A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 274 If Zhao Gao can do it, I, Lu Gao, can do it too! (Third update!)

The expression on the old dog’s face must be wonderful.

Luke thought to himself while drinking the wine in his glass.


Luke hadn't seen Daniel Whitehorse's wonderful expression yet, but after finishing these words, he saw something on William Stryker's face that he wanted to see on the face of Whitehorse's old dog. Expression.


Seeing this, Luke raised his eyebrows and looked at William Stryker, who had a slightly rich expression.

"William, what's the problem?"

"A little."

Stryker nodded without any hesitation, and then looked at Luke thoughtfully: "Director Dann should have seen the video that is now circulating on the Internet."

Luke nodded: "Yes, I personally think it's okay, but compared to my usual handsomeness, the video only shows less than one-tenth of it. William, what do you think?"

Is this a matter of showing whether you are handsome or not?

Stryker thought to himself.

He hates mutants.

If in normal times, if he received such a videotape, he would definitely take the sentry directly, find the mutant in the video, break in, and then arrest the damn mutant, or if he resists, he would It was destroyed directly on the spot.

But this time is different.

Because this time, it's not just about mutants, it's also about a hidden power struggle of a certain organization.

As everyone knows.

Power struggles are the most bloodless. Anyone who does anything is likely to get involved accidentally. In the end, you may not even know how you died.

William Stryker, who was born in the military, knew the power struggle all too well.

Therefore, as soon as he received the videotape, he arranged for personnel to test the authenticity of the videotape. At the same time, he called the host Alexander Pierce, who nominally supported this power struggle, and immediately stated that own position.

He has no intention or desire to get involved in this power struggle.

This is also the reason why he didn't take immediate measures after coming in like he did when he captured mutants in the past, but instead followed Luke's rhythm.

This arrest is different from previous arrests and requires caution.

Even if...

William Stryker's thoughts were spinning, and he looked at Luke who was talking about the video tape, but the other party was asking him whether he was handsome or not: "Did Director Dan admit the authenticity of the video tape?"

Luke smiled and looked at Stryker: "If this is true, then I should be on the plane flying to Australia instead of waiting for you in the office. William, although I hate to say this, it seems , you were taken advantage of, William!”

Stryker frowned.

"That videotape was tested by our office!"

"Oh, how that turned out."

Luke smiled slightly.

Stryker raised his eyes, looked at the expression on Luke's face, and said solemnly: "There are no traces of artificial forgery in that videotape."

Luke smiled under Stryker's gaze.

The smile is bright.

after awhile.

Luke sighed, raised his hand, raised the wine glass in his hand, clinked it with Stryker again, took a sip, and looked at Stryker thoughtfully.

"William, can I ask you a question?"

"you say."

"What do you think, considering my current status..."

Luke looked at Stryker with a smile on his face: "If someone wants to deal with me, can a fake that can be detected by a machine at a glance touch me?"

Stryker said nothing.

The reason why he was not as simple and crude as before was because he was partly worried.

He hated mutants, but he was more worried about being used as a gunman, so even after the office confirmed that the videotape was genuine, his worry still existed.


After entering this office and seeing the target person Luke, Stryker's worry deepened.

One sentence.

If Luke was really a mutant, he should be on the plane at this time, instead of still waiting for him to come to the office.

After all, it's just like what Luke just said.

"So what Chief Dane is saying is that the tape is fake."

"William, do you think who did it to you in the videos that are everywhere on the Internet?"

Luke did not answer this question, but asked Stryker: "In other words, do you think, do you think that the person who handed this video to you can make this video available in less than three hours?" Is it available anywhere on the Internet?”

This video is real.

no doubt.


Even if it is true, so what, Zhao Gao, one of his idols, can turn a deer into a horse, and now Lu Ke can also turn truth into falsehood.

This is all thanks to Dr. Zola.

Frankly speaking.

If Dr. Zola hadn't spread this video all over the Internet this time with the mentality of beating, he might not have thought so quickly that he could solve this video at the same time and add William Stryker to join him. Here's a way to kill two birds with one stone.


William Stryker Neutral?


The scariest thing about a power struggle is that once the power struggle begins, you are in the whirlpool and your position cannot be controlled by you at all.

Luke leaned on the sofa and looked at William Stryker, who seemed to have thought of something after he finished speaking, and said directly: "When Sasha called me, he told me your position. I respect your position, really, William, but, in fact, whether you admit it or not, you have been dragged into the water, and the person who dragged you into the water is not me."

William Stryker looked up at Luke.

Lu Ke's expression was calm and he said in a deep voice: "You think you are neutral, but in fact, what he wants is for you to be neutral, because a neutral person has no selfishness, but it is precisely because he has no selfishness that such a person It will be better used by others, what do you think?"

William Stryker said nothing.

But silence is better than sound.

The expression on Stryker's face began to change.

Some things are okay if you don't think about them, and you think there are no problems. But some things, if you think about it carefully, you will find out.

Fuck, I was used as a weapon!

Video cannot be faked?

Stop it.

As one of the partners of the organization, William Stryker also knew that one of the leaders of the organization was named Arnim Zola.


Stryker looked at Luke and said in a deep voice: "Isn't that person your ally?"

Luke smiled.

He was not afraid that Stryker would ask, but he was afraid that Stryker wouldn't ask.

Because as long as Stryker asked, it meant that his plan was successful.



Luke shook his head and invited Stryker to stand up. Then, he walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, opened the curtains, and looked down.

Enter the eyes.

It's already eleven o'clock, and it's not yet time for the twelve o'clock press conference. But at this moment, looking around, outside the federal building, there is a swarm of reporters. They have arrived at the scene in advance and are ready to get stuck. stormed the federal building.

Luke chuckled and looked at Stryker beside him: "Whether I am a mutant or not will be known after a test. It cannot be true or false, and it cannot be true. This is the simplest and most effective way." But, you should know that I have no reason to expand this public opinion, because it will not do me any good. You know better than me the virtues of the stupid people of the Federation."

Stryker heard this and nodded in agreement.


From the perspective of vested interests, expanding public opinion is definitely not the best option for Luke.

On the contrary, it is the worst choice.

Because mutants are a sensitive topic in the Federation, and it is also a topic with bad trends.

Even if Luke later clears his identity that he is not a mutant, the spread of public opinion on the Internet will not disappear so quickly.

Maybe a few years later, when someone mentions Luke, they will still blurt out: "I know, that mutant director?"

"As for allies."

Luke changed the subject, shook his head, and looked at Stryker with a speechless expression: "Speaking of allies, William, I'm sorry, what I said may not sound so nice, but you seemed to be another person's partner before. , isn’t it?”

He didn't need to explain why Dr. Zola turned around and supported Whitehorse when he supported him.

Because William Stryker, who previously collaborated with Alexander and is now collaborating with Whitehorse on the "Artificial Mutants" project, will figure out the reasons on his own.


As soon as his words came out, Stryker's expression changed.

Seeing this, Luke turned around and took the tablet from the sofa. After clicking it, he opened a video surveillance video and handed it directly to Stryker: "I didn't want to tell you so much, because, am I a mutant?" Man, I don’t know yet, but I don’t want to see you dragged into the water, William. I’m definitely not a mutant, but that old dog, I can’t tell.”

Stryker took the tablet and looked down.

The video is from the surveillance of the safe house.

In the safe house, Anna was sitting quietly on the sofa. Suddenly, a red light flashed on the surveillance camera. Then, a red devil with a red body and a barbed tail appeared in the safe house, and then caught him. After seeing him, Anna blurted out "It's you" and then disappeared from the surveillance.

As everyone knows.

The Red Devil's teleportation and Luke's teleportation teleportation are not the same system.


The Red Devil's teleportation cannot interfere with surveillance in the same way as Luke's teleportation. In other words, the Red Devil will be clearly photographed by the surveillance camera.

Luke pointed to the tablet in Stryker's hand with a smile: "William, this video is real!"

Stryker squeaked and looked up at Luke.

The heat has arrived.

Luke looked at the expression on Stryker's face and thought to himself.

The next second!

The picture is poor and the dagger appears.

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