A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 278 Luke’s purpose for wanting Hydra! (Second update!)

No one understands public opinion better than Rachel!

Rachel, who was born in a major, could not compare to Rachel in terms of guiding and creating public opinion, even if Daniel Whitehorse were to return to his mother's womb and practice cultivation again for twenty years.

Luke's current crisis has been resolved.

Next, it is natural to make good use of the opportunities created by this crisis.

The scars that Luke showed in front of the camera, "I have served the FBI, and I have shed blood for the Federation," were a good topic.

Rachel planned to take advantage of it.


After Rachel took a sip of red wine, she apologized to William Stryker and said that she couldn't drink anymore. She took their empty wine glasses and went over to help them pour wine.

Stryker looked at Rachel who was pouring the wine and said with some envy: "I heard about Director Dan's fiancée when I came here."

As soon as he got off the plane, he received a series of phone calls.

Every prominent figure on the West Coast, even the capital of Columbia Media Company, had called him.

The content of the calls varied, but the core idea was the same.

Follow the rules.

Stryker believed that this was the result of the greetings between Luke and Rachel in front of him. If Luke and Rachel had not said hello, it is estimated that the content of these calls was to tell him to get as far away as Stryker could. Far.

He knew about Luke's information.

It is precisely because he has understood it that Stryker sighed like this.


Nowadays, at least half of the credit for Luke's huge reputation on the West Coast must be attributed to Luke's fiancée, Rachel Weiler, who currently serves as the evening news anchor at Columbia Media Company. Ms. Lees.

There is a saying among the top social circles on the West Coast.

It is difficult to invite Luke Dane, but if you invite Ms. Rachel Villeless, there is an 80% chance that Luke Dane will be given as a gift.


In Luke's interpersonal social circle, this Rachel Villeless takes the most credit.

Luke looked at the envious look in front of him when Stryker said this, smiled, and turned to look at Rachel who had already poured the wine over there.

Rachel just turned around and saw Luke's gaze. She was slightly startled, walked over and handed the wine to the two of them: "What were you two talking about just now?"

Luke smiled and translated what Stryker wanted to express.

"William told me not to let you down."

"That's quite true, isn't it?"

Rachel said with a smile, then looked at Stryker: "Colonel Stryker, the story of you and your wife is also widely circulated in our federation. If you are not in a hurry to go back, Luke and I would like to I’m treating you to a banquet, and by the way, I’d like to give some advice to Luke.”

A trace of sadness flashed in Stryker's eyes, but he quickly hid it and laughed loudly: "Okay, no problem, I will give you everything I have."

Rachel winked mischievously at Luke: "Did you hear that, Luke, when the time comes, you have to ask Colonel Stryker for advice."

What else could Luke say, but he could only nod.

"I will study hard."

"Okay, it's time for me to go."

Rachel didn't say much after that. She looked at the time on her watch, kissed Luke, and then shook hands with Stryker again with a smile: "Colonel Stryker, I'm going back to Taili first. I won’t disturb you two anymore, let’s chat slowly.”


Rachel left the office with her backpack and high heels on her feet.

Luke waited until Rachel left and clinked glasses with Stryker again.

"Feel sorry."


Stryker knew why Luke was apologizing, smiled, waved his hand and said: "I will only be happy if someone can remember my wife."

His wife is dead.

Died at the hands of mutants.

Add emphasis!

Died at the hands of his own mutant son.

And this is the reason why William Stryker will never die for mutants from now on.

Parents are true love, sons are just accidents.

These words are more appropriate to describe William Stryker and his wife.

The most important thing.

William Stryker knew his wife at a young age. When he was not in power, his wife accompanied him to travel to US military bases around the world.

And after he gained power, gained a position in the military, and had his own son, he thought he would be able to let his wife enjoy life.


"It's all those damn mutants!"

William Stryker took a deep breath, and the image of his wife asking him not to complain about their son before she died once again appeared in his mind. He became even more angry and gritted his teeth: "I want all those mutants to be buried with me." !”

Luke looked at William Stryker, whose resentment in front of him was almost turning into substance. Hearing these words, there was no psychological fluctuation.

Not to mention that William Stryker wanted to exterminate all mutants, even if he wanted to exterminate all humans on Earth, Luke would not have any trouble.

Luke's ideas were simple from start to finish.

Work hard, struggle, and then find a planet to build your own Lu Clan with peace of mind.

after awhile.

William Stryker came to his senses and put away his resentment.

"Feel sorry."


Luke smiled, looked at Stryker who also said sorry to him, clinked glasses again, and invited Stryker to sit down on the sofa.

After Stryker sat down, he started talking about the serious matter that he couldn't talk about just now because of Rachel's presence: "Luke, you just said, did you ask me to capture the mutant Red Devil?"

Luke nodded: "Yes."

Stryker's eyes lit up.

"Where is he?"

"I'm not yet..."

Just when Lu Ke was about to say that he still needed to wait, the phone rang.


Luke raised his eyebrows, glanced at Stryker next to him, smiled, and then directly connected to the video call.

"What's wrong?"

"Sunil is willing to reveal the whereabouts of the Red Devil."


Luke was slightly startled.

"Why is Sunil involved again?"

"It's like this."

Seve on the other end of the video sighed and told what happened.

Things are long.

To put it simply.

Even Zola, the only living being on the Internet, would have a hard time finding the lair of Daniel Whitehorse and the Red Devil.


Sunil is not difficult to find, especially when the federation held a press conference today. Zola concluded that Daniel Whitehorse would also pay attention to this, so Dr. Zola has also been paying attention to the press conference. appeared on the signal source outside the federal building, and then found Sunil's niece, and then tracked Sunil's mobile phone.

But Dr. Zola didn't dare to stay long, and couldn't even locate the place because he was afraid of touching the signal wall that the old turtle had built for himself in Whitehorse. He just happened to hear that Whitehorse wanted Sunil's niece to come next month. After calculating the news about sleeping with him, he simply left a sentence.

A ship destined to sink is not worth being buried with.

Then a temporary number for Seve was attached.

And just now, Sunil called.

After listening to Sever's story, Luke touched his chin: "So, Sunil, are you willing to betray that old dog Whitehorse?"


Luke's eyes lit up: "Where is that old dog now? I'm going to chop him up now."

Seve said quickly: "I advise you to deal with the Red Devil first. Besides, it's useless for you to go now. Whitehorse has left his manor. Now, with the existence of the Red Devil, he is very powerful." Could be anywhere in the world.”

Luke calmed down his inner restlessness.

"You're right, kill the red devil first and cut off this old dog's escape route."

"Where is he."

Luke glanced at Stryker who seemed to want to speak, said to Seve a moment, and then looked at Stryker.

"What's wrong?"

"Sunil Bakshi is a good expert."


Luke raised his eyebrows and looked at Stryker, who seemed to be vouching for Sunil. His thoughts turned, he nodded, and looked at Seve at the other end of the video again: "Sunil, right? Yes, I can give him His promise of safety is premised on the fact that his intelligence must be accurate.”

Seve then sent a phone number.

"He wants to hear your own promise."


Luke looked at a number sent by Seve, hung up the phone, and then directly faced the phone.

The call was answered almost instantly.


Sunil has been guarding this phone.


"Sunil Bakshi, this is Luke."

"Luke...Mr. Luke Dane."


Lu Ke said directly: "You want my promise, yes, I will give you a promise that this matter will not involve you. After the matter is over, I will not interfere with any of your treatment and work. But the premise is that your information must be valuable!"

He actually didn't care about Whitehorse's assets at all.

Even if Whitehorse didn't want to use him to establish his authority, he would not want to get involved with Hydra's top brass at all.

With his relationship with Alexander, it was enough to rely on Alexander and use Hydra's resources to find the materials for him to open the second stage of the gene lock or the holy cloth.

But don’t give it for free.

Instead of chopping up Whitehorse and dividing all the inheritance among others, it would be better to take over it yourself.

Sunil felt a little moved in his heart after hearing the assurance given by Luke.

This guarantee is what he wants.

Sunil almost subconsciously wanted to blurt out the address of the Red Devil's mistress in Malibu.


Sunil calmed down quickly.

"Mr. Dann, how can you ensure that your guarantee will not change."


Luke smiled and handed the phone to Stryker who was standing aside.

Stryker took Luke's cell phone, hesitated for a moment, and spoke to the other end of the phone.

"Sunil, I, William, I can vouch for this guarantee!"


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