A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 277 I don’t want to be buried with Sunil (first update!)



Most of them were looking at the computer screen. They couldn't help but froze when they saw the results of this genetic test displayed on it.

What does it not match?

The next second!


Along with a gasp, many reporters in the conference hall outside began to boil as if a pot was boiling.

The eleven regular mainstream media Golden Flowers came to their senses almost at the same time and sent out the text messages they had prepared and edited.

At this time, the key is hand speed.

This time Rachel did not follow to grab the headlines this time, but after seeing the results displayed, her whole body softened and she breathed a complete sigh of relief.


Finally nothing went wrong.

Rachel clenched her right fist involuntarily, then quickly recovered and ran towards Luke, who was still lying on the examination bed but was already removing the needle.

"Are you OK."


Luke glanced at the needle that was pulling out his veins, looked at Rachel who ran to him and looked at him nervously, and shook her head with a smile.

He is fine now.

Next, something happened to Daniel Whitehorse.

After all, all the cards in this old dog's hand have been basically used up, and at most there is only a single card left in his hand.

Lao Gou was afraid that he thought he was hitting Wang Zha, that Lu Ke had given Wang Zha away, and that he no longer had any bombs in his hand.


The old dog miscalculated.

Luke stood up from the examination bed, walked straight into the small room, got dressed in a few clicks, and then returned to his suit and tie appearance and walked out of the small room.

William Stryker's sentry was already silently packing up the equipment he brought this time.

When Luke came out, he met Stryker's gaze.

"What's the result, am I a mutant?"


William Stryker shook his head and gave an affirmative answer.

Although the results of Luke's physical fitness scan just now seem to be a bit exaggerated, even more outrageous than the physical fitness scan results of Captain America stored in the system.

But this is still within the theoretical range of human strength.

Moreover, he used a cyclic genetic test this time, and turned on the X-gene suppressor throughout the process. In this case, the results could not be manipulated at all.

The current results show that no trace of the X gene has been detected in Luke's genes.

Then this data is correct.

Moreover, it was personally acknowledged by William Stryker, the lifelong enemy of the mutants.

"Director Dann is indeed not a mutant."

William Stryker said this, and then, after thinking about it, he added: "I guarantee it with my professional ethics and professional ethics from decades of service in the military."

The eleven golden flowers and the eight lucky reporters who happened to be there, their eyes lit up after hearing these words, they dialed their mobile phones on the spot, and quickly typed out another temporary newsletter on their mobile phones.

"latest news! 』

"Colonel William Stryker, the federal military representative in charge of the Sentinel Secret Service, testified for Director Luke Dane: "You are 100% not a mutant!"

The next second.

On the Internet, the latest news from the media just hit the screen, and another latest news came out quickly.

"latest news! 』

"The FBI's external spokesperson stated that it will immediately initiate investigation procedures to investigate the fake video case. 』

Immediately afterwards, new news one after another was continuously sent out in the form of temporary press releases by the media reporters who were attending the press conference.

"Quantico External Press Spokesperson..."

"The Minister of Justice just finished a session of Congress and raised this matter..."

"FBI Senior Special Agent in Charge Jack accepts the investigation of this case. 』

"Director Luke Dane's examination footage has been released! 』

"Well-deserved West Coast Superhero!" 』

Along with the videos that were quickly refreshed on the Internet, Daniel Whitehorse, who had just returned to his study and was about to call Mrs. Viper to deliver his loot in advance, looked at Sunil who ran over in a hurry. Then, when Sunil handed over the news that was refreshing almost every second on his mobile phone, his heart completely exploded.

"Fuck Fuck!"


The phone drew a beautiful arc and hit the wall heavily.

Whitehorse's face turned red and he shouted angrily: "Fake, fake, this is fake news, how is this possible, how can he not be a mutant!"

damn it.

He watched helplessly as Luke effortlessly killed the twenty-five Hydra agents he sent over right in front of his eyes.

This is why he no longer sends people to assassinate Lu Ke.

Because he knew that Luke was a mutant, and no matter how many Hydra agents were sent out, they would only be there to deliver KPIs to Luke.

But now, what did he see?

Isn't Luke a mutant?

Damn Fuck!

If he's not a mutant, then I'm not a fucking human.

Whitehorse's chest was heaving violently, and his thoughts were spinning rapidly: "Damn it, Stryker, was Stryker also bribed by this guy?"

Sunil, who was silently watching his immediate superior's incompetence and rage, opened his mouth after hearing Whitehorse's words. After thinking about it, he closed his mouth.

He specializes in studying aliens and conducting living research on aliens.

And Stryker is an expert in the study of mutants.

Therefore, Sunil felt that he knew Stryker relatively well.

Based on his understanding of Stryker, Stryker had no reason or motive to commit fraud.

At least when it comes to mutants, Stryker will never lie.

This means that Luke is really not a mutant.

Of course.

If Luke is not a mutant, that means one thing.

Whitehoe, an old ship that has been sailing for almost decades, is really going to sink.

Sunil thought to himself.

The next second.

In his mind, he thought of the content of a text message he just saw on his phone.

Sunil raised his eyes and glanced at Whitehorse, who was furious and furious. He grabbed things and threw them on the ground. He silently retreated towards the door of the study.

Only when a person has no cards in his hand, or has no cards to play, will he become so powerless and furious.

The old ship Whitehoe is really sinking.

It's time for him to make plans for his future.

Half an hour later.

Sunil drove out of the radiation range of Whitehorse's estate, and then took out a new disposable mobile phone from the storage compartment.

He stopped the car, looked at his cell phone with his eyes flickering, thought for a moment, and made a call.

There was no reason for him to be buried with Whitehorse.

And Whitehorse didn't know that he was buried with him.

His relationship with Whitehorse was simple.

Whitehorse provided the money, he provided the knowledge, and even the results of his research belonged to Whitehorse.

I don't owe you anything.

Sunil thought silently in his heart while waiting for the call to be connected.

The call is connected.


"The Red Devil has a lover who lives in Malibu. Every night at nine o'clock, he will go to the lover's house and leave on time at ten o'clock."

"What, yes, only an hour."

"I don't know what to do."

"I have the address."

Sunil said this, took a deep breath, and then said in a deep voice: "But, Ms. Sever, I must get a promise that the sinking of the old ship Whitehoe will not swallow me up."

Seve, who was in the Sky Fortress, smiled: "I can give you..."

Sunil shook his head: "No, I want Luke Dane's promise!"

Seve frowned and said nothing.

Sunil said in a deep voice: "I am not a child, Ms. Sever. I want Mr. Luke Dann's promise that I will turn on this phone for half an hour."

He still knows who is playing this game.

Seve's promise has no effect on Sunil's side.

All he wanted was Luke Dane's promise.

Seve listened to Sunil's words on the phone, thought about it, and then said in a deep voice: "Okay, half an hour."

Sunil hung up the phone silently, then restarted the car and left the place quickly.

Federal Building.

Director's Office.



"I should be the one thanking you."

Luke held a bourbon glass, clinked it with Stryker in front of him, and said with a smile: "Without your tacit cooperation, William, I would definitely not have calmed down this public opinion storm so quickly."

Stryker smiled, looked at Rachel, who was standing beside Luke, and said, "Luke, you have such a smart fiancée. Without my help, your fiancée can help you settle the public opinion this time. After all, The host of the Columbia Evening News represents a kind of credibility on the West Coast."

Rachel pursed her lips and smiled, and clinked the red wine glass in her hand with William Stryker: "Colonel Stryker has said it before. Without the endorsement of Colonel Stryker, a mutant expert, I won't even consider it. No matter how much you say, you can't make the people believe it. After all, Colonel Stryker's fans are very fanatical, and they don't believe anyone except Colonel Stryker's words."


Don't believe it, Stryker has fans.

And the base number is not a small number.

Colonel Stryker is well-known in the Federation as being against mutants, and his supporters are all against mutants.

At the same time, this group of people were also the ones who danced the most fiercely when the video was just exposed.

Stryker listened to Rachel's compliment, shook his head and waved his hands, but his expression was very helpful and said: "I just did what I should do."

Luke and Rachel looked at each other and raised their glasses to Stryker again: "Anyway, thank you, William."

The three of them clinked their glasses and drank it all in one gulp. Rachel just took a small sip.

Because she has exclusive news to broadcast tonight.

Don't get drunk!

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