A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 284 Hela brings her own dowry (Third update!)

The world of Hel Hades is still the same as before.



There is no vitality. It seems that no life can be born here, and life regards this place as their restricted area.


After Lu Ke opened his eyes, he still felt a little bit different.

But he couldn't tell what was different.

After all, when he was in the main god space, he never actively involved the power related to death in any power system he cultivated.

But this change is good.

On this point, he was certain.


Where is the soul?

Where did the red devil's soul go?

Luke wandered around in the darkness of Hell's Underworld, but he couldn't find the soul of the red devil who had just been sent in by him not long ago.

Could it be that the soul of the red devil still went to hell?


The most fundamental law of soul ownership is that whoever kills governs.

Because this law is death itself, the incarnation of the law of death, formulated by the goddess of death herself.

Just when Luke was a little curious, the movement coming from the depths of darkness attracted Luke's attention.

He raised his head and looked in the direction of the movement. With a thought, he appeared directly in the deepest part of the darkness, and then saw the construction site that looked like it was in full swing.


Construction site?

Luke raised his eyebrows and was stunned as he looked deep into the darkness, where a palace-like construction site was being built in full swing.

In the construction site, the souls of cows and horses were working hard carrying huge rocks on their bodies, and there seemed to be more than 200 humanoid souls carrying the stones to build the construction site.

The giant wolf Fennir is like an overseer. His green eyes illuminate the darkness like a light bulb. When he sees a lazy soul, he directly swallows it into his mouth and then spits it out.

Luke looked surprised.

The next second.

More than two hundred souls?

Wait a moment.

Did I... kill so many people?

Luke frowned.

at this time.

Purple light flashed beside him.

Luke came back to his senses and looked at Hela, who was wearing tight clothes and was very attractive, and raised his eyebrows, seeming a little disappointed: "Hey, aren't you taking a shower?"

Hela looked sideways at Luke and listened to Luke's words.

"You really want to see me take a shower?"

"I don't really want to, but if possible, I can still take a look."

"It's not time to take a shower yet."

"All right."

Luke nodded, then changed the topic and pointed at the bustling construction site: "What is going on?"

Hela explained: "I am building our own palace for the two of us, but it hasn't been built yet and there are still too few souls."

Luke nodded thoughtfully, then glared and shook his head: "No, I mean, what's going on with these souls, are they all sent by me?"

Hela nodded.


"This is impossible."

Luke frowned and said, "Did I send so many souls down?"

It had only been a while since he made the deal with Hela.

Is there half a year?

Lu Ke recalled it seriously and carefully. Even if he had been cooperating with Hela since last year, it would not have been possible that more than two hundred people had died directly or indirectly because of him during this year. .

Is he that cruel and unkind?

Hela realized what Luke wanted to ask and explained: "You did not send so many people down. The reason why these souls split into so many is Fenir's credit."

When Lu Ke heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief, but was a little curious.


"The last time you came over, I was not here, and Fennier told me that you wanted to see me take a shower. I thought that you might want to own me, so I thought about building a palace for the two of us."


After listening to this sentence with a normal expression, Lu Ke shook his head normally: "I still don't understand the logical relationship between this."

He wants to see Hela take a bath, which means he wants to sleep with Hela, which means they have a palace, and then it means he wants to have more than a hundred souls.

Luke's mind was racing, but he didn't understand how the equation was established.

Hela said: "Fenir is the original spirit of Hell's Underworld. She has the talent to split the soul. Have you seen those cows and horses?"

Luke nodded.

"They were split by Fennir using the souls you sent over."


Luke raised his eyebrows: "Can you still play like this?"

Hela shook his head: "Generally, you can't play like this, because souls also have levels. For example, the quality of the souls you sent here before is higher than most souls. This method of splitting is Splitting a high-quality soul into several low-quality souls will increase the number of souls, but it will destroy the balance between life and death, but..."

Speaking of this, Hela smiled self-deprecatingly: "Odin sealed my place, so that there is no death or life here."

To put it simply.

Haier Hades is currently in a stand-alone state among the nine worlds and is not connected to other worlds, so no matter how you play here, it will not affect other worlds.

Luke touched his chin and looked at Hela, who was as angry as Whitehorse when he mentioned Odin every time he mentioned him, and said comfortingly: "It's okay. When my little universe is moved here, you can have life and death." It’s been transferred.”

His small universe is said to be a small universe, but the small universe he upgraded to its peak state can be called a universe of its own.

As everyone knows.

Ordinary saints and their small universes are just separate constellation universes.

For example, the small universe of Pegasus is Pegasus.

But Luke is different.

In other words, for those who practice reincarnation in the main god space, their small universe is not limited to a constellation-level small universe.

Especially Luke.

What he cultivates is the big universe.

To put it simply.

In his small universe, there are Pegasus and Phoenix, as well as Virgo and Leo.

He has the zodiac sign of the Bronze Saint.

He also has the silver one.

He still has the gold one!

The power of thousands of constellations lies within oneself.

I am the universe!

This is why he is unwilling to rebuild and would rather spend time waiting for the moving process of his small universe.

He has no interest in starting from scratch.

Not to mention, even if he started from scratch, he probably wouldn't reach the heights he has now.

Hela listened to Luke's comfort and raised her head thoughtfully, looking at the equally dark sky.


In the depths of nothingness, there seems to be a universe with twinkling stars slowly approaching.

"You mean there?"


Luke followed Hela's gaze and landed on the twinkling universe of stars that, although slowly, were running towards him so hard: "Beautiful, that is the source of all my power, all my great power. It comes from there.”

There was a pause.

Luke withdrew his gaze and looked at Hela with a smile, who was also aware of looking at him: "In the future, she can also be the source of your power. As long as you are willing, I can give the life and death of my universe to You, Odin are just a passer-by in your life, and I am your future."

Just right.

His small universe lacks nothing except death.

Hela can definitely take Hel Hades with her as a dowry.

The most important thing.

He also saved himself the headache of his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

I am indeed a smart bunch!

Luke couldn't help but give himself a silent thumbs up in his heart. If Odin had a live broadcast, he could not wait to give Odin a rocket to thank him for giving him such a wife for nothing.


Luke's thoughts were spinning, and he suddenly remembered the box of black gems still in the study. With a thought in his mind, he reached back with his right hand, then grabbed the wooden box placed on the sofa in the study and pulled it out.

The wooden box and the black gem entered the Hell Hades unimpeded.

The black gem is originally a product of the world of death, so it can naturally come and go freely in the world of life and death.

As for the wooden box.

do not mind the details!

Luke opened the wooden box and poured out about ninety black gems in the box.

Hela's eyes lit up.

"Netherworld Stone?"


Luke nodded.

"In the past, there were such underworld stones everywhere in Haier Hades Palace."

Hela said, grabbed a black gem, put it on the tip of her nose, and looked at Luke: "Did you go to hell?"

Luke shook his head: "No, that's why I came here."


He briefly told Hela about the origin of these black gems, as well as the existence of the red devil and the devil.

Hela played with the black gem in her hand: "The red devil you are talking about should be from the Azazel Hell Clan. They are both mutants and demons, just like the angel mutants among mutants. They are heavenly mutants. people."

Luke raised an eyebrow.


"This still starts with me being imprisoned here by Odin."


Hela smiled.

"I told you that in order to imprison me here, Odin handed over the power of life and death, which will lead to his own Ragnarok."


Luke nodded.

Ragnarok is not so much a curse to the entire Yggdrasil universe as it is a curse to the Aesir, including Odin.

This is the curse of the universe itself.

And the reason for everything is that in order to keep Hela imprisoned forever, Odin handed over the power of life and death that Hela should have controlled to the gods of the outside world.

That is, the death of the Marvel Universe.

Odin's approach is almost treason. It's strange that the Yggdrasil Universe itself is happy.

It is precisely because of Odin's approach that the laws of the World Tree Universe are no longer perfect, so that the atrium originally hanging on the World Tree, which is today's Earth, fell off from the World Tree Universe and fell into today's world. In the Marvel Universe, it became Terra Star in the Marvel Universe.

"And this planet that contains life but has no death yet naturally attracts peeps."

"Although it was Mephisto's Hell that won in the end."

"But before that, Mephisto also fought against the heaven dimension."


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