A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 265 I don’t believe it, I will lose (Fourth update!)

Every man educates his children differently.

Just like Luke.

Lu Ke said that if he has a daughter in the future, he will definitely hold his daughter in his hands and protect her so that she will not be wronged in the slightest.

If Luke's education method is doting, then Whitehorse's way of educating his children is that kind of perversion.

Compared with Luke's doting or Whitehorse's perversion, Strack's education method is obviously more normal.

If you say it, no one will believe it.

Among the six current directors of Hydra, Strucker is the only one who always wants to leave but cannot.

And that's why he and Malik didn't get along.

After the reorganization of Hydra, Straker was actually in a semi-retired state at that time. If Straker was given some time, maybe Straker would have already transferred the assets he brought over from Hydra. Ashore with a clear conscience.


Just before he was about to land, Gideon Malik came to the door and told Strack directly.

"You are a person who lives as a Hydra and dies as a Hydra. If you want to leave the organization, you are wishful thinking!"


In this way, Strack, who wanted to clear his name and go ashore, was dragged back into the organization by Malik.


Although Straker came back, he did not bring in his son, that is, Werner Feng.

Werner von, like most people in the world, believed that Hydra had disappeared with the fall of the Third Reich during World War II.

Strucker didn't want his son to know about Hydra, and the people of Hydra didn't even know that he had a son.

This is why as soon as Luke mentioned this matter, Struck instantly became nervous and asked Luke what he wanted.

Alexander didn't know this.

He listened to Malik and Strucker's words and wanted to ask Luke what they meant.

But Seve was still there.

His relationship with Lu Ke is also in a broken state. The reason why he raised his hand today is that he is just adding insult to injury and has no intention of repairing the relationship.

Alexander maintained this mentality. After waiting for Straker to disappear from the conference room, he also looked back at Luke. After just a glance, he slowly took off his glasses and left the conference room.

Luke looked at Seve beside him.

Seve raised the corner of his mouth and said, "My sky fortress is already in the sky above Los Santos."


Sever also took off his glasses under Luke's gaze.

The next second.

She saw in front of her that as the folds of space opened, Luke appeared in front of her with one hand in his pocket and the bourbon in his hand.

The corners of Luke's mouth raised: "Are you hungry?"

Seve smiled charmingly, stood up and rushed towards Luke!

"Very hungry!"


All of a sudden.

The artillery fire started instantly.


In Whitehorse's mysterious manor, Whitehorse exited the conference room and subconsciously grabbed the valuable bourbon bottle beside him and threw it out.

The wine bottle hit the wall and exploded instantly.

Whitehorse's pale face was filled with a sickly red color, and he roared like a wild beast: "Luke!"

The words are filled with the anger that chooses and devours others.

He was angry that his authority was being challenged.


He was even more outraged by Straker's betrayal of Gideon Malick.

Don't get me wrong, I just raised my hand out of boredom.


It's all bullshit.

no doubt.

Gideon Malik was also offered an offer by Luke that he could not refuse and chose to side with Luke.


what exactly is it?

What did they get caught by Luke?


Whitehorse took a deep breath, took out his cell phone, and called Gideon Malik. After the call was connected, he said directly: "What conditions did he offer you? Just say, I will give you double the offer." .”

Gideon Malik on the other end of the phone laughed when he heard Whitehorse's words: "Sorry, what are the conditions?"

Whitehorse took a deep breath: "Malik, you don't think that I will lose."

Malik smiled and said: "Daniel, I have made it very clear just now. My vote is dispensable. I am just too bored, so I voted..."

Whitehorse interrupted directly: "There is no need to talk about this kind of nonsense. Just tell me, no matter what he promises you, I will double it."

Malik sighed.

"Feel sorry!"


Whitehorse's eyebrows were beating, and his tone gradually became colder: "So, are you sure that he will successfully impeach me?"

Malik chose not to answer.


Not saying anything is already a statement of attitude.

Whitehorse sneered: "Okay, okay, Malik, you'd better pray that you don't place a bet this time, otherwise, when I deal with this yellow-skinned bastard, I will take good care of you."

Malik didn't speak, but silently reached out and hung up the phone.

Stephanie Malik, the daughter of Gideon Malik, who was standing aside, listened to the whole conversation and frowned: "Father, are we too hasty to place a bet like this? No matter what, , that Luke Dane is just one person, and Whitehorse has a legion."

Gideon Malik looked at his daughter and smiled: "If your enemy is a person and you also have a legion, do you think you will be angry because others don't help?"

Stephanie shook her head.

The next second.

Stephanie seemed to have thought of something and looked at Gideon Malik: "Father, you mean to say that Whitehorse is scared?"

Gideon smiled, "Otherwise."

Stephanie was a little shocked: "This...he has an army."

Gideon Malik stood up from the sofa and looked at Stephanie: "An incident happened at the FBI safe house in Los Santos yesterday. Twenty-five unidentified and heavily armed gangsters attacked the safe house, but when When support arrived at the scene, there were twenty-five bodies in neat rows.”

Stephanie frowned.

Gideon Malik chuckled, and finally said: "The only ones at the scene were Director Luke Dane and one of his men, and his man was watching the whole show."

Stephanie's mouth dropped open.

"Father, you mean, this Lu Ke is alone..."

"After the invention of gunpowder, the human wave tactic has lost its meaning."

Gideon Malik walked to the desk and handed a file of "Luke Dane" to his daughter: "In front of him, gunpowder also lost its effect."

Stephanie took the information and looked at Gideon who was walking outside the study: "Father, where are you going?"

Gideon waved his hand without looking back: "Now that you have chosen to take sides, you can no longer sit on the fence. Take a good look at the information. I think this Luke should meet your requirements for mate selection. Moreover, place your bets. It’s better to do it sooner rather than later.”

As the most up-and-coming member of the Hydra, the Malik family was the least affected by the last destruction of the Hydra.

Because the Malik family understands the simplest truth.

When you realize that this ship is going to sink, don't hesitate, it is definitely going to sink.

at the moment.

Daniel Whitehorse, an old ship that has been sailing for some years, is probably going to sink. If you jump out of the window now, your clothes will not get wet. But if you jump later, even if you get ashore, your clothes will probably get wet. of.

Half an hour later.

Whitehorse, who also threatened Strack to no avail, was just after smashing the third satellite phone in his hand when he saw Sunil Bakshi running over.

Whitehorse was still furious and looked at Sunil who ran in in a panic.

"What's wrong."

"Malik Investment has just announced the complete suspension of all cooperation agreements with us."


Whitehorse's eyes widened.

He was about to say "How is that possible," but when he thought of the conversation he had just had with Gideon Malik, his face suddenly froze with anger.

quite a while.

Whitehorse sat down in his seat again and hummed expressionlessly: "I understand."

Seeing this, Sunil said cautiously: "And Straker has also just completely suspended all cooperation with the industries under our name."

Whitehorse said expressionlessly again.



Sunil's heart thumped, and he didn't dare to stay in the study for a long time. He quickly exited the study, closed the study door again, and then carefully exhaled a breath.

The next second.

An idea appeared in his mind.

It seems that this time, Whitehorse is in big crisis.

then what do I do?

Sunil thought together, then quickly shook his head, raised his feet, and quickly left the area of ​​the study behind him.

In the study.

Whitehorse's eyes twinkled.

"Red Devil, bring Anna up."

"call out!"

The red devil appeared in the study with Anna along with the red smoke.

Whitehorse's eyes flickered as he looked at Anna: "Starting from tomorrow, the Red Devil will bring the heads of all the industries under my name to see you. You write down their names and contact information, as well as the funds under my name. , after I compile it in a few days, it will also be temporarily transferred to your name, do you understand?"

Hydra impeachment motion!

He took action.

Anna realized the reason why Whitehorse did this almost instantly. She exclaimed inwardly, but her cold look remained the same on the surface: "I understand."

Whitehorse nodded towards the Red Devil.

after awhile.

After sending Anna back to the solitary room, the Red Devil returned to the study again.

Whitehorse leaned on the seat behind him and closed his eyes. After noticing the red devil's return, he opened his eyes and spoke in a gloomy tone.

"I don't believe I will lose!"


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