A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 282 The black gem in the basement (first update!)

The red devil is dead.

The rest of the day was spent eating and drinking.

It won’t be long before you say it will be destroyed and it will be destroyed!

Daniel Whitehorse, who was holding the phone, had Luke's words without any emotion echoing in his mind, and he fell into a daze of silence.

Red Devil…


How can it be!

He is a demon mutant of the Azazel clan, and didn't he go to the Fat Crazy Demon tonight to get back a new batch of hell's black gems? How could he die!


Sentinel Secret Service.

Whitehorse suddenly remembered that his call was to William Stryker, not Luke.

But now it was Luke who answered the phone.

this means……


William Stryker still chose Luke.

damn it.

What kind of magic power does this yellow-skinned monkey use? Why do you support him one after another but not me!

Gideon Malik.

Wolfgang von Strucker.

Arnim Zola.

And now William Stryker.

Whitehorse's mind came to mind that at this time, there were some allies who secretly and openly supported Lu Ke. Just thinking about it, a strong sense of consistency came to his heart.

He didn't understand how he was worse than Luke.

But right now, it's no longer a good thing to think about such things.

Just like Luke said.

The Red Devil is dead, and it's his turn next.

Whitehorse knew that Luke could not lie. Since he said so, it meant that the death of the Red Devil was already a certainty.

The next second!

Whitehorse took a deep breath.

"Director Dane, maybe we can have a talk!"


Luke was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help but glance at Stryker next to him, and then couldn't help laughing.

The smile is hearty.

Because he was really amused by Whitehorse's words.

"Maybe we can talk about it."

Luke repeated what Whitehorse had just said in a weird tone, and then he laughed as if you were kidding me: "We can talk now, what were you doing earlier, old dog?"


Whitehorse was really scared.

Otherwise, with Whitehorse's personality, he would definitely not say such a thing.



The smile on Luke's face instantly disappeared and he said with a sneer: "Old dog, I remember I told you that you can choose when to start this war, but I have the final say when to end it. Now Do you think you will lose half the battle by surrendering? I tell you clearly, it’s too late!”

Listening to Luke's uncivilized calling of an old dog on the phone, Whitehorse couldn't help but feel angry again.

"Luke, do you really think that without the Red Devil, I will have no choice but to be at your mercy?"


Luke gave an affirmative answer without hesitation: "Old dog, I have decided your life. Even if Jesus wants to keep you, he won't be able to keep you. It's my word."

Whitehorse was shaking with anger: "Okay, okay, okay, I want to see how you take my life!"


Whitehorse used force again, and with a bang, he smashed the phone in his hand against the wall, turning it into a corpse.

Whitehorse, whose face was rosy with anger, pressed his hands on the table, his eyes red: "Red Devil..."

The words have not yet fallen.

He originally thought about asking the Red Devil to bring Anna to him, but he suddenly realized that the Red Devil might not come back soon after he left.

Whitehorse's face turned ugly again, and he could only lift his feet and walk outside.


Paradise detour.

The sentinel agents were nervously scrubbing the floor, carrying the obese headless demon corpse on the first floor and the red devil corpse on the second floor into the car.

Luke listened to the blind tone coming from the phone again, returned the phone to William Stryker, and shook his head speechlessly: "It's so rude, I hung up the phone without even saying hello."

You just bitten the old dog at Whitehorse, wasn't it also very rude?

Stryker was thinking in his mind, but didn't say anything. He just took back his cell phone, looked at Luke, and said pertinently: "Actually, you should listen to his conditions just now."

Luke and Stryker turned around and walked towards the door. After listening to these words, they looked with some curiosity: "William, I thought that you, who had been deceived and dragged into the water by this old dog, would be so eager to I killed him, and if you choose me now, that old dog will definitely hate you."

Stryker nodded: "I know, my suggestion is only from the perspective of a partner. You should really listen to his conditions."

Luke shrugged: "No, I just want him to die."

Whitehorse, an old dog, delayed him in many matters.

for example……

He originally planned that after restarting his gene lock, he could activate it to speed up the move of the small universe, or find a way to slay a dragon, bathe in the dragon's blood and then restart his second level gene lock.

Although Little Universe cannot move in an instant, he can speed up the pace of Little Universe's migration by creating holy clothes.

Put it this way.

It's like downloading.

Luke can speed up the download speed of the small universe by attaching an accelerator.

There is also a second layer of genetic locks.

If he could find a dragon, kill it, and bathe in its blood, he could open the second layer of genetic locks and raise the quality of this body to a new level. In this way, he could accommodate The power of the soul is even greater.

The results of it.

It was all delayed by the old dog Whitehorse.

"He must die!"

Luke's thoughts were spinning and he looked at Stryker with a serious expression: "If he doesn't die, I can't understand my thoughts and there is no need to discuss."

Stryker opened his mouth, thinking that Luke was blaming him for speaking for Whitehorse, and quickly explained: "I mean, Whitehorse is from the old Hydra, and he also escaped the great purge, so He must have some cards in his hand. If he is forced into a desperate situation..."

Luke raised the corner of his mouth, and together with Stryker, he stood outside the house, blowing the sea breeze of Malibu, and interrupted with a smile: "William, don't you think, after seeing an old dog being driven into a corner, look at him Wouldn’t it be funny to see the incompetent barking?”

He just wanted to corner Whitehorse.

He spent a lot of time playing with Whitehorse that could improve his strength. So far, the assets that Whitehorse may have lost to him can only be regarded as income from his labor, but Whitehorse has not paid his hourly labor fee. Give it to him.

Luke smiled and said: "I just want to take out all his trump cards. This way, I can ensure that nothing will be left behind when I take over."

When Stryker saw this, he didn't plan to say anything more.

After all, Lu Ke has made up his mind. If he continues, it will be bad if this solid and powerful ally thinks that he is a soft-hearted person.

Luke has shown so much iron-bloodedness and decisiveness. If he is still timid, it will look very uncoordinated.

Stryker simply took out the cigarettes from his pocket and gave them to Luke. Then the two of them looked at the Sentinel agents who were finishing the work.

When the finishing work here is complete, they still have time, so they can go back to the city to find a bar, have a glass of wine, and celebrate.

After all, Luke just said that he would pay for tonight's consumption.



"How long will it take to finish?"

"Almost, there is one X-gene suppressor left, and a group of them are cleaning the room to make sure nothing is left behind..."


Just when Mullen was free, took the cigarette from Stryker, lit it, and reported the information, the walkie-talkie on his waist rang.


"Andy, say."

"We found something in the basement, we don't know what it is."

"I'll be right away."


Mullen put down the walkie-talkie and walked toward the house.

Luke listened to the words on the intercom and looked at Stryker.

"Go and have a look?"


Luke and Stryker put out their cigarette butts, then re-entered the room, followed Mullen who was walking in front, and reached the basement of the house unimpeded.

As soon as he came down the stairs, Luke smelled an unbearable but strangely familiar stench.

The next second.

When his eyes fell on the glossy black stone in the wooden box on the basement workbench, he immediately understood where this inexplicably familiar feeling came from.

Over there at the workbench.

Two sentries were surrounding a sentry body lying on the ground.

Luke and Striker approached.

Enter the eyes.

The sentry lying on the ground looked livid.

Maren frowned and said, "What's going on?"

The remaining two soldiers who confirmed that the sentry was dead stood up from the ground and pointed to the wooden box being opened on the workbench.

The wooden box was filled with a pile of black shiny stones.

Malen turned around and looked at the stones in the wooden box, frowned, said "What is this", and then planned to reach out.

The sentry named Andy quickly stopped him: "Don't touch!"

Mullen stopped moving instantly, quickly retracted his right hand, and looked at Andy.

"What's wrong?"

"There's something wrong with this stone."



Andy spoke with a serious face, pointed to the livid sentry lying on the ground and said, "Just now Mirren was curious about these stones and touched them. Then, his whole body froze at a speed visible to the naked eye. When Glenn and I went to pull him, his whole body froze passively."

While talking.

The sentry named Glenn worked hard to hold Mirren's body upright as if he were holding a piece of wood.


When Mullen saw this, he took a deep breath and couldn't help but take a step back. He looked at the ordinary black and shiny stones in the wooden box in front of him, and then he set his eyes on Stryker. On the body: "Sir, this is..."

Stryker frowned and quickly flipped through his memory bank.

Luke looked at the stones in the box and explained the confusion for several people.

"black gem!"

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