A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 262: My own woman needs to be fed by myself (first update!)

Whitehorse was puzzled.

Even if Jiaying is on Luke's side, Strack, Baron Zemo, and Gideon Malik do not choose to continue to support Whitehorse.

But that’s about it.

At most, they will choose to remain neutral, and there is no possibility of supporting Luke at all.

Could it be that one of these four old guys was teasing him?

Whitehorse raised an eyebrow.

But Zora had just sworn, and because Zola was now an electronic life form, she couldn't lie at all due to the underlying logic.


Strucker, Baron Zemo, and Gideon Malik, could one of these three lie?


What's the reason?

The reason why they chose to help Luke instead of helping him.

But Luke is not the kind of person who talks big. Since he said this, it means that two directors will definitely vote for him tomorrow.

Among them was certainly Alexander.

But what about the other one?

Who is it!

Whitehorse couldn't understand it at all.

In fact, not only Whitehorse could not understand it, but also Alexander Pierce and Dr. Zola could not understand it.

That night.

Luke finished handling the case of the twenty-five corpses in the safe house and returned home. He had just finished dinner with Lorna and watched the evening news hosted by Rachel. He came to the backyard to sit down and was about to take a rest. , and received a call from Alexander.

"Good evening, Sasha!"

Luke looked at the incoming call. After lying down on the recliner, he chose to answer the call, and then went straight to the point: "Let me guess, you are here for tomorrow's board of directors meeting."

Alexander did not go around in circles and asked directly: "You should know that I will definitely not be the first to support you in tomorrow's motion. This is different from our plan."

Lu Ke smiled and said: "Don't worry, I haven't planned to expose you so soon."

Alexander frowned.

"Then who else did you ask to help you? Besides Zola, you need someone else."

"Guess it?"

"Baron Zemo?"

Alexander was the first to name a person, but not to confirm, but to rule out: "It shouldn't be him, because this guy is a die-hard ally of Whitehorse, so the person you can persuade can only be Ste. One of those two, Luck or Gideon Malik."

Luke leaned on the recliner, listening to these words, and couldn't help but touch his chin.

"Why can't it be these two together."



Luke listened to the phone call, and Alexander, who couldn't help laughing as soon as he finished speaking, raised his eyebrows.

"why are you laughing."

"I never dreamed of it."


"I told you that if Whitehorse and I are mortal enemies, then Strack and Malik must be mortal enemies."


Luke nodded.

Alexander had learned from him about the current relationship between the six directors of Hydra.

Dr. Zola is independent from the world, and he is the only subordinate of Cypher. Because of his electronic life, he does not pose a threat to the other five directors. Therefore, many times, everyone is willing to give Dr. Zola face.

Alexander had been allies with Whitehorse during his early years as a trustee.

The reason why Whitehorse still has his own Hydra subordinates and his own base in the Federation is basically the result of his honeymoon period with Alexander.

But Whitehorse repeatedly brought up the matter of "I was the one who supported you back then."

This thing about kindness, if you say it once, it is kindness.

If you say too much, it will be hatred.

Whitehorse thought he could rely on this favor to eat Alexander for the rest of his life, but Alexander was not the kind of character who was controlled by others.

So Alexander's relationship with Whitehorse broke down and they became bitter enemies.

Just like Strack and Malik were mortal enemies.


On the council, on any matter, if Alexander voted for it, Whitehorse would definitely vote against it, as did Strack and Malik.

Alexander said this, and then asked very curiously: "So, which director did you persuade to support you?"

Luke smiled.


"What's wrong."

"Leave something to look forward to tomorrow."

"What's the meaning?"

"It would be boring to spoil the story in advance, don't you think?"


After hanging up the phone.

Luke was lying on the recliner, his eyes falling on the starry sky of Los Santos above his head, while playing with his phone with one hand, thoughtfully.

He actually told Alexander the answer.

But Alexander didn't believe it.

Why can't I persuade Strack and Malick to vote for him?


If he hadn't really thought that Baron Zemo had any leverage, he would have even wanted to pry Baron Zemo over to his side.

By then, Whitehorse's face will definitely look pretty good.

Luke thought to himself.

The next second.

The phone is ringing.


Luke answered the phone.

The purpose of Seve's call is similar to the purpose of Alexander's call just now. They both revolve around tomorrow's Hydra Security Council.

"Dr. Zola said that Whitehorse contacted him not long ago and asked Dr. Zola if he would support you tomorrow."

"What did Dr. Zola say?"

"Of course, tell the truth."


"Whitehorse asked Dr. Zola whether he would support the yellow-skinned bastard tomorrow. Dr. Zola said he didn't know any yellow-skinned bastard."


Lu Ke laughed loudly and shook his head: "It seems that this old dog is obviously very angry."

Seve shrugged and said, "He is probably so angry that he is about to explode now that he knows that Jiaying is always by your side."

Luke smiled and said: "I also need to thank you and Dr. Zola for your help."


This is why, after knowing that Jiaying appeared in Los Santos, Whitehorse's energy has not been able to find where Jiaying is.

On the one hand, Luke protected Jiaying very well, but the help of Dr. Zola and Seve was also crucial.

In the information age, with the help of the electronic life Zola and the world's number one hacker, Whitehorse could not find Jiaying even if he searched for ten years in Los Santos.

Seve in the Sky Fortress looked at the results displayed on the newly baked Yongda stick in his hand. He shook his head with some disappointment, threw the Yongda stick into the trash can aside, and then curled his lips: "I estimate that today, It’s late, Whitehorse can’t sleep, I’m afraid he’s thinking about who will betray him tomorrow.”

But no matter what Whitehorse thinks, I'm afraid he will never think of Dr. Zola again.

Seve said with a smile: "When you file the impeachment motion tomorrow, with the support of Dr. Zola, even though Alexander has decided against you, Alexander will definitely not miss this opportunity. In this way, your The impeachment motion will succeed."

Luke listened to Seve's plan and said with a smile: "How do I feel? It sounds like you are more excited than me?"



"This proves that I have a good eye for choosing men, doesn't it?"

Seve said with a smile: "Of course, this man is a bit of a dog. He always likes to put up his pants and ignore people. But, it doesn't matter. As a man, the most important thing is careerism. As long as my man is strong enough." , other aspects, I can adjust myself.”

Luke narrowed his eyes.

"Seve, how do I feel? What you mean by this is that if I don't have ambition or am not strong enough in the future, you won't want me."

"Of course, you don't love me and you have no ambition, so I'm still rushing. What am I trying to do? Of course I have to find a home for myself."

"you dare!"


Severus narrowed his eyebrows. Hearing Luke's anger, a very beautiful expression appeared on his cold face: "Mr. Luke Dane, are you jealous?"

Luke ignored this sentence and said directly: "Seph, you can try to see what the consequences will be if you find a new home before I let you go."

Severus raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean, you are only allowed to dump me, but I am not allowed to dump you?"

Luke said quietly.

"That's right!"

"So domineering?"

"Yes, I am only allowed to set fire, and you are not allowed to light a lantern. If you dare to light it, I will light that man's sky lantern in the next second!"

"I like."


Luke raised an eyebrow.

Seve said with a smile: "I like your domineering style. By the way, if I don't find another man, can I force you to have a wife?"

The corner of Luke's mouth twitched: "No."

Seve curled his lips: "You don't let me find a man, you don't let me force you to marry me, and you still don't satisfy me. You are really domineering, Mr. Luke Dane."

Luke took a deep breath: "At the end of tomorrow, I will go find you."

Seve beamed: "Okay, I'll send you a message when the plane arrives over Los Santos."


Before Luke could react, Sever took the lead and hung up the phone.

Luke looked at the phone with a black screen in his hand and frowned.

He had reason to suspect that he was being tricked.

Seve said a lot just now, just to prepare for the last sentence.


never mind.

My own woman needs to be fed by herself.

I don’t want anyone else to do this for me.

the next day.

Luke returned to the office.

As his deputy, Earl waited in his office early in the morning.


After Luke sat down, Earl put another large pile of documents that needed to be signed on the table: "This is from the administration and finance department. Director Pan Ning means that you can just sign it." ”

Lu Ke nodded and completed the signature with three strokes and five divided by two.

Earl held the information and planned to leave the office.

Luke looked at Earl who had walked to the door.

"Wait a moment."


"Don't bother me this morning. Tell Jack and Debbie too."


Earl nodded and walked out of the office.

Luke opened the drawer on the side.

Enter the eyes.

A pair of gold-rimmed glasses lay quietly inside.

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