A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 281 Luke is my solid and powerful ally! (Fifth update, please order in full!!)



Mullen raised his left hand and instantly turned it into a punch.

At the moment when the fists were clenched, the actions on the scene were uniform, and the sentinel agents who were firing violently immediately stopped pulling the triggers.

The entire living room was eerily quiet, leaving only the sizzling sound and the white mist formed by the continuous evaporation of mercury and holy water.

The white mist rose into the sky, and a female devil stood there in the middle of the white mist. Her whole body was covered with bumps and bumps, and there was no trace of skin on her face. She stood there quietly and motionless with a ferocious expression.

The next second!


After the smoke and mist dissipated, the huge pothole female demon fell straight back and hit the floor with a loud bang.

"Take aim!"

"Empty the magazine."

"Tu tu tu tu!"

"Tu tu tu tu!"

Mullen pulled the trigger again, and in an instant, countless mercury bullets rumbled into the female devil's equally huge head.

Puff puff!

The sound of the watermelon exploding kept ringing, and countless black blood splattered and fell to the floor, making the same sizzling and burning sound.

When the gunshots disappeared again and the smoke dissipated again, leaving only the sound of hot oil burning the floor, the female demon on the floor had completely turned into a headless corpse.


"Second floor."

Malen stared at the headless corpse on the floor for five seconds, then instantly turned his attention to the stairs leading to the second floor. After giving the order, he took the lead and filled the mercury bullet magazine, quickly He ran towards the second floor.

In the master bedroom on the second floor.


The breaking hammer breaks the door instantly.

After Malen broke the door, he looked at the red devil who was standing in the six-pointed star formation that had been drawn in panic with blood. He raised his head and put his hands in a kind of summoning ceremony. His right hand subconsciously aimed at the red devil's shoulder. The trigger was pulled.



The red devil felt the pain and subconsciously retracted his right hand. Then he saw Mullen take a strong step, rush forward, and hit him directly with the butt of his gun.


The Red Devil was directly kicked out of his feet by a gun butt and a kick from Mullen. He was in the six-pointed star formation that was considered to be able to communicate with hell.

The red devil who was kicked against the wall subconsciously struggled to get up.

The next second.

Three dark guns that smelled like holy water were already pointed directly at him.

"do not move!"

The Red Devil stiffened and looked at the three sentinel agents in front of him. From the corner of his eye, he looked at the magic circle that was being destroyed by Malen's quick feet, and was completely stunned.

It’s over!

After Malen kicked over the "horse's feet", "donkey's paws" and other sacrificial objects that were around the magic circle, he looked at the motionless red devil leaning against the wall and pressed his headset with his right hand.

"Sir, we have the Red Devil."


Stryker in the van looked at the red devil on the screen who was leaning against the wall and did not dare to move under the gun. He hammered the table excitedly, looked at Luke beside him, and stood up happily: "Grab it." arrive."

Luke also stood up with a smile on his face, followed Stryker who opened the van door, got out of the car, and walked towards the room.

No surprises.

There were no changes.

When Luke and Stryker arrived on the second floor, all the lights in the room had been turned on. The two sentries brought water and quickly cleaned the six-pointed star drawn with blood on the floor.

The Red Devil already has an X-ability suppressing collar on his neck.

Even just in case, the Sentinels specially equipped the Red Devil with X-ability inhibiting handcuffs and X-ability inhibiting anklets, which almost completely eliminated any possibility of the Red Devil escaping.

The Red Devil did not panic when he saw William Stryker appearing.

Because he still has a backup plan.

Daniel Whitehorse.

He had just called the emergency number in Whitehorse and left a message to Whitehorse that he was being targeted by the Sentinel Secret Service.

If Whitehorse knew, he would definitely rescue him.

He is confident about it.


The Red Devil's confidence disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye after Luke, who came in with William Stryker, appeared in sight.

"It's you!"

"not me."

Luke looked at the red devil with a smile: "Who else could it be?"

The red devil was angry and glared at William Stryker: "Damn it, Whitehorse believes in you so much, and you actually chose to help this yellow-skinned monkey."

Stryker's face was expressionless: "There is only a cooperative relationship between me and Whitehorse. There is no question of who helps whom. Moreover, it was him who broke the contract first."

They clearly agreed to exterminate the mutants together, but in the end, he secretly hooked up with the mutants.



Stryker experienced what betrayal was in Whitehorse.

Luke ignored the trash talk just made by the red devil, but looked at the angry red devil with a smile: "After catching you, Whitehawk will have no place to run."

He didn't let the Red Devil lead the way to Whitehorse either.

That's not necessary.

Because the devil knows if this is done, the red devil will play some tricks on the way. If the horse stumbles and lets the red devil go, it will be really tragic.


Now that the Red Devil has been caught, he only needs to wait for the time to come and the coordinates of Whitehorse to be announced. He can kill Whitehorse directly and take away Whitehorse in one wave.

The most important thing.

Death is actually not terrible.

The most terrifying time is the period of waiting for death to come.

Luke planned to set aside some time for Whitehorse, allowing him to taste the fear of knowing that death was coming but being unable to do anything in the few remaining fifteen days and could only watch the time passing by. .

Time brews the most delicious fears.

When the time comes, Luke will find this glass of wine called fear, and then drink it in one gulp.

That must feel great!

The red devil struggled angrily: "Damn yellow-skinned monkey, don't be proud, Whitehorse will definitely save..."

Luke stretched out his hand and pinched the Red Devil's neck, his eyes narrowed: "Okay, then let Whitehorse go to hell to save you."

The red devil's eyes shrank.

Try to open your mouth.

The next second.


The red devil's mouth closed instantly.

With a thought in his mind, Lu Ke broke the Red Devil's neck and let the bullet he just fed to the Red Devil destroy the Red Devil's brain wantonly.


The red devil's head tilted to the side, his eyes widened, and a turbid liquid that was red with white coming out of his seven orifices.

Luke released his right hand.


The Red Devil free-falled and his body hit the floor.

Luke lowered his eyes, and after his eyes fell on the completely dead body of the red devil, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

He didn't even think about saving the Red Devil's life.


He never thought about letting Stryker take away the living Red Devil from the beginning.

The Red Devil is better off dead.

Because dead people are the most reassuring.

As for the Red Devil’s mutant abilities?

Anyway, Dao Red Devil is not the only one who can teleport to the limbo of hell. There is also his son Nightcrawler out there.


Ability is such a thing, no matter how much you have, it’s not enough!

Luke thought in his mind, turned around, and his eyes fell on Stryker.

Stryker's eyes were dull as he looked at the red devil who fell to the ground, and his life was taken away by Luke as soon as he came face to face with him.

after awhile.

Stryker came back to his senses, raised his eyes to look at Luke, shook his head, and said with some pity: "His ability is actually quite good. It is a pity to kill him like this."

Just like the Sentinel Secret Service's main job is to hunt mutants, and its side job is to hunt hell demons.

Stryker's main job is to exterminate mutants, and his side job is to study mutants.


He was not angry because Luke killed the red devil without saying anything, but he was just a little regretful that the red devil died like this.

However, as long as you kill mutants, you are my friend!

Stryker became more confident after Luke killed the mutant Red Devil without hesitation. Compared to Whitehorse, Luke was the solid and reliable ally he was looking for.

Luke met Stryker's gaze, smiled and said: "It's a pity, it's not a pity at all. It would be a pity if the Red Devil ran away."

Stryker shook his head.

"You do not trust me?"

"No, I just don't like gambling."

Luke said with a smile: "Don't bet to win, William. Besides, the ability of the Red Devil is probably not similar to the mutant abilities of other mutants. After all, it involves hell."

Stryker nodded: "Indeed, otherwise, if the Red Devil appeared at that time, the X-ability detection drone should have responded. The Red Devil should be the devil among angels and demons."

Luke raised an eyebrow.

"Angels and Demons?"

"These are the two original mutants. When I was researching the history of mutants, I found records about this in a certain cave, but I need to go back and read the information."

"All right."

Luke didn't take these words to heart. He looked at the red devil's body on the floor again, looked at the time on his watch, and looked at Stryker: "Just in time, it's not yet two o'clock in the morning. When I get back, , find a bar and have a drink.”

As he spoke, Luke looked at the sentinel agents in the room: "My treat!"

The Sentinel agents immediately gave the director generous praise.

Stryker smiled and was just about to nod to accept the invitation when the phone rang.

Number unknown.

Looks like an old dog.

Luke looked at the incoming call on Stryker's phone, raised his eyebrows, and stretched out his hand towards Stryker: "Want me to answer?"

Stryker looked at Luke who had a sense of evil on his face, smiled, and handed the phone to Luke without thinking.

He and Whitehorse were no longer friends.

Luke took the phone, connected it directly, and then put the phone to his ear.


Whitehorse's voice came from the other end of the phone.


"Not really!"


Whitehorse on the other end of the phone fell silent for a moment.

Luke smiled brightly.

"The Red Devil is dead. Next, it's you, old dog. It's been a good life these days. In a few days, your career, your empire, and your ambition will be destroyed."


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