A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 279 Kill the red devil first! (Third update!!)


Paradise detour.

Under the pitch-black night, an Audi car with the engine turned off was parked quietly.

Luke, who was sitting in the car, drank refreshing coffee and glanced at the time on his watch.

"There's still half an hour left."


William Stryker in the co-pilot nodded and used the single-hole telescope on his hand to glance at the sentry who was secretly planting an X-gene suppression device around their target room this time: "Red Devil, a person who knows how to Teleporting mutants, this will be of great help to Trask and I in our research on the ‘Sentinel’.”

Luke glanced at it and asked curiously: "How far is your "Sentinel Project" in progress?"

He suddenly discovered that Hydra now has many scientific research projects.

"Artificial Mutants"



Luke had an inexplicable misconception that Hydra must have chosen the wrong professional route. With such scientific research level and spirit, could it be necessary to use force to conquer the world?

Stryker smiled and looked at Luke.

"Luke is curious about our project?"

"So be it."

Luke shrugged and did not deny: "I heard Sasha mention it before, saying that the Sentinel you are developing seems to be researching in the direction of almighty mutants."

Stryker nodded: "This is the plan, but specifically, more capital investment is needed."

Luke understood the meaning of Stryker's words.

It's just to ask him not to cut off their R\u0026D funds after accepting the legacy of Whitehorse's old dog.

He didn't care.

"Helping each other is one of my few strengths."

Luke smiled and said to Stryker: "But the premise is that we can catch the Red Devil tonight."

The Red Devil couldn't catch it. Unless Lu Ke tried his best to use this body, he just forced it to open wide, slapped AOE damage and directly used the palm technique of falling from the sky, otherwise, he would have no chance to chop Whitehorse.


If he directly fires the map cannon, there is a 90% chance that it will attract the Supreme Mage.

Stryker didn't seem worried about this: "I believe Sunil's intelligence. Since Sunil said the Red Devil will appear, then he will definitely appear, and as long as the Red Devil appears, he will definitely not be able to escape. ."

Luke nodded: "It's best."


He seemed to have thought of something, looked at Stryker, and chatted: "By the way, I think Sunil seemed quite shocked when he heard your voice."

And Sunil seemed to trust Stryker quite a bit.

A second ago, he asked Luke for a guarantee, but after Stryker opened his mouth, he gave the address of the Red Devil's mistress without saying a word.

Lu Ke knew that both of them were scientific research types and both were practical people.


This kind of trust should go beyond that.

Stryker smiled and said, "Sunil and I had the same biology teacher in high school."

Luke suddenly realized.

I see.

As teachers from the same school, no wonder Sunil trusted Stryker so much after hearing Stryker vouch for his promise.

"But Sunil never told you about the red devil."

"I don't blame him."


"Whitehorse is not a good man."

Stryker met Luke's gaze and said with a serious expression: "I mean he is not a good person in the literal sense. If Sunil had told me before that Whitehorse was cooperating with mutants, I would definitely cut off Whitehorse's cooperation. No. Any exception, but in this case, Sunil will definitely die, I can understand him."

Luke nodded.

When Stryker said this, he couldn't help laughing and looked at Luke: "But that's it. In fact, if Sunil hadn't made this call, I would have really come to the end of Whitehorse. I want to ask you to save Sunil's life. He is a good scientific researcher, but he accidentally trusted the wrong person."

Luke smiled: "Don't worry, except for those die-hard Whitehorse people who are on my list, the rest are not on my list."

He was not prepared to go on a killing spree.

One sentence.

Luke also hopes to receive Whitehorse's inheritance.

With Whitehorse's size, the assets he left behind must be huge. If he killed all the people, he would not be able to find suitable candidates to replace these assets for a while.

While talking.

The intercom placed in the car rang after a rustling sound.

"Sir, the X device is installed and can be activated at any time."


Stryker, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked at the time on his watch. There were five minutes left before nine o'clock. He grabbed the walkie-talkie and answered the call before saying, "Leave one person standing guard over there." , the remaining three, withdraw."

Although there is no monitoring equipment around the house of the Red Devil Mistress.

But there are many people with mixed eyesight.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, it is better to be more prudent. After all, there is only one chance to capture the Red Devil.

If this time the enemy is alerted, I'm afraid there will be no chance of catching the red devil.

Luke looked out over his mistress' house.

The three sentries evacuated from the back of the house in a sneaky manner, and then quickly evacuated into an unstarted van that was also parked not far away.

Stryker looked at the three people getting into the car and pressed the intercom.


"Is the drone in place?"

"Here we are, thermal imaging observation is being started and data is being received..."

The voice on the intercom paused, then said, "Transmission passed, sir!"

Lu Ke raised his eyebrows and opened the tablet in front of him. After lighting it up, a handful of human-shaped red light stood out in the pitch-black screen.

Although it is a human-shaped red light, its female features can still be recognized.


"The front is too convex and the back is too curved."


Luke couldn't help laughing, looked at Stryker next to him and joked: "What's your taste? Have you found a photo of this mistress?"

The words just fell.

A picture of an artificially dark-skinned female orangutan with excessively plastic surgery and convex front and back instantly appeared on the tablet screen.

Luke was shocked when he looked at the photo that flashed up directly.

"Oh, what the hell!"

"Photos of the mistress, sir."

Mullen's voice came over the intercom.

Luke's suspicion of being a mutant has been eliminated, so in the eyes of these sentries, Luke is the director of the FBI's Los Angeles branch.

Politeness must be respected!

Luke looked at the female orangutan on the screen, his mouth twitching, and he looked at Stryker: "This red devil's taste is not ordinary and unique."

Damn it.

When he looked at this photo, not to mention being impulsive, the color of the female orangutan's skin alone made him feel a little irritated.

How did the Red Devil manage to talk?

Luke was a little curious.


It should be said that those people who like female orangutans and male orangutans have something going on in their heads.

Rely on defense?

Obviously the species look different at first glance, so why are you so impulsive?

Stryker smiled: "He is called the Red Devil. What kind of taste do you expect him to have?"

Luke touched his chin and couldn't help but nod.


While talking.

The time came to nine o'clock.

Luke and Stryker also adjusted their sitting postures.

Five minutes passed.



"Is there any reaction to the X energy fluctuation?"

"not yet."

"Keep an eye out!"

At this moment, floating in the sky are not only drones equipped with thermal imaging, but also X-energy detection drones independently developed by the Sentinel Secret Service.

Its energy is just like its name, and it is specially used to detect whether there are traces of mutant energy fluctuations in the target area.

It is also the ultimate tool for the Sentinel Secret Service to capture mutants.

These UAVs equipped with X energy detection fly almost 24/7 over various parts of the Federation, cruising on fixed routes. Once X energy fluctuations are found in that area, they will be recorded and then downloaded. Sent to Sentinel agents to investigate and arrest.

Luke stared at the thermal imaging monitor, which was already lying in the master bedroom on the second floor of the room. He raised his eyebrows and said, "The female gorilla's posture has been set. The red devil should appear soon."

Mullen, who was in the van and stared at the X-energy detector data in front of him, shook his head: "There is no change in the X-energy data."

Luke frowned.

Is the information wrong?

Luke thought in his mind, and suddenly, his peripheral vision lit up, and he looked at the extra heat in the thermal imaging display, and he was shocked: "Here it comes."

Stryker, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked quickly.

There is indeed a lot of heat in the thermal imaging display.


Mullen also saw this scene, but said: "Sir, there is no change in the X energy data."

Stryker frowned: "This is impossible."

Mullen quickly retrieved the real-time data of X energy detection: "Sir, there is indeed no change in the X energy data."

Stryker took a breath and looked at the fresh energy that was already close to the heat.

"Isn't it the Red Devil?"

"No, it should be."


Stryker looked at Luke: "He can teleport, so we only have one chance. Are you sure?"

Luke's eyes flickered, looking at the two lumps of heat that were entangled in the monitor in front of him, and brainstorming quickly.

The Red Devil's teleportation ability is not the kind that can be triggered at the drop of a hat.

He was going to hell first, and after a short stay in hell, he used the edge of hell as a transit point to teleport to his desired destination.

If he came out of hell, theoretically speaking, he would indeed not trigger the X energy alarm.

After all, the energy in his body has been covered by the breath of hell.

Stryker watched the time ticking away, frowning, and looked at Luke, who was looking down at the side in deep contemplation.

"Decide whether you want to gamble or not."

"Your X energy detector can only detect mutant abilities, not other extraordinary energies."

"The drone carried is a small one, but our large X-gene suppressor can suppress any extraordinary energy fluctuations."


When Lu Ke heard this, he raised his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Activate the X-gene suppressor."

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