A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 276 It’s a crisis, but also an opportunity! (Fifth update, please order in full!!)

Every crisis that occurs not only brings huge panic and disaster, but also contains important opportunities.

Rachel originally wanted Luke to jump off the FBI battleship and jump to S.H.I.E.L.D.

The reason is that no matter how good Luke does, he still can't climb to the Quantico headquarters.

So Rachel felt that the best choice was S.H.I.E.L.D.

After Rachel learned about the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s twin sister, Snake Shield, her idea became even stronger.


This is great.

If you have Hydra as your foundation, it would be even more appropriate to join SHIELD, which is full of Hydra agents.


Hydra is a thunder, is this considered dancing with snakes?


This sentence is correct, which is why Luke wants to continue to build up his reputation, and it is best to get the support of the directors of the East Kingdom to join SHIELD.

Because in this way, the greatest original sin has been washed away.

If the Hydra storms and wants to escape, there are ways to clear it.

When Luke heard Rachel's career plan for him, although he didn't understand it, he felt it was serious. In addition, Rachel's eyes flickered with hope that her husband would become a successful man, so he simply let Rachel go.

In the examination room.

The three sentries brought by Stryker have all the detection instruments in place.


When the three sentries saw Stryker coming in, they said, "The machine has been debugged."

Stryker nodded, pointed to the examination bed beside him, and looked at Luke: "Director Dann, if you are ready, you can lie down on it."

Luke asked.


"You can have underwear."

"All right."

Luke shrugged.

Rachel, who was standing aside, looked towards Luke with sharp eyes.

She was sure that she just heard Luke's regretful voice.

What are you thinking about?


The people from the Sentinel Secret Service agreed, but I didn't agree.

She did not lose to the other media reporters who came over, but all of the eleven news golden flowers next to her were Bichi.

If they saw this, they might think of some evil deeds and crawl into Luke's bed.

Rachel thought to herself.

That's it.

Accompanied by the exclamations of the eleven golden flowers next to her, Rachel looked at Luke who had taken off his clothes from the hut next to him and appeared in only a pair of underwear.

Rachel couldn't help but shrink when her eyes fell on Luke.


A large number of scars with different methods covered almost half of Lu Ke's body.

Many media reporters exclaimed.

Including the many reporters who were watching the live broadcast on the big screen in the front conference room, they were also surprised by the scars on Lu Ke's body.

The female agent who was carrying the camera and responsible for the live broadcast made a hiss and directly adjusted the zoom of the camera to focus on the scars on Luke's body.

The first close-up was the penetrating wound left by a bullet on Luke's right chest.

Ms. Ron, a senior special agent in the FBI's Office of External Press, spoke in a low tone and told the origin of this scar while showing a close-up of the scar.

There was also the large area of ​​scars that looked like burns on Luke's back after he turned around.

Every scar, every close-up, every story.

These scars are the marks left by Luke's service to the FBI and loyalty to the Federation two years ago.


This is not a scar.

This is a medal.

At the same time, this is also a way to tell the media present.

If Luke was really a mutant similar to Magneto II as shown in the video, he might have left so many scars on his body.

What's more, behind Luke's three scars are three near-death stories.

And this, the medical center can give strong and powerful evidence.

Among the media reporters sitting in the conference room outside, some of the female reporters with tears in their eyes could not help but cover their mouths and noses.

The female reporters in the examination room also looked at Luke, who was lying on the examination bed covered with scars, with distressed expressions.

Rachel also looked at Luke on the examination bed with some distress.

The expressions are also well-acted, and it doesn’t look like they’re staged at all.

after all……

As his fiancée, she knew very well whether Luke had scars on his body. She even mentioned it in the morning. It was a pity that you had too few scars on your body. If there were more scars, the effect of the show would definitely be more explosive.

But Rachel didn't expect that Luke would be able to put on makeup in such a short period of time due to his full mobility.

Stryker walked over after Luke lay down on the examination bed, and then his eyes fell on the scar on Luke's chest that seemed to be slightly raised.

He was stunned.

The next second.

Stryker understood, and naturally reached out and pressed Luke's chest, reattached the scar on the chest, and then looked at Luke with a natural expression: "Director Dann, when we draw blood later, It might hurt a little.”

Luke grinned: "Come on, it's okay!"

Stryker nodded and signaled to the sentry next to him.


The two huge needles penetrated directly into the blood vessels of Luke's arms.

The machine starts running.

The scanner above Luke's head also began to operate, and began to scan Luke slowly from head to toe.

Rachel crossed one arm, her right hand couldn't help but touch her mouth, and looked at the scene being examined nervously.

Although Luke assured her that no test could link him to a mutant.

It can be said.

What if!

Can they still run out from here, go to the port, get on a speedboat she prepared in advance, and run to the high seas?


Just in case, Rachel prepared a speedboat for the family of three to use when they needed to run away.

Hope it doesn't come in handy.

Rachel prayed silently in her heart.

The eleven West Coast media bosses on the side also looked nervously at Lu Ke, who was lying on the examination bed with a relaxed expression.

Their right hands were on the send button of their cell phones.

Once the results come out, what they compete for is hand speed. Whoever sends it out first will get the real headline news.

Outside, the media reporters who were not invited to watch the scene looked similar.

They all looked at the pictures on the big screen with great anticipation.

Hold your breath and concentrate!

Final inspection results from the Sentinel Secret Service are awaited.

Outside the venue, there were also people waiting for the test results to appear.

For example, Whitehorse, the instigator this time.

Whitehorse, who was in his Canadian estate, was sitting on a lounge chair on the golf course of his estate. He was holding a cigar in one hand and his mobile phone in the other. He was also simultaneously watching what seemed to be someone on a video call with him. Live video taken in the FBI conference room.

Whitehorse looked at Luke who was checking on the big screen in the video, sneered, and threw the phone to Sunil aside.

Sunil quickly took the phone.

Whitehorse snorted coldly: "Even when death is imminent, you are still pretending!"

Others don’t know whether the video is fake or not. Doesn’t he still know?


Luke is a mutant.

no doubt.

From Whitehorse's point of view, what Luke is doing right now is nothing more than thinking that he has found a good way to fool the Sentinel Secret Service.


No one knows the Sentinel Secret Service's methods of detecting mutants better than he does.

Put it this way.

Even if your mutant ability is "hide", the Sentinel Secret Service can still determine your identity.

Because this kind of technology was obtained and practiced by the Sentinel Secret Service from a large number of mutant in vivo experiments.

"Fight me!"


"I thought you had some cards in your hand."

Whitehorse sneered, then shook his head fearlessly, stood up from the rest chair, turned and walked towards the house: "When he finishes the show, tell me the results. Your niece is good, this week... no , next month, let her come to the manor to play."

Sunil was slightly startled.

"Sir, my nephew..."


"...Okay, sir."

Sunil lowered his head with a complicated expression.

When Whitehorse saw this, he smiled with satisfaction.

Sunil didn't raise his head until Whitehorse disappeared from sight and looked at his phone. He just graduated this year and joined a tabloid. Because of his words, he slipped into the FBI press release. Hall, now it seems that he has been dragged into the devil's cave again...

at this time.

A message appeared quietly on Sunil's cell phone.

Sunil looked at the text message and his eyes narrowed.

Federal Building.

check room!

The running speed was extremely slow, as if he wanted to scan every part of Luke's body carefully. The scanner finally made a ding sound after scanning the toes.

The sentry sitting at the computer desk immediately retrieved Luke's physical data.

The next second.

The sentry couldn't help but gasp.

"What's wrong."

"Are the results out?"

"Yes or no."

“Jesus God!”

As the sentry gasped, the media who were lucky enough to watch the scene became restless, having been waiting with bated breath for the results.

The eleven golden flowers stood on tiptoe, trying to see clearly the scanned data displayed on the computer screen.

Rachel also gasped because of the sentry, and couldn't help but squeeze the right hand she placed on her mouth.

Stryker had already walked behind the sentinel and looked intently at the scanned data displayed on the computer screen.

After seeing the data above, he couldn't help but be stunned.

at this time.

There was a ding.

The sentry next to the genetic testing instrument also looked at the screen showing that the analysis was completed. He perked up and couldn't help shouting Stryker. Then he raised his hand, moved the mouse, and clicked on the screen that showed that the analysis had been completed. Completed status bar.

The camera that followed the shooting also pointed its lens at the computer in front of the sentry.

The sentry didn't pretend to be cryptic, but just clicked on it.


"Non-conformance!" 』

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