A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 264 One month later, battle royale! (Third update!!)

Luke dare not.

Of course he dared.

After all, Luke dared to kill even Alexander Pierce, so what else could he not dare to do.

But can Whitehorse let Lu Ke go offline and give Jiaying to Shen Haili?


Because he was still waiting for Jiaying to come and renew his life.

Because of this, Whitehorse was almost extremely angry, his eyes were red, and he glared at Luke angrily.

Luke faced Whitehorse's anger and sneered!

"There's no point in staring so big."

"If you have the guts, don't let me know which turtle hole you're hiding in. If I find out, I'll pull out your head and chop it off!"

"You really can't do anything that people can do."


Whitehall recalled that in the past years, he had never been attacked with such intensity. He faced Lu Ke's wave after wave without any scruples about decent trash talk. He was almost beaten back and forth, and his face was already pale. A sickly blush appeared on his face.

When Alexander saw this, he immediately smoothed things over.

"That's enough, you two. Once again, this is a conference room, not your tea room."

"Be disciplined!"


What do you mean by what you said to me?

Don’t you know who the hell talked trash first?

Whitehorse turned an angry look on Alexander.

Alexander directly ignored Whitehorse's gaze and looked at Sever, who came on behalf of Dr. Zola. Then, after looking around at Baron Zemo, Strucker and Gideon Malik, he said bluntly: " Guys, let’s start, whoever supports this impeachment motion, please raise your hands.”

according to rules.

For an impeachment motion to succeed, it requires the support of two directors.

This is mainly to reflect the freedom and democracy of their Hydra.

Whitehorse snorted coldly and looked at everyone.

He wanted to see who supported and who opposed.

Cypher smiled and crossed his arms, as if it didn't matter to him.

Zemo also looked at the others with interest.

Although he and Whitehorse are die-hard allies, this only means that he will stand by Whitehorse's side, but it does not mean that he will not watch the show.

not to mention……

It doesn't mean that allies must be tied to death. After all, if a big ship is about to sink, Baron Zemo will definitely not live and die with the big ship. He will definitely choose to jump off the ship without hesitation. of.

Gideon Malik and Straker also lowered their heads in thought.

It seemed as if he decided to ignore the matter and ignore it.

When Whitehorse caught his eye, the smile on his face began to bloom...

"I support!"


Whitehorse's eyes widened, and with a swish, he looked at Sever, who could represent Dr. Zola, who was sitting beside him: "What?"

Seve raised his right hand slightly, not looking at Whitehorse's disbelieving look: "I support the motion proposed by Director Dane."

Seeing this, Alexander also raised his right hand.

"Two directors, agree, OK, move..."

"Wait a moment!"

Whitehorse roared directly at Alexander, and then his eyes fell firmly on Seve: "Do you know what you are talking about? Can you represent your teacher?"

Luke laughed directly: "Old dog, if Seve can't represent Dr. Zola, then who can, you?"

Whitehorse's eyes were fixed on Sever: "Put your hands down, this is not what Dr. Zola meant!"

Sever looked at Whitehorse with a smile: "Sorry, Director Whitehorse, Dr. Zola said that I am here and can fully represent him in any decision."

Whitehorse lowered his head, took out his cell phone directly from his arms, and called Zola: "I'll call Zola."

Cypher shrugged, giving you a casual look.

at this time.

Before Whitehall could answer the call, two more people looked at each other and raised their right hands.

"I support Chief Dane."

"Me too!"


Whitehall put down the phone angrily and looked at Strack and Malik who raised their hands: "You two were also bribed by him."

Gideon Malik, who has always prided himself on being the orthodox Hydra, looked at Whitehorse with a smile: "Anyway, there are already two people. One more of me is not more, and one less of me is not less. And, after so many years, After that, I also want to see how much more capable Mr. Whitehorse is."

Whitehorse took a deep breath and looked at Strack.

"how about you."

"Chief Dane gave me a reason to support him."


Without looking at it, Whitehorse pressed down the phone in his hand that had not yet been answered, and stared expressionlessly at the four people who had raised their hands except for his die-hard ally Zemo Heiye, who had left his hand. Angry.

The next second.

Whitehorse chuckled.



"Okay, great."

"Director Dann, you really have a method."

Whitehorse looked at Luke with a pair of angry eyes: "I can understand Alexander supporting you, and I can even understand Zola supporting you, but I didn't expect that you even kidnapped Malik and Strucker. It's amazing. ah."

Luke smiled and looked at Whitehorse: "Old dog, no matter how unjust you do, someone will always come out to do justice for God. That person is obviously me."

Although Alexander was a little shocked by Strack and Malik who raised their hands, the top priority right now is to finalize the impeachment motion.

"Four votes in favor!"

"The motion of impeachment passes."

"Whitehorse, you have one month to integrate all the assets you have and designate a receiver to take care of them."

"The Security Council Joint Directors team will form an asset inventory team to confirm with the recipient."

"You also know the rules."

Alexander said this to Whitehorse in a very calm tone.

This was his and Luke's final plan.

Initiate an impeachment motion.

Because only in this way can Luke, after beheading Whitehorse, inherit Whitehorse's seat within the organization openly and openly, and at the same time inherit all of Whitehorse's power and legacy.

Because once the impeachment motion is launched, Whitehorse must write down all the assets and power in his name as required and hand them over to another person for custody.

In this way, if Whitehorse dies, then Luke will get that person and successfully accept Whitehorse's inheritance.


So does Luke.

After Alexander finished talking to Whitehorse, he looked directly at Luke: "Luke, the Security Council Joint Directors team will set off tomorrow and go to Los Santos immediately to confirm the authenticity of the chips in your hand."

Lu Ke smiled and said: "We are looking forward to the arrival of the director team."

The director team came to Los Santos to verify whether the news that Jiaying was in his hands was true or false.

At the same time, before the impeachment motion is concluded, someone from the board of directors will follow Jiaying.

after all……

Jiaying is the bargaining chip.

If Whitehorse is not dead and Luke dies, Jiaying, as a bargaining chip, needs to be handed over to Whitehorse.

Lu Ke knew this a long time ago, and it was precisely because of knowing this that he exposed Jiaying as the king at this time.

It's just right to throw Wang Zha out at this time.

Especially knowing that there is a mutant Red Devil beside Whitehorse.

Although Jiaying appears at this time as a bargaining chip, Jiaying's safety is very guaranteed until the story between him and Whitehorse is over.

Because if Whitehorse took action against Jiaying before Luke died, it would be breaking this rule.

This was a rule that he personally designated at that time.

After Alexander finished speaking to Luke and Whitehorse with a serious face, he immediately withdrew his gaze: "One month later, the capital verification of both parties will be completed, and the impeachment motion will be officially launched. The positions of both parties will be disclosed to both parties every hour. If there are any questions, ?"

Luke shook his head, held the table with both hands, and looked at Whitehorse, who was sitting opposite with a livid face, with a smile: "Old dog, wash the dog's head well. In a month, when your location is made public for the first time, I will come to your door. ”

Whitehorse snorted coldly, took one last deep look at Alexander, and then raised his hand to take off the glasses on his nose.


Whitehorse's figure immediately disappeared into the conference room.

When Luke saw this, he chuckled and looked at Baron Zemo, the only one who had not found the reason. "Times have changed. Why do you keep such an old antique?"

Baron Zemo did not speak, but smiled politely, then took off his glasses and disappeared into the conference room.

Gideon Malik was about to leave when he saw this, but before taking off his glasses, he looked at Luke: "Director Dane, I'll be waiting for you in New York City next Christmas."

Luke accepted the invitation with a smile: "I'll be there on time."

His way of persuading Gideon Malik was just one sentence.

I know that you cheated when you were a child and fed your brother to the hive, and I can help you bring the hive back.

As soon as he said this, Gideon Malik believed him.

the reason is simple.

The first half of Lu Ke's sentence was telling the truth.

Gideon Malik nodded and took off his glasses.

Strucker also looked at Luke with a serious look on his face.

"Don't bother him."

"Don't worry, I keep my promise."

Strucker then took a deep look at Luke, and finally took off his sunglasses.

Luke's method of persuading Strucker was just one sentence.


Not even a word.

Luke just said casually that he knew that a boy named Werner Feng now lived in a luxury apartment in Paris.

The words have not yet finished.

Straker asked him what he wanted.

the reason is simple.

This Werner Feng is Strucker's son.

Straker valued his son very much.

for example……

His son only thinks that his father is just a well-known arms dealer in Paris, and has no idea of ​​his father's true attributes.

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