A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 263 Hydra Council (Second update!)

Luke took his glasses out of the drawer and pressed a switch embedded in the temples.

A green light flashed on the mirror.

The next second.

Luke put his glasses on.

The moment he took it on, Luke felt as if he was in a deserted conference room.

at this time.

A stream of data flashed before his eyes, and then, a middle-aged scientist with a simple and honest appearance who seemed to be smart and bald, wearing a pair of large black-rimmed glasses also appeared on a chair in the conference room.

As soon as the middle-aged bald scientist appeared on the scene, Luke knew who he was.

"Dr. Arnim Zola."

"Director Luke Dane."

Dr. Zola welcomed Luke's arrival: "Welcome Director Dann to attend our director meeting for the first time."

Luke was a little disappointed.

"Actually, I'm looking forward to offline meetings more than online meetings."

"Oh, is it so?"

"Yes, because then I can send Whitehorse to a banquet."

Luke spoke bluntly, and then his eyes moved up and landed on the man who appeared opposite him. He looked tall and thin, wearing a black uniform and a pair of sunglasses. At first glance, he felt dark. With the dangerous Whitehorse, the corners of his mouth raised: "You say so, old dog!"

Whitehorse looked at Luke who had already arrived, snorted coldly, closed his eyes, and seemed too lazy to pay attention to Luke.

In fact, he wanted to ignore it.


He didn't sleep last night and was very sleepy.

Luke looked at Whitehorse with his eyes closed, chuckled, and then looked at Dr. Zola curiously: "By the way, Dr. Zola, I heard Pierce say before that you don't usually attend meetings like this. Was it left to Seve to participate? Why did I personally participate this time?"

Whitehorse, who was pretending to be dead with his eyes closed, opened his eyes when he heard these words.

Luke raised his eyebrows and looked at Whitehorse. The main theme was "Shut up." I attacked fiercely: "Oi, you're not dead. I thought you just died."

Whitehorse snorted again and looked at Luke: "This is a conference room, not a place for yelling. Pay attention to your quality, Director Dann."

Luke smiled brightly and looked at Dr. Zola: "It's very interesting. Dr. Zola, an old dog who trained his own daughter to be a killer, is here talking to me about his qualities without shame. Dr. Zola, I have always admired you. , and you are also the neutral party. To be fair, who is more qualified, me or this old dog?"

Dr. Zola smiled on his honest face: "I felt a strange ID enter our conference room. I thought it might be Director Dann, so I went online to meet with Director Dann. I was the one participating in the meeting. Disciple Sever, you guys are chatting, I’ll get off first.”


Dr. Zola's figure couldn't wait to turn into streams of data and disappeared directly into his seat.

His behavior seemed to illustrate his position once again.

If you fight, I will be neutral.

Whitehorse looked at this scene, sneered, and looked at Luke: "Zola never takes any stand. You want to win over him, just dream."

Luke shrugged: "What if Zola stands here with me? Oh, by the way, old dog, what about Anna, have you killed her?"

Whitehorse glanced at Luke expressionlessly: "Kill."

An expression of ecstasy instantly appeared on Luke's face.


"I lied to you."

Whitehorse caught the ecstasy on Luke's face. Before Luke could speak, he snorted again: "Also, Anna is my daughter. Director Dann doesn't need to worry about how I educate my daughter."

Lu Ke smiled and said: "You can't say that. Some people do things inappropriately, and someone always has to come out to do justice for heaven."

Whitehorse's eyebrows were beating: "Even if there were, that person wouldn't be you."


Whitehorse felt his little heart becoming increasingly angry under Luke's teasing. He glanced at Luke one last time and then closed his eyes again.

Luke chuckled, glanced at Whitehorse who continued to pretend to be dead, and did not choose to continue talking. He also closed his eyes and waited for other directors to connect online, closing his eyes and concentrating.

Virtual imaging session.

This is also the invention of Dr. Zola. It was also invented after learning from the lessons of the Hydra 1.0 era when various leaders acted independently and eventually led to the annihilation of the entire army.

With this virtual imaging conference, even if today's Hydra leaders are far apart, they can still be in close contact through this invention.


Seve connects online.

He was followed closely by Alexander Pierce and Baron Zemo.

After a while.

Strack, and Gideon Malik are also connected.

Just like the World Security Council, which has a director who takes turns presiding over meetings every quarter, Hydra's board of directors also has a director who presides over meetings.

In the first quarter of this year, Alexander Pierce was in charge of presiding over the meeting.

After a few rounds of gentlemanly pleasantries.

Alexander coughed.


In the virtual conference room, the chatter disappeared, and the five directors all focused on the two protagonists of today's meeting, Daniel Whitehorse and Lu Ke.

Luke and Whitehorse opened their eyes almost at the same time.

Enter the eyes.

Luke's eyes stayed on Strack and Malik for a second, and then fell on Alexander Pierce, who presided over the meeting: "Director Pierce, I hope that the relationship between us will not affect Progress to this meeting.”

Whitehorse also said to Pierce: "Yes, Pierce, I also hope that the relationship between us will not go to your head and make you make unwise judgments."

Alexander looked at Whitehorse, thoughtfully.

"Are you threatening me, Whitehorse."

"No, just advice."

Although Alexander presided over this meeting, Whitehorse, one of the oldest directors here, took it as his home court, ignoring the fact that Dr. Zola's representative, Sever, who had been excluded from the meeting, was still there. His die-hard ally, Baron Zemo, landed directly on Straker and Malik and said, "You should know who is yours."

Strucker and Malik frowned.

Sitting in his position, he put his elbows on the table and held his chin, looking at Whitehorse with a smile: "One's own people are important, but if this one's own people are arrogant, ruthless, cold-blooded, and have no value to the organization, If you can help me in any way, I don’t think it’s okay to use this person of your own. Even if you do, it sounds better to add two words in front of it, “one of your own people is dead.” What do you think, Director Whitehorse?”

Just trash talk before the show.

It seems like no one can do it.

Whitehorse looked at Luke coldly: "Director Dann, we don't know yet whether he sincerely joins us."

Luke spread his hands and looked at the others in Alexander: "Why, can't I prove my loyalty to the organization by beheading two consecutive FBI directors in California? And now, there are still people who doubt my identity?"

Whitehorse sneered.

"The two people you chopped off are our own people."

"Do I know?"

Luke looked at Whitehorse with a smile: "Before I took action, no one told me that they were our own people. Also, if they were our own people, why did this new director attack me as soon as he came up? , yes, he seems to be a member of Director Whitehorse, Director Whitehorse, can you give me an explanation?"

Whitehorse deadpanned: "He's promoting you."

Luke laughed, looked around at the other directors, and then looked at Whitehorse with a sarcastic face: "Are you promoting me? I know, you know, and the other directors here also know, what do you think? Everyone knows it, old dog!”

Caught off guard, the team started again, and another shout of "old dog" made Whitehorse subconsciously break the defense.



Alexander Pierce interrupted in a deep voice and looked at Whitehorse and Luke: "Both of you, this is a conference room, not a tea room where you two are quarreling with each other. If there is any grudge between you two, please resolve it yourself after the meeting. .”

Whitehorse looked at Alexander coldly.

Alexander seems to be neutral, but there is no doubt that he has made his attitude clear.

He may not be the first to start a group, but if there is an opportunity to add insult to injury to Whitehorse, Alexander will definitely step in.

As a die-hard ally of Whitehorse, Baron Zemo also glanced at Luke expressionlessly, and then said: "I agree, let's get to the point quickly. It's morning over there, but it's still late at night here."

Alexander said OK, then looked around the conference room and said in a deep voice: "The topic this time is that Mr. Luke Dane, as the senior partner of our organization, wants to use the contents of the organization's first charter to exercise his rights. , initiated an impeachment motion against Mr. Daniel Whitehorse.”

The words fell.

Alexander looked directly at Luke: "Then, Mr. Luke Dane, take out your chips."

Luke looked intently at Whitehorse, who had an ugly face across from him: "Director Whitehorse, you already know what my bargaining chip is. Reject or accept."

Not only did Whitehorse know, but others already knew.

Whitehorse snorted coldly and looked at Alexander: "Accept, let's go directly to the next topic. I want to see who dares to support him."

Lu Ke chuckled: "Old dog, if you threaten, I will do the same. Who dares not to support me? I will give the chips to Shen Hai when I get out of the conference room. Anyway, I am young and I don't need immortality."

"How dare you!" Whitehorse said sharply.

Luke smiled: "I dare you to go back and ask your daughter, old dog!"

He was wrong.

He not only hates "racist people", he also hates "men who have no sense of family responsibility", and he especially hates "people who are more pretentious than himself".

This time.

Whitehorse was completely on his dislike line.

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