A retired reincarnation of a certain American film

Chapter 285 Luke figured out how to make it (fourth update!)

"The struggle between two gods is actually a struggle between their followers."

"That time was no exception."

"Both heaven and hell have chosen a certain ethnic group on earth to be their believers to win this war for themselves."

"The ethnic group they chose was the same ethnic group that attracted the attention of the God Group after it fell in the atrium, and they randomly transformed it into a group with various special abilities."

"That is, mutants."

"Heaven chooses those who look holy and have wings, and gives them the name of angels in heaven."

"Hell chose demons that were ugly, like lava, with barbs on their tails, and gave them the name of Azazel demons."

"at last……"

"Originally, it seemed that Heaven had won and sent these Azazel demons back to the edge of hell, but something seemed to have happened. In the end, Mephisto from the hell dimension won the death of the earth."


When Hela told this, she frowned and shook her head: "There is no record of this in the souls of the mutants you sent in before."

She is the origin of Hel Hades.

She will learn about the souls sent in by Luke himself, and she can even learn more distant information by tracing the depths of these souls.

This is why she was sealed in the Hades of Hel, but now she is so familiar with mutants and even hell.

Luke touched his chin: "Heaven originally had the upper hand, but I don't know what happened. Mephisto won in the end?"

Hela nodded: "Yes, but this information seems to have been erased."

Luke thought of someone inexplicably.

a woman.

The most powerful person on Earth today is probably the first person in the entire universe who cannot repay his debts. He is also the owner of the Time Stone, the Supreme Mage, the Ancient One.

As for why I thought of it.

Luke didn't know, it just came to his mind inexplicably.

But it is not.

He doesn't know either.

Just as Luke was thinking about it, Hela disappeared from beside him. When he appeared again, the red devil had been pulled to the front by Hela.

Luke came back to his senses and looked at the Red Devil, originally wanting to say hello.


Calculating the time, it should have been less than five hours since the Red Devil arrived here, but it seemed as if hundreds of years had passed, and his whole body had become dull and rusty.

"What's up with him?"


Hela explained: "After this soul first came in, Fennir felt that he was most suitable for the mining job, so Fennir directly split him into a hundred parts. Now they are all underground, replacing those low-level ones. There is no more efficient mining work for souls.”

The corner of Luke's mouth twitched: "Then can he still answer my question?"

Hela smiled and said: "Don't worry about this. Fennir just split the quality of their souls. This is the true body. Moreover, if it becomes like this, whatever questions you want to ask, he will basically answer truthfully. "

Luke breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the red devil who turned into a miner directly after death.

"Do you want these black stones, or Whitehorse wants them."



Luke looked at the red devil who answered immediately after he asked. He was slightly stunned when he heard the answer.

"Who wants that?"

"Witch Heart Demon!"

"Witch Heart..."

Halfway through the repetition, Luke suddenly remembered what kind of character this witch-hearted demon was.


Isn't this Witch Heart Demon the biological son of Mephisto, the second-generation hell who tried to take Mephisto's Soul Scroll to rebel against his father and create a hell of his own on Earth?


Luke was thinking, and looked at the red devil with a stupid expression: "So, how do you plan to give these black gems to the Witch Heart Demon, and what is the relationship between Whitehorse and the Witch Heart Demon."

The Red Devil answered without any hesitation.

"These black gems will be given to Whitehorse, and then Whitehorse will give them to Witchheart Demon when he needs them, along with the mutant souls he has harvested over the years."

"The Witch Heart Demon was introduced to him when I took refuge in Whitehorse."


The amount of information is a bit large.

Luke was silent for a while and looked at Hela aside: "Forget it, let's take away his memory. It's too troublesome to ask questions like this."

Hela smiled and raised her right hand.


The red devil instantly disappeared on the spot.

The next second.

Hela raised her right foot, got close to Luke, and then put her dark red lips against Luke's lips.

In the distance, Hela's best friend, the giant wolf Fennir, who was supervising the work, saw this scene, raised his huge wolf head, and howled.

Luke felt it was very noisy, so he simply hugged Hela and pressed against her tightly.

Viewed from a distance.

Luke almost squeezed his whole body into Hela's body.

no way.

He is now in a soul state, and it looks like he is hugging Hela, but in fact, this is an appearance.

This is why Hela just said boldly whether Luke wanted to merge with her.

Because Hela knew that Lu Ke couldn't do anything, and the most he could do was live a life of addiction.

After all, Luke's current body cannot even physically cross the void, and naturally he cannot enter the world after death.

Not to mention, it is a world of death that has been banned by Odin, the King of the World Tree and the Universe Gods.

He is now able to freely enter and exit his soul, which is considered to be the result of a BUG.


The hug is an illusion, but the memory is real.

The recent memories of the Witch Heart Demon, the Red Devil, and Whitehorse were all accepted by Luke under Hela's kiss.

In the study.

Luke, who was lying on the sofa, opened his eyes.

The next second.

Luke lowered his eyes and looked at a blanket covering himself, raised his eyebrows, stood up, and looked out the window.

The sky is already bright.

Luke stood up and walked out of the study.

Lorna, who was downstairs, eating breakfast, and Rachel, who was preparing breakfast and dressed as a good wife and mother, looked up at Luke who came out and said with a smile: "Are you awake?"

Lorna also turned around and raised her head to say hello to Luke.

Luke walked into the bedroom, went to the bathroom, washed up as usual, changed into clean clothes and walked downstairs.

Rachel brought Luke's portion of breakfast in front of Luke.

"What time did you come back last night?"

"One fifty-eight minutes and fifty-six seconds."


Rachel and Lorna, who looked a little surprised, looked at each other and said with a smile: "So accurate?"

Luke shrugged: "If you don't go home at two o'clock in the morning, nothing good will happen, so I'm stuck in time. I know it very well."

Rachel was tempted to say it was superstition.


The last time they didn't go home at 2:30 in the morning, they were assassinated.


Rachel shook her head: "Okay, what's the result? Can Lorna and I do our own thing today?"

Lorna's eyes lit up and she looked at Luke.

Luke smiled and nodded: "Okay, but remember to bring an emergency communicator..."

The words have not yet finished.

Lorna held the half-left piece of bread in her mouth and ran upstairs in a hurry. Then she took out her phone and called her best friend Clarice: "Fang, wait for me, I can go to school today. .”

after awhile.

Lorna grabbed her backpack and ran downstairs in a hurry again, running towards the door.

Luke shook his head speechlessly.


"I know, bye Luke, bye sister-in-law, see you tonight!"

Lorna said anxiously as she opened the door, then closed the door and ran to meet her best friend who was already waiting for her at the intersection.

Rachel smiled and looked at Luke: "I can't go out these days, but it's really suffocating Lorna."

Luke smiled and took a sip of the freshly ground black coffee from Rachel: "It's okay now. The biggest threat has been taken care of."

The rest is simple.

When the time comes, Whitehorse's coordinates are announced, he goes directly to the door, takes Whitehorse's life, and then goes to Hel Hades to slowly process him.

Let this old dog know.

He, Luke, never tells lies.

He said that he would know that death is actually very easy and that death is the scariest thing, so he must let Whitehorse know.

Just right.

Let Whitehorse go to Hel's underworld to work as a cow and horse, and work day and night to fend off stones for his and Hela's palace.

Luke wants Whitehorse to carry rocks for eternity.

Wait until when his anger subsides, and when will Whitehorse be driven out of his mind again.

Luke's eyes flickered.

Rachel took a sip of her own hot milk.

She only went to work in the afternoon. She got up so early in the morning mainly to cook breakfast for her two children at home. She planned to take a nap later.

Rachel thought for a while and said softly to Luke: "However, you still have to be careful."

Luke looked up at Rachel.


"The closer you get to the end, the more important you have to be steady. Don't give the enemy any chance to counterattack. Once he takes action, it's best to kill him immediately. Don't delay."

Rachel and Strike had pretty much the same idea.

After all, Whitehorse is an old Hydra, and he is still a remnant of the Third Reich. Without two brushes, it is definitely impossible to survive smoothly until now, and even survive his second life.


"Be careful what other trump cards he has."

"True card?"

Luke raised the corner of his mouth, looked at Rachel, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I already know exactly what cards this old dog has left."

Rachel raised her eyebrows: "You know, are you sure? Is it reliable?"

Luke hummed.




Rachel paused slightly while grabbing the milk glass, as if she didn't hear clearly, and looked at Luke seriously: "You just said, devil? The kind of devil from hell?"

Luke nodded and said with a smile: "Obviously, this old dog is not willing to accept that he has become like a devil, and he even made a deal with a devil from hell!"

Rachel: "..."

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