A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 275 Detection of media attention (fourth update!)

"You're being played, Colonel William Stryker."

"You think you're neutral."

"But by the time Whitehorse sent this false evidence to you, you were already dragged into the water by him."

"You think Whitehorse and you are on the same page, but what's the reality?"

"While they are cooperating with you, they are also collaborating with mutants."

"You think you are his only one, but they treat you as just a choice."

"Haven't you ever wondered why, among the mutants you've caught over the years, it's been so difficult to catch all the mutants with names?"

Luke's words rang in Stryker's ears like a devil's whisper.

The sound reached his ears, making Stryker's heart tremble.

In fact, Luke was telling the truth.

Over the years, Stryker has captured many mutants and sent them to his mutant prison.


He didn't catch any of the mutants with names.

Let’s not talk about the mutants in Xavier’s School for the Gifted, which has special geographical protection in New York State.

Not to mention Magneto, whose whereabouts are still unknown.

Just talking about those mutants who are somewhat famous.

Every time Stryker got a clue, there would be various accidents that would cause him to arrive a step too late, or simply the mutants he was targeting would always disappear before he could act, and then completely disappear. .

In the past, Stryker felt that he was unlucky, but those damn mutants were too lucky.

at the moment?

"It's not that you have bad luck, nor that they have good luck."

"It's that you chose the wrong partner to cooperate with, Colonel Stryker."

"There are bad people around you."

Luke's tone was faint and he spoke with facts. Then, he looked at Stryker who was watching him with a smile, and extended his hand of friendship: "Cooperate with me, and I guarantee that this red devil will be yours. Jesus can’t keep anything he says.”

Stryker lowered his eyes and looked at Luke's right hand of friendship.

His eyes twinkled.

quite a while!

Stryker took a deep breath, stretched out his palm, and tightly grasped it with Luke's right hand, and then looked up at Luke.

"I don't care who I cooperate with, I just want all mutants to die!"


Lu Ke heard this sentence in one ear and out the other. He smiled slightly and raised his glass with his other hand: "Happy cooperation?"

Stryker grabbed the vodka in his hand.


“A pleasure to work with.”

Stryker's expression was half gloomy, half happy.

Gloomily, he was deceived by Luke and realized that he was being fooled around like a monkey by the old dog Daniel Whitehorse.

He just said it.

Why is it that every time I find a valuable mutant, that damn mutant just runs away.

Feelings are like someone stabbing him secretly behind his back.

What made him feel sickest was that Stryker felt sick when he thought about how he would thank Whitehorse every time he grabbed a few mutants with indispensable mutant abilities.


He met Luke.

Stryker's idea was simple.

Luke, who was disgusted by Whitehorse's use of mutants, would become more murderous towards Whitehorse and would definitely turn his anger on the mutants.

Public opinion has fermented.

If Luke doesn't want to continue to be blamed for mutants in the future, he will definitely stand on the line of "opposing mutants" without sparing any effort.


From this perspective, Lu Ke and he are like-minded.

Half past eleven in the morning.

Downstairs of the Federal Building, many media reporters who were squatting seemed to have heard some kind of call. They were all shocked and began to be crowded, but they entered the venue in an orderly manner.

Of course.

The Federal Building is not where the media reporters from Cats and Dogs enter.

for example……

"What, why can't we enter?"

"Sorry, The Beverly Newspaper is not part of this invitation."


The two federal agents who were checking the media's entry downstairs looked at the red-faced reporter in front of them and glanced expressionlessly: "I'm warning you for the last time, if you don't leave for three seconds, I will think you are a terrorist." Suspected of assault."

This is the Federal Building.

There is someone staying at the door and not leaving. It is quite reasonable to speculate that this person has evil intentions and is very likely to commit a terrorist attack.

The reporter from the Beverly News, who was planning to argue, felt a thump in his heart. Remembering where he was now, he opened his mouth, thinking of saying something, but he backed away honestly.

The Beverly Press was not the only media outlet to be denied entry.

There are also some other media.

For example, various media such as West Coast Daily, L.A. Daily, and Discovery of Mutants.

But these media outlets that have been denied entry all have one characteristic in common.

That is, in this morning's newspaper, they all followed the trend and wrote reports that Luke was a mutant.

Naturally, it is quite reasonable that they are not included in the invitation list.

In the press external liaison conference room.

I came here with Luke and waited in the conference room early. By the way, I acted as the hostess to entertain Rachel, the leading actress of the other eleven formal media companies. She sat in the first row and turned to look at the media who started to enter one after another. Somewhat surprised.

"How do I feel? All the media from the West Coast are here."

"not all."

Sitting next to Rachel, the female anchor who is also the leading actress of her TV station smiled and said: "I just received the news that all the media that followed the trend in the morning and announced that Director Dann is a suspected mutant have been blocked this time."

Rachel came to her senses: "You deserve it!"

News is not about chasing rumors, news is about guiding the public to understand the truth and know the truth.

The female anchor who plays well with Rachel and who urgently helped Rachel contact the ten other media people present this morning said with a smile: "Thankfully Rachel contacted us, otherwise, our TV station would also be ready to take action."

Rachel smiled and said: "Don't say that, I haven't thanked you yet. I'll treat you when this hot spot is over."

The other eleven female anchors looked at each other and looked at Rachel.

"Director Dane, please come back this time."


Rachel nodded and gave a positive answer.

The eleven female anchors smiled happily.

Rachel also smiled slightly.

He doesn't mind the extra dinner for Lu Ke, because winning the support of the mainstream media is more important than having an extra dinner.

The main reason is that the twelve mainstream media outlets on the West Coast around her have not spoken out. The hot public opinion outside is based on gossip and scandals that have no basis in fact.

They, the twelve media outlets, represent the news.

Credible news!


Half an hour's admission was enough for all the media who should be admitted.

A thud.

The media reporters who had already entered and were seated turned to look. Behind them, the door to the conference room had been closed by two federal agents.

Four agents in black were in place at the two passageways of the conference room behind them.


Symbolizing the sense of oppression brought by the federal top violent law enforcement agency, it directly swept through the entire meeting, causing the place that was still chattering just now to quickly change in a calm direction.

Everyone turned their attention to the podium with the FBI badge on the stage.

The external press spokesman of the FBI's Los Angeles branch, wearing a blue suit, walked to the stage with a serious expression.

There was total silence in the venue, except for the sound of spotlights and the running of cameras brought to visit by many media.

The spokesperson made a public clarification report on the information that "Director Luke Dane is suspected of being a mutant" that caused a stir this morning.

The content of the report is quite satisfactory, focusing on an FBI style.

The end.

The press spokesman paused for a moment, then looked at the crowd of media reporters in the crowd, and said directly: "Next, Director Dann and William Stryker of the Sentinel Secret Service will make a joint speech. This press conference is for In the briefing-style press conference, no reporters will ask questions until the press conference is over. Please pay attention to the press conference discipline!"

The words fell.

Luke and William Stryker, dressed in suits and ties, came to the stage under the guidance of the female agent.

The spotlight flashes more frequently.

Rachel, who was sitting in the first row, also took out her mobile phone and took pictures of Luke standing on the stage in front of the press conference.

Luke glanced at Rachel out of the corner of his eye, then looked at the entire conference hall, and said directly: "First of all, I would like to introduce the person next to me, Colonel William Stryker, the representative director of the military in the Sentinel Secret Service. What is the purpose of your visit? It is clear that facts speak louder than words. Colonel Stryker has the most say on whether I am a mutant. Next, I will accept any test from the Sentinel Secret Service under the witness of all the media. I will also accept Supervision by the public media, during the testing process, I will invite 20 media to witness, and the list will be randomly selected by Senior Special Agent Ms. Ron, let’s get started!”

After finishing speaking, Luke and the press spokesman on the side, Senior Special Agent Ron, nodded.

Ron stepped forward and called his name directly.

"Colombia Television."

"West Coast Gold News."

"Federal News Television."

Ron spoke one by one to the twelve formal mainstream media outlets on the West Coast, headed by Rachel in the front row. This was what Luke meant.

After naming the twelve regular media outlets, Ron's next step was to randomly select eight regular media outlets. In order to ensure absolute fairness and impartiality, Ron directly shook the seat number on the big screen and confirmed that the other eight media outlets were not regular, but It is also the mainstream media that does not follow the trend in reporting.

at the same time!

The big screen also showed synchronized images of Luke, William Stryker, and the twenty media reporters who were found behind them going to the laboratory for testing.

William Stryker originally thought that he would just use simple equipment to conduct a test.


Luke refused.

This is his crisis.

But this is also a good opportunity for him to build up his reputation.

Rachel reminded him.

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