Didn't you hear?"

Amy couldn't help but said: "Bureau..."

Jack interrupted directly: "Didn't you hear what the boss said? Quick, take the evacuation passage."

If you follow the logic of the movie.

Amy and Coman will definitely not be willing to retreat.


This is not a movie. Amy and Coleman are also professional federal agents. Although they are not very willing, orders are orders.

After the two looked at each other, they responded quickly, and then quickly walked towards the basement of the house, preparing to evacuate through the secret passage there.

This was once the home of criminals, and like all criminals, they would have a secret evacuation passage underground to prevent them from getting picked up after the police came to their door.


Luke looked at Amy and Coleman who were evacuating through the secret passage in the basement under the surveillance, and then he withdrew his gaze and walked directly outside the house.

Jack followed.

outside the house.

Luke stood under the eaves, looking into the distance. Yiqi Juechen had already appeared in his sight. Five SUVs were rushing towards him quickly. He held an M4A1 assault rifle in his left hand, and then slowly moved forward with his right hand. Reach out.

Enter the eyes.

The very curious purple Northern Lights condensed on his hands. As the golden pupils in Luke's eyes expanded, the purple Northern Lights on his hands became more and more intense.

The Hydra agents in the five SUVs also saw Luke and others.



The window of the SUV was instantly lowered, and then gunshots came out one after another directly from the window.

The next second.

The muzzle of the gun burst with flames, and accompanied by the sound of the gunshot, it rose instantly.


Densely packed bullets roared out and swept towards Luke, Jack and others standing under the eaves in an instant.

Jack subconsciously wanted to avoid it.


He believed in the boss he recognized.

Luke's right hand, condensed with purple light, squeezed instantly.


The purple light exploded like ripples, and the shock wave roared forward like ripples on the water.


The bullets fired in this direction were frozen in mid-air as if the scene was frozen.

And the five black SUVs fifty meters away seemed to be frozen by some strange force.

Luke raised his right hand instantly.

All of a sudden!

The five black SUVs also left directly from the ground and flew into the air.

Before the Hydra agents in the car could react, as Luke dropped his right hand expressionlessly, the five black SUVs under them also followed Luke's gesture and suddenly fell.



Five black SUVs landed heavily on the floor from a high altitude. The powerful energy hit the Hydra agents in the vehicles and knocked them over.

"Get off, get off!"

"Get off the bus quickly."

"Shet, he's a mutant!"

"Like Magneto, he can control metal. Get out of the car!"

After the Hydra agents reacted, they roared angrily, then quickly left the vehicle, grabbed their weapons again, pointed at the assault rifle and handed it to Jack, and walked up the stairs. Next, he planned to shoot again at Luke who was walking towards them.



Luke took a step forward and appeared in front of the Hydra agents in an instant. He stretched out his right hand and once again pulled about twenty-five Hydra agents in front of him from the ground.

Standing under the eaves, Jack couldn't help but swallow as he looked at the strange scene of twenty-five Hydra agents with their feet off the ground in front of him.

He now knows why the boss drove Amy and Coleman away.


I am the most beautiful and trustworthy kid in the boss's heart!

Jack was secretly happy.

In the safe house on the second floor, Anna, who had put on her clothes again, was sitting on the sofa, her face very calm and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Luke's golden pupils rose, looking at the twenty-five Hydra agents hanging in front of him, and then he made a move with his left hand.

The bullets that were originally suspended behind him and just shot by these Hydra agents turned around on the spot, and then shot straight out in an instant with Luke's thoughts.

"Puff puff!"



After a round of bullets were fired, the number of twenty-five Hydra agents was reduced to fifteen in an instant.

Luke closed his eyes.

The next second.

Luke reopened his eyes and looked at the ten remaining Hydra agents. His eyes then fell on one of the Hydra agents: "The fifteen dead agents just now told me that you are the one who The head of this mission.”

The named Hydra agent kicked his feet in mid-air in vain.

Lu Ke smiled, and nine daggers appeared instantly, and then, with a pop, they directly penetrated the foreheads of the other ten Hydra agents, including the named Hydra agent, and then closed his eyes again.


The sky was like garbage, and the twenty-five Hydra agents who had rushed over to die also fell from the sky one after another.

The extraordinary is so overbearing and unreasonable against the ordinary.

after awhile.

Luke opened his eyes again and looked at the third black SUV. Then the purple light on his right hand moved and the door opened instantly. Then, a satellite phone inside was instantly dropped into his hand.

The call on the satellite phone continued.

And the person on the other end of the phone...

no doubt.

"Daniel Whitehorse."


Whitehorse on the other end of the satellite phone didn't seem surprised by Luke's voice.

After all, just now, when his people called out "He can also control metal", he knew that the people he sent out would never come back.


He didn't even expect that these twenty-five Hydra agents could kill Luke for him.

These twenty-five agents had only one purpose this time.


And he felt that this time the temptation was already very successful.

Whitehorse said in a deep voice: "I now understand where your confidence lies. Not only do you have the mutant ability of teleportation, you can also control metal like Magneto."

Luke chuckled.

"Surprise, old dog!"


Whitehorse heard another "old dog" cry from Luke, and snorted in a deep voice. He changed the topic and said in a cold tone: "Now, I am more willing to send you to my dissection table. I hope you will fuck me." After being put on the dissecting table, he can still be so arrogant."

Magneto's mutant abilities are rated among the top ten mutant abilities.

As Whitehorse, who likes to study mutants and aliens the most, he is naturally also very coveted of Magneto's abilities.


Magneto hasn't been heard from in years.

Whitehorse thought that Magneto's mutant abilities would become a thing of the past, but he never thought that he would actually see them in Luke.

But there was one thing he still didn't understand.

Why does Luke, as a mutant, have two mutant abilities?

But that's okay.

Whitehorse sneered and said, "When I catch you, I'll know how you got two mutant abilities."

The corners of Lu Ke's mouth raised slightly: "Old dog, I don't know if you can catch me, but congratulations, your daughter's life is gone. I like to come and go in my work."

Whitehorse laughed, then put the phone in his hand on speakerphone, turned to look at the red devil behind him, accompanied by the blood-red light... and Anna: "Anna, come and say hello to Director Dane !”

Luke: "..."

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