A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 260 K explosion! King bomb! (Fourth update!)


Luke took a step forward, and in just a blink of an eye, he walked out of the ripples in space and appeared in the safe house on the second floor.

Enter the eyes.

In the safe house, apart from the clothes that had just been torn on the ground and the round table that had just been overturned to the side, the only thing left in the safe house was the aftermath of a special energy that filled the air.

As for Anna, she disappeared without a trace in the safe house.

Luke stretched out his right hand and touched the aftermath of energy that quickly disappeared in the air.

at the same time.

Anna's voice came out on the phone.

Ice cold.

It's not like there's any feeling.

"Chief Dane."


Luke raised his eyebrows and withdrew his right hand that touched the energy aftermath.

Whitehorse waved his hand, signaling the Red Devil to take Anna away, then took the phone again, with a victorious smile on his face: "Director Dane, I won."

The corner of Luke's mouth rose: "Really? Mr. Whitehorse, is there a possibility that I deliberately allowed you to successfully rescue Anna?"

The smile on Whitehorse's face disappeared instantly at Luke's words.

But the smile wouldn't disappear, it just moved to Luke's face.

Luke turned around and sat on the sofa behind him.

Anna's lingering warmth was still there on the sofa.

He quickly analyzed in his mind who could rescue Anna from the safe house in just one second.

no doubt.

Either a mutant or an alien.

Although Whitehorse specializes in plundering mutants and aliens for research work, this does not prevent him from also having aliens and mutants working for him.

Just like, during the Third Reich, although the Third Reich was persecuting the Jews, this did not change that there were also many Jews working for the Third Reich.

The two are the same thing.


Whether they are mutants or aliens, there are actually only a few who can master this teleportation ability.

Among the strangers, he knew that he was the only one with this ability.

But the guy who can teleport will be Jiaying in the future, and after he awakens, he will need to sacrifice his own eyes.

And among the mutants...


A high school student, it's not worth mentioning. Luke's "variant-teleportation" is a copy of him. If it were David, he would definitely know it.

Then there are only two devils left.

Red Devil and Blue Devil.

Luke prefers the latter.

Nothing else.

The Blue Devil is from Professor

Moreover, Hydra had dealt with Xiao before, and they even wanted to use Xiao's hand to create the Cuban crisis.

After Xiao failed, it was very reasonable for the Red Devil to join Hydra.

This was what Luke heard while chatting in the backyard during dinner with Alexander Pierce that night.

It can be said that Xiao's failure allowed Hydra to launch a plan to create an obedient mutant of its own for the first time.

This is the origin of the "Sentinel Project" in Hydra.


Red devil?

Luke narrowed his eyes.

Whitehorse on the other end of the phone came to his senses from what Luke just said.

"Chief Dane."

"What's wrong?"

"I have tried this method of yours a long time ago. You can't scare me."


Lu Ke chuckled, as if he didn't mind betraying Anna at all: "It's up to you, believe it or not, don't blame me for not reminding you when I find you and twist your head off. you."

Whitehorse chuckled and said, "Then Director Dane wants me to do this?"

Luke shrugged.

"I don't know what you think, but if it were me, I would definitely kill her directly just in case."

"Then you mocked me and killed my own daughter with your own hands."

Whitehorse said this immediately, and then sneered: "Save it, Director Dane, I said, I won this game."

Luke smiled and said casually: "It's up to you, I reminded you anyway."

have a look.

These days, if you really tell the truth, no one will believe it.


This is the effect he wants.

Whitehorse was not a fool. If he hadn't said anything after Anna was rescued, Whitehorse would probably doubt Anna.

Of course.

He said now that Whitehorse may not 100% believe that Anna is still loyal to him.


This is the same as bluffing.

It doesn't matter whether you have cards in your hand or not. What matters is whether your opponent believes it or not.

The more casual his tone is, the more thoughts Whitehorse will have in his mind whether this will allow Luke to succeed even before he wants to attack Anna.


Whether Whitehorse believes it or not, one thing is for sure.

Before he kills Luke, he will never use Anna as a chess piece again.

Luke thought that was great.

After Anna is rescued this time, the probability of being killed by Whitehorse is 50%, but the probability of being restricted by Whitehorse is 100%.

He was in no hurry.

no way.

Who makes Whitehorse a dog?

Luke originally thought that among the twenty-five Hydra agents he sent out this time, one of them should know his whereabouts.


not a single one.

These twenty-five Hydra agents have been lurking in Los Santos since they were recruited. This time, the twenty-five are already deployed in full force.

"Tsk tsk!"

When Luke thought about this, he once again taunted Whitehorse on the other end of the phone: "Take everything you have in Los Santos and come here to die just to let me know what my trump card is. This time, even if it's me, I also think you’ve suffered a big loss.”

Whitehorse shook his head: "I don't feel it's a loss to use these lives to figure out your trump card."

Lu Ke smiled and said, "Really? If you send all the people you can call to die in Los Santos, do you still have anyone to go find Jiaying?"

Not surprisingly.

As soon as he said this, Whitehorse on the other end of the phone fell silent again.

How can it be.

How could he know Jiaying?

Whitehorse's heart couldn't help but become confused at this moment.

Luke listened to Whitehorse who once again thickened his breathing, and chuckled: "It seems that I am the winner, Mr. Whitehorse."

Whitehorse's voice was deep.

"Jiaying is also there with you."


The corner of Luke's mouth rose and he said: "Mr. Whitehorse, you said, I used an Anna that I have already played with in exchange for your trump card of raising a teleporting mutant. For me, is this a profit? .”

Whitehorse said nothing, just panting.

Luke waited for a while and said to himself: "I think this should be considered a profit, what do you think?"

A bang came from the other end of the phone.

Whitehorse let go of his right hand and lowered his eyes, looking at the wine glass that he had crushed. Priceless whiskey flowed from between his fingers.

Luke raised his eyebrows.

"It seems I won."


Whitehorse snorted coldly and looked at the almost unchanged landscape painting outside the window: "Give Jiaying to me, and I will give you my daughter. From now on, you and I will live in peace, and I will even volunteer to you. I’ll try my best to get you to where you are in Quantico, Washington.”

Luke laughed: "Are you begging me?"

Whitehorse's face was ashen: "Since Jiaying is already in your hands, you should also know that I will get her no matter what, so this is your last chance to make peace with me, for Anna's sake superior."

Luke raised his eyebrows and rubbed his chin.

"Old dog, did you misunderstand something?"


"Do you think I told you that Jiaying is in my hands just to give you a chance to make peace with me?"

Lu Ke asked speechlessly, and then said with a smile: "No, I told you that Jiaying is in my hands. I want to tell you, old dog, that you will never have a chance to get Jiaying. Moreover, in After you exposed the Red Devil, there is no way the Red Devil can take Jiaying away from me like he took away Anna."

Whitehorse listened to Luke mouthing off old dog one after another, holding a shard of glass in his right fist, and his whole body seemed to be trembling with excitement.

Lu Ke chuckled: "And, make peace? Ha, old dog, have you forgotten that I am from the Eastern Kingdom? In the Eastern Kingdom, there is a saying that you can decide when to start the war, but when to end the war. It’s me who has the final say!”

Those who openly offend me will be punished no matter how far away they are.

Before the Ke family had no strength to overturn the table, they adhered to the principle that "a gentleman's revenge is never too late".

But once the Ke family matures and has the qualifications to overturn the table, then the principle to be followed is "K family's revenge, all day long."


Luke didn't give Whitehorse any time to think or react, and said directly: "Actually, even if I don't tell you about Jiaying's stay with me today, you will know tomorrow, because I have already followed the "Hydra Supreme" According to the charter rules of the Board of Directors, as an organizational partner, a separate motion has been filed against you, so..."

At this point, Luke pretended to pause.

Because he wanted to hear Whitehorse's gasp.

The next second.

Whitehorse gasped there.

Luke then said with a smile: "As I said, you can choose when to start the war, but when it will end, I have the final say. My answer is when you die and when it is over."

After taking a deep breath, Whitehorse calmed down and said, "This is impossible. You have no right to initiate a motion against me."

The corners of Luke's mouth rose: "Really?"

Whitehorse sneered and said: "Partners are indeed qualified to initiate independent motions against our directors and choose to proceed. However, I was also present when this rule was formulated. Partners need the support and witness of at least two directors. But you don’t have this chance, because the other directors are standing..."

At this point, Whitehorse's voice disappeared.

Luke smiled.

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